The sun would slowly rise as the birds would chirp gently. Naruto would slowly wake up groaning as the sun's rays would hit him in the eyes. Revali and Tebo have now gone back to the Rito Village to rest.

"Fuck...Stupid sun" Naruto would groan out sitting up pulling off the blanket, a familiar orange one that King gave to him when he first adopted him.

The fox wrestler would stretch out his arms and then would smack his lips standing up. He would then give his legs a quick shake.


And accidentally kicked Sasuke right in the crotch.

Naruto didn't even notice as he would keep stretching and then would climb up the tree to scout. Sasuke would just bite his lip in a silent groan.

Sasuke would then check over Sakura and sigh in relief. She was still asleep and her wounds have started to heal a bit. Maybe they can catch a break in this damned forest.

"Hey. There's the Uchiha!"

Sasuke would groan

(Me and my big mouth).

Sasuke would turn around staring at the three newcomers.

"Oh. It's you guys. Look go away I'm not in the mood to fight." Sasuke would say waving them away as he would replace Sakura's blood soaked bandages.

The three sound nins would look surprised but then Dosu would laugh.

"Shut up. Fight us now. You only got the drop on us at the start and it won't happen again."

Sasuke wouldn't even bother answering as he would just bite his thumb and spread it along the tattoo.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Sasuke would yell out using the hand signs.

Tebo would poof out a white smoke. The white eagle would yawn and then stare at Sasuke. The avian wasn't wearing the same armour now wearing simple silk pajamas with little foxes on it (a present from Naruto).

"Eh? I was kind of sleeping Sasuke. Do you need something?"

Sasuke would shrug

"Wearing the pajamas Naruto gave you?"

Tebo would nod

"Very nice. I love the material...who are they?"

The bird would point at the now seething Sound Three who were not too happy in being brushed off and ignored.

"Oh just a small annoyance...I was wondering if you could take care of them since I'm patching Sakura up."

Tebo would nod

"Understood Sasuke. I'll take of it. Then I must sleep."

Tebo would turn around and then would stick out his wing, a bow materializing as he would lazily notch an arrow pulling back.

"Look. Just leave and I won't have to hurt you" Tebo would say aiming his bow.

The three would simply charge forward as Tebo would sigh.

"I warned you"


Sasuke would final finish patching Sakura up and looked up just in time to see Tebo wave goodbye and poof away. The three wound nins were all stuck in the trees with arrows all around their clothing keeping them pinned to the tree.

"Eh..You guys will be fine" Naruto would say finally walking back in.

Sasuke would sigh. "Where were you?"

Naruto would smile raising up some berries and a rabbit.

Sasuke would smile



Naruto would have Sakura on his back as he would jump from tree branch to tree branch with Sasuke at his flank.

"So the tower is this way?" Naruto would ask as he would keep jumping.

Sasuke would let out a hng in a yes as Naruto would nod keeping up the pace.

The three would continue until finally whistling of blades would force them to go back to the surface.

"Fucking hell. Can we catch a damn break in this forest?" Said Naruto gently laying Sakura down making sure to cover her with some foilege to camoflauge her.

Sasuke would pull out his feathers and would scan the area for their attacker.

Suddenly three nins wearing forehead protects around their arm would jump down. All of them were wearing black armor and wore a patch on their shoulder that had a design with an eye that was red.

Naruto would growl but would get in a ready position as Sasuke would frown watching the three circling around them.

"You guys aren't from the exam..What do you want" Sasuke would call out trying to get a response.

Sasuke would then deflect a kunai using his feather and then throw it out charging forward now knowing he wasn't getting out of this.

Naruto, seeing the ninja throw out the kunai at Sasuke, would leap forward with a flying kick hoping to catch the nin off guard with his speed.

The nin would catch his foot and would pull Naruto forwards his fist impacting the fox in the stomach who would let out a hiss in pain. As the nin would go for another punch, Naruto would use his arm to block the blow and would warp his legs around the nin's neck crossing them to constrict tighter.

The nin would try to shake the Naruto off who would simply reply to the struggles with continues bullet punches to the nin's head trying to put him into unconscious.

"Come on Come on Go to sleep" Naruto would grunt out his punches getting faster. He would turn his head looking at Sasuke who was currently in a two versus one situation.

Sasuke would bend his body backwards avoiding kunais and then would jump over a leg sweep. The two nins in front of him were working so well together covering every option that Sasuke wanted to do. Finally, seeing a small opening, Sasuke would shoot out his leg catching one by surprise the nin flying backwards from the kick. With one temporarily out of the picture, Sasuke would throw out feathers in order to push the other back to get some breathing room. Forced to block the feather blades, the remaining nin would jump backwards using trees as cover. Sasuke would shift his gaze just in time to see Naruto push the now unconscious nin over onto the ground going through the pockets and pulling out a scroll.

"Ne Naruto. Mind helping me out?" Sasuke would call out seeing the ninja he knocked down get up.

Naruto would simply nod walking to Sasuke with his hands in a ready position, the now looted scroll attached to his waist. They couldn't use jutsus for the risk of harming Sakura. Before they could do anything, the two nins would yell out in suprise as fists made of rock would shoot out from the ground knocking them back. The nins would comically scream and slowly fade off into the distance with an audible ping.

Naruto and Sasuke would turn around and were surprised to see Sakura panting her hands in cross position.

"Sakura!" Naruto would yell out happily running over the kunoichi.

Sakura would smile weakly and then wince holding her bandages when Naruto would hug her tightly.

"N-naruto...Naruto! M-my FUCKING CHEST!" Sakura would yell out swinging her fist at Naruto who would be sent flying back towards Sasuke who would easily side step out of the way.

"Pleasure to have you back Sakura" Sasuke would say smiling.

Sakura would nod and then huff loudly.

"Alright. I'm done being dead weight. Let's finish this exam."

She would leap up into the tree branches and would hop forward leaving a shocked Naruto and Sasuke behind.

Naruto would point and then would snicker.

"Hey. She knows she's going the wrong way right? Good ol dumb Smart Sakura."

Sasuke would tilt his head back as a stone would wizz past his face towards Naruto who would fall backwards almost unconscious as it hit him. Sakura would rush past the two this time going in the right direction.

Sasuke would help Naruto up smirking

"You just never learn Naruto. She's got ears everywhere."

Naruto would just groan in response adjusting his mask.

"Whatever. Let's catch up so we can finish this damn exam. I'm fucking starving for some ramen that isn't instant."

As they would dash off, the duo felt something or someone watching them, turning around to look around, they would see nothing and brushed it off as nerves.

"Ohhh my prey~ You haven't escaped just yet~" said a sly voice followed by a chuckle a shadow forming by a tree.


Team Seven would finally take a short break, the tower now very close.

"Neh Naruto. I saw you get the scroll, is it the one we want?"

Naruto would look at the seal and then sigh loudly.

"Fucking hell. YES! IT IS" Naruto would show off the seal which read earth.

Sasuke would sigh loudly in relief.

"Good. Maybe we can get some medical attention for Sakura too."

Sakura was about to protest but would groan loudly holding her chest in the pain.

Naruto would nod.

"I agree. Sakura. The medical jutsu isn't going to help all the damage. Let's get to the tower asap" Naruto would reply moving his body to let Sakura wrap her arm around.

Sakura would groan in embarrassment and then keep moving forwards at a slower pace, using Naruto as a crutch.

After successfully climbing up the tower, with the help of chakra, the trio would stare at the stone wall that had writing etched into it.

Sasuke would tilt his head reading it.

"With both of the parts. Two and True. Open them up for the secret to be shown to you."

Naruto would snort.

"Leave it to the ninjas to think of a rhyme. Alright. I think we can open these"

Sakura would pull out her scroll from her hair as Naruto would pull out his own. Together, they would open the scroll before quickly tossing it away as smoke would emit from them.

Iruka would smile appearing from the scrolls before widening his eyes finding two knives at his throat and a fist near his crotch.

"Ah shit! Iruka Sensei!" Naruto would yell out pulling Iruka into a bone crushing hug as Sakura and Sasuke would let their feather knives down.

"NARUTO LET HIM GO BEFORE YOU KILL HIM" Sakura would scream out punching the poor fox wrestler into the ground.

Iruka would rub his chest taking in a deep breath.

"Well I'm glad to see you all. I'm also pretty surprised that you came so fast as well. I think you might of broken a record since many teams take at least five days…." Iruka would trail off staring at Sakura whos face would slowly turn green.

"Sakura? Are you ok?" Iruka would slowly ask.

Sakura would nod and then would fall onto her knees vomiting out green bile mixed with blood.

Naruto would instantly get up and lay Sakura down on her side.

"Fucking shit Sasuke! The sword! It had to have poison on it remember?"

Sasuke would nod before turning to Iruka.

"We'll explain later. Is there a medical place here?"

Iruka would instantly nod, his instincts kicking in. Putting Sakura on his back and then would create hand signs beckoning Sasuke and Naruto to touch him.

"Sunshin no Jutsu!"

The group would end up inside a white colored room with medical nins waiting around, not yet receiving patients from the exam. When the group would appear, many would stare as Iruka would turn around holding Sakura.

"Hey! We got a student with poisoning! They passed the exam but need medical attention now!"

The medical nins would quickly take Sakura off of Iruka's back and lay her on a stretcher taking her into a separate room. Naruto and Sasuke would move to follow but a firm grip of Iruka would stop them.

"I know you want to see her but we need to give her time. Besides. You need to tell me what happened."

Naruto and Sasuke would nod as the three would sit down.

"This may shock you so be prepared." Sasuke would say as Iruka would nod.


Anko was having a time of her life. After scaring those children off and also help the disqualified ones out, she was able to spend time with King and having a nice date. Currently, she was at the hot springs relaxing after her training with King. Even though she was very experienced ninja and trained by the best, she still had a very hard time against King due to his unorthodox fighting style. Anko would yawn and peak her eyes through the bamboo wall peaking at King who still had his mask on but his whole nude body up for display. She would pervertedly giggle her eyes slowly trailing down from the wrestler's pecks to his long thick ….

Anko would look away seeing an ANBU with a Crane mask staring at her.

"Eh! Can't you see I'm busy you pervert!" Anko would yell out putting her hand at her sides.

The ANBU wouldn't even move passing over a scroll before disappearing leaving behind smoke.

Anko would scoff and then open the scroll reading it her eyes slowly widening in horror reading the scroll again and again.



After talking to Iruka, Naruto and Sasuke would be in a dorm like room, having to stay until the week was over. After not being able to enter the room where Sakura was being held, they would try to relax with no success.

"Kami...I can't think about anything!" Naruto would yell out in frustration, his mask now off showing his whiskered face.

Sasuke would nod and then pinch his nose.

"I know. The nins will take care of her. They said she'll be ready by the time the next segment starts. Fucking hell I should of checked for poison. This is all my fault."

Sasuke would duck his head as a pillow would fly over. Naruto would angrily throw another this time hitting Sasuke in the head.

"Dammit Sasuke! It's not your fault! It's not my fault! Orochimaru is here in this exam and there wasn't anything we could of done. He could of killed us but he called us our experiment. We need to find out why!"

Sasuke would sigh and then pull the pillow off of his face with a determined looks.

"You're right. Im being dumb. We gotta focus what's in front of us. We stood no chance against him. Why did he let us go and blab about him? His position is compromised for fuck sake!"

Naruto would put a hand on his chin to think.

"What if...What if he wanted us to tell the Hokage he was here….What if that's his plan...What if he's there right now?!...What if he's got ears inside here…..Who looks suspicious that would spy for him?"

Sasuke would frown and then widen his eyes.

"Remember that nin with glasses? He had this strange feeling...We should warn the Hokage about him."

Naruto would nod but would lay down on the bed.

"We gotta rest first. It's not like he's gonna try to kill the Hokage."

Sasuke would roll his eyes and then crack a smile resting his head back on the bed.

"Yeah. For sure."

The two boys would fall asleep. As the moon would rise and the exam would continue, one certain old man was working hard at his desk ever since the news of a snake being in the exam. Looking closer, we can see him currently ordering ANBU and reading reports. The door to the tower would open slowly and silently, the hard working Hokage not even noticing. Not even the Black Op ANBU were in his room due to them being ordered to sweep the village for Orochimaru. It was just Sarutobi all alone.

The door would close shut with no sound at all. Sarutobi, with his back turned, would grumble and continue to read the report occasionally blowing out smoke for the pipe he had in his hand.

The figure, cloaked in black, would slowly creep forwards. A hand would reach for a kunai in the pouch and then suddenly would jump forward.

Sarutobi would chuckle and then turn around as the figure would stab the kunai into the desk, a special tag connected to it.

"Ah. Good to see you again. I hope nobody was following you. I'm also glad your cover wasn't blown this entire time"

Slowly removing a hood, the figure would reveal silver hair and then purple eyebrows and finally would pull it off.

Adjusting his hair and then coughing gently, the spy would smile handing over a scroll.

"Pleasure Sarutobi-Sama. Orochimaru doesn't know anything and I hope to keep it that way. I do not have much time but I still think we can pull Orochimaru back. My research on the virus can be found inside. I think the medical corps will find great use."

Sarutobi would nod gratefully. "Thank you. Please just call me Sarutobi...Or Otou-san if you prefer. You are part of our family remember?"

The spy would nod and then smile again. "Thank you for saving me from the root Saru….Otou-san. I know we can save my sensei together...Is Anko ok? I know she'll hate me so much because I "betrayed the leaf".

Sarutobi would wave his hand taking the kunai off the desk and putting it in a drawer. "She will come to realize how much good you have done. Thank you for your information. Keep on the spying. Come back in one piece. You are still my son after all."

The figure would nod and then would shake hands with Sarutobi before nodding and would make a hand sign, poofing away.

Appearing in a dark alleyway, the spy would smile holding a golden locket. Clicking a button on the side, it revealed a picture showing Sarutobi with a young Asuma and Orochimaru. It also showed a jealous looking Jiraiya and a laughing Tsunade. In the middle, was a young boy with wide glasses and silver hair who was smiling brightly, the Hokage's arms around him.

The spy would smile and would close it hiding it away.

"Soon. Soon everything will be back to what it was meant to be."

Pushing up wide frame glasses, the spy would then throw away the hood and would use a hand seal disappearing with a puff of smoke. Appearing back in a dark room, the nin would bow his head down, taking a knee.

The light would slowly appear revealing a pale faced sannin who was currently reading a scroll.

"Report Kabuto. Do you have any information on Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura?"

Kabuto would nod holding out a scroll.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama. Sakura is currently getting medical treatment from your poison. She will make a full recovery."

Orochimaru would chuckle.

"Perfect...She's the first one to withstand that kind of poison. A very special type that linger within the body for long time before activating…If she can survive it, that means the other can. Which means we can move onto phase two. Kabuto. You know exactly what to do."

Kabuto would nod and would stand up.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama. I will prepare for phase two."

The sanin would nod and beckon him away as Kabuto would get up and walk out letting out a big sigh.

(Mission Success. Cover Not Blown.)


WOW THAT TOOK A WHILE. Sorry for the long wait. Finals is over and in comes summer school. I will still be doing my best to write out chapters. Thank you to all the followers and favs to the story. It really helps me keep going. Reviews are a little small but as long as the story gets viewers I don't really care. Thank you so much again and the Poll is still up. See ya'll in the next chapter.

-Wolfe Scratch.