A/N : hey guys thank you all for your support and I have decided to which route the evolution will go and what the final one will be and most people's suggestions will be satisfied at some point. If not I am sorry but I had to go with majority.

I also wanted to just add that I forgot to include the [Gamer's Body] and [Gamer's Mind]. But I don't think it would matter so I will just add it to the list of skills.

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto or Re:monster or the Gamer.

Chapter 4

Exploring, Grinding and IDs.

Day 11

He was shakily awaken by nico in the morning a little bit early than usual. He stood up sleepily when he heard multiple howling coming from outside.

"what's going on and where is this howling coming from?" Ruto asked him.

"it's coming from the entrance of the cave. There is a pack of wolf at entrance blocking the exit. We can't go outside" nico said panicked.

"ok hold on don't panic. Let me talk to the old imp."

Imp Ruto went to the old imp who was right now rounding up all the imps and calming down as much as he could.

"finally you are awake. You need to do something. There is a pack of wolf at the entrance of the cave" said old imp.


Quest alert

Save the faction.

Objective :

Lead away the pack of the wolf at entrance of the cave.

Bonus Objectives :

1. Kill all the wolves and loot them.

2. ?

Reward :

200 exp, 200 reputation with the faction.

Bonus Rewards :

1. 50 exp per wolf killed. 10 reputation per wolf killed.

2. ?


"I know that but do you know how many of them are there. And you know if there is any window of sorts in the cave where I can get out of." Ruto said

"well there is a hole in the roof that you can fit through easily but we can't reach it it's too high."

"height is not a problem show me where it is."

"well it's in the room next to the preservation room. Follow me."

"no that's alright I can find it easily. I will be able to clear the entrance in about an hour." Ruto said as he started sprinting towards the said room.

When he saw the room he could see that there was light coming from the room. When he was inside he saw that there was a hole in the roof big enough to fit 2 or 3 imps.

He activated his [Flight] skill and flew out of the roof. Now the plan was to create a trap big enough to get all the wolfs at once. So he went to east to the entrance of the cave and found a big clearing. Not as big as his training spot but big enough for the job.

He started laying multiple layers of traps so not a single wolf would leave the clearing alive.

It took him about 40 minutes to create a three layered traps. But now there was absolutely no chance of any wolf surviving the trap.

Then he flew back to the entrance of the cave and took out two cooked rabbits and started flying around over the clearing to get the pack's attention.

When the pack noticed him they started howling and chased him across clearing when Ruto decided it was time to make his move. So he led them towards the trap.

When he flew past the trapped clearing he stopped and turned around to see all of the wolf dead or dying howling in pain.

When every wolf was dead he slowly descended from air when his ears perked and he jolted in the air high. When he saw what had attacked him he was surprised to see an injured wolf. From the size of the thing he assumed it was leader of the pack.

It had multiple injuries. One of the leg was broken and it was blinded to the left side. And it was bleeding heavily.

'I don't think I would have been able to avoid the attack if it wasn't injured' he thought as he observed the wolf.

The alpha wolf

Lvl 23

Title : The Alpha

HP : 120/260

MP : 20/20

Str 63

Dex 57

Agi 24

End 35

Vit 22

Int 16

Wis 13

Cha 4

Luck 40

The leader of the pack is always on top of the pack. He is strongest in the pack and also smartest and wisest.

Status effects :

Injured: when heavily injured you start bleeding. - 5 HP/min

Seeing the opportunity to gain high exp naruto sent 3 fire balls at the wolf. The alpha dodged first two fire balls but the last one struck it to the left side of the body.

Damage done: - 28 HP.

That was not going to work he would run out of mana soon. He needed an attack fast enough so the wolf couldn't dodge. Mana bolt was just slightly faster than the fire ball.

Maybe if he could concentrate on small area and blast it out it would be faster.

So he tried to concentrate same mana as mana bolt in small area and shot it towards the alpha. And apparently he was successful as a new skill was created.

New skill created

Mana Arrow : lvl 1 13.40%

Concentrated mana bolt in the form of an arrow. But it is much more faster than normal mana bolt.

Increase in magical damage 2%

Increase in piercing damage 3%

No. of projectiles : 1

Mana cost : 19 MP/projectile.

Now it was time to finish the injured wolf. He started to shoot mana arrows down on the wolf. Wolf would dodge as much as it could but eventually it got hit right in the head and fell to the ground dead.

This time making sure there were no more surprises he went down to check on the bodies he would have to get back to the cave.

So he sat there harvesting the bodies of 11 wolves. Wolves were four times bigger than the rabbits. He got 22 [Black Wolf Fang]. They were uncommon quality. And 11 [Black Wolf Hide]. And finally he got 132 meat loaves of around 1.5 kg each (around 3 pounds each)

(A/N : 1 meat loaf = 1.5 kg is an average meal an imp requires a day if cooked.)

Then he went to harvest the alpha wolf. He was surprised to see the items he got.

There were [Black Alpha Wolf Hide] and two [Black Alpha Wolf Fang] both were rare qualities. But the next thing excited him the most. He got 2 [Claw of the Alpha Black Wolf] and 3 kg of [Prime Meat]

They were rare and epic quality respectively.

[Black Alpha Wolf Hide]

Quality : rare

The hide of an alpha wolf is toughened by the harsh battle in the wild. It is as tough as iron.

[Black Alpha Wolf Fang]

Quality : rare

The Fang of an alpha wolf is as dense as steel and as sharp as a dagger.

[Claw of the Black Alpha Wolf]

Quality : rare

The claw that is used in battles to rise over opponents and become the leader of the pack.

You can gain Charisma points from 12 to 18

[Prime Meat]

Quality : epic

The meat that contains most nutrients is said to be the most delicious meat one can get from animals or monsters. It is considered a delicacy in almost every part of the world.

It can cost up to 5,000 gold coins per kg.

And he also gained 16 more meat loaves. That makes it to 148 meat loaves. That would be food for 3 more days. Now to see how much exp he gained.

Quest complete.

Save the faction.

Objective :

Lead away the pack of the wolf at entrance of the cave.

Bonus Objectives :

1. Kill all the wolves and loot them.

2. Defeat the alpha of the pack.

Reward :

200 exp, 200 reputation with the faction.

Bonus Rewards :

1. 50 exp per wolf killed. 10 reputation per wolf killed.

2. 150 exp. 100 reputation. Quest for leader trait available.

Your lvl has increased by 3

Str 4

Dex 3

Agi 2

End 1

Vit 3

Int 2

Wis 2

HP 15

MP 15

Stat points from genius : 17

Ruto headed back to the cave. When he reached the cave he saw several imp waiting for him at the entrance. As he approached he waved at them smiling a brilliant smile.

"hey guys what are you doing out here let's get back inside i have some good news" Ruto said and led them inside where everyone was waiting for him.

"hey everyone I have great news. The whole pack of the wolves is dead" Ruto said with a cheesy grin.

" what?! How did that happen? who killed them?" the old imp said.

"I did. It happened like this...

And he said the whole story to the faction. And he even showed them the items he got from the wolves.

As the story ended Ruto said to everyone that they needed to cook the meat he got from the wolves. He turned to the old imp.

" we should turn that room into a kitchen like a cooking room. So it would be easy to move food and we can easily disperse the smell of the cooking meat so we don't have to worry about more episodes like today." Ruto said.

"that is a very good idea. I want to talk to you about some things if you have any time later. But first you should instruct everyone about cooking the food." said the old imp.

'What is the name of the old imp I never asked.' he thought curious about his name.

" hey elder imp what's your name you never told me about your name." Ruto asked being as politeness as he could muster.

" well I don't remember because for about three generations I haven't heard my name." said the old imp.


Imp Joe

Lvl 23

HP 230/230

MP 400/400

Str 30

Dex 23

Agi 18

End 17

Vit 21

Int 40

Wis 45

Cha 17

Luck 26

"your name is Joe. Imp Joe." said Ruto

"oh yes now I remember. But how did you know that." said Joe.

"I will tell you about it later but first as you said we need to cook us some meat."

And then the whole faction started the second cooking session. There were total 46 imps in total. 28 from Ruto's generation, 12 from previous generation, 5 from the generation before that and the one and only the old imp Joe.

Now from that there were 148 servings from today and 72 left from yesterday so that was total 220. And 45 would be used every day possibly more.

'this isn't going to last long we need a reliable source for meat.' Ruto thought.

"now everyone put all this meat stacks in the preservation room. We can have the meat around early evening and then we will start eating it in two halfs every day from tomorrow." Ruto said.

By now it was already past 1 pm so Ruto decided to map out the whole cave system and see if he could find a new exit.

So he told Joe about what he was doing today then told nico to continue his work with mana and he departed.

Now let's take a small tour of the cave system. As you enter the main entrance there was a big open space which had a small hallway to the left where there were 7 different rooms. That was where the kitchen and storage room were located. Now if we go to the right side of the cave we have three different hallways. One to the far right was where Joe showed Ruto the treasury. The middle one was unexplored and the left one was where everyone slept it was the closest and it had a lot of space. There were around 15 big rooms, 28 medium sized rooms and 12 small rooms. All around the big hall. Most of the rooms were rarely used.

So Ruto decided to go in the middle route. He went into the cave and about 5 minutes in he heard a noise so he lit up some fire in the palm of his hand and the hallway brightened and he could see about 5 meters ahead now. When he searched for the source of the sound he found a green slime lurking around the hallway. When the slime noticed him it started throwing slimy ball of green at him. Ruto retaliated with a kick but it didn't work. So Ruto used observe.

Green Slime

Lvl 16

HP : 110/110

MP : N/A

These creatures are essentially slimy fluid given a form. It has a core that controls the slime and it can control the detached parts of the slime. And it can also regenerate at a very fast rate with any type of fluid. Because of the fluidity of the body it is immune to physical damage.

Seeing as how physical attacks wouldn't have any effect on the thing. He decided to take the magical damage option. And he fired mana arrow over and over. After hitting it about 4 times it exploded and only the core remained.

30 exp

[Green Slime Core]

Quality : Uncommon.

Catagory : Crafting Item.

Core of a green slime.

Wondering if he would get the faster regen he popped the core into his mouth. And as he anticipated a ping sound was rung and he opened the window.


New skill acquired.

[Slimy Limbs : lvl max

You can now turn your limbs into anything you want.]

Well that could be useful but fast regen would have been nice. He moved on to the route he was taking. And again he was faced with more slime so he ploughed through the herd as he went on. After killing all the slimes he collected all the cores and there were 13 of them.

390 exp

You leveled up.

3 Vit

2 Int

2 Wis

Stat points 7.

After he dismissed the message he ate 3 more but nothing happened so he concluded that he could not get that skill of the slime.

When he checked for anything interesting he saw something that surprised him and that was ore. There was iron ore in a big patch to the left and some copper too.

He filed that info for later notice and continued his exploration. After 10 minutes of walking he heard sounds coming from ahead so he went to check on it and he found a bigger and grey slime. He assumed it was 2nd level of the green slime. So he fired mana arrows at the thing while dodging the attacks on him.

When the arrows hit they didn't do much so he tried more but same results so he decided to do something different. He created a mana arrow and started spinning it like like rasengan and fired it at the slime and it did a lot of damage. After hitting the thing two more times it finally died and left bigger core about the size of a tennis ball.

50 exp

He then at the thing and he got what he wanted.


Skill aquired

[Faster Regeneration : lvl max

You can now accelerate your regen by drinking some fluid.

Increases 10% HP/min regen for 10 minutes of consuming fluid.]

Skill improvised

[Spinning Mana Arrow : lvl 2 34.68%

10% increased piercing damage

4% increased magical damage

No. of projectiles : 1

Mana cost : 18 MP/projectile.]

It had been two hours since he left so he had two more hours before he would have to head back. So he started to look around and found something very interesting. There were crystals and more ores. He would have to come back with some help and start mining. Just when he was about to sit down for a few minutes break he felt ground rumbling and what he saw shocked him. It was a gigantic red slime about 3 meters high. Surrounded by the grey slimes. There were around 14 of them and all around 35 to 40 lvl. Then Ruto checked red slime and it was lvl 55. He wouldn't be able to kill the big guy so Ruto decided to kill the grey ones and leave the place. So he fired [Spinning Mana Arrow] non stop at the grey ones.

As he was firing he constantly had to dodge the incoming attacks. After 10 of cat and mouse he killed all of them. And he quickly collected the cores. He was about to leave when he saw that more grey slimes were forming around the red one. The red slime was summoned 8 more grey slimes. Ruto grinned. This was perfect he could grind some exp here.

So Ruto killed grey slimes for about an hour and a half. He killed in total 67 slimes. And that gave him 3350 exp. He reached lvl 11. And he gained some Stat points from dodging the attacks continuously.

5 Dex

7 Agi

End 3

Vit 4

Stat points 19

You leveled up 3 times

3 Str

2 Dex

1 Agi

3 End

2 Vit

3 Int

3 Wis

Stat points 17

After checking if left anything behind he started flying back. In 5 minutes he was again as the main area.

It was about 5pm so everyone was gathered around for the meal.

When everyone saw Ruto coming they greeted him with smiles and Ruto returned them. When everyone was done Imp Joe rounded them up and told everyone something shocking.

"now everyone I am very old so I'll be deciding the next leader of the faction. But that has time for now I want to thank Imp Ruto here for such a wonderful experience of having cooked meat." Joe said as everyone cheered.

"hey Ruto I want to talk to you about something" Joe said to Ruto quitely.

Ruto nodded and went with Joe towards the treasury. When they were far enough Joe turned and faced Ruto.

"now I want to know how did you learn to fly and how did you carry all that meat into seemingly nothing." Joe said.

"well... Umm.. I have some special powers." said Ruto.

"what kind of powers" asked Joe.

"well it lets me live my life like a video game. I can train my stats or attributes and when I get a level I can get points which I can use to make myself stronger." said Ruto.

"what is a game and how do you know what it is?" asked Joe.

"well I'm not of this world, originally I was born in different world where I was human and game is a thing that is played for entertainment." said Ruto.

"what type of world?" asked Joe.

And so Ruto explained everything to Joe and how he was planning to get stronger.

"so that dungeon thing can you make that."

"I have to meet some requirements and the last one requires me to create a party."

"well go ahead"

"create a party and invite Imp Joe to the party"

"what... What is this?" asked the now amazed and baffled Joe.

"that is my ability press on yes"

Yes. The imp Joe pressed and another screen opened up and it was the status window. The Ruto checked his own stats.

Status window

Imp Ruto

Lvl 11 21.60%

Title : Hunter

HP : 195/195 5.85 HP/min regen

MP : 453/453 18.12 MP/min regen

Str 59

Dex 38

Agi 41

End 36

Vit 37

Int 41

Wis 43

Cha 14

Luck 57

Stat points : 198

Gold Coins : 1307

Traits :

Grelim Kind





Status :

Child : you will reach adulthood in 21 days without eating any meat or 15 days by eating a lot of meat.

Reincarnation : as a being who has the experience of the past life you start your new life with 10 Int and Wis.

'hmmm now I should be able to make the ID' he thought.

"well Ruto why don't you create that dungeon of yours. I want to see it." said Joe.

Ruto Nodded and raised his hand and channeled some mana into it and created a dungeon.

"create ID"

As soon as he said that the surroundings changed and the cave slowly disappeared and now they stood in a vast plane of never ending land.

"there is nothing here, but you were saying that it had different monsters and animals to kill." said Joe.

"yeah well this one is empty for training purposes we can bring everyone in here to train. Let's see if I can make some with rabbits."

"escape ID"

Then naruto created a new dungeon with rabbits in it. When they were inside it was different from before. There were small hills patches of dense forest and even streams going in different directions. Then they saw what they were looking for the rabbits.

There were a lot of them around 30 to 40 and there were what looked like blade rabbits which were the next rank of the rabbit.

"well do you want to kill them now or later" Joe said.

"well might as well kill them its not like they are hard to kill" Ruto said as he fired spinning mana arrows at them. The horned rabbits were one shot kill and the blade rabbits could take three normal hits. After half an hour of killing spree Ruto collected 53 rabbits and 13 blade rabbits.

Exp gained :

20*53 = 1060 xp

13*50 = 650 xp

When they were about to leave ground rumbled and a small message box popped up.

A Boss has appeared. You can not leave.

They turned around to see a 2 meter tall purplish black bunny with long claws and about 25 inch long horn in blade form.


Vorpal Bunny

Lvl 60

HP 450

MP 200

Str 40

Dex 65

Agi 53

End 24

Vit 28

Int 13

Wis 15

The bunny charged at them Ruto lured the bunny away from Joe and started flying and raining down arrows. The arrows weren't doing much. Maybe it had medical damage resistance.

So Ruto launched three fire balls and the bunny easily dodged them. Seeing as that wasn't working Ruto thought how he could damage the bunny. Fire could damage the bunny but fire balls weren't fast enough. So he created a spinning arrow and added fire manipulation to it.

When he fired it it traveled way faster than normal spinning mana arrow.


Spinning Fire Arrow : lvl 1 16.38%

Increases 5% fire damage.

Increases 5% piercing damage.

Increases 3% speed of the arrow.

No of projectiles : 1

Mana cost : 24 MP/projectile.

And Ruto rained fire on the bunny. Literally. After about 13 hits the bunny died.

200 exp.

Stats gained from killing the boss for the first time.

Dex 6

Agi 5

Luck 10

You have leveled up.

Str 1

Dex 2

Vit 3

HP 25

MP 15

Total Stat points : 27


The dungeon boss defeated dungeon bonus unlocked.

Dungeon Bonus : Dungeon Bonus is a permanent effect of the dungeon that is only available after you defeat the boss. Not every dungeon has them.

Bunny's lucky bonus : in this area your luck Stat increases by 1 per 10 minutes.

After dismissing the message he picked up the bunny and headed back to the imp Joe.

"hey Ruto nice trick with the fire arrows. It looked like you were raining down hell upon the rabbit." said Joe chuckling at Ruto jokingly.

"yeah it was quite hectic. If the fire arrows didn't work I would have been in trouble. Anyway I want to harvest the bladed rabbits and the Vorpal bunny to see if I get any rare items."

As he started to skin the bladed rabbits. He got something very interesting. [Lucky Rabbit's Foot]. And as soon as he got that he got new skill.


Through repeated actions a new skill in created.

Harvest : lvl 1 13.08%

Increases your chances of getting the loot by quality:

Uncommon : 3%

Rare : 2%

Epic : 1%

Legendary : 0.5%

And Ruto went to harvest all the blade rabbits and Vorpal bunny. He got 6 more from blade rabbits and 1 more [Lucky Rabbit's Foot] from the bunny. he also got 13 [Rabbit's Blade] and 2 [Bunny's Blade].

Lucky Rabbit's Foot

Quality : Rare

Category : Consumable

Gives Luck Stat : 12 to 18

Rabbit's Blade

Quality : Uncommon

Category : Crafting

The Rabbit's blade is used to create small sized swords.

Bunny's Blade

Quality : Rare

Category : Crafting

The Bunny's Blade is used to create standard size katana.

When everything was done Ruto headed back to Joe and returned to cave. When they got to the main area of the cave it was totally empty. Not surprising how late it was.

"well it was a hectic day for you today you should go rest." Joe said as he departed.

Hectic indeed. First to start his day he was chased around the forest by a pack of wolf well more like he led them. Then his fight with the alpha black wolf. Then the exploration of the cave system then finally the dungeon.

Today he leveled up 8 times. It most probably would be the most he will level up in one day.

Status window

Imp Ruto

Lvl 12 31.63%

Title : Hunter

HP : 220/220 8.8 HP/min regen

MP : 468/468 18.72 MP/min regen

Str 61

Dex 46

Agi 46

End 36

Vit 40

Int 41

Wis 43

Cha 14

Luck 67

Stat points : 225

Gold Coins : 1307

Traits :

Grelim Kind





Status :

Child : you will reach adulthood in 21 days without eating any meat or 15 days by eating a lot of meat.

Reincarnation : as a being who has the experience of the past life you start your new life with 10 Int and Wis.

Skills :

Observe : lvl 26 75.93%

By observing an object or certain individual you can gain information about them.

Listening : lvl 13 35.93%

You hear that... No? But I heard a something.

You can hear everything clearly in your range: 23m.

Stealth : lvl 3 67.43%

Where did you come from... Huh where did he go.

Active :

- 15% sound made while walking.

- 15% chance of detection.

- 17% movement speed.

Trapping : lvl 7 36.35%

Traps hah who need traps i'll kill it without... Ahhhh.


35% speed in trap making.

35% effectiveness of traps.

Mana manipulation : lvl 14 78.53%

Makes channeling mana easier.

Passive :

28% magic damage through spells.

-14% mana consumption.

Fire magic: lvl 5 21.75%

You can throw fire. You can breathe fire.

Passive :

25% fire damage through fire magic spells.

-5% mana consumption in fire spells.

Mana Bolt : lvl 7 13.68%

You can use your mana as a weapon and attack your opponent with a blast of mana from a small distance.

35% increase in magical damage.

Mana cost : 13 MP.

Fire ball: lvl 13 78.13%

You can yield fire as weapon and shoot fire balls at your enemy.

26% increased fire damage.

No. Of projectiles : 3

Mana cost: 12 MP/projectile.

Flight: lvl 8 36.23%

Whoa I'm flying, woo-hoo I'm flyiiii... Ahhhh *thud.

Weight lifting capacity while flying: 4 kg

Mana cost : 9 MP per min.

Meditation : lvl 3 92.51%

Meditation helps you keep your mind clear and helps you understand your body and spirit.


Increases Int by 3%

Increases Wis by 3%

Increases Int and Wis by 2*(lvl of skill) : 6


Increases MP by 9 every hour permanently.

Increases ? by 9 every hour permanently.

Increases MP regen by 10%

Increases ? regen by 10%

Spinning Mana Arrow : lvl 8 34.68%

40% increased piercing damage

16% increased magical damage

No. of projectiles : 4

Mana cost : 18 MP/projectile.

Spinning Fire Arrow : lvl 1 16.38%

Increases 5% fire damage.

Increases 5% piercing damage.

Increases 3% speed of the arrow.

No of projectiles : 1

Mana cost : 24 MP/projectile.

Inherited skills :

Gamer's Body :

Makes your body that of the Game.

Gamer's Mind :

Your mind becomes calm and composed. You can think clearly in any situation.

Makes you immune to mind attacks and spells.

Escape :

Well you can escape...

Increases your Dex by 10 if you want to escape.

Slimy Limbs :

You can now turn your limbs into anything you want.

Faster Regeneration :

You can now accelerate your regen by drinking some fluid.

Increases 10% HP/min regen for 10 minutes of consuming fluid.

A/N : Sorry for the delay but from now on I'll be updating the story every other day.