Wow! I love all of the reviews! Thank you all so so much. In this chapter, we see what Berk thinks of their "dead" tribe members!

The dragons landed in the center of the village. Everyone was still on the ground, even the bravest of Vikings didn't look up until it was quiet enough to think that they weren't there. Stoick was the first to look up, then a couple of people looked up as well. The realization hit.

"Hey, there are people on the backs of the beasts!" Snotlout shouted. The "people" got off of the dragons. The man had one leg, dark armor and a mask covering his face. Behind his was a little girl who looked no older than 7. The women had her hair in a long braid with a headband mostly covered by her bangs. She wore a red shirt and a almost black skirt, it had a small belt with skulls. Behind her was another little girl who looked younger than the other one, maybe 5.

"Hey bud, did you know we were on you?" the man asked the Night Fury. the dragon just rolled his eyes and made a grunting sound at his friend's sarcasm.

"Who are you?" Fishlegs asked. Surprisingly Stoick hadn't said much about the situation, it was all too weird.

"Wow Fishlegs, I didn't think we were gone that long," the women said. "Hey babe, how long were we gone for?" she looked at the man.

"I think about 12 years," the man said after thinking for a second. All of them dismounted their dragons, the little girls were standing in between them.A couple people were confused for a second.

"Babe you know it's not polite to keep your mask on," she punched his arm.

"Ow, okay, okay I get it. No need to punch me in front of the girls, they don't need to follow in your aggressive footstep," the woman rolled her eyes. The man took off his helmet. He had auburn hair, lots of freckles and bright green eyes. Stoick knew right away who it was, so did Gobber. He looked just like Valka.

"No no, it can't be…" Stoick trailed off, people looked his way a bit confused. After a second Fishlegs put it all together. He smiled at the realization. Stoick walked forward to the mysterious people. "After 12 years, you have come home,"

"H-hey dad," the man said nervously. The older girl grabbed his hand. "Can we take this back to your house? We have a lot to explain," the man now revealed as Hiccup bent over picked up the girl holding his hand. Stoick nodded. Hiccup had motioned to the people their age to follow along with Gobber.

The dragons stayed outside while everyone inside talked.

"So let me get this straight, you just got up and left because you couldn't kill a dragon and took Astrid with you," Snotlout stated

"Well there is more to it, but yeah," Hiccup said blatantly

"What happened to your leg?" Tuffnut asked

"That happened from the queen or Red Death. Whatever you want to call her. Basically, I shot Toothless down and took off his tailfin, I was unconscious and he couldn't save my leg," Astrid punched his arm. "Hey, fair is fair," she rolled her eyes at her husband's remark.

"How long have you guys been married?" Ruffnut asked.

"Um, about 7 almost 8 years. We got married just before we found out about Meadow," Astrid answered.

"Who are these two young'uns?" Gobber asked

"I'm Meadow, I'm 7. This is Hazel, she is 4." Meadow said in a squeaky voice.

"Am not! I'm 5!" Hazel said back.

"Yes you are honey, Meadow, stop teasing your sister," Astrid said to the girls.

"Why didn't you come home?" Stoick asked

"How were we supposed to know you guys would change? Especially about me, Hiccup the Useless, what a title right? Astrid and I wanted to explore, that's what we did. We had heard that the raids have stopped after I defeated the queen, but I wasn't ready to come back here. Not then. Besides we never settled anywhere, only when the girls were born. I owed a village some work so we stayed there. There we got married and decided to stay a little longer after learning Meadow was coming. Then we stayed at another village when Hazel was born. My home is where they are," hiccup motioned to his family.

"You know Astrid I waited for you, I loved you!" Snotlout said. Astrid rolled her eyes, she was about to say something when Hiccup put his arm out in front of her. He put Meadow down on the floor and walked over to Snotlout. He stomped on Snotlout's foot when Snotlout leaned over to grab his foot, Hiccup pushed his back down and swiftly moved out the way so Snotlout could fall face first into the cold wood.

"Good job babe," Astrid kissed her husband, everyone looked shocked at the scene that just happened.

"Dude, Snotlout you got beat by Hiccup," Tuffnut said. Everyone ignored his comment. Ruffnut leaned into Fishlegs and grabbed his hand.

"How long have you two been marred?" Hiccup asked. They both looked shocked not expecting them to notice.

"About 6 years now. How did you know?" Fishlegs asked.

"Well the hand holding kinda gave it away, but I always thought you two would end up together," Hiccup said, Astrid nodded her head in agreement.

"Any kids yet?" Astrid asked

"Yeah actually, a 5-year-old boy named Carter, he's just like Fish here. Real smart kid but Thor does he love to get in trouble with his Uncle Tuff," Ruff shot a glare at her brother.

"Tell me about it," Stoick said. "What about those two? Trouble makers?"

"Not really, Meadow is quiet, loves to read and be read too. Thinks she has to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Reminds me of someone else I know," Astrid looked at her husband at the last part.

"Hazel is loud and will probably end up being an amazing fighter, she just needs to know she can't do everything herself." Hiccup added "And for your information the world usually does! I mean come one, I train dragons every day," he laughed at the thought of his so-called job. "And when I am not training dragons I am working in whatever forge I can find,"

"Ye still work in the forge huh?" Gobber asked happy to hear that his apprentice still was creating things.

"Yeah, I mean I'm not horrible at it. Besides whatever I make I usually sell or trade. I bet you anything you got from Trader Johann is from me," Hiccup explained wanting to see if his work is here.

"Guess we'll have to have a look around, eh lad?" Gobber wanted to spend time with his apprentice.

"Yes, he would love too, besides I could use a break. Bring the kids with you tomorrow, babe." Astrid answered for him.

"Of course milady," Hiccup rolled his eyes.

Alright, ch2! What did you think? Anyway please leave feedback on where you want this to go, and I am sorry that this was such a long chapter.
