Merry Christmas

and have

a Happy New Year

Chapter .4.

Harry walks out of the forest tired but happy with his work. He had gotten the Centaurs and Unicorns to safety. And earned a powerful alliance and friends.

He looks at Hogwarts which he heard about when he was young. When he was young he did imagine he would maybe go there too school. He imagined taking the classes his Dad and Mum did and seeing if he was his parents son in school. But that had all been dashed nearly a decade ago with his fathers banishment and his ascension to Crown Prince of Asgard.

Now he had more duties then he even dreamt of having this early. He had filled the role of Crown Prince when he saw his Grandfather was wearily with not having an heir. And his other siblings where younger then him and he would never put them in position to rule. So up practiced what to do and went before the Court of Asgard and offered his services as temporary Crown Prince of Asgard and Odin's Right Hand Man. He remembers the looks of pride he got not only from his Grandfather, but his Grandmother, and Mums.

His Grandfather had accept his offer and Harry hadn't really seen peace since them. But he didn't regret his decision it was an honour to be the Crown Prince and Commander of the Asgardian Army. He was trained within a year of his declaration to be a proper Crown Prince. To use all weapons. He was even given a Godly title way before he was meant to get one so he would be respected throughout the Nine Realms.

But all that didn't stop him wondering what would have happened if his father and uncle hadn't been so foolish. But there was nothing he could do about it.

He had already tried to help and nudge them in the right direction but they didn't take his nudges. Or when he was disguise his advice. He was the God of Redemption but he couldn't get his father or uncle or the Warriors three to earn redemption yet. But as the God of Redemption he wouldn't give up. But he had to obey his Grandfathers laws.
As he walks up into the Castle he saw it was pretty busy with his guards checking everyone's belongings and arms.

The Castle basically calls to him and he hears a voice.

"My Prince I am the Heart of Hogwarts. How may I serve the heir of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw?" the Castle asks him

Harry raises an eyebrow he had heard the Castle was sentiment and this just proved it.

"My Lady Hogwarts. Who you do me the favour of telling me how many Marked Death Eaters are in your Halls?" Harry thinks to her

"There are 34 your Highness. Including a staff member", the Castle replies

"A Staff member?" Harry asks angrily

"Yes my liege. He teaches potions. But he belates the students and doesn't grade fairly", the Castle tell him

"What is his name?" Harry asks

"Severus Tobias Snape, my liege, the Heir and last of his line of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Prince. But there is more to it then that", the Castle tells him

"I will deal with this my Lady. Could you give me the names of the other Marked Death Eaters?" Harry asks

"Of course my liege", the Castle replies

A piece of Parchment floats down to him with a list of names.

"I have added families with known ties to Tom Riddle or have known Dark Marks", the Castle replies

"Thank you deeply my Lady. This might never well have lives", Harry thinks to her

"Anything you request will be given my liege. But at the moment your guards are having an argument with Dumbledore, your father and others about Professor Snape", the Castle tells him

"Thank you my Lady. And Thor is not my father till he proves himself worthy once again", Harry replies

"Of course. The laws of Asgard were held in high esteem with the Founders. Too bad the previous Headmasters took out the Books on Asgard. So the knowledge was lost to the Generations", the Castle tells him

"That will be sorted out. Please watch over everyone and inform my immediately if there is trouble", Harry orders

"It will he as you say my Prince", the Castle responds before going silent.

He goes to were the Castle told him his guards were arguing and he worked until he heard raised voices.

"He is working to help the Light", he hears Dumbledore say

"He has the Mark he can't go", Harry hears his solider say

"I might hate to say this but Snape is doing his part", Harry hears his father say

"It is not up too me. You haven't given a good enough reason for his Dark Mark", his guard says

"We can't say but you can trust us", Dumbledore replies firmly

"It is not your call Headmaster. The Allfather and Crown Prince have spoken and their words are law", the guard replies firmly

Harry sighs hearing their argument he would have to intervene with this before it got out of hand. He sees a couple of his warriors had a Professor on the ground with a Dark Mark showing on his arm. Dumbledore, Thor, Loki, the Warriors Three, Avengers and Amelia Bones where all around too. Only Madam Bones wasn't saying a word.

"Enough!" Harry booms in his Crown Prince voice

Everyone turns to him. But only his guards bow to him it respect.

"It is good to see you safely back Harry my boy", Headmaster Dumbledore says his eyes twinkling

Harry feels Dumbledore trying to get into his mind. But Harry knew his mental shields wouldn't give to an amateur and weak wizard like Dumbledore. Dumbledore might be a Enchanter Three-Two. But Harry was a Arch-Mage Tier One and climbing to Tier Zero the highest level of magic. Called the Absolute Mage. So safe to say nobody could get into his mind without his permission. All but his Grandfather the Allfather.
"Headmaster your will address me as your Highness or Prince Harald. And I would kindly this time warn you to not try getting into my mind. The next time you try to if your unwise to do so you will get a nasty surprise", Harry warns Dumbledore coldly

"Of course your Highness", Dumbledore says bowing slightly

"What is going on here?" Harry asks calmly again

"Your Guards will not let Professor Snape come with us", Dumbledore tells him

"They have a good reason he has the mark", Harry states looking pointedly at the Dark Mark showing from the shredded sleeve of his cloak.

"But son I hate to say this he is helping", Thor tells his son

Thor hoped to get his son to talk to him. When Harry turned to him he wised Harry didn't. His eyes that were once filled with warmth were ice cold to him. And looked at him with indifference.
"How so?" Harry asks

"We can't say here", Loki tells his nephew not really effected by his nephews now cold eyes.

"Please your Highness we will vouch for him", Captain Steve Rogers tells the Prince

Steve couldn't match the boy they had all heard about from stories Thor, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three told them to this boy, no man. Because this was no boy standing in front of them. It was a man, a Crown Prince who Steve assumed was a master politician even at his age.

Natasha looks at the boy as Steve she could see the man that was standing there and not a boy. She could see he had fought battles and faced trials just by looking in his eyes. This man would be had to get on their side. Especially if he wasn't going to be friendly to his father or Uncle. Because all Harry down was ignore his father or Uncle or just gave cold replies. So Natasha knew they had work cut out for them.

Clint was thinking the same thing as Natasha he saw no boy here. And they were off on a bad start with Thor and Loki. As well as the Headmaster calling him by his nickname and addressing him as a boy. They would be lucky just to get to Asgard at the way there going. This man had the power to leave them all behind or take them and save them. Clint hoped everyone else would see sense of not angering a man that powerful.

Bruce was nervously watching on he didn't want to get involved in the conflict. Even with the calming draught in his system. He and the Hulk could feel the power radiating from the man. Bruce had been surprised that the Hulk had told him he would be challenging this man unless he had too. So that told Bruce that Harry, Thor's son was a very dangerous individual and someone that nobody should mess with.

Tony was smirking at the scene. He just couldn't see what the others did. This was just a boy what could be possibly do to them? The Avengers who were fully armed and had a Hulk! Not to mention the old wizard who knew more magic then Thor's kid could have possibly have learnt it his short time alive. So he knew they would come out on top.

Dumbledore was surprised when he couldn't get into Harry's mind and that he was threatened if he ever tried it again. He needed to convince the boy that Severus would be useful without blowing Severus cover. This boy couldn't possible understand what needed to be done for the Greater Good. He needed to get this boy on their side. He could do that. He wasn't know of the most powerful wizard alive for nothing.

Harry could see all the thoughts going through all their heads. They didn't even realise they were basically shouting them at him. Even Dumbledore's thoughts where easy to read for him. These fools didn't know who they were messing with.

"Office now. Captain Gordson with me. All the rest of you get back to your jobs. This is a list I want you too look at Lieutenant Morgson", Harry orders giving the list of Death Eaters to his Lieutenant.

"Yes your Highness", the guards say slapping to attention

His Captain Gordson begins to drag Snape to the Headmasters office. With Harry and the rest following behind them. Dumbledore and the others trying to stop this.

"There is not need for this my boy", Dumbledore tries to reason with him

Harry just ignores him now.

"You must see reason Mr Thorson-Potter", Dumbledore tells him

Harry spins around at that and his eyes turn dark making everyone shudder.

"Mr Dumbledore I am the Crown Prince of Asgard and you WILL address me as such. If you want to get to safety and no be left behind might I suggest a reality check or for you to. Remain. Silent. Before I reach my limit and leave you behind to face Voldemort and the others on your own", Harry growls at Dumbledore

Harry's wolves growled at the group too. Everyone couldn't help by taking steps back at how dark Harry's eyes had become now he was angry.

"Are we clear?" Harry breaths

They nod scared of what he might do.

"Trust me you haven't even seen my truly angry yet. Just keep that in mind next time you open your mouths", Harry warns them

He spins around and marches towards the Headmasters Office. Before Dumbledore could say the password one look from the Crown Prince and the gargoyle steps aside. Harry marches up the stairs with Captain Gordson dragging Snape behind him and the others trailing after them.

They were all soon in the office and the door behind them suddenly slams shut making many people jump.

"Now Mr Snape care to enlighten me on why I should allow you safe passage to Asgard despite the Allfathers degree?" Harry asks his voice deadly

"Nothing that concerns you Potter", Snape spits not happy with his treatment.

"Tisk. You are losing your chances Snape. Lady Hogwarts have already informed my of your treatment towards her students. So by all accounts that should add another strike to your record", Harry tells him shocking everyone

"Lady Hogwarts talked to you?" Dumbledore asks shocked

"Yes she did Headmaster", Harry confirms

"But how your Highness?" Madam Bones asks respectfully having being quiet till now

"I will allow the answer to that one Ma'am. You see besides being the Crown Prince of Asgard. I also have many other titles. But the ones your should be interested in are being the Lord of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw", Harry reveals to them

"Lord Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw?" Thor stutters not knowing how that happen

"Yes Mr Thor. I do believe I said that", Harry replies coldly

Thor winces at that tone. Harry turns back to the down Professor.

"So Mr Snape what do you have to say?" Harry asks

"He can't say nothing. It is too dangerous", Dumbledore protests

Harry could see Amelia was getting impatient and to tell you the truth he had enough of this. He was going to end this now.

Faster then anyone could have imagined Harry had snatched Snape's arm that held the Dark Mark and twisted it causing Snape to let up a surprised gasp. Then Snape feels it. He cries out in pain as his mental shield were shattered. ALL his memories played before him and to him that went to Harry.

Harry reviewed all the memories as his but up a shield top stop anyone from interfering. He was disgusted at some of the memories he got from Snape. He may had been an abused child and bullied by 'James Potter' and his friends. But that was not excuse for turned to evil magic.

What these witches and wizards didn't realise dark magic was not necessarily evil magic. There was a line there. The magical world and the Universe in General wasn't black and white it is what these Magical's hadn't learnt to understand yet.

Harry saw read as he sees Snape give the Prophecy to Voldemort then only beg Dumbledore to save Lily. But Harry DID see that Snape was trying to redeem himself. He was currently spying on the Dark Lord. And had oaths and vows binding him to Voldemort and to Dumbledore. This main was trapped between the two. No wonder he was such a bitter man and acted to way he did.

Harry could fix this easily. His domains would allow that. But could Harry take this man into his service to let this man earn Redemption? Harry wanted nothing to do with this man but he did see a person who made a foolish mistake and had tried to right it just to dig himself deeper into his grave. Literally. Harry could see this eventually killing this man.
"Severus Snape I grant you a temporary break from your oaths and vows. Do you wish of your own freewill to come into my service to earn your Redemption?" Harry booms in his God voice

The Others who had been trying to break the shield now looked at Harry in surprise. Severus looks at Harry he could feel the oaths and vows he was under giving him a break. It was like a breath of fresh air.

"What would I get out of it?" Severus asks

"Such a Slytherin. You would get realised from your oaths and vows made to Voldemort and Dumbledore. You would have the connection you have with Voldemort destroyed and replaced. You would ally yourself with me to seek your redemption, so in other words you would enter my service. Once I have felt you have reached the amount of Redemption your crimes tell me you need to achieve. I will realise you from my service and you will be free too live your life", Harry tells him

Severus looks at him shocked at what the boy…no man was offering him. Could he really do that? Could he be free from those manipulative bastards? But would the Prince's be any better. The deal sounded too good to be true.

Dumbledore was looking in shock at Harry. If Severus accepted this then the boy would ruin some of his plans. But the boy couldn't be that powerful could he?

Loki felt the power radiating of his nephew. He could feel that magic of gods working. How could his nephew become a God already? I took hundreds of years to earn those titles so how did Harald receive them?

Thor too felt the power of God magic. So his son had been given Godhood! And it normally took hundreds of years and his son achieved it in under a decade was incredible! He was so proud of his son. He wondered what his sons domains were?

Sif and the Warriors Three knew what the power meant and were shocked that the young Prince they once new had become a God with Domains within a decade. They would now have to watch their step around him.

"I accept your Highness", Severus decides deciding to trust the Asgardian Prince.

"Then I Crown Prince Harald of Asgard, God, Prince, Shield, Duke, Earl, Knight and Lord induct you into my service to earn redemption for your crimes against humanity. I dissolve all previous tries to others that would interfere with your service too me", Harry booms

Severus feels power run though him. He feels a few things snap inside of him. His arm was on fire. But it didn't hurt it felt…good.

After a minute everything calms down and Severus now realises he didn't have no binds on him anymore. He didn't feel any bond to Dumbledore or Voldemort. He looked at his arm and saw the Dark Mark had been replaced with a White Wolf and an Eagle with a sword and bow with them.

"That Severus Snape is my symbol. You will wear that mark till you have reached redemption. It will slowly disappear as you earn your way. Once it is gone I will fully realise you from my service. Serve me well Severus and don't do anything that would cause me to dissolve our agreement and sent you straight to my Cousin. Do you understand?" Harry asks softly

"Yes your highness", Severus replies bowing

"Good. Now we have much to do and only a few more hours to do it. Pack up your rooms Mr Snape. But before you too give a list of Death Eaters to my Captain. I won't all the information I can get", Harry orders

"As you wish", Severus replies respectfully moving to the Captain

"You shouldn't have done that. That would hurt our side", Dumbledore rebukes him

"That is not for you to decide Dumbledore. I suggest you get packing. We only have a few hours left. I suggest that too all off you", Harry replies casting a quick look at Thor and Loki before leaving the office with his wolves behind him.

"We're screwed if you don't start treating him with respect Headmaster", Loki tells him

"He has…", Dumbledore starts

"Headmaster the power you felt before was the power of the Gods using their domains. Asgardians who earn Godhood don't normally get grated it for hundreds of years. That display of power my nephew just showered was that he HAS domains after just less then TEN years of life. He is off now someone you wouldn't want to meet on a battlefield as the tests to receive Godhood and domains are hard and sometimes fatal. For him to get it so young says so much about my Nephew", Loki warns them

"So in other words he is like a prodigy?" Tony asks

Loki tilts his head, "You could stay that"

"So in other words don't piss him off", Clint summarizes


Harry left the office. He still had many things to do. But he knew those up in the Office now had a fair idea how powerful he was and his Uncle or Father would tell them what he did means.

So now that was sorted he needed to have a little chat with some house-elves and ghosts…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)