There is only one girl that can soften the tough and dangerous Daryl Dixon. He calls her Bambi and she is everything to him. How they met wasn't a fairy tale. Emily Dixon, precisely Morison, was the sweetest girl in the world and shyer than anyone else you could meet. It is her easily trusting attitude that is always her biggest weakness. She always trusted everyone and everyone always betrays her. She fell in love with a man who promised her the world, but instead all she got was pain. Daryl Dixon was nobody but a redneck white trash man, but to Emily, he is her angel. When Thomas got to mean it was Daryl that saved her from his beating. He was the one who helped Emily get free from the evil man.

Daryl nearly beat Thomas to death and probably would have if the police didn't show up. After that night Daryl took care of Emily because she was his Bambi. She was sweet, innocent, and trusted too easily. She was shy and timid, but she is someone you can always count on and call a friend. Emily and Daryl got married a year after they met. He couldn't give her any riches and fancy clothes, but she didn't need any of that. His love was enough for her. His love would always be enough for her. He and Emily were more alike than people would expect. Both had their fair share of abuse except Emily received it because she trusted too easily, while Daryl was born into just a bad family.

Daryl swore the day he met his Bambi that he would protect her with his life and he has kept that promise. She even got along with Daryl's sexist, racist, pig of a brother. She didn't have a mean bone in her body and it didn't take Merle long to back off with his piggish ways and be nice to Emily, as nice as Merle Dixon can be.

A few years after Daryl and his Bambi's marriage came James Dixon. The perfect baby boy had his father wrapped around his finger the minute he was born. James, better known as Jami, had Daryl's looks and Emily's Bambi personality, minus the shyness. Jami and Bambi were everything to Daryl. Now, twenty years old, almost twenty one he keeps reminding his father, Jami has become a good kid. He went to school to be a police officer, something his uncle almost fainted upon hearing. He had been working in Atlanta since he graduated. He eventually moved to the city, something both his parents were sad to happen.

Now, however, everything from before is different. Just two months ago Daryl and Emily were comfortable home together, hearing from their son every day and hunting once a week. They were happy, but now everything has changed. A disease has spread through the world. It started off as nothing, but a cold, but now it is an epidemic that has killed millions if not billions. Those who are alive are fighting to stay alive from those who have died. From the walkers.

Emily and Daryl managed to get Jami safely out of the city and now the three, plus Merle, reside within a group just out of the city. Daryl doesn't trust any of them, but he also isn't selfish enough to let them die. He gives them apart of his kill every time he comes back from hunting. He even skins and guts them for them.

Today is a hot sunny day and Jami is at the camp by himself with the group. His parents went hunting together while Merle went to the city with some others for a supply run. Jami knows neither group is going to be too successful. With his parents, they got easily distracted. Jami loves that his parents are still deeply in love, but even a glance from the other can make both forget the world and slip into their own world. They probably won't come back with much more than squirrel. It's the first time the two have been alone since they joined the group, so Jami can only imagine they're going to be gone for awhile and come back with not much to show for it. They've been gone since yesterday, Merle left this morning. Merle is a mean bastard and Jami can only imagine that he is causing hell in Atlanta. Jami's father probably will have to do damage control when he gets back to camp.

Right now Jami is cleaning off his hunting knife. Jami has two main weapons, his recurve bow and arrows, and his pistol. His pistol is tucked in the waistband behind him, while his quiver, which normally is on his back, is sitting beside him. The quiver is made of a dark brown leather and inside are arrows with red feathers and made of mahogany wood. His recurve bow is made of strong black metal that is also very light and the handle of his bow is made of the same metal, red to match the arrows. His bow is resting inside his quiver, there's a slot going down the back of the quiver which is for his bow. His hunting knife is more of a tool and he keeps it clipped to the right side of his bands in its leather holder.

Jami is dressed in a pair of jeans, his boots, and a muscle shirt. Sweat gleamed over his muscles in his arms and back. His dark short brown hair stuck to his head and dripped in sweat, his blue eyes seem to shine against his tan skin. He had just finished chopping some wood for the camp and now he's sitting in the shade by his tent for some time to cool down.

Jami tests his knife before putting it beside him and taking a big gulp of water from the bottle beside him. He fills a handful of the water and runs it through his sweaty hair, getting it to be less gross. The camp members all clean themselves down by the pond, in a section hidden from the sight of others, but Jami was going to wait until tonight to clean up because he still had the rest of the day to get sweaty all over again.

He runs his fingers through his hair, causing it to spike up. He grabs his knife and goes back to sharpening in. "Hey, Jami?" Jami looks over to see Amy Harrison standing there with a bucket in her hands. Amy is a year younger than Jami. She's pretty, but she is a city girl all the way through. Her idea of the country life is fishing, which isn't really all that country because a lot of people do it, not just the country people. Today she is dressed in a bright pink tank top and equally bright white skinny jeans. She didn't have a clue about dirt, Jami is almost certain that she's terrified of it. But she is pretty like stated before. She has blonde hair, which fell just past her shoulder in straight silk and light blue eyes behind pale porcelain skin. She is pretty, but Jami would never go for her. If she weren't apart of this safe camp, she'd probably end up dead within seconds. She has zero sense of survival. "Jami?"

"Hmm?" Jami asks, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Do you know anything about mushrooms?" Amy asks with a smile on her lips. Jami forces himself not to sigh. She's a nice girl, but she is always coming over to Jami asking him about whatever she is currently doing. Apparently, today is mushrooms. Jami thinks she just uses it as an excuse to talk to him.

"Yeah." Jami says motioning her over. Despite the frustration she brings Jami he's too nice to turn her away. He's not shy like his mom, more quiet and reserved like his dad, but he'd still go out of his way to help people. He has the patience of a saint to deal with the talkative Amy.

"So, Jami, your mom mentioned you were a police officer before this."

"Mhm." Jami nods as he sorts through the mushrooms.

"In Atlanta right?"

"Yeah, for a year."

"Why didn't you go with the others to the city? I mean, you clearly know your way around it."

"I know how to get from my old apartment to the cafe I always ate at, the grocery store, and my work. I know how to get where I needed. I don't know the city." He tells her as he throws out the bad mushrooms.

"Oh." Amy says as she nods. "So what was it like being a cop?" Jami shrugs as he glances over at her.

"Simple really. I was just starting, so I was more the writing tickets cop."

"Oh." Jami returns his focus on the bucket. "So, did you have a girlfriend." Her sudden question surprises Jami.

"What-ow, shit." Jami hisses as he slices his finger right on the broken plastic of the bucket. Blood runs down his finger, causing Amy's eyes to widen.

"Oh, are you okay." Jami pulls out a rag from his back pocket and pushes down on his finger.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a-"

"I'll go get the first aid kit."

"Cut..." Jami trails off as Amy runs off. He closes his eyes and sighs trying to stay patient.

"You okay, kid?" Jami glances over to see Dale walking over.

"Yeah, just a cut."

"Amy made it seem like you were showing bone." Jami sighs and pulls back the rag.

"It's nothing serious. Just a small cut. The bleeding already stop."

"Looks kind of deep might need stitches just to make sure it doesn't get infected."

"It really isn't that big of a deal." Jami tells him as Dale sits down beside him.

"I just want to make sure." Dale says as he grabs Jami's hand. "It's deep kid, it would only take an hour for an infected. Just sit tight." Dale says as he opens the first aid. Jami sighs but doesn't argue as he lets Dale get the needle ready to stitch. If it was one thing Jami hated it was people fussing over him. He gets it from his father. He rather takes care of himself than to have others worrying about him.

Jami doesn't even flinch as Dale starts to stitch his finger up. "Are you okay, Jami?" Amy asks, with clear worry in her eyes. Jami fights back a groan as he looks up at her.

"I'm fine, really, Amy." Amy naws on her bottom lip as she watches Dale work.

"I should have warned you the bucket was sharp by the top. It broke a while back, but-"

"Amy, really, I'm fine. Just a cut." Dale finishes and cleans up.

"Alright, you're good, kid." Dale says, causing Jami to nod.

"Thanks, Dale, you didn't have to worry so much, it's just a cut."

"Sure, kid." Dale smiles as he pats Jami's shoulder and starts back towards his RV.

"Let me see." Amy sits down and grabs Jami's hand before he could stop her. "It looks red."

"Amy, I'm fine." He says as he slips his hand away from her. "Serious, I'm totally okay." Amy pouts as she looks at it from where she sits.

"I shouldn't have distracted you."

"Amy, I'm fine. I promise." Amy looks at Jami and smiles.

"Okay." Jami picks the bucket back up and begins to finish the task Amy gave him, wanting to get it done and over with so Amy wouldn't sit here fussing over him any longer. "You never answered my questioned." Jami cursed inside his head, his eyes remaining on the bucket.

"What question?" Jami asked in hops of her dropping it.

"Did you have a girlfriend back in the city?"

"No." Jami tells her as he finishes with the mushrooms. "All set. I should probably-"

"Why didn't you have a girlfriend?" Amy asks. "I figured you would."

"I was focused on work more than my social life."

"What about now?" Jami keeps himself calm as he looks at Amy. He really just wished she could get the hint.

"Now, I'm focused on not getting killed." He tells her. "I should get back to helping the camp. Here's your mushrooms." He says as he hands the bucket over and walks off.

"Thanks, Jami!" He takes a deep breath and keeps walking.