Author's Note

Greetings everyone! Welcome to Total Drama: The Island Strikes Back. This story originated from a fake season that I daydreamed way back in 2015. After all this time, i'm finally able to write this story. I have everything planned out so it will be fun to see how long it takes me to finish. Enjoy!

A man with a large grin on his face, showing clear botox usage popped on the screen. He was an middle-aged man, possibly in his forties or fifties, with dark black hair in a stylish hairstyle. He was dressed in ridiculous clothes that clearly were not fit for going outdoors. The background of the shot had huge hills along with puffy clouds. The foreground was a work-out wooden dock; one that looked all too familiar.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" the man announced. "We're coming at you live from the new and improved Camp Wawanakwa for our yearly competition - Total Drama!" He spoke with a ton of enthusiasm and an appropriate level of articulation. "I'm your host, Chris McLean, ready for the much anticipated seventh season of the greatest reality show on television!"

The music then shifted into something more cryptic, suitable for the upcoming drama. "For new viewers, Total Drama is a show where sweaty teenagers are forced to survive with nothing but their wits. They have to endure the harsh conditions of the crappy food, wildlife, torture and most importantly themselves." Chris finished whilst grinning evilly at the last word. "This time around, we've handpicked eighteen fan favorites from our three generations of cast members"

" Let's see where they are now!" he creepily grinned gesturing to the open ocean while standing on a dock. The camera then started to focus on a large cruise boat with the teenagers on them.

"From our original cast - Lindsay!" Chris said, the girl staring at the boy next to her staring at her lustfully.

"Do I know you from somewhere? I look really familiar." The Dumb Princess asked in her distinct high-pitched voice.

"Tyler," Chris continued as the Jock reacted to Lindsay's comment looking rather torn.

"Linds - it's me! Tyler! We've been through this already!" he pleaded desperately.

The camera then panned to the right, moving away from Tyler but still keeping Lindsay in the frame. A dark skinned, mature-looking, man in the shot with her. Lindsay couldn't help but stare at him.

"Jalapeno? Is that you?"

"Alejandro!" the host continued as a Spanish guitar riff played in the background.

The spaniard grinned while the blonde smiled intently at him. Tyler walked back into the shot, pointing his finger at Alejandro's chest.

"Oh, no. Not this again. Quit seducing my Lindsay." the Jock threatened sounding annoyed.

"Whatever do you mean, Tyler? Surely, I wouldn't do such a disgraceful act." the Puppet Master slyly remarked.

"Who are you trying to fool, dude? I know how y- HEY!" Tyler pleaded, only for the camera to continue panning to the right revealing two girls. One of which was a white girl with blonde hair, wearing a baby blue hoodie. She was staring at the ocean, looking rather forlorn. The other girl was ambiguously brown, whilst wearing proper attire and khaki leggings.

"Why are you even here, Bridgette?" the CIT asked. "Didn't Geoff win 500,000 dollars on that race show? You don't need the money."

"You're totally right. That contract we signed five years ago is the only reason I'm here, Courtney." the Surfer Girl responded.

"Bridgette and Courtney!" Chris announced despite both girls already saying their names.

As the two girls continued complaining, the camera started panning to the left, revealing another familiar face. A brown-skinned boy with cargo shorts and a vest was quietly reading a book, looking rather nonchalant.

"And - to finish the six campers from the first generation - fan favorite Noah!"

Noah smirked at the camera whilst continuing to read his book. The boy did not say a single word as he was rather invested in the story he was reading. Chris coughed, trying to get Noah to say something. However, Noah didn't respond at all.

"Fine. Be that way. Anywho, from the Revenge of the Island cast, say hello to Scott!"

The ginger farmer was shown looking bored, with his trademark scowl on his face. The camera then started to focus on the two campers next to him in an intense arm wrestling match. One of which was a dirty blonde haired girl wearing jogging pants and hoodie, while the other was a boy with a buzzcut and a unibrow. The girl was dominating in the arm wrestling match.

"Haven't changed since I last saw you, eh Brickhead?"

"Hey! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't call me names," the soldier protested.

"New season, new rules, bud. This time, I won't go so easy on you."

"Brick and Jo!" the host announced as the scene cut to a different part of the boat.

"Dawn and Dakota!" he introduced next as the camera panned over to a short blonde girl, sitting in a lotus position. She wore a green jacket and a purple skirt. Dawn was seen putting holding her hands out, as if she was feeling the girl standing beside her. Beside Dawn was a large girl with orange skin, ripped clothes, and neon green hair. She didn't look like how any normal teenager would look like. However, she was no longer the mutant she once was and had somehow reverted to her normal size.

"Oh dear," the moonchild squeaked. "Your aura is an unnatural shade of red. Are you feeling vengeful, by any chance?"

"Chris is a dead man," the mutated teen grumbled. "He's lucky that the network paid for all the surgery to get me back to normal. If my daddy was in a bad mood that day, Chris would've been sued."

"No one cares, Dakota. Anyways, let's finish our second generation returnees with everyone's favorite overachiever - Lightning!"

The brown skinned boy with white hair had ran in between the two girls, receiving odd looks from both. "Sha-baam!" he hollered, saying his iconic catchphrase. "Ever since his embarrassing run in the All-Star match, Lightning has trained to make sure that he takes the million."

"And finally, from the cast that survived the terrors of Pahkitew Island, let's give a warm welcome to Shawn and Sky!"

The shot panned over to another portion of the boat, revealing a white boy with scraggly brown hair while wearing a toque. The boy was seen talking to an Asian looking girl wearing a sleeveless shirt and black leggings.

"Are you fine being away from Jasmine for eight weeks?" the Gymnast asked.

"Yeah, it's cool. When you're hiding from zombies, sometimes you gotta adapt with being alone." the Survivalist answered.

"Why did you come back though? Aren't you already a millionaire?" she added

"Pshhh. Do you seriously think a million is enough cash to build my sweet zombie bunker? I'm going to need at least four times that amount." he protested.

"And let's not forget Sky's creepy stalker, Dave!"

"Hey, Sky" the Germaphobe deadpanned as he grit his teeth.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, Dave? Leave me alone" she grunted as she walks across the screen with her arms crossed. Shawn looked rather awkward, being stuck in the middle of all this drama.

"Samey!" the host continued.

The camera moved over to the edge of the boat, showing a blonde girl wearing a cheerleader's outfit. She was all by herself and was looking rather lonely. "Chris, my name is Sammy. No one calls me Samey anymore - especially after people saw how horrible my sister treated me the last time I played."

"That's not what most of the fans call you. In fact, you're even listed as 'Samey' on Total Drama's WikiMedia page!" Chris mocked, warranting the poor girl to look even more insecure than before.

"Cheer up, Samey. At least you'll be sharing the spotlight with Canada's Next Big Thing - the Tophster!" a boy said, walking into the shot.

"Topher…" Chris sighed in annoyance. "Yeah. I had some intense arguments with the producers about letting this guy get a second shot, but they figured he wouldn't very long anyway."

"Hey!" the ex-Chris fan whined upon hearing his ex-idol's words.

"And finally, someone I really didn't want back…. Scarlett" the host finished, sounding incredibly frustrated when saying the redhead's name. "In fact, the only reason we brought her back was because she makes good TV. Don't worry, though. This time the island is completely natural. There will be no mechanical dashboards for her to mess around with."

The camera moved over to a special part of the boat where the redhead in question was tied up to one of the walls. In addition, she also had a straitjacket and a mask covering most of her face. The shot then zoomed out, revealing all eighteen contestants on the boat. The seventeen others seemed to inch away in fear as Scarlett was seen kicking and making muffled screams. Intense music played in the background to accommodate the tension going on.

Eventually, the boat made its way to the dock Chris was standing on. One by one, each of the eighteen campers exited the boat. Some walked beside their friends while others walked alone. Scarlett was being carefully inspected by two internes. Noah was the first to greet Chris once he hit the dock.

"Ah, yes. Camp Wawanakwa. Can't wait to spend another relaxing summer here." the Schemer deadpanned.

"Another summer? Seriously?" Chris asked. "You lasted like… 3 episodes, remember? I barely had any time to torture you."

Noah did not respond but rather rolled his eyes as he continued reading his book. Chris shrugged as he stood on a pedestal to get the high ground. "Alright, campers. Welcome back to Camp Wawanakwa - the birthplace of Total Drama. I'm going to be honest here, some of you don't deserve to be here but who cares, right? As long as I get to make these next few weeks as torture and painful as possible, I don't really care who competes."

While some of the more sensitive campers gulped in fear, the tougher members of the cast brushed that comment off as if it was nothing. Jo in particular was looking rather confident. Brick noticed this instantly and quickly disguised his fear with bravery.

"Anyways," the host continued. "Because of the interesting reception we got last time, we've decided to re-use the Heroes and Villains twist from All-Stars!


"Seriously? Has Old Man McLean really ran out of ideas?" Jo grumbled in the confessional, in an annoyed tone. "Well thanks a lot. Another season where I'm on a team with Sharkbait, Brightning, and Ale-hand-walker. As much as I hate to say it, I might need to start acting friendlier if I want to stay in the game longer. Codeword being "acting" of course."


"Yeah!" Tyler cheered. "Lindsay and I finally get to be on the same team! To make things even better, there's no way Chris considers Alejandro a hero. Sweet, man! Things are finally looking good for the T-man!" As finished his sentence, he cheerfully punched the confessional wall, breaking it in the process.


"Scott, Dave, Scarlett, Jo, Lightning, Alejandro, Courtney, Topher, and Lindsay; from now on, you're on the Team Villain!" Chris announced.

"Ugh, really? A villain? I'll have you know, all my actions on this show have been completely reasonable," Courtney scoffed. "And for real - you couldn't think of a more creative team name?"

"Yeah. Blame the interns for coming up with that one." Chris answered. "You try coming up with seven seasons worth of team names."

"Why is Lindsay a villain? She wouldn't hurt a...a….a…insect-thing or something." Tyler yelled.

"Yeah. About that," Chris smuggly grinned. "According to our research, her forgetfulness has caused a ton of mental issues with her old boyfriend. I can't quite remember his name though. Whatever. It's not like he was important or anything."

Tyler sighed a depressed sigh as he slouched in sadness. Bridgette put her arm on his shoulder to comfort the jock. The camera panned over to Lindsay wasn't paying attention to what was going on and continued to put her head on Alejandro's broad shoulders.

"Dawn, Sky, Samey, Noah, Tyler, Bridgette, Brick, Dakota, and Shawn; from now on, you'll be known as Team Hero!" the host enthusiastically announced.

This announcement triggered enthusiastic cheers from everyone, except for Tyler who was still upset over not being on a team with Lindsay, and the unenthusiastic Noah.


"I'll be honest," Noah deadpanned whilst still holding his book. "I don't think I've done anything heroic per-se. Regardless, I've come up with a new strategy for this season. Owen and I have spent hundreds of hours on reality TV competitions. I've come to realize that the only way we can go far is by creating alliances with people - something I personally struggle with."

The dark-skinned boy squeezed the space between his eyebrows in frustration. "Unfortunately, it seems that I'm going to have to pretend to actually like people here. Whatever. I suppose one million dollars is worth it."


"Anyways, we're a bit ahead of schedule by a day, so I've decided to let you guys have this day-off."

"Ha! Has old age softened you up, Chris? Maybe a younger person should be hosting this show. You should take a break, man." Topher said, much to Chris' annoyance.

"No, Topher," the host grunted. "One of the interns got into a freak accident while testing the challenge which got us in a lot of legal trouble. The court case settles in a few hours. The good news is that our lawyers are very persuasive, so we will be using the challenge we planned."

This comment ushered a few nervous looks from Shawn, Bridgette, and Dawn. "Anywho, that's enough talking," Chris continued. "We've provided two crappy cabins for the two teams to stay in for the time being. Go find them or something. I really don't care."

"Will you at least give us directions to where the cabins are?" Sky asked.

Chris then hopped on a tiny golf cart with Chef Hatchet on the wheel. "No time for questions. I've got to get my makeup done. I'll be seeing you all at 6AM tomorrow morning! " he yelled as the golf cart started driving away.


The footage skipped ahead to show the nine Heroes walking in the forest. "Didn't the island sink two years ago?" the surfer asked Shawn. "You know what I mean, right?"

"Nope. I must've skipped that season," Shawn responded. "I heard that most of the fanbase hated it so I figured to not watch it. I didn't want to waste my time anyway. You never know with these things. Spending even a split-second distracted could cause your demise to the undead."

Bridgette gave Shawn an odd look as the two continued walking. The camera stopped moving as the two campers walked past. After they had completely left the shot, Sammy and Sky entered together. "So what season did you play in?" Sky asked.

"How could you forget!" Sammy answered, looking rather offended. "We played on the same season together! Pahkitew Island, remember me? I'm the one with the evil twin sister?"

Sky rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Right. After everything that happened on Pahkitew Island with Scarlett and Dave, I've tried to repress those traumatizing memories from my head. Sorry, Samey."

"Sammy," the girl corrected, sounding hurt. "My name is Sammy, not Samey. Anyways, I don't blame you. I know what it's like to actively repress traumatizing memories from my head."

Sky bit her lip, clearly not expecting such a deep statement and continued to walk with Samey. The camera once again froze as Tyler and Noah walked into the shot.

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, little bro." Tyler apologized.

"We flew around the world together. We were even on the same team," Noah said attempting to remind Tyler of his existence. "How can you not remember me?"

"Yeah. I remember going around the world and all but I don't remember being with you, dude. That was like, four years ago." Tyler told the smaller boy as Noah rolled his eyes.

"Looks like Lindsay's forgetfulness may have rubbed off you." Noah sarcastically commented as he continued to read his book.

Tyler sighed upon hearing this as he slouched in sadness.


"I'm not going to lie," Noah explained, as he closed his book, "I figured that being on the same team with Tyler would basically be giving me a free alliance member. However, it seems that he can't quite remember who I am. I guess I'm going to need to talk to some of the others if I want numbers in this game."


The footage flashed ahead to all the Villains walking in a single file line. Scarlett strapped to a dolly and was lagging behind as she was being pushed by two male interns. The camera was focused on Courtney and Topher, who were standing in front of everyone else. "Where are the cabins, Courtney?" Topher whined. "You said you knew where they were! My shoes are filthy! I can't audition for Canada's Next Top Bachelor looking like this!"

"Oh, quit complaining, will you? If memory serves me right, the cabins should be right….here?" the CIT announced, revealing an empty lot. All nine villains gave audible groans.

"Well done, Courtnerd. Way to waste our time," Jo spat, crossing her arms.

"Excuse me? I'm very good at navigating. This map is total bogus. I'll have you know, I'm a CIT!" Courtney protested.

"Wow!" Jo sarcastically replied. "Haven't heard that one before. I can't believe you've been saying that for five years now. Are you ever going to grow out of the "in-training" part?"

"Ladies, that is enough bickering," Alejandro interrupted, "We must be working together. Otherwise, our fates will end just like how they ended two years ago."

"Oh put a sock in it, Al," Jo mocked, "We've all seen your shtick. Other than Lindsiot over there, you aren't fooling anybody."

"Do not call me, Al." the spaniard rebutted.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" the jockette responded.

As Courtney, Alejandro, and Jo continued to bicker, the camera moved over to Dave and zoomed on his perplexed face.


"I'll be honest," the germaphobe confessed in the confessional booth. "It's really weird playing with all these All-Stars. They all seem so… villainous. As for me, I'm not a villain, right? Right? If anything, Sky should be on the Villains team, not me! She's the one who wouldn't tell me she already had a boyfriend! "

Dave paused for a few seconds as he compiled the thoughts over last year's season in his head. "Sorry Dave, I have a boyfriend," he said in a high-pitched voice, trying to mimic Sky. "How hard is it to say six words."

As he finished his sentence, the dark-skinned boy bit his lip in sadness. "But hey," he continued, "At least Sky is probably having a hard time with her team. I can't imagine them accepting her after what she's done to me."


The footage skipped over to the Heroes team standing next to a single log cabin. It has clearly been a few hours since we last saw them. Everyone looked completely out of breath. "Finally!" the surfer gleefully said. "Our cabins! How long did we trek for? That felt like days."

"That didn't take that long," the soldier answered. "My morning jogs are much longer than that walk."

Before anyone could say anything, heavy breathing was heard coming from Dakota who looked as if she was about to collapse. "For the record, high heels were not made for hour-long walks. My feet are ruined! It's going to take weeks to get them back to normal."

"Wow," Noah snarked. "Who knew wearing high heels at summer camp would be such an issue."


The footage skipped over to the girl's side of the Heroes cabin. Dakota was seen lying in a bed barefoot, looking at her painful feet. Dawn was seen climbing a ladder to the top of a bunkbed, while Sky was seen unpacking her things at the bottom of the same bed. Bridgette and Sammy were seen standing up as they had already finished getting ready.

"OMG! I can't believe I'm on the same team as you! You were, like, my favorite contestant when I was kid! It's been my dream since I was 12 to play a Total Drama season with you!" the cheerleader praised enthusiastically.

"Thanks... uhh… Samey, was it?" the surfer said.

"It's Sammy but I can forgive you on that. Amy has been calling me that for years. I guess I'm used to it by now." Sammy sighed.

"Umm, who's Amy?" Bridgette asked.

"Bridgette, have you not been paying attention?" Sammy gasped. "Amy and I were all over the news! The media was going crazy when I finally got revenge on my twin sister."

"Must've skipped that season. Sorry." Bridgette apologized. "I don't really watch Total Drama anymore. Chris went from being a cutthroat but somewhat good intentioned host to a downright psychopath. Plus, I hate watching poor teenagers get tortured. It's just disgusting."

Sammy nodded her head in agreement but made an audible sigh, clearly upset that her childhood hero didn't know of her existence.


"Has anyone watched Pahkitew Island? Seriously!" Sammy ranted, sounding hurt. "I thought everyone would be supportive over the horrible life I've had to live thanks to Amy. It's almost like my season has been erased from everyone's minds. Actually, wait. Does memory-erasing technology exist? Amy would abuse that. Maybe she did.."


The footage skipped over to the boy's side of the Heroes team. Brick, and Noah were seen getting comfortable on their respective beds, while Tyler was seen sulking over Lindsay. Shawn on the other hand was seen outside, climbing a tree with his backpack and pillows.

"Hey, uh, what's Shawn doing?" Brick asked the High IQ.

"Did you watch Pahkitew Island?" Noah responded. "If you did, you would've know about Shawn's quirk. The dude can't go five seconds without thinking about being eaten by zombies."

"Zombies? Those aren't real, are they?" Brick gulped.

Noah raised his left eyebrow, judging the soldier for his odd fears. Noah then shrugged. The smaller boy then tiptoed to reach Brick's ear height and began to whisper.

"Listen, man. I say, we form an alliance to further ourselves in this game." Noah whispered.

"Uh, are you sure about that? Alliances go against the soldier's code. Ganging up on others is a dirty tactic" Brick asked.

"Do you want to go far in this game or not? If I recall correctly, you were taken out by an alliance last season. Do you really want that to happen again? You have to learn from your mistakes, pal." Noah deadpanned. "If you don't want to join my alliance - fine. Don't go crying when this is all over about how you failed to improve."

Brick bit his lip as he began to sweat profusely. Noah smirked, knowing he had planted a seed of doubt in the soldier's head. Brick eventually stuck his right hand out and Noah shook it. "Deal. We'll be in an alliance," the soldier vowed. "We're going to need a few others though. Who do you suppose we align with?"

"You know, I asked myself the same thing." the High IQ pondered.


The camera focused on the outhouse confessional, with the bulky military boy sitting on the toilet. "You know, the only reason I came back here was to prove that I'm no coward. This season, I'm going to make it farther and redeem myself from all the embarrassment I went through or my name isn't Brick MacArthur."


The footage then skipped to the eight tired Villains (plus two interns wheeling an angry-looking Scarlett on a dolly) as the sun started to slowly set. All of them were clearly lost in the middle of the woods.

"Courtney, this is getting ridiculous. Can you just admit that you have no idea where we're going." Dave complained while panting.

"Zip it, newbie. We're just a little lost. That's all," the former CIT sneered. "We shouldn't be walking for much longer."

"Skinny girl's right," Lightning agreed. "If we don't rest soon, Sha-Lightning ain't gonna be at his peak performance during tomorrow's challenge. Just give in already."

"For once, I agree with Brightning." Jo added.

"Yeah!" Topher complained. "Jo's right."

Jo, Lightning, Dave, and Topher all started to rant about Courtney's stubborn to admit her mistake. After a few seconds of this gang-up, Courtney shrieked with her incredibly high-pitched voice.

"Oh, quit whining. We'll get there eventually. Tell them, Scott." Courtney hissed as she pushed Scott in front of her.

"I'm gonna have to agree with them," Scott said, "It's getting dark out and you don't know where the cabins are."

"What?!" Courtney replied in shock, surprised that Scott didn't obey her orders. "How dare you, farmboy. I expected you to defend me! Remember All-Stars?"

"That was two years ago, Courtney. Times have changed." Scott sneered.


"My Pappy was pretty disappointed by my performance last time I played." Scott explained in the confessional booth, while crossing his arms. "He told me that I grew too soft and let some girl humiliate me on TV. My old man isn't exactly the kindest tool in the shed, but he was furious about how pathetic I became. Not this season. This time around, I'm not letting some pretty girl distract me from winning the mill."


"Is there a problem, amigos?" Alejandro asked as the camera moved to show Lindsay resting on his shoulders. The setting was now much darker than previously shown as the sun began to descend even more.

"Duh," the jockette mocked. "Have you not been paying attention? We've been walking in circles for hours. Where are we going to sleep tonight?"

"I say, we sleep in the trees tonight. That is, if Courtney gives in of course." Alejandro suggested.

"He's right," Topher nodded, much to Courtney's dismay. "I saw Shawn do it in Pahkitew Island. If he could do it for eight weeks straight, I suppose we can do it too."

The camera switched to Courtney's shocked face. "That has to be one of the most stupid ideas I've ever heard of."

"Got any better ideas? Sha-Lightning needs to rest his muscles" the overachiever asked to no response. Lightning then shrugged as he began to climb the tree next to him with his biceps. Courtney looked up in shock as Jo and Scott began to climb as well.

"A little help here?" Topher asked Alejandro. "I don't want to get my soft hands scraped from that tree bark. Scraped hands aren't good for my modelling career, you know."

"Not to worry, amigo. I'll take you." Alejandro answered as he threw Topher on the shoulder opposite of where Lindsay was resting. The spaniard then proceeded to unexpectedly leap up from tree branch to tree branch with his two teammates on his shoulder.

The two interns assisting Scarlett shrugged as they leaned her dolly on the tree. Scarlett gave a rather menacing glare in annoyance as the interns began to leave. The glare was so intense that the camera cut to Dave gulping the second he saw it. "Yeah. I'm not really into the whole climbing trees thing." the germaphobe hollored.

"Fine. Be like that," Courtney scowled, shaking her fist at the other Villains. "You'll all be sorry when you see me tomorrow morning, after I've woken up from my comfy bed. C'mon Dave, let's get leave these jerks."

Dave then gulped for a second time as Courtney gave him a glare of her own. Courtney began to walk away whilst crossing her arms, while Dave obediently followed looking rather nervous.


The footage skipped over to Courtney and Dave walking in the spooky woods. The music grew more intense and the hooting of owls could be heard. The two looked completely terrified.

"We're lost aren't we. Completely lost in the dark and scary woods where some wild animal will probably have the two of us for a midnight snack. Great…" Dave whined.

"Quit complaining Dave," the former CIT snapped. "We aren't lost. I've …found a shortcut!"

"Enough. This has gone long enough, Courtney. Just admit that you're wrong already." Dave bickered.

"Oh shut it, Dave. I know exactly where I'm going." Courtney replied.

"You've been saying that for five hours now. Five hours! Quit being such a control freak and admit you were wrong for once. No wonder you're the most controversial contestant on this show." Dave grumbled as he crossed his arms in disgust.

After a few moments of the camera focusing on Dave, feminine crying sounds were heard. Dave's expression changed from angry to concerned within seconds. The camera then zoomed to show Courtney on the ground, hugging her legs as she silently wept.

"...Courtney, I didn't to make you upset." Dave comforted. "I'm sorry."

"You're right." Courtney mumbled, "So many people hate me for what I've done to Gwen and Duncan. Do you know what it's like to have complete strangers hate you for what you've done on a stupid reality show? After World Tour aired, a lost all of friends. It wasn't even my fault! How would you feel if your the boy you loved cheated on you?"

Dave knelt down as he patted her back. "You know, I actually know exactly how you feel." he replied in a vengeful tone.

"The only reason why I came back was to redeem myself. I want to be loved again. The only problem is that I can't do that since I'm the first person everyone else wants eliminated. Even Scarlett has a better chance of surviving the first elimination than me," Courtney moped. "Do you think I'm a bad person, Dave?"

"No, Courtney. Of course not. You're a little aggressive - that's all! If it's any consolation, I wasn't planning on voting for you. You may be bossy at times, but at least you're actually tolerable."

"Really?" Courtney beamed. "Do you actually mean it?"

"Of course I do! If you want to be allies with me, so be it! I don't see why not. Only if you'd be willing to take down Sky though." Dave grinned.

"Sure! The two of us to the final 2?" Courtney asked, extending her hand out.

"You've got yourself a deal." Dave responded as he shook her hand.


"Look. I'm not falling for a girl again. You can count on that," Dave mumbled, "I just had to help her, you know? I couldn't just leave her like that. Anyway, the point is, she and I have similar experiences regarding relationships. I figured that I may as well use her to help me get rid of Sky later on. It'll be fun! I can't believe I just made an alliance with one of the prettiest girls in the entire show!"

Dave froze as he began to process what he just said. "Uhh… may I please have the tapes back? That kinda slipped out."


"Hook, line, and sinker," Courtney evilly grinned. "I know I have a huge target on my back so it never hurts to get an ally in this game. This game is about deceit and lying, okay? As if I would act that pathetic. Dave obviously has a crush on me, so I've got to use that to my advantage. Plus, I could use him to make Scott jealous. Dave might be the blessing I needed to win this game."

The music then started to grow more ominous as Courtney's tone started growing scarier and scarier. "This year will be my year to win. I don't care about everyone else. I'm going to lie, cheat, and steal even more than before to get my way to the end. Manipulating Dave was just the beginning. There will only be one contestant left standing after this bloodbath, and that's going to be me."

(Black Screen)

Author's Note

Welp. That's the end of the very first episode of this fanfic. I'll be honest here. It has been great fun writing this story. I can't wait to finally be able to write this story. I've been thinking of the general plot for a few years now, and I can't be anymore excited to put it on text.

I tried to give all eighteen characters at least one defining scene this episode, and I feel that I somewhat did it. Obviously, not everyone was properly able to shine but I suppose that's why more chapters exist. All-in-all, i'm happy that I managed to complete this chapter. It took way too long to get this afloat.