A/N: I honestly didn't expect this chapter to take so long to finish, but I was in conflict with how I wanted it to be structured that it took me a while to figure things out. Honestly, this chapter is the very reason why I took a break from writing this story besides the constant demands to update. I just couldn't figure out who Ai's partner was going to be. I initially had a plan for who that partner was going to be, but after Lost Data was completed, I took a step back and realized that the partner I chose for her just wouldn't be consistent for the flow of this story. And so, I found myself struggling to think of a new partner for her. It was a long, and I mean, a long process, but I'm happy to say that I made my choice. Anyway, this chapter was fun to write and is one of my favorites by far, which I hope everyone can enjoy. Again, updates will be sporadic since I am not writing on a fixed schedule, but I will say that I want to update at least one chapter every month. If I can get a better flow with my writing, I will try to post chapters much more often.

Chapter 7

Ai didn't know what to expect after she was engulfed by the bright light that had erupted from the television screen. It had engulfed everything except her, leaving her in a sea of white that seemed to continue to grow brighter with each passing second. While Ai was afraid for what would appear from the intensity of the light, she was confident that it would be a benevolent force. The light felt so pure and comforting that Ai began to not stand the idea of it leaving her. And yet, it did, and much quicker than she had hoped for.

However, Ai was surprised to see that the warmth that the light had brought to her chest lingered behind. It left her with a sense of security, protection, and love. It was the sort of brightness that kindled something within her, and at the same time stirred a connection with something she couldn't understand. It wasn't until the light had completely faded away that Ai realized that she was still in the cafe. Only, something was different. There was now some weight on her lap that hadn't been there before. Blinking in a daze and slightly confused, Ai moved her head down to get a look at what was now on her lap.

Only to find a pair of wide circular, black eyes staring back up at her.

Ai jolted back in surprise and fear, hitting the back of her head against the counter she had been leaning on. She let out a slight yelp of pain and immediately began to rub her hand gently on the spot on her head that was buzzing with pain. As she did this, she gazed back down again to the creature- no the Appmon that had its gaze still on her, soon finding herself catching every detail about the Appmon.

The Appmon was small, blue and round, standing on four stubby legs with a pair of long ears on each side of its head. On its forehead was a cross of five white squares with the largest square being the one in the middle. Below the odd design was the Appmon's wide and circular eyes that continued to stare back at Ai's own eyes. While Ai was slightly afraid that the Appmon would attack her if she made any other sudden movement, each second she gazed into the small Appmon's eyes brought her another sense of warmth. It was comforting and she didn't know if it was a good thing considering that there was another Appmon in the same room that had wanted to harm her.

"Are you okay?" The Appmon asked in a soft, but soothing, female childlike voice that instantly brought another wave of comfort to Ai's chest. There was no doubt in Ai's mind now that the Appmon had spoken that it would not harm her. In fact, the Appmon made her feel that she was safe and protected, which was an odd, but comforting thought, which Is completely relished in.

"Who are you?" Ai decided to ask with hesitance.

The Appmon tilted its head and with a flap of its ears, it hopped onto Ai's chest, snuggling its head into it. Ai immediately flinched at the contact the Appmon made with her chest, but relaxed once she saw the affection that Appmon was giving her, not being able to help herself from smiling. While she hadn't expected the Appmon to display affectionate gestures and talk to her soothingly, it was not unwelcomed. In fact, she wondered if she even deserved it. What did the Appmon see in her to come and help her shake away her fears of the immediate danger she was still in? As Ai pondered over these doubts, the Appmon in her arms shook her out of her torrent thoughts with its gentle voice.

"My name is Flickmon," the Appmon answered with a reassuring smile as it looked back up at Ai. "And I am your buddy Appmon."

"B-buddy Appmon?" Ai questioned, as she widened her eyes, not believing what she just heard. It couldn't be true. The Appmon in her arms couldn't have possibly been her partner. It seemed like it was all just a fabrication that her mind made up to help her deal with the situation she was in. And yet, the more Ai continued to look at Flickmon, the more she realized the Appmon was telling the truth. Flickmon was her partner.

And Ai didn't know whether or not she wanted that to be true.

As Ai tried to process Flickmon's revelation, she let her gaze fall to the floor, only to find a glowing white device with Flickmon's name flashing on it. Near it sat a blue wristband that she instantly recognized. She narrowed her eyes as she set Flickmon down and went to grab the wristband first with her hand. She knew what it was. It was a Seven Code Band, the same wristband Haru and the others wore that allowed them to store their Appmon chips and communicate with one another.

With hesitance, Ai placed the band on her wrist and let her gaze fall onto the device still on the floor. She didn't have to pick them up to see it more closely to understand what it was. She had seen the exact same device in Yuujin's hand's plenty of times, except it wasn't purple like Yuujin's. The white device on the floor was an Appli Drive DUO. Once Ai picked up the device, a rush of tingling warmth jolted up through her hand from the device, spreading to the rest of her body. In fear, Ai released the device as it clattered to the ground, eyeing it with a mixture of fear and awe. She was afraid to acknowledge it, but the device had responded to her touch. It had to mean it was hers, which was really all the confirmation she needed to wash any doubt she had left of what Flickmon had told her. She was an Appli Driver.

And yet, why was there still doubt lingering in her mind?

"I see you got a present from Minerva."

Ai felt her body stiffened, instantly recognizing the voice. She whirled her body around, seeing Vegasmon on the counter above her with a menacing grin plastered on her face. Ai felt her body crawl back in response, hitting the wall behind her with her back. As she tried to look for any chance to escape, Ai caught Vegasmon grinning even more at her display of fear, as if she was enjoying the idea of torturing even further. Ai felt her limbs began to shake at the idea and quickly tried to steady her breathing. It was almost near impossible for her to think about, but she knew she had to be brave. She couldn't let Vegasmon take delight in her pain and fear any longer.

But the second Vegasmon moved closer, Ai was surprised to see someone else taking action. Flickmon, her partner, stepped in front of Ai and growled at Vegasmon, revealing its razor-sharp fangs that resided in its tiny mouth.

"I will not allow you to harm my buddy any longer!" Flickmon growled, almost in a snarl. It placed one of its feet forward, raising its long ears above its body, almost as if it was trying to intimidate Vegasmon and ward her off.

Vegasmon gaped at Flickmon in silence for a few seconds before erupting in an outburst of cruel, mocking laughter. She doubled over in quick gasps of breath and pointy feebly at Flickmon in unstoppable giggles. Once she got some control over her outburst, Vegasmon lifted her head and wiped away the tears that gathered over the corner of her eyes as she smiled cruelly at Flickmon.

"This has to be the most amusing thing I have ever seen. What can you-" Vegasmon mocked as she pointed at Flickmon. "A tiny plush ball, hope to do against an Appmon that is far bigger and stronger than you? I mean, look at you! The only thing you have going is your fangs, but even that isn't enough. Good luck biting me to death! Your precious Appli Driver will be long dead before you even get the chance."

Vegasmon laughed at her own insult for a good few seconds before pausing in thought. She smirked and raised her hands, summoning black and red chips encased in flames.

"Look plush ball," Vegasmon said with honey in her voice that sent a shiver down Ai's spine. "I am feeling generous now. Since you gave me a good laugh, I'll let you hop off to wherever you came from. Minerva basically sent you to an early grave by sending you here. Just leave this human with me. I'll take good care of her. It's obvious you're too small for that job, so run off before I change my mind."

Ai wondered if Flickmon would take Vegasmon's offer. She didn't want to admit it, but Vegasmon was right. Flickmon was too small to take on Vegasmon, who towered over the tiny Appmon. She hated the very idea of it, but she didn't want Flickmon to die for her. She would rather protect the small Appmon and let it run away. She didn't want Flickmon to make an unreasonable sacrifice. She couldn't let her partner do that. It was unrightfully wrong to Ai.

"I will not run away!" Flickmon suddenly shouted, catching both Vegasmon and Ai in surprise. "My sole duty now is to protect my buddy from any harm and danger that awaits her. I will stand by her side in all fights she takes part in and it will start with this one. Besides, I could never leave her here with a lying crook like you!"

Vegasmon gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at Flickmon's insult, clenching her fists too hard. Her form exuded an animosity that was like acid- burning, slicing, and potent that was quickly beginning to make Ai even more fearful of what the Appmon was going to do. Vegasmon's face was red with rage and it was evident that Vegasmon was going to direct that rage on her and Flickmon.

"Fine..." Vegasmon muttered through gritted teeth. She raised her hand and let it fall forward in command.

"Then die alongside with your pathetic partner!"

With strength she thought she no longer had, Ai quickly scooped Flickmon into her arms and grabbed her Appli Drive. She scrambled to move to the side, just barely managing to miss Vegasmon's attack. However, before she could recover, she realized that more flaming chips were headed down towards her, much faster than she had anticipated. Ai bit her tongue and dodged once more to the side. She felt her wounded ankle protest at the movement she made with it, but she continued to dodge each chip aimed at her. Her chest ached, her arms lost tension, and her legs began to weaken. And yet, Ai continued to dodge every incoming attack. She didn't have any other idea what else she could do at that sudden.

Suddenly, a sudden gush of pain jolted through Ai's other ankle, forcing her to kneel down in agony. She barely pushed her body to dodge another incoming chip coated in flames, but not before it slightly making contact with her arm, burning her. Ai wanted to scream in pain, but the thought of satisfaction it would give Vegasmon only made her stay silent. What she couldn't stop was the cascade of tear that had begun to appear in the corners of her eyes and slide down her cheeks.

The pain was unimaginable. Each poker chip that managed to make contact with her skin felt like scalding hot water being poured on her. The pain began to make Ai nauseous and she struggled to breathe and keep herself upright. Ai wanted to give up. She wanted everything to just disappear and be back with Haru and the others. She was afraid to continue any longer.

But the thought that Haru and the others dealt with this kind of pain on a daily basis was made Ai want to continue. She felt sick to her stomach that she thought she could understand Haru and the others when she never knew what they really had to deal with in an AR Field or even in Cyber Kowloon. What kind of friend was she to think she could understand what they really were going through when she had always been safe and sound in the real world?

Ai clenched her teeth and forced herself to stand back up despite how much her legs protested at the motion. She looked back up at Vegasmon, who only glared back at her with a scowl. Ai didn't shiver at Vegasmon's icy glare. In fact, she narrowed her eyes and felt her hand grip on her Appli Drive even tighter.

Now that Ai knew the pain Haru and the others dealt with, she wasn't going to run any longer. She wanted to help them, but the only way to do was for her to have an understanding of them. And thanks to Vegasmon, she did.

She finally could help her friends.

Suddenly, Ai's device began to glow, humming to life in her hand. Confused, Ai glanced down at it as it erupted in a wave of colors. Before she could question what her device was doing, a faint, but gentle voice echoed from the blue band on her wrist that seemed to make all the throbbing pain in Ai's body effortlessly decrease in waves.

"Kashiki Ai…"

Ai didn't understand why the gentle voice had spoken to her, but it was a voice so comforting and soothing that it made Ai generally smile. Even though it had only said her name, Ai knew the mysterious voice's real intention. It believed in her and wouldn't let her give up on herself. Now that she understood so much more of the world beyond her own, it was time for her to help those close to her. She couldn't be afraid any longer. Even though there were many doubts and fears still lingering on her mind, Ai now understood that she couldn't run away.

She had to stand her ground and fight.

Just as Ai decided this, Flickmon wiggled out of her arms and fell forward to the ground, turning back to Ai with an iron gaze. Ai widened her eyes but nodded. She felt her hand clenched tighter on her Appli Drive as the same female voice from her wristband whispered against her ears, telling her what to do. She held out her Appli Drive and press her thumb on the red circular button on the bottom of the device, initiating the sequence that would convert her life energy to power for her Appmon.

"Insertion: Me!" Ai called out as a ray of colors exploded from her Appli Drive.

She watched as one particular color, white, made its way to Flickmon, making the small Appmon's body glow brightly. Flickmon smiled as it began to feel the power surging through its body. It took a step forward and with confidence, called out its attack.


In response to its command, the squares on Flickmon's forward began to glow, soon spreading to its entire body. Its body began to fade to a pale white before soon changing to a radiant red. Just as quickly as the color of its body changed, Flickmon made no effort to wait to attack. Using its long ears, the Appmon launched itself from the floor to the sky as it narrowed its eyes on its enemy.

"Queen Wheel!" Flickmon shouted, summoning a wave of red and black chips coated in flames.

Vegasmon widened her eyes in shock as Flickmon sent the attack at her. She narrowly dodged some of the chips but hissed in pain when a few of them managed to meet its target. Staggering, Vegasmon fixed her icy glare on Flickmon, who had landed safely on the ground in front of Ai. She glared at Flickmon, livid with anger, wanting to destroy the tiny Appmon for managing to hit her, with her own attack none of the less.

"How?!" Vegasmon snarled through clenched teeth. "How did you copy my attack?! No other Appmon has that ability!"

Flickmon tilted it's head to the side and giggled, blissfully unaware of the purpose behind Vegasmon's question.

"I am Flickmon!" The Appmon answered with a carefree smile. "And that's all you need to know!"

With a wave of its ears, Flickmon summoned another wave of chips coated in scorching flames and sent them forward. Rather than being shocked, Vegasmon only narrowed her eyes in anticipation at the incoming chips and summoned chips of her own to counter Flickmon's attack. Both wave of chips collided with one another igniting an explosion that quickly enveloped all the occupants in the room in a thick cloud of smoke.

Ai coughed as the smoke began to enter her lungs, forcing her to double over and gasp for air. Her lungs heaved up and down, but no benefit came from it. The only thing that came from her effort to breathe was tightness in her throat. Ai felt her vision began to grow hazy from the effort it took to inhale fresh air. Her lungs screamed at her in fiery pain, but all she could do was cough. It hurt to keep fighting the dizziness that was making its way in her mind.

"Ai, follow me!" Ai vaguely heard in her fit of coughing. She felt something warm grasp on her wrist as it pulled for her to move.

Even though her body protested at the idea of moving, Ai forced herself to stand back up straight. She knew who had called out to her and grabbed onto her wrist. Flickmon was trying to help her. Her mind registered that fact, despite all the throbbing in her chest. Ai knew all she could do was put her trust in her Flickmon.

She felt Flickmon pulled her forward at a fast pace. Even though each movement made Ai's lungs throb even more, she could tell Flickmon was being considerate of her. Rather than pulling her forward in an aggressive way, Flickmon was pulling her with delicacy. The two of them were still in danger, and yet, Flickmon was considerate of Ai's pain. Ai couldn't help but smile in gratitude as she realized what Flickmon was doing for her.

Once the two made it out of the cafe building, Ai allowed her body to slump to the ground from the exhaustion of fighting for fresh air. In a daze, she heard Flickmon calling out to her, but whatever the small Appmon said was too muffled for her to make out. Even so, Ai understood the urgency of the situation, but it hurt to move. She could feel her ribs heaving up and down as fresh air entered her lungs, but it couldn't stop the exertion it took to find that fresh air.

"Please Ai, you have to stand up." Ai heard Flickmon say in a tone of haste mixed with worry.

Ai furrowed her eyebrows at Flickmon's plea. Her mind was becoming too cloudy and everything seemed out of focus, but for a reason she couldn't understand, Ai's body responded to Flickmon. She pulled herself off from the floor and allowed Flickmon to take hold of her wrist with her ear. Flickmon pulled her forward carefully, but with each step, Ai began to move at a quicker pace.

Just as the two made their way across the end of the street from the cafe, a loud explosion echoed from behind them. The two turned seeing Vegasmon standing over a pile of rubble in front of the cafe's door. Vegasmon glared at two with eyes burning with hate and vengeance. She scowled as she raised her hand with her fingers outstretched towards them.

"And where do you two you're going?" Vegasmon seethed. "We haven't finished our game yet, Flickmon. I hate it when participants leave in the middle of a game. Especially when I'm ready to take a bet on their life."

Flickmon smiled, completely ignoring the malice in Vegasmon's threat on its life, and let go of Ai's hand. It took a step forward, its eyes twinkling with confidence. "You can try Vegasmon, but why play a bet that's not going to be in your favor? Unfortunately, you are going to lose your own game."

"And how do you know that?!" fumed Vegasmon as her face turned red with suppressed rage.

"Because Ai and I are not alone!"

Just as Flickmon joyfully made her answer, a shout echoed from behind Vegasmon that the jester Appmon instantly recognized. She turned, wide-eyed in shock, as Logimon raced forward with the palm of his hand pointed at Vegasmon. His hand began to glow a vivid blue as he called out his attack.

"Logi plasma!"

A ray of blue plasma completely enveloped Vegasmon, leaving her no time to react to move to the side. All that could be heard from within the beam of light was Vegasmon's screams of pain that continued to get quieter with each passing second. When the light finally dissipated, Vegasmon's felt her body crashed to the ground, just barely able to catch herself with her hands. She heard footsteps from her right and looked up in a daze, her eyes bearing straight into Logimon's. She allowed a cruel smirk to form on her face.

"I see you've finally arrived." Vegasmon heaved weakly. "Took you long enough. I was just beginning to loathe this game. It's no fun without the main participants."

Logimon narrowed his eyes and raised his hand at Vegasmon, allowing it to charge up as it began to glow blue once more.

"Why did you take Ai? What was your intention?" Logimon questioned, bringing his hand closer to Vegasmon's face.

Vegasmon laughed, ignoring the fact that she was being threatened by Logimon, and smirked. "I just wanted a good game with you and Haru. Although too bad it will be my last. Oh, but don't worry. There are going to be far better games to be played by you and your precious Appli Drivers in the future."

Vegasmon paused and with a smile, raised her hand at Logimon's outstretched hand, and grabbed on to it. "Say Logimon, how about we make a bet. Let's see if you and Minerva's followers can survive what's going to come. There are greater threats than me and they will stop at nothing to make sure their goals are met and will dispose of anyone that gets in their way. As far as I'm concerned, you won't survive, but hey, if a tiny plush ball can surprise me, then you and your precious Appli Drivers might just stand a chance."

Before Logimon could respond to Vegasmon's odd choice of words, she launched forward with her body and pushed him away. With a wave of her hand, Vegasmon summoned a swarm of flaming black and red chips over her head. Regaining his footing, Logimon looked up, shocked as Vegasmon had her hand not pointed at him, but instead at her chest. She smirked at him and turned her head to Flickmon, staring straight at the Appmon with a malicious glint in her eyes.

"I guess you are right, plush ball," Vegasmon said with a sneer. "Looks like all bets are off for me. Queen's Wheel!"

Both Logimon and Flickmon widened their eyes at Vegasmon's real intention and moved to stop the Appmon's attack, but it was too late. Before they could even reach her, the wave of chips above her raced down at her and struck, coating her body in flames that quickly devoured her. When the flames finally died down, all that was there to greet them was Vegasmon's Appmon Chip, but even then, no one moved to take it. Everyone was shocked at the idea that Vegasmon had effortlessly ended herself with no remorse.


Ai blinked and forced herself to look away from the still chip that laid on the ground to the direction that the voice called her from, seeing Haru and Yuujin running towards her with their Appmon in tow. She moved to lessen the distance between them, only finding herself stumbling forward, not being to walk coherently. She gritted her teeth as she fell forward, but was surprised to find that a pair of hands had caught her. She looked up as she saw Haru staring at her with a worried gaze, asking her questions that were much too muffled for Ai to understand. No, all she could focus on was his eyes, which somehow, broke the dam that had been threatening to break far too long ago inside her.

Ai felt the tears burst forth, spilling down her face as the muscles of her chin trembled. Realizing that she was crying, Ai immediately tried to cover her face from the others as the salty tears continue to fall from her chin. She wanted to hide, feeling nothing but embarrassment for her outburst. However, she felt gentle hands grasped onto her shoulders and pulled her forward to their chest. She froze as the hands gently caress her head and finally allowed herself to relax. She allowed the salty tears to continue to fall as she clutched at the person in front of her, pulling them closer for comfort so that she could press her he head into their chest.

Ai knew who had pulled her forward and was grateful more than anything for having Haru there to comfort her. It was painful seeing what Vegasmon had done to herself, and yet, Ai didn't understand why Vegasmon had done it. She didn't understand how an Appmon could end themselves so effortlessly with their own attack. It was as if Vegasmon knew that her part was finished and that the only way to leave the stage was by ending herself.

It wasn't right and Ai hated that she couldn't do anything to stop Vegasmon. Even though Vegasmon had tried to kill her, Ai never held ill intent for her. In fact, all Ai could feel was pity and remorse for the jester Appmon. Despite how much the jester Appmon had brought harm to her, nothing could compare to the pain of knowing that Ai couldn't do anything to save Vegasmon when the Appmon had directed her own attack on herself. Ai was just too weak to move and save her.

With tears flowing from her eyes, Ai trembled as she began to realize the true terror and horror of the war Haru and the others were facing.

A war that she was now part of.

A/N: Flickmon's design can be viewed online. I understand that its ability is far different from what I've written here and that's because, for this story's sake, Flickmon is stronger and more useful. Flickmon is a flick Appmon and can be any type of Appmon like entertainment or social. Through brainstorming, I realized why not use that information and allow Flickmon to tap into other's Appmon digital codes and mimic their abilities and type to "flick" their attacks right back. Even though it is a Standard Appmon, Flickmon can flick any other grade Appmon's attack back as long as it gets a chance to mimic their digital coding, which makes it a strong Appmon despite its appearance. However, there will be drawbacks from using this ability against higher grade Appmon that will be explored the further this story progresses. And because Flickmon cannot evolve to a higher grade, the significance of its ability will be much more important in the future.