Author's Note

Hey everyone! First off, I deeply apologizing for disappearing for over a year. Life got pretty intense, but by the looks it, things are getting much better. Every single time I tried to write, something dramatic happened within a few days. Anywho, as of this chapter, we're officially a third of the way there guys! As always, y'all should leave reviews over your thoughts on the series. They really do motivate me to write more. The fact that I got a good amount for the first four chapters helped my inspiration to write for the fifth one :)

I can't really promise that the next chapter will come shortly after this one because of my dying interest in Total Drama (mainly due to the fact that competition seasons are either dead or in limbo), however I do promise that this story WILL be finished - no matter how long it may take! I expect the next one to come out within a month of the release of this chapter, but I have caused schedule slips before.

Also, in case the tone or direction of the chapter greatly differs between the first half and the second half, it's almost definitely because of the long breaks I have taken between writing.

Enjoy this chapter!

Heroes: Brick, Dave, Dawn, Noah, Sky, Tyler

Villains: Alejandro, Courtney, Jo, Lightning, Lindsay, Sammy, Scarlett, Scott,


"Last time, on Total Drama: The Island Strikes Back!" Chris started as footage was playing of the Heroes trekking in the forest. "The campers went on a camping trip on Boney Island!"

The screen shifted and showed the Villains setting up their tent near the boats. "Scarlett discovered a loophole in the challenge and would've scored an easy win for the Villains had the homeschooled sexist not foil her plans." The accompanying footage was of Ezekiel freaking Courtney out while she screamed in terror.

"Upon hearing their screams, the Heroes made a mad dash to the finish line but it was no use as Bridgette wasted too much time by kicking Alejandro's kiwis." The footage showed Alejandro's pained expression. "Yikes! Glad that wasn't me. Anywho, after some confusing tactics by Noah, the surfer was sent packing."

The screen shifted back to Chris and Chef standing on the Dock of Shame. "Four down, twelve to go!

Who'll go home next? Find out right now, on Total! Drama! The Island Strikes Back!" the Host with the Most took a huge gasp of air. "Geez, that's a mouthful!"


(Theme Song Plays)

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doin' fine;

You guys are on my mind!

Ya' asked me what I wanted to be,

And now I think the answer is plain to see!

I wanna be… famous!

I wanna live close to the sun!

Well pack your bags 'cause I've already won!

Everythin' to prove, nothin' in my way;

I'll get there one day.

'Cause I wanna be...famous!

(Na-na nanananaa nanana-nanaa na-nananananaa)

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa nanana-nanaa na-nananananaa)

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa nanana-nanaa na-nananananaa)

(Theme Song Ends)


The episode began with a slow pan down at the campfire area to the new Heroes team - Sky, Noah, Dawn, Tyler, Brick, and now Dave who had a menacing expression on his face.

"Please don't stare at me like that, Dave!" the gymnast said in an empathizing tone. "I know I haven't apologized since this season started, but I'm sorry for the Keith thing last year. Now that we're outnumbered by the Villains, I say we should end this rivalry, and work as a team."

Dave wasn't in the mood to deal with any of Sky's pleads and turned the other way while crossing his arms in rage. Noah raised an eyebrow while Tyler and Brick both looked confused.

"Dave, please. I messed-up last year and I should've told you sooner. Just listen to me, we can-"

"Shut it, Sky." Dave grunted in an overdramatic way. "You don't know how much you meant to me back then, and now you never will. I would've done anything for you, Sky. You were the love of my life and you ruined it." the germaphobe ranted in an overly hammy way. Noah rolled his eyes while the others were seen physically cringing. Dave gave in to the memories as a few tears rolled down his face and began to run off. Seconds later, Sky decided to chase him.

Noah returned to crossing his arms with a guilty look on his face. Brick took notice and put his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up over Bridgette's vote-out, soldier. I feel just as guilty as you. She was part of the alliance after all, but she wasn't performing too well in the challenges. Someone had to take that submarine ride and it just so happened to be her."

Noah gave a slight grin at Brick's reassuring words, but was caught off guard by an annoyed Dawn. "Don't you dare lie to him, Noah!" the petite girl rambled. "You aren't sorry at all! It's all over your aura. Bridgette trusted you and you stabbed her in the back! You're just as bad as Scott."

The three boys were all taken aback by this sudden outburst, having never seen Dawn this irate. The aura whispered proceeded to walk away in a huff.


"Noah is such a liar." Dawn said while in a lotus position, crossing her legs on the outhouse seat. "He should've been the one swapped to the Villains team, not Sammy!"

The girl raised her right hand while shaking her first. "I swear to the Great Earth Mother that I will make sure that Noah receives karma for his actions."


The footage cut to the girls' side of the Villains' cabin, with the five teenagers all in their pajamas. Everyone looked tired and ready for bed.

"So, uh, this is my team now, huh?" Sammy groaned, trying and failing to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

"It's not all bad - if you exclude the guys at least" ex-CIT reassured. "We may be villains, but we aren't gonna hurt you or anything. My name's Courtney. I'm surprised you made it this far on your first ever Total Drama season, Samey!"

Samey was seen visually taken aback by those words. "First off," the cheerleader protested sounding very hurt. "I already know who you are. I was a Total Drama fan since Day 1. Secondly, this isn't my first season - I was on the show last year. Thirdly, it's Sammy not Samey."

Courtney was taken aback, clearly not expecting the cheerleader to be as hurt as she was. "Oh, I'm sor-"

"I don't want to hear it." Sammy interrupted in a tone that suggested that she was seconds away from crying, as she began to go to bed.

"Nice going, Snortney." Jo mocked. "Way to make Samey feel like crap."

"Do you people even listen to me? Ugh!"


"I don't think I can handle much more of this." Sammy commented to the camera. "I used to idolize these people, but now that I'm actually spending time with them, it turns out that most of them are just like my sister - total jerks."

The frustrated cheerleader took a sigh. "Bridgette was one of the few people that have ever been nice to me. Everyone else either doesn't care or only acts that way for voting purposes. Tyler is the only one I have left."

"You know, what?" the girl concluded as her face brightened. "Now that I'm on a team with Lindsay, maybe I can talk some sense into her about how much she's affected Tyler."


The footage cut to show Dave holding a tray of disgusting food. The germaphobe spotted Courtney being served brown goop from Chef. The boy licked his right hand and began styling his hair before walking up to her.

"Hey Courtney, how's the team without me?" he asked in an overly seductive and cringey tone.

"Oh! Ummm…" the ex-CIT began to mumble, showing no interest of talking to Dave. "We shouldn't be seen like this, Dave." she whispered. "If we make our alliance obvious, people are gonna target us out of the game. Now that we're on different teams, y'know?"

"You talk to Noah all the time though!" he pointed out.

As the brunette tried to think of another excuse, Sky appeared next to Dave out of nowhere. "I'll take it from here." she offered. Courtney sighed in relief as she began to walk over to the Villains, much to Dave's dismay.

"What do you want? I know you're still in to me, but you and I are done, alright? There's no need to harass Courtney over jealousy." the germaphobe raged.

"What? No!" Sky replied in shock. "I'm not jealous ove-" she cut herself off. "That's not the point. Dave, you need to listen to me. Do you seriously think Courtney has likes you?"

"I mean… yeah." Dave retaliated. "She's treated me a lot better than you ever did. She actually cares about me."

"That's not what I meant, Dave. She's been manipulating you, and using you as a free vote."

"Do you seriously think I'm going to believe that? After all you did to me last year? You need to move on, Sky."

Sky suddenly twitched as she grinded her teeth together, trying her best to keep her calm. "No, you need to move on. I don't have a crush on you, alright? I never did. Maybe when I was constantly running on 100 calories a day through starvation I had a few feelings for you. Now that we're at least actually being fed, I realize that I never liked you. You were such a creep on me, constantly stalking every little thing I do. Plus, do you seriously think that Courtney would ever like someone like you? After Duncan and Scott, don't you think a scrawny, weak, pathetic loser like you would ever have a chance with her?"

Dave's mouth drop as he was taken aback. Sky quickly covered her mouth upon processing what she just said, along with realizing that the entire cafeteria was staring at her. "Wow, Sky. That's a new low, even by your standards." the tanned boy muttered as he began to walk away.


Sky was seen in the outhouse, looking as guilty as ever. "Okay, I'll admit - I was way too harsh on him earlier. I didn't know how loud I was, and I guess he got embarrassed over all that."

She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look - I've never been eliminated from this competition and I haven't won either. With Samey gone and Dave around, I'm in such a bad position on the team. The only way for me to survive is if I make amends with Dave but ugh - he's so darn stubborn."


A triumphant theme began to play as the scene cut to the sunny sky, only to pan down to the two teams. The fourteen contestants were all in a strange yet familiar looking forest.

"Welcome to the Mutant Forest of Terror! Fun fact; Lightning was the only person who visited this place before."

"Sha-please, Chris. You can't fool me. I ain't never been in this place before!" the overachiever scoffed.

"Still having memory issues, I see." Chris said as Scott chuckled to himself. "Anywho - back to things people actually care about. We're going to be doing a challenge based on the one we did last time we were here. There are three Chris-a-lis flowers hidden within the forest," he explained as a TV screen showing the plant suddenly appeared behind him. The TV screen then turned into a detailed map showing three dotted lines for each flower "First team to return back to this starting point with at least two of them will win immunity."

"Seriously? Another recycled challenge idea? Have we had a single original one yet?" Courtney mocked. Chris scrunched his eyebrows looking very annoyed.

"There have been over 120 challenges on this show. You try to come up with that many." he grunted. The shot panned back to reveal Chef patting his boss' shoulder like a concerned mother. "Just go already." he signaled as the contestants all ran in different directions.


"Day after day, he wastes time and effort to come up with brilliant ideas. What does the man get in return? A bunch of no-good, ungrateful, whiny kids." Chef grumbled sounding very ticked off.


The challenge footage resumed to show the all eight Villains searching in a messy line with Jo and Scarlett leading the way. The team came to a halt when the pathway cut off into two sections.

"If my memory serves me right, the map Chris showed us distinctively told us to make a sharp left." Scarlett recollected.

"No way, Smarty. I remember that map, and it told us to go right, towards the big sinkhole." the jockette rebutted.

"That's incorrect. You're thinking of the rightmost flower. The one we've been walking to is the leftmost one."

The two girls began arguing over the correct pathway in the background, while the camera began focusing on an unhappy looking Scott with his head held down. Alejandro took notice of this and gave a devious smirk.

"Anything wrong, Amigo?" the charmer asked. "You don't seem to be in your usual mood."

"It's nothing, Al." he replied. Alejandro subtly twitched the second he heard the infamous nickname come out of the farmer's mouth.

The spaniard simply shrugged it off. "That doesn't look like 'nothing' to me. Tell me, Scott. Does this have to do with a girl? I'd be happy to help you out if that's the case."

Scott stood up straight in response. "What?! You're making a mistake. This isn't about a girl, I'm just-"

"Jo? Scarlett?" Alejandro interrupted, clearly not caring over what the ginger boy had to say. "Maybe we should let Scott decide where to go."

"Are you kidding, Alescamdro? He's been trying to throw the challenges again!" Jo protested, cutting off the heated argument her and Scarlett were having.

"I am aware, Jo. However, I doubt Scott has any intentions of throwing this one out of respect for our new amiga" Alejandro grinned as he gestured to Sammy. The cheerleader looked pleased to be acknowledged, but soon transitioned to an expression that showed that she wasn't buying any of Alejandro's crap. "This could be a good test of character too. If he doesn't throw, then great! If he does, then we can vote him out."

"Al!" Scott whispered. "I don't know which way to go!"

"Don't worry, amigo. You have a 50/50 chance of getting this right. If you mess up, I'll do all that I can to save you from elimination."

Scott gulped.


The scene shifted to random trees before panning to the right to reveal the Dave, Sky and Dawn by a massive sinkhole. Tyler's hands were seen from the outside. The camera then began panning down in the crevice to show Brick desperately holding on to Tyler's legs, with Noah desperately holding on to Brick's legs. The flower was seen a few feet below Noah.

"Can we hurry this up? I don't think I can hold on much longer." Noah said bitterly, as the toxic waste bubbled below him.

"Anyone want to grab the flower? Dave?" Sky asked in the most polite manner possible.

Dave rolled his eyes. "Nice try. You're hoping that I fall in and come out as some mutant freak, don't you?"

"No! Are you kidding me? Hurting you is the last thing I want to do. Hurting you anymore than I already have that is." the gymnast corrected.

"Then why don't you go?" Dave shot back in outrage, as he violently pushed Sky in. Sky let out a blood curdling scream as she fell in.

"David! You could've killed her!" Dawn said in a very shocked tone.

Dave rolled his eyes again. "I don't care. She emotionally killed me, so I thought to return the favor."

"D-don't worry, D-dawn. I'm f-fine." Sky stuttered with fear in her voice from inside the sinkhole.

The camera shifted over to show Sky holding onto Noah's shorts with her right hand, while desperately trying to grab to flower with her left. She flailed for a couple of seconds to no avail as she was just a few centimeters short.

Suddenly, Noah's shorts began to slowly slide off, just low enough for Sky to grab it. The girl had to bend her legs as she was insanely close to the toxic waste.

"I got it!" she celebrated before gulping upon realizing how close she was to impending doom. She then gave a loud scream as the waste was seen slowly rising.

"Pull us up! Hurry!" Brick called as Tyler tried to lift everyone back to the surface. Despite the jock's sheer finger strength, he was unable to pull the three up.

Dawn quickly rushed over to help pull Tyler, Brick, Noah, and Sky up but wasn't strong enough. "Help me, Dave! Sky's about to be submerged by the waste!"

"See if I care," Dave grunted as the poor aura reader tried her best. The camera cut back and showed Sky slowly climbing Noah, trying to outrun the rising danger.

Tyler, Brick, Sky, and Noah all began yelling out of pure terror and agony. Time was running out.

"Please, Dave." Dawn begged with true sadness in her voice. "You're better than this. It's all over your aura."

Dave shut his eyelids and squeezed his head with his hands. "Fine. I'll do it." he decided as he grabbed Tyler's arm and helped Dawn pull the jock up. Once Tyler was fully on the surface, he began to crawl forwards to bring the other Heroes to safety. Once the other three were all safe, everyone began panting out of exhaustion. Brick clutched his chest as his heart was beating faster and faster, while Noah slowly pulled his shorts back up.

"Where's my 'thank you'?" Dave leered to Sky, much to everyone else's annoyance.

"Are you kidding me?" Sky fumed. "Not only did you push me in, you decided to take your sweet time before saving us! What would you have done if we came out as mutant freak? Tell me, Dave. What if we died?"

Sky began thrusting herself at Dave before Brick came in and separated the two of them. "Now is not the time for this. We're all a team here. The six of us need to focus on winning, and we can't do that if you two keep on bickering. A team is only as good as its weakest member"

"You guys can get the second flower and get this over with." Sky ranted as she began walking away with her arms crossed. "I don't want to do this challenge anymore"


The scene shifted to the eight villains, all staring up at a tall tree. The camera panned up to show a bright pink flower at the very top.

"Well done, Shark Bait. Really thought you were gonna throw again." Jo admitted, giving Scott a supporting nod. "Now we gotta figure out wow we're gonna get Chris' stupid flower?"

"Relax, bro. Lightning's got this!" the overachiever asserted as he began to slowly climb the tree. As he went higher and higher, his panting became louder and louder.

"Seriously? He won't even make it halfway up." Courtney deadpanned.

"Actually, at the rate he's going, it would be a miracle if he made it that far within the next two hours." Scarlett addressed, while smirking. "If my calculations are correct, this tree seems to be at least 50 meters high. With that in mind, the only way we can logically retrieve the flower is if we make a class 1 lever out of the available resources."

"Excuse me?" Lindsay asked

"We need a seesaw, Lindsay." the brainiac replied. "We're going to need to propel someone high enough in the air to catch the flower, while also making sure that they land safely. Unfortunately, Dave isn't around anymore considering he's by far our lightest teammate."

"I would have loved to see Dave fall from that height." Courtney said in an annoyed tone, warranting odd looks from her nearby teammates. "What?" she retaliated. "He wouldn't quit stalking me..."

"Who should we fling then, Scarlett?" Jo asked.

"I'd say our best bet in this situation would be Sammy. She's the smallest and youngest out of everyone here, and considering she's a cheerleader which involves aerodynamic flexibility - I'd say she has the best odds of surviving the fall without any major damage."

The shot cut over to show Sammy nervously gulping.


The footage skipped to Sky hiding in some bushes while holding her knees to her chest while frowning. Brick and Noah were heard calling her name, though Noah's sounded as if he couldn't care less. The gymnast held her head down and closed her eyes.

"Don't worry, Sky. Things will get better." a voice comforted, clearly freaking Sky out. The camera panned over to left to show the blonde aura reader crouching beside her.

"Oh, hey Dawn. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I could tell something's wrong, Sky. I didn't need to read your aura to know that." she replied.

"Dave's such a jerk." Sky confessed. "Sure, I humiliated him and broke his heart, but that was a year ago. I've been trying to apologize and save him from embarrassing himself with the whole Courtney thing, but he doesn't listen to a word I say. Heck - he tried killing me earlier!"

"Why do you feel the need to apologize to him, Sky? I heard you talking to Sammy about how badly he treated you last year. I haven't said sorry to Scott about throwing a wooden statue at his head, so why should you?" she advised.

Sky took a quick peek to see if Noah and Brick were still looking for her. Once she realized they weren't there anymore, she and Dawn both stood up. "You know, I guess I've just felt guilty over everything, but now I'm beginning to realize that he should be the one apologizing to me. He'll never do it though."

"So why keep him around?" Dawn added. "You may have your haters online but so does he. I'm sure getting rid of him would teach him a lesson too. I know Noah, Brick, and Tyler crossed me last night, but if you tell them what you told Sammy, I'm sure he'd be an easy vote. He's part of the Villains after all."

Sky embraced the smaller girl and began smiling. "Thanks, Dawn. I was so upset that I'd be going tonight, but you really saved me today. I didn't expect it from you though - I honestly saw you as the type of person that sees the good in everyone."

Dawn blushed at the comment. "I try to, but after what Scott did to me, I've begun to realize that the world isn't just black and white."


The footage cut over to show Jo and Lindsay carrying a heavy log and placing it on top of a pointy rock, creating a seesaw type figure.

"Say! You're a lot stronger than I thought." Jo nodded, looking impressed.

The camera panned to the left as Scott forcibly placed Sammy on the side of the seesaw nearest to the tree. "Hey!" she cried out.

Scott then walked over to the other edge of the seesaw, right beside Courtney and Scarlett. "Be ready to catch her, alright?" Scarlett sneered at Alejandro. The shot cut to Alejandro giving them a thumbs up before cutting back to the trio.

"At the count of three," Courtney commanded. "One…. two…three!" she counted as all three jumped on the log, causing Sammy to flip up in the air. The cheerleader began to scream in fear as she ascended higher and higher into the sky. Miraculously, Sammy grabbed the flower in mid-air before falling at a scary speed. The girl closed her eyes out of fear.

A loud thud noise was heard as the camera focused on the middle of the tree. After a few seconds of panning, it was revealed that she was safely caught in Alejandro's arms with nothing but a few bruise marks. Alejandro gave the girl a flirtatious grin complete with a sparkle in his teeth. Sammy looked away in disgust, clearly knowing what trick Alejandro was trying to pull.

"That was a lot better than I honestly expected." Sammy stuttered out of fear. "I'm not used to someone catching me. Amy's usually my partner in gymnastic class, and she always makes sure that I land on my face. I'd never do that again, though."

Another ear piercing scream was heard, this time coming from Lightning. Sammy looked up, only to have Lightning fall on both her and Alejandro, causing the three to fall in a pile on the ground.

"Quit lying around! We need to get another stupid flower." Jo commanded, ignoring her injured teammates.

"Gosh, you guys. Can't you see we have a challenge to win? Get up already!" Lindsay muttered, much to Jo's amusement.

"I think it would be for the better if I stayed behind with Sammy." Alejandro offered while Sammy subtly rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Everyone else, follow me!" Jo commanded to the other villains as she began to sprint elsewhere. Scarlett and Lindsay quickly followed while Courtney and Scott decided to both carry Lightning.

Once only Alejandro and Sammy remained, the spaniard gave the cheerleader a sideways grin, much to Sammy's bemusement.


"Nope! I don't care what he thinks - I'm not falling for that." Sammy told the outhouse camera. "Though, my sister has a huge crush on him and I'm sure she's so jealous that he's being nice to me. Take that, Amy!"


The footage cut to the Heroes sans Dawn and Sky, walking towards a clearing with Brick leading the pack.

"There it is, soldiers." he notified as he pointed to a pink flower inside a familiar looking Venus fly trap.

"Now how do we retrieve with without getting eaten by Larry?" the soldier pondered to himself.

"Watch me, bros. It's Tyler-Time!" the jock hollowed out while spitting into his hands and rubbing them together. Almost spontaneously, Tyler began to make a running start and leapt head-first into Larry's mouth. Tyler swiftly plucked the flower, only for the fly trap's mouth to close in on him.

"Oof! Ouch! Augh! The pain!" Tyler began yelling from inside Larry's mouth. Bumps were seen on the outside, indicating that Tyler was desperately trying to punch his way out. The shot shifted to Noah who began rolling his eyes, while Brick and Dave looked terrified and concerned.

"What are we going to do?!" the germaphobe whimpered in rising panic as the shot panned over to show the soldier jogging straight to Larry.

"NEVER! LEAVE! A MAN! BEHIND!" he yelled as he frantically kicked the stem with each exclamation. The intense music hit a record scratch as Larry spat Tyler out and decided to take Brick instead. The soldier gave a high-pitched scream out of fear.

"Mama? Can you hear me?" Tyler woozily mumbled on the ground, all covered in saliva.

The camera cut closer to the right side to show six sinister faces. "Look! It's the Heroes!" Scarlett noticed as Noah and Dave both gasped. "That must mean the flower is within the vicinity!"

"Pfffffft. Piece of cake. Do you really think Scrawny and Stalky are gonna get the flower before we are?"

The camera's attention was quickly diverted to Larry's head as Brick had managed to pry the venus fly trap open. He quickly squeezed out of the mouth and managed to land on both feet while holding the flower, right beside his teammates.

"Good job, Brick!" Dave congratulated as the camera zoomed in on Brick's gleaming face. Unfortunately, his triumphant expressions did not last long as a loud whacking sound was heard, urging him to clench his teeth in pain.

The screen panned out to show that Jo had kneed him directly in the kiwis. As the soldier fell on his knees, the jockette snatched it from him.

"Ha! Suck it, Zeroes! Looks like the losing streak continues." Jo boasted as Brick squealed in protest. Dave tried getting it back but it was too late and Jo was too fast. The other Villians bolted with her as they headed to the starting point.

"C'mon, guys! It's not over yet!" Dave enthusiastically commanded to no avail. The screen scrolled from side to side to show an unconscious Tyler and a painted Brick.

Noah was seen, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers while putting his other hand on Dave's shoulder. "There's no need to compensate, Dave. We aren't catching up with them. Face it - we lost again."

The camera's attention was on Dave's upset face as he sat himself down on the ground, not caring about the dirt and mud his clothes were getting stuck in. He uncomfortably blinked a few times, looking rather close to breaking into tears. "That's it, huh? You're all gonna vote me off. I expected to go so much farther."

Noah offered the germaphobe a hug, to which he gladly accepted. As the two darker skinned boys shared this moment together, the snarker whispered something in Dave's ear.


The scene shifted to the four male Heroes, now freshened up and looking cleaner, by the porch of their cabin. Dave was seen standing up while the other three were listening to his lecture.

"I shouldn't have pushed Sky and I deeply apologize for risking all of your lives. It was a stupid mistake and I fully regret it. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me." Dave whimpered.

Brick and Tyler exchanged glances, looking rather content. "Look, soldier." Brick began. "We all make mistakes, but it's only the strong that make amends. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Brick." the germaphobe replied. "It really means a lot. After everything Sky did to dehumanize me, life has been real rough ever since. All my classmates make fun of me and I don't really have friends anymore."

Tyler stood up, ran over to Dave, and gave him a big hug. "I know what that's like, bro. Imagine having a girlfriend for five years who constantly forgets your name."

"I can't even imagine having a girlfriend." Dave sighed.

"Bro, Courtney seems really into you. I bet you have a pretty good shot with her!" the jock commented, much to Noah's amusement. The snarker couldn't believe how ignorant Tyler was about the whole drama.

"Courtney really is a breath of fresh air after everything Sky did to me."

"You know, I never watched that season. What did Sky do to you?" the jock politely asked.

"All season long, she led me on. I really thought we had something going between us. You have to realize that Total Drama is an edited show. There were so many times where Sky would flirt with me, but none of it was shown on TV. Turns out, she had a boyfriend the whole time! We were on the same island with barely anything to do for weeks but she somehow couldn't say 'Dave, I have a boyfriend'. Seriously? I'm the bad guy?" Dave ranted as his face grew redder and redder.

Both Tyler and Brick nodded in agreement, seeing the genuinity in the smaller boy's eyes. Tyler put his hand on Dave's shoulder as all four boys stared at the setting sun.


The crackling embers of the campfire ascended into the dark night's sky as the elimination music began playing once again. The camera panned down to show the six remaining Heroes seated on their logs. Tyler, Dawn, and Brick were seated in the back row while Dave, Sky, and Noah were seated at the front. Tyler, Dawn, Brick, and Noah were all seen with fresh marshmallows in their hands while the final one was seen on Chris' plate.

Chris smirked, knowing that someone was about to leave unhappy. "Down to two, Sky and Dave. The star-crossed lovers who can't seem to shut up. Will it be delusional Dave or sadist Sky? The lesser of two evils. The-"

"Enough!" Sky pouted. "Let's just get this over with! At least I can take solace in the fact that regardless of who gets eliminated, the conflict will finally come to an end."

"Fine." Chris said as he rolled his eyes. "You've waited long enough. The fifth person eliminated from Total Drama: The Island Strikes Back is…."


Author's Note:

Sorry about leaving you all on a cliffhanger, especially after all this time. Anyway, this series is finally coming back! Excited? Yes? No?

Who's going home? Dave or Sky?

Leave a review over what you think! Take it easy!

Elimination Table:

Dakota - 18th Place

Shawn - 17th Place

Topher - 16th Place

Bridgette - 15th Place