"You're about to head to Victory Road?" Gladion says loudly, surprising everyone around him. He mouths an apology. Blue looks up from his computer. Gladion was the reason any of them have kept tabs on Moon's journey. This fact didn't make him any happier about the President, however.

"You ate, right?" He says in a quieter voice, trying to not disturb the lab employees.

Gladion nods as he listens to the response on the other end.

"How about sleeping?" A pause. "What do you mean no? Moon..."

Gladion paces around the Pokemon Lab. His face screaming concern and exasperation. His girlfriend had no sense of self-care if it was going to get in her way. He lets out a prolonged sigh.

"You know Moon, talented or not, you need to take care of yourself."

Blue watches the scene unfold in front of him. Whether or not he was happy, he could tell that the two were close and really cared about each other. His eyes follow the blonde around the room as he continues to walk around, only muttering sounds of confirmation until he pauses.

"You're going to do great." Another nod. Blue watches and sees a faint tint of pink grace the President's face.

"I love you too, Moon. Bye."

Gladion hangs up and clears his throat before walking back to his project.

"Two weeks are up, huh?"

Gladion's head snaps towards Blue's voice. "Yeah" he answers simply.

The topic of his relationship with Moon was a touchy one that Gladion learned was best left unmentioned around the pseudo-brother. It was best to keep personal matters out of professional spaces, anyways right?

"How long have you two dated?"

Gladion stands corrected.

"Almost three years, sir."

"Red and I have known Moon since she was born." Blue replies aggressively, but extends a hand towards Gladion and the chair in front of him. Gladion fights the urge to scoff.

"We were there when she learned to walk, when she learned to talk, and when she learned she couldn't have a Pokemon until she was older. Now she's a Champion and challenging Red."

Pride was written all over Blue's face.

"Growing up I would protect her from distractions; from boys. And this girl was popular with all the little brats, but I remember her saying that boys would get in the way of her future Championship." He scans Gladion at that point.

"Seems like you didn't distract her at all though. I'm not surprised. She wanted that Champion title for years." He shakes his head in disappointment. "We may have made her too competitive."

"Her competitiveness is what drives her goals though. If she wants to be the best, she will become the best." Gladion interjects without thinking. Blue, surprisingly, nods in agreement.

"You're right. That girl is definitely something. She's hard headed, stubborn, and sometimes too blinded by her own passion to see the side effects of it."

Blue seemed to have many stories of said side effects.

"But, she's also self driven, a great motivator, full of so much empathy, optimism and kindness, that when I heard she was moving to Alola I was worried her little world was going to get shattered."

"It did." Gladion mutters.

He wasn't in Alola when Moon moved, but he got filled in as the years went by. Moon told him about how her first two years in Alola were anything but paradise. A culture shift, a different League system, her own father passing away. Hau once mentioned that Moon would overwork herself to provide a little more for her mom and for her own savings. How she saved the cafe with her charisma and talents. That she did everything with a smile. That her dream never faltered.

"It wasn't easy, but through everything she gained a solid grasp on what she actually wanted to accomplish and why." Blue pauses to reach for two water bottles from a drawer. He passes one towards Gladion.

Blue glares at Gladion. "I've looked you up, Gladion. Years of interviews and articles were at my disposal."

Gladion opens the bottle.

"I've heard about your records, your natural battling skills. You were an actual challenge for my little sister and I..." Blue pauses, waiting for the moment Gladion takes a sip from the water.

"I have to thank you for that."

Gladion holds back from spitting out his drink. Blue smirks.

"I-I'm sorry. What?" Gladion chokes out. Blue's intense gaze breaks into a smile, he relaxes into this chair.

"I like you kid. My grandfather does too while Red is indifferent for the most part. You know what you're doing in your field and you do it well. You also clearly care about Moon and based on what I've read you two pushed each other into your successes."

Blue pushes his seat back and gets up. "I'm done here. Let's go transfer some Pokemon."

Gladion in disbelief hesitates to get up. The cocky and arrogant Professor actually had a heart and the mass wave of relief that crashed over him left him in shock.

"By the way" Blue nervously calls out from the exit. "It'll be best if you don't tell Moon that I've made you suffer for two weeks. I want to stay alive."

Gladion gets up and approaches Blue. "I'll make no promises."

Blue sighs. "... I deserve that."

"Alola Champion are you planning on letting go of your seat?"

Moon gives a confused glance at the just defeated Dragon trainer, Lance. "Give up my seat?"

Lance chuckles "You've been Champion for how long?"

"2 years"

Lance gives her an impressed look. "I lost my title a year and a half into my position."

Moon knew that. Moon knew all the Champions have lost their title at least once, even Red.

"Well then, Moon, you can merely gain a title, or gain a position the choice is yours."

"I- never considered not going back."

"Well, you only have to choose if you win." Lance side steps from Moon's path to the door. They slam shut behind her.

"Staying in Kanto, huh?" she wonders. Moon looks ahead and climbs to the top of the final set of stairs. Red's eyes meet hers from across the room. Her thoughts end for the time being.


"Hey there!" Moon's cheerful voice fills the Champion room.

He brings a hand to his face and let's out a sigh. "Two weeks, really?"

"Awww don't be that way I told you to be ready." Moon says sassily.

He gets up from his seat and approaches the battlefield. His hand clenches around the first Pokeball on his belt.


Moon reaches for a Pokeball. She was confident and calm.

"Blue and I really were a bad influence for your competitiveness" Red mutters.

"Without you two I wouldn't know how to go for what I want. Sandlash go!"

Red's releases his Pikachu. Moon notes the type advantage.

"Did you know that in Alola Sandlash are Ice types?"

Red narrows his eyes. He clearly was wondering why that piece of information was relevant.

"But…" Moon takes a step forward "I'm not in Alola anymore. Sandlash use earthquake!"

In one hit Pikachu fainted and Red's stoic face broke when his mouth dropped.

As Moon continued to take down Red's Pokemon he concluded that girl that once looked up to him was strong. Her moves were constantly on the offensive, but her Pokemon's health was always her top priority. The determination in her eyes was evident and the connection she had with all her Pokemon could make anyone question that they've only traveled for two weeks. If he was going to lose his title again it had to be to her and that moment finally arrived when his final Pokemon, Venusaur, collapsed.

Moon lets out a squeal. "We did it, Charizard!"


Red pulls on his hat, expecting the disappointed feeling, but it never came. Red gives her a proud smile as he walks to her side of the battlefield.

"That, really was the toughest battle I've had in years."

Moon's bright face soon is graced with involuntary tears falling from her eyes. She wipes at her face trying to stop them, but they won't. Red walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "Congratulations on becoming the Kanto Champion."

Moon looks up at Red through teary eyes.

"You know I can't, Alola is my home" she hiccups. There was no need to second guess her decision.

Red hums in understanding. "Well then looks like I don't have to admit defeat then."

Moon let's out a small laugh. "Pretend all you want Red"

Red chuckles and proceeds to lead her to the Hall of Fame. She places her Pokeballs in the machine and watches her name get registered. There was a long list of Champions before her; Gold, Red, Blue, and so on, all with their own individual stories. Alola was so new in comparison.

"I never asked how the Champion exchange actually happens."

"It's not something you think about until you're in the situation. I beat Blue a few moments into this Championship. I wanted the seat. Gold beat me a few years into it. He refused it, like you."

Moon doesn't say more after that. The machine beeps signaling that her name was now embedded.

"Did you ever want the Kanto seat, Moon?"

Moon shrugs as she grabs the Pokeballs. "At one point, yeah. Why?"

"I figured only someone who really wanted the seat would finish the League in a few days"

Moon laughs. "Maybe someone else. I did that because I only requested two weeks off!"

He places a hand on her head and ruffles her hair. "I'm proud of you, you know?"

Moon smiles softly as she links the Pokeballs to her belt.

"Do you think I would've made my dad proud?"

"There's no doubt about it." Red says as he looks down at Moon. "You have stories no one else in Kanto can ever share."

Gladion looks up from his clipboard and towards the recently moved Clefairys. They were only one of the species of Pokemon that were recently transferred, but seeing them bounce around in their new habitat made Gladion smile. The project was a success. It would take a few years for all the populations to re-stabilize, but it was a step in the right direction.

"Did you hear that Red was defeated today?"

Gladion's head turns towards the two lab employees who were walking through the site.

"What?! He hasn't lost his title in years"

"Yeah, turns out it was the young girl who used to live in Pallet Town"

"Moon?! The Alola Champion?"


"Dang, that's some adventure she's gone on. I met her when she was a child."

"Now I wish I took on the League when I was younger too."

Gladion quickly puts down his clipboard and leaves the facility.

When he arrives at the front of Red's home he sees Moon relaxing on the porch steps with Silvally's head on her lap. The new cloak hangs off her shoulders, as if she was telling the world subtly of her accomplishments through the burgundy cloth.

His footsteps prompt her to look up from her Pokemon. She sheepishly grins.

"I'm back."

Gladion sits down next to her. "I can see that."

"I was waiting for you" she says softly as she pets Silvally. If the Pokemon could purr it would.

Gladion watches her expression for a while. It was so soft and gentle one would never guess that she just raced through Kanto and won a Championship. He's caught off guard when she looks up and catches his gaze. He hears Silvally softly complain at the end of its petting. It goes to sleep at the top of the steps.

"What's on your mind?"

He taps her nose. "Congratulations, Moon."

Moon narrows her eyes. "That doesn't answer my question."

Gladion scoffs. "I missed you."

"We've been together for three years, two weeks apart isn't that bad."

Gladion leans in closer. "Are you saying you didn't miss me?"

"I-of course I did!" she stammers back. Champion Moon: undefeated, holds records, has dedicated her life and soul to Alola and yet, was easily flustered. It was a side others never got to see and Gladion got to witness often.

"Honestly though, congratulations."

Moon leans forward, her arms linking around her knees. "Congratulations to you too, Blue told me the good news."

"Eh, it's nothing." Gladion brushes it off. His Aether projects, although amazing to others, never seemed to phase him as anything more than protocol. He had a standard, he was going to live up to it.

"You're literally saving Pokemon from extinction, pretty sure that's more than nothing." Moon pulls away slightly and gives Gladion a knowing smirk. "Did Blue ever ease up on you?"

"Yeah, we're totally best friends now" Gladion says sarcastically.

"Really? He came in gushing about your work ethic."

"Yeah, cause he's trying so save his butt" Gladion murmurs under his breath. Moon misses the comment.

"You going to be easier on Hau now?"

"One hundred percent yes."

Moon giggles and Gladion laughs along with her. A comfortable silence surrounds the two. Gladion looks at Moon once more. She was the living embodiment of pursuing dreams. She was challenging Leagues, getting stories others could never compare to. She inspired him on the daily, and yet he couldn't help but to feel that he wasn't letting himself do everything he wanted to.

"So what's your next move?" he asks.

"To go back home, wrap myself up in a blanket, and sleep in my chair until a challenger comes." Moon replies completely seriously.

Gladion gives her a small smile. "What if the challenger tomorrow is me?"

Moon glares. "Don't. You. Dare."

"But what better way than to welcome you back to Alola than to a battle from your rival?"

Moon sticks out her tongue at his suggestion. Gladion was one of Moon's recurring challengers, but those battles were more upkeep than an actual attempt at her title. Moon knew, however, that he enjoyed those moments more than he let on.

"You sure you don't want to go to Johto though? It's literally right there."

Moon makes a noise of disagreement.

"Hoenn? Sinnoh? Uno-"

Moon leans forward and puts her hands on Gladion's mouth. "Shhhhhh" she says.

Gladion blinks, not expecting that kind of reaction. Moon lets a sigh and drops her hands.

"Going through Kanto was fun. I got to walk down the same paths I did as a child. I got to experience the League I never thought I would get. It was everything I ever dreamed of and more, but it all happened too fast." Moon leans her head on her knees.

"I'm tired. I missed Alola. I missed my other Pokemon. I missed being with you." Moon's eyes shift to stare into Gladion's emerald ones.

"Before we left you know I was postponing Kanto because of duties. Now that it's over I really do want to take the dream and the journeys at a slower pace so I can actually enjoy them"

"With a longer vacation period?" Gladion adds on.


"What if I eventually asked you to go to Johto with me?"

Moon tilts her head in confusion. Gladion, up until that point, still had only agreed to the Kanto adventure.

"For Aether work?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of a League challenge."

"LEAGUE CHALLENGE?!" Moon shouts.

Gladion gives her a smug grin.

"Gladion insists the world of Aether and battling can't collide. Who are you and what happened to Gladion in these past two weeks?" Moon frantically reaches for Gladion's face and cups the sides looking for a remnant of the Gladion who said he had to think about anything beyond Kanto.

"You." The answer is simple and very like him.


Gladion gives her a genuine smile as he places his hands over hers. "I've been watching you live your dreams for years. I think it's time I actually follow all my dreams."

"Have you not been?"

"To a certain extent I have. I've had Aether and I've been with you haven't I?"

Moon feels the heat rise to her cheeks.

"So what is it Moon? Yes or no?" He leans in ever so slightly. "Although, I think you already know that I won't take no for an answer." The statement comes out as a mere whisper.

Moon leans forward and places a chaste kiss on his lips before standing up.

"The real question is whether or not I need to kick your butt or Lance's butt first." Moon gives him a coy smile before extending her hand out to help him up.

Gladion rolls his eyes before grabbing it.

"But first, let's go home."