Hello there! I'm back!
This is a story that came to me after I had the privilege of stumbling across a tale called Capture The Queen by ValkyrieLM, who had the amazing brainchild of writing our beloved dwarves as big, strong, sexy Vikings. That inspired me to write my own version of such an intriguing idea, and with her generous approval, this is the result. Now...being Vikings, our dear boys might act out of character from time to time, but you KNOW they are all gentlemen at heart. Deep down. DEEP, DEEP down. ha ha.
Since there will be two languages spoken in this story from time to time, I put the much less used Saxon speech in italics. Where the Viking language (which I often based off of Danish) is in regular type. That way you will know which is being spoken without me having to say it every single time. I hope that is not too confusing. Also, when you see this ~XXX~ that means it's a flashback.
Disclaimer: I own nothing relating to the Hobbit. I will attempt to be historically accurate whenever possible, but mostly this is written just for fun and my enjoyment only, so please don't judge me too harshly for taking artistic license. I intend no insult to Vikings, Saxons, or any other national group. In fact, I have no desire to offend ANYONE, so if you begin to read this, and don't like it...please stop, move on to something that makes you happy, and do so with my full blessing. Thank you.
©Copyright 2018
Chapter 1
Karoline Elizabeth Victoria Morgenstern stood on the bow of the ship and stared out at the open waters before her. The wind held a slight chill, turning her nose and cheeks a rosy shade of pink, yet she didn't mind. She had been raised by the sea, loving the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the smell of possible adventure. Kara, as her parents called her, had long desired to board a ship and sail to far off places, eager to learn what lay just beyond the horizon. And yet now, at the age of nineteen, this was the farthest she had ever been from her seaside home at Castle Morgenstern, on the shores of Bernicia.
"My lady, you should go below decks where it is warmer," came the polite voice of Sir Hunwald, aid and counselor to Lord Cedric of Anglia. It was this man she was sailing to meet, in fact, having been betrothed to him by her Uncle Edmond, the current Earl of her childhood home. "His Lordship would not be pleased should you take ill on your voyage to marry him, and I would be the one blamed."
"I actually find the temperature refreshing, Sir Hunwald," she assured him, giving the tall, thin man a comforting smile. The warm cloak she was wearing had a fur lined hood, offering Kara a great deal of protection from the elements. Her long dark hair was tied back in a tight braid, with only a few whips being tossed this way and that by the wind. "I am not the frail or weak sort, I assure you. Yet, do not concern yourself, I will go below soon enough. Just allow me a bit longer to taste the fresh air."
"As you wish, my lady," he told her with a bow of his head, walking away and leaving the woman to her thoughts.
Kara turned her eyes back to the sea, recalling the events that had brought her to this…a situation she was not entirely pleased with.
She had been raised as the only child of Earl Victor and Lady Elizabeth Morgenstern of Bernicia, and been allowed to run free and pursue whatever studies she desired, from horseback riding, to mathematics, and everything in-between. Kara had always had a thirst for knowledge, and would pester any who would sit still long enough to teach her something. She had loved her parents dearly, and they her, and no young girl could have been more content.
Her Uncle Edmond, her father's younger brother, seemed to pop in and out of their lives at regular intervals when she was a child. Yet, Kara had always been wary around him, for his tone harsh and cruel nature caused her to avoid him whenever he came to the castle. Her mother said it was because Edmond had lost the woman he loved, only weeks before the two were meant to marry. And while Kara could now understand the devastating pain of loss, back then she was confused by how someone could be so bitter and angry.
Still, Victor and Elizabeth welcomed Edmond with open arms, making allowance for his temperamental attitude. Always saying that not only was he family, and had been through a difficult time, but that they owed him a great debt, one they could never repay.
Yet, when her father had met his untimely end during a hunting accident, passing from this world to everyone's great sorrow, Edmond took over as the Earl of Morgenstern. Kara and her mother were permitted to retain their place within the castle, yet all power and wealth had been stripped from them and passed on to Edmond. Those were difficult times for everyone, since not only were they mourning the loss of a husband and a father, they were having to adjust to all the changes that Edmond insisted upon once he had taken over. Lady Elizabeth and Kara did their best to continue good relations with the tenants and farmers that worked the land, but little by little, Edmond had forced both of them out of all aspects of dealing with the people.
Kara did not care one lick for Edmond's attitude, or the way he dealt harshly with those of their lands, but Lady Elizabeth had begged her not to interfere, to let him do things his own way and not make waves. And as Lady Elizabeth grew more and more frail, young Kara was consumed with caring for her mother, leaving no time for much else.
Yet what had come as a huge shock to her, was the day Lady Morgenstern had sat her down and given her a warning that had turned her young world upside down.
"Do not trust your Uncle Edmond, Kara," she had whispered quietly, making sure that no one could overhear their conversation. "Never allow yourself to be alone with him, or let him lure you away by yourself."
"What?" Kara was confused by this. She didn't care for her uncle, but she wasn't sure what her mother was getting at. "Why?"
"Because, my dear…I have seen how he looks at you lately, and it frightens me," she stated, her voice cracking slightly at the admission.
"But…but he's my uncle! He wouldn't dare!" the young girl balked, the idea repulsing her.
"No…he is not your uncle, Kara, at least not by blood, and it is time you knew the truth," her mother told her, reaching up as she smoothed down her lovely raven locks.
The truth turned out to be more horrible than Kara could possibly imagine, for over the next hour she not only learned that the man and woman who had raised her were not her birth parents, but that it was Edmond who had found Kara and brought her to them.
"Your father and I tried for years to have children, but it had been futile," Lady Elizabeth lamented. "We had finally resigned ourselves to being childless, but one day, Edmond rode up to the castle carrying a small bundle in his arms. He never said where you came from, or how he came by you, and to be honest, I didn't care. I fell in love with you the moment I saw your beautiful blue eyes and your adorable little smile, and we accepted you as our own from that day on. Your father and I were indebted to Edmond, and even now, only one or two loyal servants remain who know that you are not our child by birth. Yet, over the years, Edmond changed…becoming cold and angry, and I no longer trust him, especially since you are not of his blood."
"But if I am not your true daughter…who's child am I?" Kara demanded, the tears streaming down her cheeks nearly blinding her.
"I do not know, but please realize that I couldn't have loved you more if I had birthed you myself," Lady Morgenstern confessed. "I always assumed you were a foundling child, or perhaps an orphaned peasant…I never dared ask. Yet now with your father gone, you and I are dependent on Edmond's good will, and because he alone knows the truth about everything, I want you to stay out of his way - do not anger him, and never allow yourself to be alone with him."
"I…I won't, Mother," she nodded, feeling her heart break slightly as she used the parental title for the woman who had raised her. As far as Kara was concerned, Lady Elizabeth would always be her mother…but now she was left with a gaping hole in her past, one she feared she would never be able to fill. Where had she come from? Who were her parents? What happened to them, and how did she come to be raised a Morgenstern?
And to this day, Kara still had no answers. Her beloved mother had passed on only six months ago, leaving her alone in the world, with only her estranged uncle as her guardian. Thankfully, Edmond had never attempted anything Lady Elizabeth had warned her about, keeping his distance and treating Kara as if she were no more worthy of his time than any of the servants.
He was a secretive man, always meeting with some strange character or another, going off for days at a time without telling anyone where, or when, he would be back. Kara became used to his oddities, but little did she know that his vile schemes would soon surround her like a dark cloak of evil. It all came to a head when Edmond called her into his study only a month ago and told her of the marriage contract he had arranged with Lord Cedric of Anglia, practically selling her off for the promise of an alliance, both military and economic. Kara was stunned, unable to comprehend how drastically her life was about to change. Yet, as Edmond's ward, she had little choice but to obey, fearing if she didn't comply he could easily reveal her true background and toss her out, penniless and without protection.
So, here she was, sailing off to meet her soon-to-be husband. Kara prayed that Lord Cedric was a good and fair man, and even if he might not be anything to look at, she would do her best to be a good wife…just as long as he was kind to her. Her mother had been very detailed in explaining the duties expected of her when she one day wed, and while her parents had an exceptional marriage, Kara knew that not all women were as lucky. Still, anything had to be better than living under the thumb of her uncle…or at least she hoped so.
Letting her fingers slip below the neck of her dress, she pulled out the gold pendant that had once belonged to her father. It had been a parting gift from her mother, and bore the Morgenstern crest upon it, denoting her lineage and status as the daughter of an Earl. It was all she had been allowed to take from her former home, Edmond denying her much else besides a trunk full of clothing. And Kara figured her uncle had only conceded to that so she would not appear a pauper to her new husband. Still, she had her memories and the love she had been raised with, and along with the pendant, they were enough.
They would have to be.
Not as far away as one might think, two Viking ships cut through the waters, heading home from a successful raid on Saxon soil. Fili Flinnson, of the village of Erebor, stood at the helm, feeling his blood course through him as his heart thrummed with pride. Like many of his kind, his blond hair was kept long, partially loose with some strands woven into intricate plaits befitting his people. His mustache had even grown long enough to sport two braids framing his mouth and reaching down to his neatly kept beard, both capped off with small metal clasps indicting his lineage and status. Fili was a warrior, a seasoned raider, and as the current Jarl's heir, he was destined to one day be the leader of his people.
His men had fought bravely, taking a great amount of spoil, and were now returning home victorious. Fili and the others had left Erebor alone, yet on the way back, they had come across another Viking ship, led by Halsten Iverson, of the Iron Hills, who had just finished a raid themselves. Fili had been invading foreign soil since the age of twelve, but even he was wise enough to know there was strength in numbers, and two ships were better in a fight than just one. So, they had agreed to sail back together, the two leaders having known each other for many years. Over the past fifteen summers, Fili had taken many lives, and acquired many scars, yet the young warrior had always been taught to wear such marks with pride. For a man without scars had not felt the hardship of life, nor the pain of battle…and Fili had felt both rather keenly.
At a young age he had lost his father during a raid, leaving him and his younger brother, Kili, to be raised by their mother and two uncles, Thorin and Frerin. As the Jarl of their clan, Thorin had proven to be the more exacting of the two, yet still conveying his affection for the lads as they grew. Their Uncle Frerin had been more jovial and light hearted, not being weighed down by the burdens of rulership. Still Fili and Kili loved them equally, learning and growing strong under their care.
Fili's face grew grim as he thought of his Uncle Frerin, the brave warrior who laid down his life many years past in valiant effort to save his fellow raiders. He had died a hero, and was undoubtedly feasting at the table of Odin in Valhalla. Frerin's death had hit both his mother and Uncle Thorin hard, as well as his now widowed aunt, Olane, who still resided in their village, serving as a healer to the people. She had left a week before Fili sailed, to aid neighboring Jarl Bard's wife during her birth, and planned to stay with them in Dale until the babe was born. It was believed that the Jarl's wife and child would not survive the ordeal, but Olane was an excellent healer, and if anyone could save them, it was her.
"Brother," came the voice of Kili, breaking Fili from his thoughts. And though his sibling was five years his junior, the dark haired warrior already stood a bit taller than his older brother. Yet, where Fili was broad shouldered and muscular, Kili was a bit more lanky, though no less strong in form. Still, it had long since been determined that he was more suited to the bow than an axe. Kili's hair was also like that of Thorin's, long and black as night, though he often found it difficult to keep a braid in for long, causing him to mostly wear it loose. Either way, it was a sharp contrast to his golden brother, the two looking as different as the sun and the moon. His wide smile and friendly nature made Fili think his sibling took after their Uncle Frerin, causing all to gravitate towards his energetic and likeable personality. "You have done well. The men are proud to follow you into battle…especially since we now return home both victorious and weighed down with silver."
"The Saxons are easy pickings," Fili laughed, slapping Kili on the shoulder affectionately. "They are no match for Viking steel. They were sheep to be fleeced."
"And what a load of wool we are taking back with us too," Kili grinned, gesturing to the treasure piled in the center of their boat.
"Much of this was earned by you as well, brother," Fili assured him. "You fought bravely, showing no fear in the face of your enemy, and not laying down your weapons until the last foe had fallen. Uncle will be proud of you when he hears of your valiant deeds."
"I'm just happy that our final raid of the season was so successful," Kili told his brother, blushing slightly at his words of praise. He had always looked up to Fili, doing all he could to be more like his older sibling. He couldn't recall his own father, Flinn, but everyone said that Fili was the spitting image of the noble Viking who had sired him. Yet, it was their Uncle Thorin whom he longed to impress, and hopefully he would be pleased with what the two brothers had accomplished on this raid. "It will be a harsh winter this year, if the old wives' tales about the trees are any indication, and the silver we acquired will go a long way in buying supplies to fill empty bellies during the cold months."
"Aye, that it will." Fili was no stranger to the biting chill of winter, and he knew that each year the snow and ice took the lives of many of the old and the weak. However, what they brought home with them would do much to stave off that possibility, and care for those in need this season. It would be at least another six months, or more, before they could go raiding again, and Fili hoped what they had gathered would be enough.
"It's true, lads, we did collect a fine spoil," came the gruff voice of Dwalin, weapons master and shield brother to their Uncle Thorin. "Yet, might there be room for a little more?"
Fili looked over at Dwalin, noting the wicked looking grin on the warrior's bearded face. He was a burly man, with arms the size of small trees and a shaven head that bore a number of inked Norse runes, boasting of his victories in battle. His nose looked to have been broken several times and a scar ran from the side of his temple to just below his right eye, yet thankfully leaving no permanent damage to the orb. He also had a chunk taken out of his right ear, and while he loved telling the story of how he acquired such a battle scar, every time he told the tale, it was not only different, but more wild and unbelievable. This led some to suspect that either the true story was too embarrassing, or he was simply too drunk at the time to recall how it actually happened himself.
"And what might you mean by that?" Fili questioned, intrigued by the idea of returning with more than expected.
"Have a look for yourself," Dwalin offered, pointing over the waves in a northward direction.
Fili did as he was told, shading his eyes against the noonday sun as his own lips curled into a wide smile to match the bald warrior's. For there, just coming into view was a large Saxon ship sailing straight for them, full sails and looking ripe for the picking. It was not something a sea-wolf could easily resist, and Fili had to agree…there was always room for more treasure.
"Bring out the oars," Fili ordered. "Signal Halsten, we will flank her on both sides and take her down. No sense in letting her simply pass by…right?"
"Aye!" Dwalin agreed, turning to carry out his orders.
Kara had just decided that she had enough fresh air and turned to head below when the warning bell on the ship began to clang, signaling that danger was approaching. So far, they had not encountered any other vessels on their voyage, but now as Kara stared south, she could see that their luck had run out. Granted the ship carried two dozen strong soldiers sent by Lord Cedric, but as she watched the Viking ships emerge from the mist on an icy wind, she could see that the sight of them froze the hearts of the men around her.
The longboats were just as others had often described: swift, deadly, and bore the intimidating carved head of some beast upon their bow. There were round shields placed on the sides, yet as she watched, Kara could see that the men aboard were hefting them onto their arms, ready to use them in defense of the arrows she was sure the soldiers would soon be aiming at them. Yet, what most caught her attention was the red sail of the left ship, which bore a unique emblem. From her vantage point, it looked to be a crown, with a hammer and anvil beneath it, and seven stars above. She had no idea what it meant, but it still sent shivers down her spine at the sight of it.
"My Lady!" Sir Hunwald called, rushing to her side and taking her by the arm. "You need to get below, now!" And pulling her behind him, he led her to the lower decks, urging her to the farthest point at the stern of the boat. "Here, position yourself between these crates where it is safest," he instructed, making sure there were thick walls of protection on every side of his sworn charge. "And take this," here he handed her his own sword, pressing it into her hands with a look of fear. "Do not be afraid to use it…even on yourself if needs be, my lady. These are Vikings, they will show no mercy, and should we fail to defeat them, I would not see you fall into their vile hands. Be brave, Lady Morgenstern…even in the face of death." And with that, he was gone, racing back above to aid those in the battle.
Kara sat on the cold wooden planks, the only barrier between her and the cold sea below, her hands shaking with fear as she listened to the shouts of the men above her. Would they prevail? Would the soldiers of Lord Cedric defeat the Northman raiders she had heard so much about, yet never been unfortunate enough to encounter…until now?
Not knowing what was about to happen, Kara removed the gold medallion she wore around her neck and tucked it securely in a secret pocket sewn into the folds of her underskirt. The treasured memento was the only thing she had left of true value…besides her honor. And Kara Morgenstern was determined to come out of this with both in her possession.
Her thoughts strayed to her home back in Bernicia, recalling how sheltered she had once been, living under the protection of her father and his brave soldiers. However, thanks to her Uncle Edmond, she had now been thrown to the sea-wolves, or so it would appear. Kara had heard many horrible stories about the blood-thirsty Vikings, the men - and if one could believe such things, even women - from the cold lands to the north-east, who braved the icy waters to land on Saxon soil to pillage and plunder…and take people back as their slaves. Well, that would not be her fate, not if she could help it! And gripping the sword in her hand tightly, Kara prepared for the fight of her life.
And there you have it, chapter one of our adventure. I would love to hear what you think so far.
Will Fili storm the ship? Will Kara remain undiscovered? Tune in for the next chapter and find out!
And do go check out "Capture The Queen" by ValkyrieLM here on Fan Fiction. It is not finished yet, but is being updated regularly, and WELL worth the read. (please note, hers has a bit of strong language and some smut scenes, where my story will only be smut-light. ha ha)