?'S POV:

Twelve days.

Twelve days since I've had the worst experience of my life, more than any kind of feeling in the pre-apocalyptic world. One that will stick with me for the days and months and years to come. Feeling bitter, I stabbed the can of food I had in my hand with a pocket knife and feeling the knife pierce the thin layer of metal, I used the knife to pry open the lid in order to get the nutrition inside.

Canned peaches, my favorite.

Raiding a supermarket was a great idea, despite me having numerous close calls and being forced to leave some cans of food behind. Hey, at least someone else can get them and survive, I guess, but for how long?

Scooping my hand into the peach can, I felt the cold liquid envelop my fingers as I raised a singular peach to my mouth and swallow it, feeling the cold fruit slice slither down my throat. As soon as I finished the peaches, I tossed the can to the side, took the shopping cart and my backpack and began to move on, like I always have.

Nighttime soon came, and I crawled inside the cramped shopping cart and placed my backpack on top of my in order to act as some kind of blanket. Feeling bored, I took out a book I had read about twenty or so times. I forget the name of it, but I do remember it was by EM Forster. Hearing a nearby dead one growling, I took out my flashlight and shined it onto a young, blonde haired waitress that was skin and bones and gargling. Sighing, I stepped out of the cart, grabbed the undead waitress, and slammed her face first onto a branch.

Then I went straight back to sleep.

The next day, I came across a lake, and feeling rather thirsty, I took off my sock and dipped it in the lake, and squeezed my sock over my mouth, swallowing it all despite some dribbling down my lips. I didn't care however, I just wanted to survive.

I heard a rustling sound behind me, and sensing danger, I took out my pocket knife and snuck towards the sound. Near my shopping cart was a lone man in a ski mask, probably about five-foot eleven, and he seemed to not notice my presence. I was about to pounce, but thought that maybe a few cans of food would be fine, he didn't have a backpack on him, and I kept my backpack with me at all times.

However, the man then began pushing the cart, and realizing that he was basically stealing my stuff, I jumped into action. "Hey you!" I yelled out. The masked man turned around to stare at me in shock and ran at me. Not realizing the strength this man had, he easily took me down, causing my knife to fly from my hands. The man raised a machete over his head, ready to bring it down, but a quick knee to the groin prevented him from doing so. I crawled over to my knife and stood up, just as the man ran at me again. I side-stepped him quickly, causing him to run into a tree in an almost comical way, and taking the opportunity, I stabbed him right in the shoulder.

He swung with the machete, and I felt the blade slash across the right side of my face, and feeling blood, I shut my right eye and got ready to end him. As he swung again, I stabbed his wrist with the knife, held his arm down, and took the knife and stabbed him through the neck, and hearing him gargle blood was rather satisfying.

Then I realized that I couldn't open my eye. Or maybe I did, so hesitantly, I went to the lake and noticed a large cut right where my eye is. I splashed some water on my face to remove the blood, and noticed my right eye looked rather cloudy.

I was blind in my right eye.

Feeling annoyed, I went back to the guy, still gurgling blood, and proceeded to remove his mask. The man looked like he was in his fifties, and his grey eyes stared up at me with horror. Feeling no remorse, I raised my boot and stomped once on his head, and he stopped moving. Not wanting to have him turn, I stomped three more times, just to be sure.

Looking down at the mask, I proceeded to slip it on, which fit rather well. After I put some bandages on my face, I went on my way, willing to survive as long as I can.