The Destroyer. Part 1.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, death of characters, and maybe slight gore. Cussing, smoking and drinking.
I have in this story where Allen is 21, Kanda is 25, Alma is 27. I imagine Alma would be two years older than Kanda since he was "born" first in the manga.
This is my first story and mostly wrote this for myself and to keep me busy so please excuse any spelling errors you may see. I don't have a beta reader.
Disclaimer: I Do Not own D gray man or its characters. They belong to the lovely Katsura Hoshino.
My name is Allen Walker and I destroy everything I touch.
My life seems pretty normal to passerby's on the street, just a normal twenty one year old trying to survive adult life. Try to hold up a stable job, pay bills, make sure rent is on time. All the fun stuff. But to my close friends they know I'm cursed to see everyone I love die by my hand.
Now you're probably thinking "How does that happen?" I'll tell you, I was cursed by a witch while I was living on the streets for trying to steal food from her. Fourteen years ago my Father died. He was my adopted Father but I still loved him. He had saved me from the streets and he knew I was cursed but took me in anyway. We had only been together a year, a very short year it was. He had died in a freak car accident, the offical report said. I had Known better though because I was the one who killed him.
My 'curse' is different for everything I've ever touched. Some people get an incurable illness while others die in a natural way the next day or an accident caused by others. Like my Father. Objects crumble into dust. But clothes never did.
I've worn long sleeved shirts or button ups with gloves since I was a teenager, unable to handle the guilt from being accidentally toched on my left arm and for that person to end up dead the next day.
I've tried to kill myself five times in the past decade. I Haven't succeeded. It's funny, the person who destroys everything can't destroy them self. It's to make sure they stay around to watch everyone they love slowly die.
Until I met him. Long raven black hair stuck up in a high ponytail. Dark blue eyes like a night summer sky. Muscles shown under his skin tight shirt he had on a light jacket with dark skinny jeans. He was the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
I was at my local coffee shop when I first met him. Getting my usual caramel latte. The guy behind the counter winked at me as he handed me my latte I ignore him and move to sit in my usual spot. His name was Wisely. Nice guy that one but bit of a nut job. I've known him since I moved back to the UK and was actually his roommate for a few weeks when I came back but he moved out to live with his family again.
Anyway back to the raven haired beauty. As I was slowly sipping my latte and trying to type up a good headline for my work from home journalist job, He sat down in the chair across from me his back facing the exit. I took a habit of sitting with my left side to a wall or some sort. I looked up from my laptop, reading glasses falling down my nose I push them back up and try to hide my blush. He was stunning. He was sipping on his own drink when I asked, "Can I help you?" Trying not to sound too irritated from him not asking if he could sit...and failing.
"No, not really." The raven haired beauty said as he leaned back and relaxed in his chair like I wasn't even there. The prick! "Well if you don't need anything from me please just leave. I've had a shitty morning."
He chuckled and took another sip from his drink. "I can tell. You're still in your pajama pants." I blushed and looked down at my legs. Now knowing why Wise winked at me...
I deflate in my chair pulling my grey pea-coat tighter around me. "Well would you look at the time. Best be going." I try to hide my nervousness and blush while I gather my things. I really should of put my bag back together after tugging my laptop from it. As I went to pass him he tried to grab my arm but I was faster and jerked out of reach glaring at him. I guess he thought that was interesting cause he followed me out the door and down the street. "You really shouldn't stalk people." I say as I walked across a crosswalk.
"You really shouldn't leave while someone was trying to have a conversation." I raised an eyebrow at him as we walked. We were walking downtown where the shops were at. But further down there are apartments. Where I lived on the top floor of a three story building. "You call that 'trying to have a conversation? Bullshit." Trying to walk faster to lose the bastard but to my surprise he keeps pace and I mentally scold myself for not being more athletic. I suddenly stop and he bumps into me momentarily caught off balanced he grabs my elbows to help me stay upright. My laptop bag slipping from my shoulder. "Why are you still following me?!" I half yell while pushing his hands away moving my bag back on my shoulder. I find myself staring in his eyes as he told me the most chilling thing I've ever heard in years.
"Because we've been watching you. You stay close to walls and you try to avoid human contact on you're left side." I panicked. Who was this man? "Allen I know your secret. We were told to look after you." Scared I walked slowly backwords not knowing I was going right into a box trucks path.
I heard a horn blaring. Tires shrieking and the gasps from strange man just watching it all unfold. The truck was totaled with a human sized indent in the front of the truck. It looked like it hit a pole. I was unscathed of course. I look back over that the strange man and he just smirked and walked away. Everyone around look in awe of what they'd just witnessed. I knew in that moment my life was going to be much worse.