Obviously, there's quite a few No Such Luck fanfictions on this site. Still, I've always had an idea floating around in my head for a sequel to the infamous episode. Always, I have decided not to go through with my idea in fear of just adding to the endless pool.

Today, March 13th, 2018, is the 1 year anniversary of the episode's air date. After some debate with myself, I've decided to begin writing and uploading my NSL story.

The first chapter is pretty short, and that's because I wrote it originally far too long for my liking. Took the first two segments here set up the plot. If I got any deeper into the story, I'd be well over my desired word limit. Still, I'm confidant in the quality of what I'm about to bring. I wouldn't be uploading the 6,401th NSL story if I wasn't sure that I'd be bringing something new to the table.

In his hand, Lincoln clutched the note.

The note, in Lincoln's opinion, was the point things began to get out of hand. It was when his harmless white lie grew into something much bigger and worse. It had been the moment Lincoln realized that it needed to end.

Sorry Lincoln, but you can't sleep here tonight.

We just can't risk it.

Risk what? Sure, Lincoln knew that he made a mistake by pretending to be bad luck. In his defence, though, he would have never imagined that his sisters would take it this far. Even Lisa, the supposed genius of the household, had fallen for the lie.

He was sick of being dragged all over town, nearly every day without a break, going to his sisters activities. In fact, just last Wednesday, he had woken up, gone to a comedy routine, a concert, a soccer game, and, finally, a pageant. By the time he got home, it was already dark outside, and he was so tired that Lincoln immediately collapsed on his bed and went to sleep for the night.

A guy just needs some time to himself every now and then! Was that too much to ask?

Apparently, in the Loud house, it was. That's why Lincoln went along with the accusation of him being back luck. Sure, it wasn't the most moral thing to do. It was a lie, plain and simple. Still, it was a small white lie, one that would give Lincoln some much needed peace and quiet.

For awhile, it worked fine. He was uninvited to all of Lynn's sports activities after she had labeled him as 'bad luck'. Lincoln was offended. Why should he be blamed for Lynn losing her game? It was entirely her fault, but she couldn't admit that.

Soon, though, Lincoln realized that his misfortune could be turned into opportunity. He began to go along with the accusation that he was bad luck. Eventually, he was able to make the rest of the Loud siblings began to believe in the 'bad luck' falsehood. First Leni, then Lana, and, eventually, the entire Loud household, including his parents.

Things were great. He finally got to spend some time home alone, an occurrence that was all too uncommon for him. Soon, though, things took a turn for the worse. Not only was he exiled from his family's activities, but also from the family itself as well. He wasn't allowed to go out with them anywhere, he was forced to eat breakfast in the living room by himself, and, presently…

...he had to sleep outside.

Lincoln crumpled up the note. He was banished from his own bedroom. In a fit of rage, he threw the ball of paper across the yard. He fell to hit butt, bought his knees to his chest, and held them tightly.

How did his situation get this out of hand? Sure, he was wrong to pretend to be bad luck, but was this what he deserved?

"Don't you think we're taking this a bit too far?"

Leni's question caused a silence to fall upon Lori's bedroom. Presently, the Loud sisters were gathered for a siblings meeting to discuss Lincoln.

Lynn gave a toothy smile. "No way! This is what Lincoln gets for pretending to be bad luck!"

"This family supports each other," said Lori, "and Lincoln is trying to avoid our activities. It's not right. This may be the only way for him to learn".

"Still, aren't we going a bit overboard?" Luna swung her feet in the air from off of the side of Leni's bed. "I mean, we're making him sleep outside."

"This is the best way for Lincoln to learn his mistake," Lori said. "Besides… it's only for one day." She paused. "I promise."

Luna didn't say so, but she noticed that Lori's 'promise' did not sound genuine at all.