I'm Alive! Sorry for the long wait. I just fell out of writing and I hope to get back to some kind of schedule.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Princess Cadence: Blame

One moment Princess Cadence was in the crystal castles throne room facing the King of Shadows himself and the next moment she was in the rubble of the destroyed castle. She looked around frantically, not sure of what was going on or how it happened. All she saw was broken crystal and dark cloudy skies. She closed her eyes and tried to slow down her rapid heart beat.

Right as Cadence had just about calmed her nerves, something happened to cause her to panic all over again if not worse. The reason she began to panic again was because she heard the blood chilling scream of a young filly, and when Cadence thought about it, she could have sworn that it was Flurry Heart.

"Flurry Heart?" Cadence started, her voice cracked as she tried not to sound panicked. "Stay where you are, Mommy's coming!"

Cadence's hooves clicked and slipped in the loose rubble, causing her to slow down in her search so that she didn't injure herself. She stopped for a moment to look around for any sign of her daughter. She looked all around before moving forward.

Cadences ears laid against her head, tears sprang to her eyes and her heart nearly stopped when a second scream persed the cold air. The scream and come from Cadences right and was followed by weak whimpering.

"Hold on sweetheart, I'm coming," Cadence said, tears streaming down her cheeks. She moved forward as fast as she could over the lose rubble following the sound of the whimpering. The soft whimpering stopped almost as soon as Cadence spotted Flurry Heart's small form laying in the dirt covered in dust and small rocks. Her small wings laid crumpled under a large rock.

Cadence rushed to her, lifted the rock off of Flurry Hearts wings and picked her up gently in her hooves, careful not to touch her broken wings. She dusted off her daughters ruffled fur and tried to smooth out her tangled main and tail. Flurry Hearts chest rose and fell in shallow breaths.

Cadence rocked her daughter while saying words that could barely be heard. Her relief that Flurry Heart was still alive was short lived when her daughter started to cough harshly causing blood to start trickling down her small chin.

Cadence started to panic anew, for she didn't know what to do. Her panic was replaced by confused dread, however, as a single word left the little fillies lips, "Why?" And with that the filly went limp and ceased to breath.

Cadence sat there in shock and horror, tears streamed from her eyes that now gave a vacant look as that one word echoed through her mind. She wasn't even sure what the word was supposed to mean. Questioning? Accusing? Anger? A mix of them all. She didn't know what the word ment and she really didn't want to.

She sat there and nestled the tangle main of the dead filly and wept.

Princess Twilight: Abandonment

Twilight was thoroughly confused to find herself in front of her ponyville friends. She was a hundred percent certain that she had just been in the Crystal Empire facing King Sombra, But now she wasn't quite so sure. Twilight was made even more confused when she noticed that all her friends were glaring at her.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Twilight asked as she walked over to her friends. As Twilight approached, however, they turned away from her and started to walk away. Twilight was absolutely baffled and she ran to catch up with them.

"Fluttershy what's going on?" Twilight reached out her hoof and touched Fluttershy's shoulder to stop her. Fluttershy answered Twilights question by flinching away and whimpering, her eyes filled up with tears.

Twilight turned from Fluttershy to where Pinkie was walking, but she was gone. Where she had gone, Twilight didn't know and she doubted that she ever would know where Pinkie ever disappeared to.

Next Twilight turned to Rarity, but Rarity didn't even look at her. Her nose was in the air and she kept walking with graceful confident steps, ignoring Twilight completely.

Twilight was become more and more confused and anxious with each friend she tried to talk to. She wanted to know what was going on and how she could fix it. Twilight looked up and saw Rainbow Dash above her. Twilight flew up to her, but she had to fight to keep up with Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, what is going on?" Twilight asked between heavy breaths as she continued to fly next to Rainbow Dash.

"I don't want to talk to you," Rainbow Dash said bluntly and speed up, leaving Twilight hover in the air. She was confused and hurt as she slowly floated back down to the ground. Twilight looked around at the nearly empty street and saw Applejack just ahead of her. Twilight ran over to her, put her hoof on Applejacks shoulder and turned her towards her.

"Applejack, what is going? What happened? Is there a problem?" Twilight asked, her voice nearly cracking at each question with hurt. Applejack glared at her as if the questions Twilight was asking was ridiculous.

"If ya want the honest truth, you're the problem. With your plans and wanting everypony to follow them to the letter. And… Ugh… The way ya hold yourself like you're better than everypony, it's… it's… just infuriating," Applejack blurted out, her eyes narrowing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be," she added as she turned and left.

Twilight stood there dumb struck, tears stinging her eyes as she started to cry. She wasn't sure what was going on, but it hurt that she was the potential problem. With that thought, she all out broke down and crumpled to the road and cried.

Princess Luna: Regret

Luna was instantly disorientated when she opened her eyes to find herself back at the Canterlot Castle. She turned to look around her expecting to find King Sombra behind her, but no one was there. When she turned back around she saw Celestia walking towards her.

Luna was about to greet her with a relieved smile when Celestia just walked past as if she wasn't even there. Luna was confused and turned to walk with Celestia.

"Tia, is everything alright?" Luna asked as they walked into the throne room. On hearing and seeing Luna, Celestia jumped back with surprise and her horn lit up with magic.

"Get back," Celestia growled. Luna stepped back with uncertainty and shock.

"Why have you dared to even come back, Nightmare Moon?" Celestia ask, her words like venom leaving her mouth.

"But I am no longer Nightmare Moon sister, it is I, Luna," Luna said, she wasn't even sure if she could say anything else.

"I don't think so, I know my sister and I know she would never let such a creature take control of her," Celestia stated, as the elements of harmony came floating in front of her.

Something was very wrong and Luna could feel it, she had felt this before. A sense that one's own mind was trying to destroy you. None of this could, would happen. Luna know Celestia and know she would never act this way.

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" Luna yelled as her own horn lite up. She closed her eyes as she concentrated and everything went quiet.

"Nice, he was much more careful and ever so slightly cleverer than last time. Defeat him once, shame on us. Defeat him twice, however, shame on him," the silence was broken by an oddly unsettling and familiar voice. Luna opened her eyes to find that she was now facing Nightmare.

"Hello Luna."

"What are you going here?" Luna asked with suspicion as she tried to take a step back, but found herself floating.

"And where are we?" Luna added as she looked around the dark space.

"Oh, just your mind, do to that nightmare forcer," Nightmare said with a soft growl. "As for what I am doing here, that may not be your concern."

"Tell me," Luna said as she gritted her teeth softly.

"If you really want to know," Nightmare said, but she then just stared at Luna. Luna glared at her.

"Okay, fine," Nightmare said as she floated closer to Luna. Luna tried to back up, but found she couldn't.

"With every forced nightmare that is created I am invited to oversee it," Nightmare said placing her smoke like hoof under Luna's chin so she was forced to look into her unnatural slitted eyes. "For you can't have a nightmare without a Nightmare. Though with you it is rather difficult to force you into a nightmare unless you choose to be in one..."

"No, I don't want your help," Luna said, interrupting Nightmare as Luna push against her chest, causing Luna to float away from her.

"What do you mean," Nightmare said with fake innocence.

"This is not like last time, I am no longer young or foolish. I do not need your help to defeat King Sombra."

"Oh really," Nightmare's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You don't know what you are up against this time. Last time it was just him and the both of us, this time it is the two of them and just you."

"The two of who?" Luna asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Oh, I can't tell you," with that Nightmare went silent. Luna thought for a moment before she shook her head and answered.

"You think that I am alone facing the King of the Shadows, but you are wrong," Luna paused for a short moment to watch Nightmare's expression change from announce to confusion. "I have friends that are strong then you and me ever could be, and I trust them to help me defeat King Sombra." With that there was a short silence before Nightmare started laughing making Luna very confused.

"Oh, you think that you can defeat him?" Nightmare said as she stopped laughing, becoming sirius once more. "He has more tricks up his sleeve then you might think. But if this is the way you want to play it I won't stop you. Good bye for now Luna." Before Luna could say anything she found herself lying on the floor of the throne room of the Crystal Empire.

She looked up to find Sombra standing over the bleeding broken body of Prince Shining Armor. Sombra turned towards Luna and upon seeing her, his face split into an awful grin.

"Oh, welcome back, Luna."

Credit going to SFS Animations and there video 'Fall of the Crystal Empire' for inspiring a lot of what happened in Luna's part of the chapter. If you haven't seen that video I suggest going and seeing it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I will update as soon as possible. See you later! :)