Rating: T

Pairing: Akatsuki Kain x OC

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight.

Word Count: 2119

Title: Wild

Chapter Title: The Courtyard

Description: Akatsuki takes an interest in a human girl and decides to pursue her romantically even if it's against the rules.

A/N: I've never written for this fandom, nor have I ever written an original character into a ship, so idk how this will go. Let me know what you think!


"Why aren't you sleeping? It's the middle of the day."

I turn away from my window to find Ruka standing in my bedroom, her arms crossed over her chest, leaning against my door.

"I can't," I mutter.

"Why not?" she presses, taking a step toward me. "I know you're tired."

I shut my eyes and turn back toward the window without answering her.

"Don't tell me it's that girl again." Her voice drips with derision, and I clench my fist at my side.

"Her name is Lila," I bite out, confirming her suspicion.

"As if it matters. She's just some nobody Day Class student. A human. You can't honestly be interested in–"

"Shut up, Ruka," I cut her off quietly. "Leave me alone."

"Akatsuki, you can't be serious," she hisses, her hand coming up to rest on my arm.

I immediately shake it off and walk away from her.

"I don't know why this is any of your business," I tell her, harshly. "You've made it clear you only have eyes for Lord Kaname, so what does it matter to you what girls I like?"

"So, it's true?" she gasps. "You have feelings for this human?"

"Drop it, Ruka," I growl, turning back to her and narrowing my eyes. "Like I said, it's none of your business."

"But, if Lord Kaname finds out –"

"He will," I answer automatically. "In fact, I've already addressed the issue with him."

"You—You have?" She gapes at me, and I shrug it off.

"He said he didn't approve, but he wouldn't stop me unless it became an issue."

"Stop you?" She frowns. "From what exactly? From pursuing a relationship with a human, or…"

I cringe. I said too much.

"Nothing. Just leave it, Ruka." I yank open the door and stalk out.

"But, Akatsuki! Wait!" She starts after me, but I don't stop.

I've spent too long waiting for Ruka to wake up and realize my feelings for her. Now that I've found someone else, I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. I'm halfway across the bridge to the school when Ruka catches up, grabbing my wrist again.

"Akatsuki, stop," she gasps.

"No. I'm done being patient."

"It's midday!" she shouts, pulling me back by my arm. "She's in class right now. And even if she wasn't, you're not supposed to be on campus during the day."

"Stop trying to control me, Ruka." I frown at her and easily tug my arm out of her grip. "I know what time of day it is. Lila is at lunch. I'm going to sit with her."

"You're going to what?"

"You heard me. I'm going to sit with Lila while she eats, and then I'm going to ask her–"

"Ask her what?" Ruka snaps. "To be your girlfriend? Your lover? You can't do that, Akatsuki. Not without telling her the truth!"

"You mean about what I am? No shit."

"What?" Her eyes widen as she steps back. "You mean…"

"I'm going to tell her I'm a vampire," I explain. "Not immediately. But soon."

And then…I'll taste her.

Not that there's anything particularly special about the scent of her blood. Her scent in general, though… She wears some kind of floral fragrance, but rather than being overwhelmingly strong like most girls, hers is…intoxicating. And that doesn't even touch on the way she looks. Her black hair hangs past her waist, and it looks silkier than Ruka's. Her lips are lush. Her face is…God.

And her eyes. The irises are dark blue, almost purple. Indigo. And something about the shape of them makes it impossible to look away. Not to mention her lashes are thick and dark, making her look seductive and mysterious. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was a Night Class student in disguise.

"That's not allowed!" Ruka's sharp voice snaps me out of my head, and I wince.

"If she runs away or freaks out, I'll just alter her memory," I explain casually. "I told you. I've already worked it out with the dorm president."

"Okay. So, let's say it works. She agrees to be your…whatever, and you tell her the truth, and she goes along with it. What then?"

"What do you mean?" I frown at her. She's being awfully nosy about this.

"I mean, are you going to… Is sitting with her at lunch all you're going to do? Or are you going to ask her to the ball and give her chocolate on St. Xocolatl's Day? Is she going to start coming to the Moon Dorm? Will you bring her to parties? How far are you planning to go?"

"All the way," I answer softly.

And I mean it. In every possible sense of the term.

"What!" she cries. "How could you say—That's insane, Kain!"

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Insane and reckless and out of control. I know. You can't tell me anything I haven't already considered."

"So why? You know just because those stupid human girls call you, 'Wild,' doesn't mean you have to embrace it!"

"If you think that has a single damn thing to do with it, you're the one who's insane." I sigh.


"Leave it, Ruka."

On that note, I turn and continue across the bridge. Luckily, this time Ruka doesn't follow.


There's chaos in the courtyard today, much to my chagrin. I was expecting it to be fairly empty, like it usually is on overcast days. I was looking forward to eating in peace. As I weave through the irritating throng of girls, I try to ignore them, but can't help but overhear snippets of their conversations.

"Wild! He's sitting–"


"Yeah! I saw him over–"

"What is he doing here? Night Class students are–"

"Oh my gosh! Wild! I hope he notices me–"

"He never talks to Day Class girls. I think he and Ruka–"

I roll my eyes at their stupid fangirling and shoulder my way through the crowd. Keeping my eyes down, I take the sidewalk to the far side of the courtyard to my favorite bench underneath a low shade tree.


I look up at the sound of my name, and I almost trip. Someone is already sitting on my bench. A Night Class student.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, taking a step back. "I didn't realize–"

"Don't go." He rises suddenly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I was…waiting for you."

"What?" I gasp. "Why?"

"You…know who I am, don't you?" He tilts his head slightly, and I blink.

"Um, yes. Of course. You're Wild Kain."

"Akatsuki," he corrects me quickly. "Please."

"Oh. All right." I nod, hugging my lunch closer to my chest.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to sit with you while you eat."

I gape at him in disbelief. I mean, he doesn't really want to… I'm no one, and he's…gorgeous. And a member of the Night Class.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he murmurs. "As long as it's okay with you."

"Okay then."

I move to the bench and sit down, trying not to freak out as he joins me. My appetite is suddenly absent, but I still manage to open my lunch and eat a few bites.

"Do I make you nervous?" he asks softly, and I flinch.

"Yes," I admit, stealing a look at him.

"Because I'm from the Night Class?"

"Because you're attractive," I blurt without thinking.

He laughs, and I stare. If he's gorgeous just standing, he's blinding when he laughs. That said, I don't relish being made fun of.

"What's so funny?" I hate how small my voice is all of the sudden.

"You think I'm attractive," he answers, shaking his head.

"Well…you are." I feel my brow furrow.

I mean, does he really not know?

"No. I'm aware of that," he says dismissively. "I only laughed because…you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Lila."

"What?" I blink. "Don't… That's…" I shake my head and look down at my food.

I'm nothing special. That's what I want to tell him. I mean, I know I'm attractive. I only started here a little over a month ago, but since then the boys in my class have made it clear that they like me, if the amount of time they spend staring at me is any sort of indicator. My cheekbones are sharp, and I let my hair grow long. Most of the compliments are on my eyes. They're uniquely colored, but I think something about them makes me appear haughty, because the other Day Class girls don't seem to like me very much. Eventually, I quit trying to be friends with them.

Still. I'm nothing in comparison to Ruka, and it's widely accepted that she and Wild—I mean, Akatsuki are together.

"You are," he repeats firmly. "I don't say that to embarrass you. I'm just being honest."

"Why are you here?" I huff, setting my food aside and tossing my long black hair over my shoulder. "Watching me eat can't be that entertaining."

"I noticed you," he answers casually. "I wanted the chance to talk."

Well…I guess that's fair.

"About what?"

"Are you seeing anyone, Lila?"

My stomach flips, and I feel my cheeks go pink. I don't know why I'm surprised at his question. He made his intentions pretty obvious with his comment and his actions.

"Why does that matter?" I choose to be cryptic. I still don't know a lot about him and giving such personal information to someone I just met doesn't feel right.

"Because if you're not, I'd like to ask you out."

I laugh nervously and look up at him. Damn, but he's gorgeous. Sinfully so. His eyes are mesmerizing. I'm not sure if it's the golden-brown color…like pools of caramel I could drown in, or something behind them. Something that promises things that make my heart pound and my breathing shallow. Then there's his stupid-sexy strawberry blonde hair that sticks out like he's been running his hand through it. I want to run my hand through it. I almost reach out to when his head tilts, and I stop myself, clenching my hand into a fist in my lap.

"You're very straight forward," I comment, trying to appear collected. "But, I sort of thought you were with Ruka–"

"Ruka is just a friend," he responds pointedly, and I fear I struck a nerve. "Don't worry about her."

"Oh. Well, then…"

"We could go into town," he suggests quietly. "Or you could come to the Moon Dorm after class ends…before curfew."

"The Moon Dorm?"

Day Class students aren't allowed in the Moon Dorm. It's against school rules. Only the disciplinary committee members ever go there.

"You'd be with me," he goes on, his deep voice sending little tremors down my spine. "No one will say anything."

"Um…" I pause and lick my lips. His eyes snap to my mouth, and I immediately regret it. "Thank you for asking me, but I…"

I want to say yes, I realize, halfway through my rejection. But it's a bad idea. I'm not sure why, but we're not allowed near anyone in the Night Class, and I have to assume there's a real reason for that. Something that requires gates and guardians. If it were just money, why would they be isolated like—

"Please, Lila," he coaxes softly, taking my hand. "Just come to the Moon Dorm and have tea with me tonight. If at any time you're uncomfortable, we can leave. I promise."

I swallow, my eyes glued to my fingers held gently in his. I know I should say no. If I let myself think about it, I can feel the eyes of the other girls in the courtyard glaring holes into me.

"I could get in trouble," I reiterate, his skin burning hot against mine.

"I won't let that happen."

"I have homework," I gasp, still fighting my desire to go with him.

"I'm good at homework," he quips at once, squeezing my fingers between his.


"Lila, do you want to? Yes or no?"

"Yes," I squeak, ducking my head and pulling my hand away to cover my face.

"Then it's a date." He stands, relaxed as ever, and shoves one hand in his pocket.

I look up at him, expecting to see him walking off, only to find him standing over me. His free hand slides into my hair, and he leans down. I sit frozen as his lips press firmly against the top of my head before he finally turns and saunters off.

The courtyard erupts in screeches, but my mind is a fog.

Dear God. I have a date with Akatsuki Kain.