"You like him" Ginny teased as the two girls sat huddled together in the football stands watching the final game of the season, Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin.

Hermione tore her eyes away from the game and simply raised an eyebrow at her friend. "I have no idea to whom you are referring Ginny."

Ginny laughed, "I don't blame you of course. He does look good. Tall, dark, handsome, smart. Oh yes," she nodded, "you definitely like him."

Hermione snorted and turned her attention back to the game at hand, deliberately keeping her eyes on Harry for the remainder of the match.

"Hogsmeade, Granger?"

Hermione looked up from her english literature homework and blinked at the head boy she shared a living space with.

"What about it?"

"Are you going?"

She shrugged and returned her gaze back to her work, "maybe. Why?"

"I wan- I mean" he corrected, "that I would like to ask you to me," he added.

Hermione smirked and glanced up to see him shuffling nervously on the spot and tugging at his shirt collar. "Okay."

"I'm sorry," Hermione gasped, clutching her boyfriends hand tighter in her hand, and whirling round to glare at him, "you brought a house?"

"Well yeah. Don't you like it?"

Hermione looked up at the massive townhouse and felt her heart rate increase dramatically. "Well yes," she started, "but why?"

Her boyfriend glanced at her as he began to lead her up the garden path, "because my father gave me the money to do so. And" he continued, pulling away from her to open the front door, "our apartment is more like a frat house. I want to come home after a long day at university to just you Granger."

Hermione stared at him, her mouth opening and closing multiple times as her brain registered what he'd said. "You want me to live here too. With you?"

"Obviously," he smirked, leaving her and making his way down the hall towards what she presumed was a kitchen.

"Obviously," she muttered quietly before she followed him.

"You owe me ten quid Potter," Ginny smirked as Hermione danced with her husband for the first time.

Harry snorted into his drink and elbowed his wife. "You always were so sure they'd end up together."

"Obviously," she drawled, examining her nails and winking at Hermione from across the room, "he was always staring at her when she wasn't staring at him."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed in thought, "I suppose," he frowned, "I just thought they hated each other."

Ginny laughed, "oh babe," she sighed, leaning into him and taking another drink of her champagne.

"Wait until you see your room. Your daddy put so much effort into doing it exactly like mummy told him," Hermione murmured lowly, cradling her ever increasing baby bump as she rocked on the brand new chair that had arrived just earlier that day.. She smirked when she heard her husband snort from across the room.

"Happy wife, happy life son."

"Oi!" she admonished, though there was no bite to her tone and she grinned at him as he placed the paint brush down and crossed the room and knelt between her legs, his hands rubbing her bare thighs as he leant forward and brushed his nose against her bump.

"I'm serious son" he murmured, glancing up at Hermione, "if a woman is angry you're screwed. Always be weary of a quiet female." Hermione rolled her eyes.
