Magic Wild

Chapter one

I adopted this from adodcefa and decided to re-post it. I don't own "Harry Potter" it belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Dursley's were not happy, not at all. They had planned to go camping, but were in the kitchen, with a baby boy in a wrapped blanket sleeping. This baby was their "freak" nephew along with a letter saying that he had to stay with them since his parents were killed.

They were discussing what to do, when the man said, "Let's take him with us and leave him where no one can find him." The woman agreed and said, "Yes, he can be eaten by the animals there for all I care!"

They packed the car with everything they needed, plus their precious baby boy; then they headed to the campsite they wanted and left the "freak" on a rock near a watering hole deep in the woods where no other humans could go. They were smirking in that the "freaks" would never find out and could go on with their peaceful normal lives. They never would have to worry about that world ever again.

While this was going on a black-furred fox with orangish-yellow eyes was watching, and after the humans left, went up to the bundle they left behind, and saw the babe open his green eyes to see where he was.

He looked at the fox, who was staring back with gentle loving eyes, and he knew he was safe with her; then she picked him up gently in her jaws and headed back to her den to raise this 'human kit' along with her own. She was not alone once they reached the den, for hovering over her new 'son' was a spirit, a man in blue robes and hat; he was looking over the babe and knew what was to happen with him.

He was to help the babe in learning everything he needed to know once he was ready.

On the other side of where the Dursley's had 'dumped' the "freak," was another family with their new baby daughter. This family was here for both a camping trip and family gathering. They had just setup the camping equipment and tent when they decided to go check out the wildlife with their little baby girl; after finding a good spot and setting her down where she would be in sight, they began taking photos of some birds flying overhead and animals running by.

As they were taking pictures, their daughter saw a family of foxes with brown fur and black eyes and wanted to go to them. She crawled towards them and her parents never realized she was gone until they got back to the campsite; then they asked everyone who was there and the rangers to find her, but no luck. They drove home sad and depressed that their daughter was gone forever and would never know the joys of parenting.

While the sad parents were going home, the baby girl was with that fox family she saw before and sleeping with her new 'siblings,' a female spirit was hovering over her with the same plans as the male spirit. She knew what was to be done, and when both were ready they would become one couple to change the world for the better.

As the sun was setting in the sky, in a castle near a lake and forest, sat a man with weird looking robes and long white hair & beard. He was thinking about the boy he had left with the letter to his aunt and uncle, along with a plan to keep the boy mold-able and easy to use. As he stroked his beard thoughtfully and happily, he was certain that the boy would befriend little Ronald Weasley on the train, plus he was betrothed to Ginny Weasley, and would find a 'mom' in Molly Weasley. After he was done thinking and headed to sleep for the night, he had no idea that his plans were in ruin cause of two spirits with a different idea for the world.

This is where I'll stop for Chapter one, plz R&R. See you in Chapter two.