AN: This fan fiction is what I would want to happen after the ending of season six. I plan on up dating every week to every other week, it just depends on how life goes. So, I hope you enjoy the introduction.

Her wings flapped furiously as she flew away from her kingdom, her home, the only place she really knew. Her subjects had fallen to that pony she had failed to see as a threat and the traitor that she should have dealt with. Queen Chrysalis, or just Chrysalis now that she no longer ruled the changeling kingdom, growled angrily. She had no idea where to go or what to do, she was still a changeling that would be hunted till she was caught or killed. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, the first time she had ever cried, the first time she had so much frustration that when she tried to bottle up, it just forced its way out again, but as tears.

She was so wrapped in her own thoughts that she didn't realize a dozen or more dark shapes following her, closing in. She realized they were there when Dex, her close adviser and the closest thing she had to a friend, flew right next to her. She bowed her head to hide the fact that she had been crying, and subconsciously show she was defeated.

Chrysalis landed just outside the border of the land that was no longer hers, in the trees that would conceal them from a pony or reformed changeling that might be pursuing them. When the rest of the small group of changelings landed around her, she had her head bowed, her mane hid her face and her whole body trembled with rage and frustration. The group noticed that Chrysalis's crown was gone, most likely because of the explosion of her thrown.

Dex walked slowly up to the defeated queen, his head bowing as he got closer. He felt an emotion coming from Chrysalis that was common in ponies that ever saw a changeling, fear and uncertainty. He had never felt these emotions coming from any changeling, let alone the Queen.

"What are we to do Queen Chrysalis?" Dex asked, whispering into her ear.

In response to the question, her head flung back and her horn glowing a faint blue color, not like her usual dark green magic power. The signal, only to be used in the most extreme cases to summon any changelings no matter how far they were. Dex backed off his own horn glowing the blue color but slightly brighter. He notice several of the others back up also in surprise as there horns glowed too.

"We shall collect the others that are spread throughout the kingdom, and head past the crystal empire and take those barren white lands for are own," she said, all the uncertainty and fear vanished replaced with renewed confidence.

Her wings snapped out, buzzing as she lifted from the ground. She flew with her head held high and her remaining subjects close behind. They flew for their snowy new home and an uncertain future.