Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slit mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.


Harry was rescued from the Dursleys by his father Thor. But then when he was 9 Thor and Loki were banished to Midgard for their rash and childish actions. Harry ends up taking on all the duties his father and uncle would do…


Thor and Loki were outside number 4 Privet Drive. Thor hadn't seen his son in 2 years since his mortal body died. Thor and Loki go over and knock on the door. A woman answers and screams.

"Hello Petunia", Thor says looking like James

"Your dead", Petunia says

"No I am not. I would like my son", Thor says

"The freak is not here", Petunia says

"Liar", Loki says

"You you're the one her invaded New York", Petunia stutters

"I was controlled now we want my nephew", Loki says pushing into the house

Thor goes to check upstairs and Loki stays down. Thor comes back angrily.

"Where is he!?" Thor booms

Petunia points at the cupboard. Thor growls and goes over and wretches the door open and sees is son looking at him in fright his arm was clearly broken.

"It is ok son. Remember me?" Thor asks

"Daddy?" Harry asks

"Yes I have come for you. Will you come with me and your Uncle Loki?" Thor asks

"They won't come?" Harry asks

"No. But they will be punished but at a later date", Thor says

Thor could tell his son was small for a 3 year-old. And he was very scared. Thor holds out his arms for his son. Harry slowly goes into Thor's arms. Thor wraps his arms around Harry gently he wasn't putting his son down soon.

"Do you have anything you want?" Thor asks

"They didn't give me anything", Harry says in a small voice

"We will fix that", Loki says

Harry stiffens.

"I am your Uncle Loki", Loki says

"It is alright son. Lets go", Thor says glaring at Petunia

"We will be back", Loki growls at her

They go to the front lawn.

"Hold on tight little one", Thor says to his son

"HEIMDALL!" Loki yells

They were sawing through the skies and Harry thought it was really pretty with want he was seeing. Suddenly they land and Harry sees a tall dark skinned man with gold eyes.

"Welcome back my Princes. Welcome to Asgard Prince Harald", Heimdall says

"This is Heimdall, Harry he is our gate keeper and nothing gets past him", Thor says softly

"Hi", Harry says shyly

"Horses are ready my Prince", Heimdall says

Harry looks at the city in shock it was beautiful. He feels something singing to him like they were welcoming him home.

"That is Asgard welcoming you home", Loki says to Harry

"You need to go to Loki's arms as I need to get on my horse", Thor says gently to Harry

Harry nods and Loki gently takes him. Thor gets on his horse and Loki hands him Harry. Thor wraps his arms around Harry and they start to gallop towards the citadel.

They arrive and Thor gets off and helps Harry into his arms. There was a woman waiting for them.

"There is your Mummy Harry", Thor whispers to him

Lily was not Asgardian but a High Elf from Alfheim and she was the daughter of the High King there. Lily was Thor's first wife. Thor would have a second with Jane soon.

"Oh my baby", Lily says rushing and taking him from Thor's arms

"His arm is broken Lillian", Thor says

"Lets see to that", Lily says

"Mummy?" Harry asks

"You my little angel", Lily says

"Not dead?" Harry asks

"No. I am immortal and your Daddy couldn't be killed with the curse", Lily says leading the way through the palace

They enter the Healing hall where Eir and Queen Frigga were waiting.

"My sons is this my grandson?" Queen Frigga asks

"Yes Mother. Harry this is your Grandmother Queen Frigga she is my mother", Thor says

"Hi", Harry says shyly

"Come her little one and we will heal you", Queen Frigga says holding out her hands

Harry cautiously goes to her and Queen Frigga buts him on the Soul forge. Lily, Thor and Loki were angry at the result it seems Harry had been beaten since he was left with Petunia and Vernon. Queen Frigga and Eir work their magic and Harry's arms heal and his beaten back also heals.

"I don't hurt", Harry says

"Yes little one and no one will hurt you again", Lily says picking up her son and cuddling him

"Lets go to Odin he needs to know", Queen Frigga says

Thor went to get Jane and Skye and the others start to go to the throne room. Thor meets them with Jane and Skye

"Harry this is my fiancée Jane and Skye they will be your second and third Mums. Jane, Skye this is my son Harry", Thor says

"Hello Harry", Jane says softly

"Hi Harry", Skye says softly

"Hi", Harry says softly

They reach the throne room and enter Harry sees a man on a throne with an eye patch holding a spear.

"Father this is my son and heir Harald", Thor says bowing to his father

"Harald a fine name for a prince of Asgard", King Odin says

Harry looks at the man.

"Your my Grandpa?" Harry asks

"Yes I am", King Odin says

"I need to tell you about the Dursley's that he was with father", Loki says, "I saw in Petunia Dursley's mind what they did to my nephew"

Harry buries his face in his mothers chest. And falls asleep.

"I will take Harry to his new room", Lily says

"Of course", Queen Frigga says

"I will come with you", Jane says

Lily takes Harry to her and Thor's room and places Harry in the bed in the new room for him. She was saddened he had been left with her adopted sister. She was going to stay with Harry.

"I want them all bought here for justice. The child will be left in an orphanage", King Odin demands after hearing it all

"I will get the warriors three and Sif", Thor says

"I am coming with you brother", Loki says

They immediately find the warriors and explain everything all were willing to help. They arrive by Bifrost at Stark Tower.

"Thor, Reindeer Games what are you two plus 4 doing here?" Tony asks

"We are here to grab a couple of mortals we need one address from you and if you can bring the child to the orphanage for us it would be appreciated", Thor says

"Name Marge Dursley", Loki says

"What did this family do?" Tony asks

Thor explains everything and Tony whistles.

"Well that is some story. I will come with you and have the child in the orphanage. Anything for Lokes family", Tony says

Tony and Loki were dating and Loki was dating Darcy Lewis and Pepper Potts. They didn't know where it was going yet.

Tony lets them have his jet, Bruce, Clint, Natasha and Steve were coming along and they arrive in England in 7 hours.

"Natasha, Clint and the 3 warriors will go and get Marge. Sif, Bruce, Steve and I will go with Thor and Loki", Tony says

Tony gives the address to Natasha and Clint and they were off with the warriors three. Tony drives the others to the Dursley home he called child serves 10 minutes before they got there.

"Which one?" Tony asks

"That one", Thor says

Thor gets out and finds Wanda waiting for them.

"It has been a time since I saw you", Thor says

"Who knew Thor was James Potter? What about Lily?" Wanda asks

"She is a High elf from the planet Alfheim she survived too. We lost our memories for a time. Lily is still my wife but Jane will be my second wife", Thor explains

"How does she feel about that?" Tony asks

"I think she has accepted it. We will see in time", Thor says

"It is like you and Darcy might have to get along if we get married", Loki says to Tony

Thor bangs on the door and a very obese man opens it.

"YOU!" he shouts

"Hello Vernon. I take it Petunia told you we came. Now we are back for vengeance", Thor says

"That little freak deserved it", Vernon says

Thor swings his hammer and breaks Vernon's noise. Petunia who was watching screams.

"Don't you dare say another bad thing about my son he is only three years old", Thor growls

They see Dudley waddle in and whines for chocolate.

"You are going to Asgard. Your son to an orphanage", Loki says

"Asgard is a myth", Vernon says

"You will wish it so. But you will be going", Thor growls

"Remember me Petunia?" Wanda asks

"You freak always had to steal my sister and give her magic which made her a freak", Petunia says

"She was born with it. You will find out", Loki says

Clint, Natasha and the warriors arrive with an obese woman who was screeching about Harry as the freak. Wanda waves her and Marge shuts up

"Don't say a word about my godson", Wanda growls

"Social services are here", Tony says

Tony gives them the details and Wanda and Loki make sure they would take Dudley and not know who they were. Dudley left screeching for chocolate and his Mummy. Petunia had tears in her eyes. Sif binds Petunia's and Vernon's hands and forces them out of the house.

"This house has bad wards as soon as we leave this still they will disappear and whoever put them here will know", Loki says

"They won't find Harry", Thor says firmly

The warriors push Marge into her brother and sister in-law.

"Will you all be coming?" Thor asks his friends

"We will see Asgardian Justice and meet your son. It will only be a short trip", Tony says

"Ok then", Loki says making the car disappear back to its place, "I will be back in a minute"

Loki disappears and in 5 minutes he was back with Darcy and Pepper.

"Hey Thor. Heard about mini Thor. Can't want to meet him and see Jane", Darcy says

"Tony how dare you not tell me you were leaving!" Pepper says

"So Pepper. Last minute thing", Tony says

"Ok everyone lets go", Thor says, "HEIMDALL!"

The Bifrost opens up and they were soaring to Asgard. They were greeted by Heimdall the warriors tie the hands of Vernon, Petunia and Marge to the horses. The Avengers had their first view of Asgard and it was great as Thor and Loki told them. The Avengers were helped onto horses and they follow Loki and Thor galloping to the citadel.

Vernon, Petunia and Marge were out of breath when they arrived having had to run the whole way.

Thor ordered the prisoners to the jail. Then they walked to the throne room.

They open it and Odin was on the throne with Frigga besides him.

"All went well and the prisoners are in the jail for judgement tomorrow father", Thor says

"Your mother saw Harald's memories and they treated him as a slave as soon as they got him", Odin says grimly

Lightning strikes around Asgard.

"They will pay my son", Frigga says, "Introduce as to the Midgardian warriors"

"Avengers these are my parents King Odin the All-Father and Queen Frigga. Father, Mother these are Steve Rodgers aka Captain America, Bruce Banner aka the Hulk, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, Natasha Romanov aka the Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch who Lily and I went to school with", Thor says

They all bow.

"These are my boyfriend and girlfriends Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Virginia 'Pepper' Potts and Darcy Lewis", Loki says nervously

"Welcome to Asgard", Frigga says with a smile

"Are you serious about these relationships?" Odin asks Loki

"Yes Father but we are not ready to marry yet", Loki says bowing

"Very well Frigga had their rooms prepared and the trial is tomorrow", Odin says in way of dismissal

"Come", Thor says leading them out

"While we are here no public affection we are very old fashioned we must be chaperoned here", Loki says to his boyfriend and girlfriends

"This is my sitting room", Thor says letting them all in. Lily, Jane and Skye where there will Harry. Harry looked up in fear at so many people

"Hello son", Thor says softly

"Daddy", Harry says reaching up for Thor

Thor picks him up.

"Jane!" Darcy says to Jane

"Darcy!" Jane says and hugs her best friend

"Wanda?" Lily asks getting up

"Lily!" Wanda says hugging her best friend

"I am so sorry you thought I was dead. I only regained my memories a few months ago then we had to search for Harry", Lily says

"I understand Lily", Wanda says

"I am actually a Princess", Lily says

"A Princess? Like for real?" Tony asks

"I am a High Elf from Alfheim. We are immortal. It is Princess Lillian. But call me Lily in private", Lily says

"Harry these are your Aunts and Uncles. Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Clint, Aunt Natasha, Uncle Tony, Aunt Pepper, and Aunt Darcy", Thor says pointing out each person

Harry gives a shy wave.

"He is adorable", Darcy says

Harry yawns.

"Bed time tomorrow is a busy day", Lily says and she and Thor go and but Harry to bed

They then explain everything to the Avengers. Soon everyone goes too bed…

Dumbledore was sitting in his office when the instruments that connected to Harry blared and bust apart. He pales. He calls Minerva and Severus too his office.

"We must go to Harry Potter. The wards are gone", Dumbledore says

"Just leave the brat", Severus says

"No he is the hope of the future", Dumbledore says

They go outside the wards of Hogwarts and apparate to Privet Drive. They knock on the door but nobody answers.

"You won't find them. They were arrested today for child abuse", a neighbour says

"What about the children?" Dumbledore asks

"One went to an orphanage the other we don't know about", the neighbour says, "It was a shock finding out two little boys lived in that house"

"I told you Albus leaving Harry here was the worst thing you could have done", Minerva hisses

"Look at these markings", Severus says at the perfectly round circle on the ground

"We need expects here", Minerva says

"Nobody should know the boy-who-lived is missing", Dumbledore protests

"Well too bad", Minerva says sending a message to Amelia Bones

A group of witches and wizards arrive quickly with Amelia and Cornelius Fudge.

"Where is the boy Dumbledore?" Fudge asks

"We don't know. These markings leave a clue", Dumbledore says

"It is some king of portal", the unspeakable says

"Open it", Fudge orders

"There could be consequences", the unspeakable says

"Do it", Fudge and Dumbledore order

The Unspeakables chant and a huge blast knocks everyone back and onto the ground.

"What was that?" Fudge asks

"That was what I was warning you about. This is the work of something higher then all of us", the unspeakable says

"No one finds out Harry Potter is missing. We will search discreetly and hopefully he will turn up on his 11th birthday", Fudge orders

"I will go and find Dudley Dursley", Dumbledore says apparating out

"Oblivate all the Muggles", Fudge says disappearing

Amelia goes back to her office and was thoughtful. That blast hadn't hurt her. There was a knock on the door and Croaker the Unspeakable enters.

"What is going on Croaker?" Amelia asks

"I heard about what happened the other Unspeakables were talking about it. Those runes on the ground I know what they are and Harry Potter is far out of our reach", Croaker says

"Who has the boy?" Amelia asks

"Asgard", Croaker says

"The land of the gods. No wonder we can't track him. We will keep this between us", Amelia says

"Of course. Not that telling Fudge or Dumbledore anything they won't be able to reach him", Croaker says

"I wonder why they would be interested in Harry Potter", Amelia says

The Next Day…Asgard

All the Royal Family were dressed up to go to court. Harry was going to be in Lily's arms near Queen Frigga and Thor on one side of Odin. Loki was going to be on the other side of Odin. The Avengers were standing with the court as well as Loki's boyfriend and Girlfriends. Same with Jane and Skye since they weren't married into the royal family yet. King Oberan and Queen Layla of Alfheim were there too to see justice for their grandson who they had meet this morning.

"Bring in the prisoners", Odin orders

Guards drag in Vernon, Petunia and Marge Dursley.
"Do you know who I am?" Odin asks

"Another one of those freaks", Vernon growls

"I am King Odin All-Father of Asgard. You are here because you abused my grandson Heir apparent Prince Harald Thorson. How do you plead?" Odin asks

"Not guilty", they say

Frigga pulls up memories from the minds of Vernon, Petunia and Marge and everyone growls at how they treated Harry.

"The freak deserved it", Vernon says

"He is a brat and a disgusting freak", Petunia says

"He should work for his keep. Or drowned", Marge says

Hisses where heard for that. Harry was trembling in his mothers arms

"Do you know who I am?" Lily asks

"No", they says

Lily removes her glamour and Petunia gasps

"I am Princess Lillian of Alfheim. You harmed someone of the Alfheim royal family", Lily says

"Harming the heir of one world and a Prince of another is a heavy punishment", Odin says

"You have no right! We are British citizens", Vernon yells

"No. My son Prince Loki has seen the Queen of your nation and she has made the chose to let Asgard handle it. As she is tempted to put you in prison for decades", Odin says

"What are you going to do to us?" Petunia asks

"We have a harsher punishment you will be made into slaves then serve in the palace for the remainder of your lives. As we have found you guilty", Odin says

"Let us go", Petunia says she didn't want to be made a slave as she wanted luxury

"Loki see they are made into slaves", Odin orders

"Yes Father", Loki says with a bow

"I will come with you brother to the slavery", Thor says

"I will come", Wanda says

"So will I", Tony says

"It won't be pleasant", Loki says

"We won't to see justice", Tony says

"Very well", Loki says

Thor kisses Harry on his head and promises to be back. Then heads with the others to the slavey that was out of the city of Asgard. Loki was speaking to the guard and Marge, Vernon and Petunia were trying to get out of their manacles. But guards kept them in order.

"First prisoner", a man says

"He is Vernon Dursley", Loki says as Vernon was unwilling to give his name

"Undress", the man says

"Not on your life", Vernon growls

The guards strip his clothes away and shove him down.

"His is going to the palace your Highnesses?" the guard asks Thor and Loki

"Yes", Thor says without emotion

"The brand of the royal house then", the guard says

They bring out a hot branding iron. Tony's eyes widen. Loki pats him. Vernon screams as it presses at the side of his face then on his arm. Next branding was on the other cheek with the brand of the royal house. He screams again and throw into another room. Marge and Petunia had the same treatment but their hair was cut savagely. They screamed as they were branded.

"Where do they go now?" Tony asks

"Vernon will have a Vasectomy. And Petunia and Marge will have their ovaries removed. No slaves are allowed to breed", Thor replies

"We only need to wait an hour. They will be done and will have the final brand on them", Loki says

"This is punishment for all criminals?" Tony asks

"No. Child abuses and rapists and all that get slavery. As Children are precious too all of us", Loki replies

"They deserve this", Wanda growls

"I have to agree", Tony says, "After seeing what they had done"

"Thanks for not judging us love", Loki says kissing Tony

"We just won't tell the girls", Tony says

"Agreed", Loki says

"Lily already knows. Jane and Skye don't know yet", Thor says

An hour later Petunia, Vernon and Marge were pushed out in brown clothing that was worn by slaves.

"The last brands now", Loki says

Marge was first and was branded again with a number on her arm and her leg and the same with Vernon and Petunia.

"You will be known by those numbers now", the guards say

"Move slaves we are needed back at the palace", Loki growls

"No", Vernon says

"Then you will have collars on. They will be an extra measure of punishment. So more or I will have three collars bought out", Loki growls

"My looks", Petunia sobs having seen her reflection

"Get the collars", Loki orders the guards

"Yes my Prince", the guard says leaving and returning with three boxes

"These collars will give you a painful shock if you refuse orders or disobey the royal family", Loki says

As they squirm Loki manages to put the collars on and they gasp as the painful shock it gives them.

"Now move", Loki growls

They life for the Dursley's was now very unpleasant…

3 years later…

Thor was getting married to Jane and Skye. Harry was now 6 years old now he had nearly forgotten about the Dursley's. He had started being taught how to use a bow and sword. Harry was going to stand next to his father with Loki. Lily, Wanda, Darcy and Pepper were the bridesmaids for Jane and Skye.

Lily had had a few children in the last three years first twins Astridr and Ashieldr Thordottir who were now 3, Katirya Thordottir who was 2, and Theoric and Darrius Thorson's who were 1.

All the Avengers were there in seats up front. Harry had walked out with Lily and Thor who was dressed in ceremonial armour. Loki escorted Wanda, Pepper and Darcy. Harry was dressed in finely but not armour as he was only 6.

They came Jane escorted by Erik Selvig and Skye with Phil Coulson. They were handed to Thor and they turned to face his mother the Goddess of Marriage.

"This union has been awaited for years. While I know you all love each other, I must ask anyway, are you three ready to take this step?" Queen Frigga asks

"We are", they all say

"Very well. Bring forth the ancestral weapons", Frigga says to Loki

Loki talks one sword to Thor to do Jane first. Thor accepts the blade.

"This is a blade of my ancestors, passed down from generation to generation. I pass it to you as a gift, to safeguard for our sons and daughters, until they are old enough to take arms", Thor says offering the sword to Jane

"I will retain it until our sons and daughters become warriors worthy of bearing such an ancient weapon", Jane says giving the Sword to Erik and accepting the another, "In return I offer you a new sword freshly forged and untested yet in battle, but so you will have a weapon to fight in which to protect your family"

Thor accepts the sword and hands it to his brother.

"Now the rings", Queen Frigga says switching to Midgardian tradition

"Do you Jane Foster take Crown Prince Thor Odinson as your husband, to care for your children and his to be his second wife, swear to love him, be with him in sickness and in health, richer or poorer and be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live?" Queen Frigga asks

"I do", Jane says sling the ring onto Thor's finger

"Do you Crown Prince Thor Odinson take Jane Foster as your second wife, to care for her and your children, swear to love her, be with her in sickness and in health, richer or poorer and be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live?" Queen Frigga asks

"I do", Thor says slipping the ring onto Jane's finger

Queen Frigga conjures a golden band and wraps it around both Jane and Thor's wrists.

"You have sworn to love each other and be faithful to each other in front of everyone here today. For both this realm and Midgard. These are scared vows and proceedings which are not to be taken lighting, and I have great faith in this union. Today you are joined at one and Jane joins your wife Princess Lillian as your second wife. I wish upon you every happiness and blessing this joining brings", Queen Frigga says

The gold ribbon fades and leaves gold tattoos on Thor and Jane. Now Thor goes through everything again with Skye. Once again Queen Frigga conjures a gold ribbon and wraps it around Skye and Thor's wrists.

"You have sworn to love each other and be faithful to each other in front of everyone here today. For both this realm and Midgard. These are scared vows and proceedings which are not to be taken lighting, and I have great faith in this union. Today you are joined at one and Skye joins your wives Princess Lillian, and Lady Jane as your third wife. I wish upon you every happiness and blessing this joining brings", Queen Frigga says, "Now Thor may you kiss your brides"

Thor kisses both of them and everyone cheers. Odin now goes on the podium.

"Lady Jane, Lady Skye today you are wives to my eldest son Crown Prince Thor of Asgard. By marriage you are part of the House of Odin. From this day forth you will both be known throughout the nine worlds and beyond as Princess Jane and Princess Skye of Asgard!" Odin announces

Everyone in the hall cheers.

The feast came and everyone was celebrating.

"Daddy what do I call Jane and Skye now?" Harry asks sitting in his place next to his mother who was heavily pregnant

"Whatever you like", Jane says kindly

"Mum for Jane and Mamma for Skye", Harry decides

"Very good son", Tony says ruffling his sons hair

3 years later…Asgard

Harry was 9 now and his training had been stepped up he had siblings now. Astridr and Ashieldr Thordottir who were now 6, Katirya Thordottir who was 5, Theoric and Darrius Thorson's who were 4, Thirrin who was now 2 they were Lily and Thor's children. Jane and Thor has a daughter named Ingrid. Thor and Skye had quadruplets named Euphemia, Iolanthe, Embla Thordottir and Ask Thorson.

Harry was waiting for his father and Uncle to return from battle. He was waiting with Heimdall and then he heard his Grandfather who looked angry.

"Where are they?" Odin asks angrily

"Coming now my King", Heimdall says

And true to his world both Thor and Loki appeared covered in ash.

"What were you thinking going to the Dark Elves World?" Odin booms

Harry watches as his father and Uncle try and take off the All-Father's anger.

"Thantos was there we needed to act", Thor says

"It seems you haven't learnt your lesson from all the other times I have punished you. This time you Thor will not have your wives or children with you and both this world and the other nine realms are banned from you all but Midgard were I am sending you to I deem you have learnt your lesson. Your powers all but small simple things are now beyond your reach", Odin booms and takes everything from Thor and Loki

Thor sees his son watching with disappointed in his face. That hurt Thor the most.

"I cast you both out of Asgard till I deem you worthy of return and of your titles", Odin says as the Bifrost takes Loki and Thor away.

Odin sighs looking old.

"Grandfather will they be back soon?" Harry asks

"Not as soon as it should be. You are now my heir. Do everyone proud", Odin says

"I will grandfather"

The day it was announced Thor and Loki's exile Lily, Jane and Skye cried. Harry never saw his mothers cry before. His siblings had tears too. He made a promise to be the best he could be and to help his family in anyway he could…

Thor and Loki land at Stark tower. Surprising everyone there.

"Locks? Thor? What are you doing here?" Tony asks

"We were exiled for the near future till our father deems as worthy again when we can regain our titles", Thor says

"What happened explain?" Tony says

And so Thor and Loki were welcomed into Avenger Tower. They didn't know how long but they hoped they could go home soon…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)