summary: As a child naruto was not given love. He was beaten to near death and ate very little, this all changed after an encounter in the hospital.

(Itachi is 6ft 2" btw)

Ship: Itachi/Naruto

chapter 1:

Naruto was laying in a bed in the hospital after one of his more heavier spars with sasuke, you see after the valley of the end (AN: in this story naruto won and brought sasuke back) Naruto and Sasuke had a talk and decided that they had a mutual kinship for each other. They are not in a relationship as they did not have those feelings for each other.

Sasuke had just left after checking up on him as Naruto was rather tired. As soon as Naruto fell asleep he forgot about the feeling of someone's eyes on him and passed out quickly, those eyes where a beautiful ruby red with black details that seemed to be glowing as they watched the blonde boy sleep.

This set of ruby red eyes belonged to none other then Sasuke's elder brother, Itachi Uchiha. Why is the oldest of the last Uchiha watching the previously mentioned blonde? why because he needed him. Not for his own sake but for the Akatsuki's leader, Pein. Pein had just recently discovered that it would be impossible to detach the nine tails from Naruto as either Naruto's soul would be pulled into the statue or Kyuubi's would follow Naruto's to the afterlife.

Because of this Pein wants Naruto to join Akatsuki in hopes of not having to kill them and risking the Kyuubi's soul following Naruto's. Now if Naruto had actually been stupid enough to fall asleep with a set of eyes on him he wouldn't be a ninja, so when Itachi came closer and lifted his hand Naruto grabbed it and snapped his eyes open. Needless to say Itachi wasn't expecting this from a supposed idiot.

Naruto looked right at him and said "What are you doing here, Itachi?" Itachi was shocked that this blonde headed boy had the balls to look strait at him. Itachi stared for a moment then replied "Our leader wishes for you to join Akatsuki". Naruto looked for any hint of a lie for a moment "Why?" Itachi was wondering if the blonde was actually considering it, needless to say, he didnt show his thoughts. Itachi stayed silent till Naruto tsked and said "Your thoughts and emotions run through your eyes like a stream. Your curious, shocked, uncertain."

Naruto sighed, sat up and looked at Itachi again, looked away and spotted his clothing. He sneered at the orange "c'mon before we leave i need to hit my apartment" Itachi was confuzzled. Here was a boy that was so loyal to his village that you would think he enjoyed being here... saying he just needs to take a pit stop and then they can leave. For what though? As though Naruto had read Itachi's mind he said "I can't stand the colour orange and I want to burn everything bright orange".

This was something Itachi wasn't expecting. Itachi is currently sitting on the couch in the middle of three rooms, two without doors or walls to separate from each other, watching Naruto strip down to his tighty whiteys. Itachi was only slightly turned on by all the muscles this boy had hidden underneath that orange monstrosity he called clothes. They pulled, tightened and loosened together in sync, all the while Naruto started to slip on black anbu pants and wrapping from his ankle to mid calf. Next he slipped on a mesh shirt with no sleeves and wrapped both arms from his wrist to his elbow, snapping on a dark red leather bracelet on his left wrist.

At some point Naruto had released a henge showing just below shoulder length golden hair with purple steaks in it, he also grew a few inches taller, going from 4ft 8" to 5ft10". Naruto's eyes also changes from their sapphire blue to a cool purple with no pupil, about 7 times darker and more blue then a Hyuuga's. When Naruto finally looked back at Itachi he saw him staring "Take a picture, it lasts longer" Naruto said with a smirk.