"why didn't you tell Prue I was coming back?" Phoebe asked.

"And risk her changing the locks, I don't think so. besides you should have been the one to tell her." Piper scolded gently.

"Good point, chicken little, it's just hard for me to talk to her, she's always been more like a mother." Phoebe said.

"It's not her fault, she practically had to sacrifice her own…

"Childhood to raise us, yeah, yeah, yeah…" Phoebe cut in.

"Hey, we were lucky she was so responsible, you and I had it easy all we had to do was be there," Piper reminded her.

"Well, I don't need a mom anymore, I need a sister." Phoebe said as Prue walked up.

Prue knocked and lifted the blanket, "Hey, this was always the coldest room in the house."

"Thanks," Phoebe said, watching her wearily.

Prue nodded slightly, "Piper, before you go to bed, I'd like to talk to you in my room."

Piper nodded, "Yes, I will be in soon."

Prue walked off. "Are you going to get in trouble?" Phoebe asked.

Piper shrugged, but she knew she was, "You know that honesty is important…"

"We're adults now Piper," Phoebe protested.

"Phoebe, you know Prue, age has never mattered, and besides, she has a right to be angry." Piper told her. "Now eat, and I will check back in before I go to bed. I'll tuck you in." Piper told her softly. She leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead before standing up and walking down the hall.

Piper knocked on the door, "Prue, it's me."

Prue sighed and tried to clear her mind before calling her sister in, "Come in Piper."

Piper noticed that Prue was sitting on the bed, and she internally breathed a sigh of relief, that was a good sign. Prue smiled when she saw Piper relax, "I don't like that you are keeping things from me, Piper, but I know that you did it for Phoebe. I also know that even if I whipped you with a belt everyday for a year, you would still do what you thought was best to protect her."

Piper nodded, she knew that was true no matter what happened, she would always protect her sisters. "I should have told you Prue."

"Phoebe should have told me, and when she didn't, you're right, you should have." Prue scolded, "I am not the enemy and I hope that you will realize that Piper, I know that things are often rough between Phoebe and I but I do love her."

Piper pulled at the end of her sweater, "I know, Prue."

Prue patted her lap, "Let's get this over with, come lay down."

Piper paused, "do you want me to pull my pants down?"

Prue shook her head, "Like I said Piper, I know why you did it."

Piper still hesitated, "You never let us keep our pants up if we're in trouble for dishonesty."

"Would you like to take your pants down, Piper?" Prue asked incredulously.

"No!" Piper said quickly, walking over to her sister and laying across her lap. Prue lifted her hand and started to spank her younger sister. Piper always tried to take a spanking well, and so it wasn't surprising to Prue when Piper didn't squirm and cry from the start like Phoebe would have.

"Piper, I promise you that I am not the enemy, do you understand me?" Prue upped the ante and started spanking on Piper's thighs.

"Yes Ma'am, I understand." Piper whimpered.

Prue paused for a moment and pulled her wooden hairbrush out from under her pillow. "Spread your legs a little Piper." Piper paused for a moment, she knew that she would open her legs to her sister but wanted a second before she just gave up to what she knew would soon hurt. "Piper, I could take your pants down still." With that, Piper spread her legs a little. Prue swatted her once hard on her sit-spot. "Spread Piper."

"Yes Ma'am." Piper whimpered as she spread her legs like she knew Prue wanted. In an instant Prue was spanking Piper hard with the hairbrush, down one inner thigh, and up the next. Piper had started crying the heat finally building through her pants.

Prue stopped spanking at the sound of a knock on he door. "Prue?" a tentative voice called.

"Phoebe, I'm a little busy, why don't you go to your room, and I will be there in a few minutes if you want to talk." Prue said coldly.

Phoebe cracked Prue's door, and peeked her head around the corner, "This is my fault, I should be the one in trouble…"

"I don't disagree, but Piper made her own bed." Prue told her.

"Phoebe, go," Piper said sniffling.

Phoebe didn't budge, "I should be the one being spanked."

"Phoebe, room now." Prue called. Phoebe paused for a second, but then came into the room. "Phoebe…" Phoebe still ignored her and knelt beside Piper, she took her sisters hands and sat down on her feet.

"Phoebe!" Prue started again.

"Prue," Piper whined, as she squeezed Phoebe's hand.

Prue frowned, but she knew that her baby sister wasn't going anywhere so she started spanking again. She watched as Phoebe touched her forehead to Piper's and whispered to her about how much she loved her. After a few more swats, Prue brought the spanking to an end and rubbed Piper's back, "Shh….it's okay, baby."

Piper slowly sat up and laid in Prue's arms, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Prue."

"Shh," Prue whispered again, "It's all over now."

"My turn?" Phoebe asked from the floor. Piper and Prue both looked down at their baby sister.