Chapter 10: The Legacy's Return
Sorry it's taken so long, but here's the next chapter!
IMPORTANT: Just want to point out that I've decided to do an age shift as there is no way that an eleven year old, no matter who they are raised by, would be as eloquent as Harry is. Therefore, in this story, the age for first year in Hogwarts is 15 (equivalent of year 10 in the UK), with an optional "primary" school, available for muggleborns and pure bloods alike that covers the non-magic related basics of wizarding life, such as writing skills with quills, wizarding history, and other similar skills from the age of 11 to 14. Chapter 6 has been changed accordingly. With that cleared up, on with the story!
There was a subdued mood blanketing the Great Hall of Hogwarts. The ever-present buzz of conversation remained, but it was dampened by the disturbing events of the previous week. The Potters remained inconsolable, though Iris was affected the most – just when she thought her brother was back, he disappeared again, and the same people were responsible. It wasn't the first magical renouncement, and none of the previous examples had resulted in the death of the victim so she was comforted by that. However, all reported occurences had resulted in the Her parents. She would ensure that they suffered for this, and as she noticed a familiar pair of red headed twins, she knew who's help she would get. Lily and James wouldn't know what hit them…
Upon their arrival at the Gryffindor table, Fred and George Weasley were ambushed by a girl with copper coloured hair. Iris wanted payback, and, surprising themselves, they realised that they would do everything they could to help her. Neville Longbottom silently witnessed the devious looks shooting periodically from the trio to the head table and almost felt sorry for the Potters. Almost. He leaned forwards and spoke,
"Hey George, remember that if that hellebore is ingested raw, there can be some… interesting side effects."
George looked ecstatic.
"Neville," he said, "you are a genius."
Neville gave a feral grin.
"Happy to help."
As it turns out, the 'interesting side effects' included the complete inability to speak, and there was no cure – the victims were forced to endure the effects until the plant ran its course. It was quite fitting, as rash, hasty words started the mess in the first place. With the aid of the house elves, five drinks were contaminated and the three 'quiet days' began. On the third, a regal looking peregrine falcon landed at the Gryffindor table, with a letter for Iris.
Dear Iris,
I apologise for my recent departure from Hogwarts, as I am sure it must have been quite a shock for you. I do not regret my choice but it was still painful, and I have not yet fully recovered. After the unpleasant circumstances that I found myself in last week, it may surprise you to find out that I fully intend to return after my recovery, however I will not be coming back as a student. We are on the brink of war, Iris, and every second we spend is an advantage for the enemy. Voldemort will return, it will happen soon and when it comes, he will be more powerful than ever. I have enclosed another letter for Dumbledore, as he must be made aware of the situation we find ourselves in.
Anyway, serious stuff aside, let's talk about lighter things! How's life been for the past seven years? Any cool interests, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners or anything else worth mentioning? I've missed out on so much and I want to catch up with my twin sister! Alfie (Alpharius is a bit of a mouthful) will wait for your reply but feel free to take your time – he's a patient bird. Sorry again for worrying you.
Your brother,
(sod the titles)
As he had mentioned, there was another envelope addressed to Albus Dumbledore and after Iris had finished reading, Alfie gave an affectionate nuzzle into her hand before flying over to the head table. When Dumbledore took his own letter, Alfie returned to her. Absently stroking his head feather, she contemplated the letter she had just received – her brother was alive! At that thought she couldn't contain her happiness any longer and a broad grin stretched across her face. Fred noticed this.
"Hey Iris, what's got you so happy?"
She handed him the letter, and soon enough he understood, although his face tightened at the first half of the letter, especially the news of Voldemort's imminent return. At least Harry seemed to have it sorted.
Albus Dumbledore watched the curious bird that landed before Miss Potter in puzzled interest. Falcons were notoriously difficult birds to tame, as they were able to sense magic and most perceived it as a threat. For a wizard to tame one, they had to patiently introduce the bird to magic, starting with a full month magic free, then steadily increasing the amount of magic used as time went on. In rare cases, an advanced bond would form between the bird and the owner too.
His surprise in increased when the perigrine approached him, and still confused, he took the letter that the bird offered. He noted that the falcon then returned to Iris. Curious…
The headmaster opened the letter.
Dear Albus Dumbledore
Despite Lily Potter's best efforts, I regret to inform you that I am very much alive. Sorry about that. As you probably know, Voldemort is not dead. However, you may not know his method of 'immortality'. Using the extensive libraries at my disposal, I have managed to reduce his possible methods down to a list of three.
1. Horcruxes. This is an obvious possibility, but I doubt that this is the route Riddle took. I believe that he would consider the loss of humanity, permanent disfigurement and high likelihood of death a risk too high for any potential results.
2. The fountain of eternal life. Similar to the fountain of youth, this fabled substance is believed to grant the drinker immortality. While I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to find it, all of the legends agree that to find it, your intentions must be good and your heart must be pure. Let's be honest, that's not really describing Voldemort, is it?
3. This is the concerning one. While looking through some of the darker books in my library, I came across a horrific ritual. It includes the killing and mutilation of ten magicals, one from each decade (age 1-10, 10-20, 20-30 and so on up to 100) in return, the caster has the multiplied life force added to their own, though there is a dark taint attached to the stolen energy. With this method, he could prolong his life by hundreds of years, and his raw power will be greater than any other person. I believe that this is the method he plans to use, because the book I found this ritual in previously belonged to the Gaunts and the title of this method is underlined, and an age detecting charm placed it in the past ten years.
Despite the incident that happened last week, I refuse to let my anger cloud my judgement so reluctantly, I ask for your help. Combining our knowledge and power is the only way he could be brought down. I will return to Hogwarts this week, and I look forward to working with you so we can eradicate the stain on our society that calls itself Voldemort.
Harry Emrys