Here we go, like I said starting off with Age of Ultron. Bit of a slow start but with pick up eventually.

Btw, if you wanna imagine what Angel looks like with her powers on display think SunSpot from X-Men Days of Future Past, that molten lava-ish kind of look is how I'd imagine extremis would look if it bonded with and took over a body.

No copyright infringement intended. All rights to their original owners.

Angel flew behind the truck the Natasha and Clint were in and took out the truck that was pursuing them. Tony took out a few of the soldiers in their path while Thor took down a tower that they were shooting from. Steve sped through on his motorcycle dragging a soldier behind him by his leg then tossing him followed by his shield, while Hulk, smashed.

Tony flew ahead as the others were making their way to the base, until he rammed into the fore field that covered it. "Shit!" He exclaimed over the coms.

"Language." Steve reprimanded shaking his head, "Jarvis, what's the view upstairs?"

"The building is protected by some sort of energy shield. Struckers technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis explained.

"Loki's sceptre must be here." Thor grunted over the coms. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." He threw his hammer and an approaching man and as always it flew right back to him. "At long last."

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." Natasha commented as she blew up a truck and easily shot a gurad.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint added hiding behind a tree.

"Wait a second, is no one gonna' deal with the fact that Cap' just said 'language'?" Tony questioned.

"I know." Steve sighed looking at the oncoming cars, making a quick decision he stood on the handlebars of his bike flipping and throwing it over his head to that it collided with the Hydra vehicles. "It just slipped out." He breathed through the coms.

"The city is taking fire." Jarvis informed.

"Well, now we know Strucker isn't worrying about civilian casualties," Tony said, "Send in the Iron Legion."

They battle went on from there then suddenly there was the sound of Clint groaning in pain followed by Steve's voice. "There's an enhanced in the field."

"Clint's hit." Natasha said covering the wound with bandages then taking a needle with pain medication and injecting it into Clint's neck. "Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?" Natasha asked over the coms and Angel acquiesced flying through said bunker send off flames and making it explode, the explosion taking down the men surrounding. "Thank you."

"Stark," Steve grunted through the coms once again. "We need to get inside."

"I'm closing in." Was Tony's response. "Drawbridge is down people." Tony's voice shortly after.

"The enhanced?" Thor asks.

"He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." Cap says.

"Clint's hurt pretty bad guys, I'm gonna' need evac." Natasha said.

"I can get Barton to the jet. You and Stark secure the sceptre. The sooner we're gone the better." Thor said to Steve then together they knocked down a line of soldiers. "Find the sceptre."

"And for gosh sake watch your language." Tony teased.

Steve sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon."

"No it isn't, Hothead, get up here as soon as you can." Tony instructed.

Angel flew towards the base but was shot by one of the remaining bunker, the shock of being shot caused her to lose her focus and she crashed into the snow on the group immediately dousing her flames, just because she could heal doesn't mean that they still don't hurt. Vaguely she registered that the bunker was gearing up for another shot and was content to stay there and take it then get up and destroy it but someone else had a different plan in mind.

There was suddenly a gust of wind and she was being pressed up against a tree with a much larger body pressed against hers. She looked up and into bright blue hooded eyes, pink lips framed by a scruffy jaw, and thick white waves of his hair hung down his forehead.

He turned and sped off knocking the gun from the top of the bunker the came back in her direction, slowing to a jog as he did, then with smirk sped off again.

Angel shook her head and caught flame again taking off towards the base.

Angel landed inside the base and followed a bright light into a room to find Tony's suit standing guard and Tony himself poking through a computer.

"How we looking?" Angel questioned as she approached him.

"Not great." Tony responded. "Here have a look." He said stepping aside and letting Angel have access to the computer. "I want it all." He told her as she plugged in a drive and began typing. "Make sure you copy Hill at HQ."

"Got it."

"We're locked down out here." Natasha said over the coms.

"Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby." Steve told her.

"I know you're hiding more than files." Tony spoke mostly to himself as he looked around the room while Angel typed. "J, give me an IR scan real quick."

"The wall to your left sir, I'm defecting steel reinforcement, and an air current."

Tony moved closer to the wall. "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door." He pleaded the pushed on the wall and to his surprise it opened. "Yay!" He cheered softly.

"You're a child." Angel commented without looking up from her computer.

"Guys, I got Strucker." Steve said.

"Yeah, I got something bigger." Tony said softly. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." Tony said shortly after.

"Tony?" Angel called out to the hole in the wall, letting the files upload to the drive. "Tony?" She called again seeing as he hadn't returned as yet.

"Jarvis keep an eye on the upload." Angel told the Iron Man that was still standing guard then moved towards the hole in the wall. "Tony?" She called again, then sighed when she got no response. "You're gonna' make me come down there?" She complained to herself then began to make her way down the hallway and into a huge room where a Chitauri ship was mounted to the ceiling, but that wasn't all. All around the room were remains from the Battle of New York and many other SHIELD escapades, it was like a museum down there.

And right in the center of the room was the sceptre, and Tony was staring at it but making no moves to take it.

"Tony?" She called as she moved closer to him. "Are you okay?" She lightly grabbed his arm and that seemed to snap him out of and turned to looked at her the behind her to the Chitauri ship and jumped pushing her behind him as he stared at it. "Tony," she said grabbing his arm and forcing him to look at her. "Are you okay?" She demanded forcefully and he shakily nodded then looked at the sceptre, fully focused now and held out his hand to call for the Iron Man hand.

Angel looked between him and the Leviathan for moment before following him to the sceptre and watched as he grabbed it.

Once back on the jet Angel patched Clint up as best she could with the supplies on the jet in an effort to stop the bleeding. Dr. Cho would fix him once they got back to the Tower, the rest of the team took turns watching over him after he had fallen asleep then she moved to the front of the jet where Tony was piloting it and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you alright, you seemed pretty shook up earlier."

"Yeah, I just," he sighed cutting himself off, "I saw some stuff down there, I wished I hadn't, still trying to get it out my head." Tony explained.

"I've never seen you like that."

"Thor, report on the Hulk." Natasha interrupted whatever Tony was going to say next from.

"The gates of Hell are filled with the screamed of his victims." Thor said righteously, to which Natasha looked at him incredulously as did the rest of the group, even Clint had craned his neck and Bruce buried his fact in his hands, so Thor quickly tried to backtrack.

"But not the screams of the dead of course." Bruce nodded because he new Thor was just trying to help, but he also new that it was a complete lie. No, no the screams of the wounded mostly. A great deal of complaining and whimpering, and tales of strained deltoids and gout."

Angel couldn't help the laugh that escaped as Tony interrupted. "Hey Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul, is it alright if she sets up in your lab?"

Bruce turned slightly and nodded. "Yeah, she knows her way around."

"Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna' need the full treatment. Jarvis, take the wheel." Tony instructed as he moved from the pilot seat over to where Thor and Steve stood staring down at the sceptre. While Angel sat and thought about the man from earlier, he clearly was the enhanced that Steve talked about, so why did he pull her out of the way? Why did he save her?

And here we go, chapter one. Done.

As always let me know what you think and if there's anything you want to see in the future.