This was formerly a Tumblr-exclusive but I find it much easier to just put it onto the sites. Hope you enjoy!

Standard disclaimer for all chapters: The characters of The Hunger Games do not belong to me.

The Family Plan

Part One

"My baby!" Katniss put an arm around her daughter, pulling her close. "I can't believe that this is happening."

"Mom!" Beatrice blushed, the color spreading rapidly on her tanned face. "I'm twelve. I think that I'm long overdue for them."

"Well, you just took your time like your Aunt Prim and I did," Katniss responded as they walked into the department store. "Before you know it, you'll want to give them back."

"They're boobs," her daughter retorted. "I think once you get them, you can't give them back. Unless you have money."

There was tug at Katniss' hand and she turned to her six-year-old son, Dylan, who walked on her opposite side. "Mommy, what's a boob?"

"Something that you can't play with, talk about, or even look at until you're married," Katniss responded with a grin before placing a kiss to her son's soft gold hair.

They went into the intimates section of the store and Beatrice took off to explore as Katniss went to stop her curious son from playing with the mannequins. She had been hoping that Cato would be able to take Dylan for the day while she helped Beatrice, but her ex-husband had overtime at the construction site that he worked at.

They had married right out of high school and before Katniss could blink, she was pregnant with Beatrice. Then, when they thought that things had finally calmed down with their daughter in school, she was pregnant again with Dylan. By that point, their marriage was on the rocks and they foolishly thought that another baby would fix things.

It didn't.

When Dylan was four and Beatrice was ten, they decided to divorce. Cato and Katniss kept things civil. They sat the kids down and explained that they would be separating. The kids took it as well as kids could—Dylan was not quite aware of what it meant and Beatrice was appropriately upset.

However, Cato spent all the free time he could with the kids so it didn't feel like he left, even when he moved out a month after.

"Mom, what do you think?"

Beatrice held up an array of bras for her to see. There were printed ones, lace, push-ups…

Katniss couldn't believe that this was happening.

However, it wasn't going unnoticed that her daughter was becoming a beautiful woman. Katniss had seen the way that the Odair boy across the street looked at her raven-haired daughter. Beatrice had inherited her father's long limbs and blue eyes. Combined with the thick dark hair and olive-skin, it was a lethal combination.

She and Cato would be fighting boys off her lawn soon enough.

Katniss picked out the push-up and the lace bra from the selection. "These are too grown-up for you, Bea."

Her daughter huffed good-naturedly before walking over to the dressing rooms as Katniss stuck the rejected ones into a random round rack.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Dylan told her, his grey eyes pleading. "Can we get a pretzel after?"

"Sure, babe." Katniss led her son to the circle of chairs next to the dressing room. They both sat down and she pulled a Capri-Sun from her tote. "Let Mommy have her meltdown over your sister becoming a woman and then we can go grab that pretzel."

"I'm right up there with you."

Katniss look across to see a blond man sitting anxiously in his seat, his hands in the pockets of his green cowl neck sweater.

She gave him an empathetic smile. "You got a daughter in there, too?"

"Yup," he responded. "I'm a definitely out of my element right now. She just turned twelve and now I know nothing."

"I think that's every parent," Katniss told him. "Got stuck with bra duty, huh?"

The man smiled. "Yeah, her Mom left before we even got to this point so…it's just dear old Dad trying not to look weird during all of this." He gestured at the lingerie and bras they were surrounded in before staring down at his shoes.

Katniss let out a quiet chuckle. "The fact that you're here is sweet enough." He met her eyes briefly and she blushed admiring the quiet handsomeness in his expression. "She knows that you care."

"Thanks." The man leaned forward and held out his hand. "Peeta Mellark—awkward father of Ramona."

She took his hand to shake it. "Katniss Everdeen—mother to Beatrice and Dylan and on the brink of a meltdown." Her eyes went to her son, resting his head against her. "Dylan, this is Mr. Mellark."

Her son waved shyly, his lips still connected to the Capri-Sun straw.

"Beatrice and Ramona, huh?" Peeta remarked with a grin. "Were you into the book, too?"

"Yes. I used to read it to my younger sister," she explained. "Also, I read a lot of Beverly Cleary when I was pregnant with Bea."

"It was a favorite of my Mom's and, when my daughter was born, she just looked like a Ramona," Peeta said. "Despite the blonde hair and blue eyes."

"I'm sure that she's lovely." Katniss wrapped an arm around her son. "I know that everything beautiful in the world is nothing compared to my kids."

Peeta watched her warmly and nodded. "I know what you mean."

Beatrice shuffled through the selection in front of her. She had been measured by a woman just to confirm her size and now she was in the middle of figuring out how exactly to put the bra on. The girls in the locker room at school made it look so easy.

Which one of the latches did she put the hook on? How did she even get into the bra? Was it cups first?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud sniffle in the room next to her.

Curiously, Beatrice moved to the wall. She waited for a bit before another whimper emitted from the wall.

She knocked gently. "Hey. Are you okay?"

A light voice, thick with tears, responded, "I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine," Beatrice pushed.

"Really," the teary voice replied. "I'm okay…"

Beatrice sat down against the wall. "Well, I'm glad that you're okay because I feel like an idiot."

She sighed, her eyes fleeting over to the bra selection. In the end, she would just pick the one that didn't make her want to barf on sight. She had grabbed anything that looked like her size to eliminate the angst of choosing. Then her Mom had rescued her by taking the ones that would make her Dad go ballistic.

"What do you mean?" came the response from the other room.

"This is the first time that I've had to do this," Beatrice admitted. "My Mom and everyone else in my family, except for my little brother, suddenly realized that I'm not a kid anymore. Actually, my Dad noticed because someone on the street whistled at me—almost killed the guy."

Jamie Odair was so lucky that she distracted her Dad from rushing over to strangle him.

There was chuckle from the next room. "My Dad would've done the same."

"Your Dad sounds pretty cool," Beatrice told the stranger.

"He is," the girl responded softly. "I don't know how to do this either. This is my first time, too."

She smiled hearing the girl's gentle voice. "I'm Beatrice."

There was a pause and for a moment, Beatrice thought that the girl had just left.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and she threw on her shirt before going to it.

Opening the door, Beatrice found a pretty girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and wintry-blue eyes smiling at her.

She held out her hand. "I'm Ramona."

"Did they come out?" Katniss asked Peeta as she came back with Dylan in her arms. Her son giggled at the bra that he had placed on his head. She avoided the annoyed saleswoman's stare as she sat back down.

Katniss had turned for a quick minute to send a text to Beatrice to see if she was okay when Dylan had run off.

Quickly, she tossed her bag and phone at Peeta before running after her son.

Five minutes later, they had returned after Katniss spotted him trying to crawl under one of the rounders full of lingerie.

"Nope," Peeta replied before his eyes went to Dylan and he grinned. "Nice hat."

"This isn't a hat," Dylan told him in a matter-of-fact voice. He pointed to the bulbous cups on his head. "These are antennas. I'm a Martian."

Katniss could see the man trying not to laugh.

"Come over here, Martian," Peeta told Dylan. "Tell me more about your planet."

Her son rushed over to the man and Peeta pulled him onto his lap. Her son began his long tale about the make-believe planet that he came from as the man across from her listened patiently, an amused smile on his handsome face.

Katniss stopped for a moment. Did she just admit he was handsome?

The beep on her phone broke her thought and she looked to the screen: 'Mom, I need you.'

"Go on ahead." Katniss looked up to see Peeta smiling at her. "We'll be fine."

She looked anxiously to Dylan, who was playing with his 'antennas'. "You sure?"

He nodded. "We'll be fine. But, can you check in on—"

"I'll check on Ramona," she assured him. Katniss knew that she wasn't supposed to trust a stranger with her kids but there was something about Peeta that assured her that he was a good person.

Plus, there were cameras everywhere and a saleswoman glaring at her son from the register.

Peeta smiled gratefully and she felt the color flood her cheeks seeing the warmth in his gaze.

She went to Dylan and kissed his forehead. "Be good."

Then, her eyes went to Peeta once more.

"Just an FYI, if he likes you—he bites."

"My mom left when I was seven." Ramona sat across from her, her knees drawn to her chest. "I remember that she and Dad used to fight all the time."

"Why?" Beatrice asked.

"Dad says that she was just too young to be my mother," her friend responded. "But, they're the same age. My Mom had me after she graduated high school and Dad explained that she didn't have the chance to do what she wanted to do. She sends me a check every year for my birthday and Christmas. But now that I'm getting older…and all these woman things are happening to me—I wish that I had someone to talk to about it."

"I get you," Beatrice said. "My parents had me when they were really young, too. I also totally understand it being weird having your Dad here with you. Dads are cool, but there are just some things that you need a lady for."

"Don't get me wrong," Ramona said. "Dad is great. He's attended every event, gone to every parent-teacher meeting…he even learned to sew when I wanted to be a ballerina one year for Halloween." She chuckled to herself. "When I got my period, he sputtered through the whole sex talk and told me that if I had any questions that I could always come to him."

Beatrice grinned. "Sounds like a cool guy."

"I found out that he googled the whole period process. He even wrote out notes and drew diagrams for me, in case." Ramona shook her head. "I still wish I had a mother—for his sake, too. He's lonely. I can tell."

She sympathized with Ramona. Her Mom was great and she did everything in her power to help Beatrice. Her Dad was great, too, but something deep inside her knew that her parents were always better apart.

However, Beatrice did miss being a family with two parents in the house.

And, her mother was lonely, too.

Her hand reached for her phone and she texted her mother quickly.

"My Dad is probably freaking out outside," Ramona suddenly said and stood up. "I didn't even pick anything out!" Beatrice jumped to her feet and her friend smiled. "Thanks for talking to me."

Beatrice held her pinkie out to the girl. She liked Ramona. There was something that made her trust the girl. They seemed like polar opposites; she was brash while her new friend was gentle. However, their conversations were easy-going; it felt like she was talking to family.

Ramona looked at the held-out pinkie before hooking her own pinkie with Beatrice's.

"Now, we're always going to be connected," Beatrice promised her. "I'll give you my number, too. I go to school in the Seam District."

"I go to school in the Merchant District," Ramona said. "I'm in Fine Arts school. I dance and paint a little, like my Dad."

There was knock on the door. "Honey?"

"It's my Mom," Beatrice informed her friend before opening the door.

Her mother walked in and she heard a small gasp of admiration come from Ramona. Beatrice had to admit, her mother was beautiful. They shared the same dark hair and their eyes were almond-shaped. However, her blue eyes belonged to her father. Dylan got her mother's cool greys though his sparkled with mischief half the time.

"Mom, this is my friend, Ramona." She led her mother over to the awed girl. "Ramona, this is my Mom, Katniss Everdeen."

"Just call me Katniss. It's really nice to meet you, Ramona." Her mother shook her friend's hand. "I met your Dad outside." She smiled prettily at Ramona. "He's a little anxious, but my son is keeping him busy."

"I should probably pick something out," Ramona said hastily.

"I'm guessing that neither of you have picked anything," Katniss stated and the girls nodded in agreement. "Okay. Let's discuss some of the basics." She took one of the bras, a nude one, on the dressing room hook.

"The first thing that you need is a bra that will look good under everything. White or nude is usually best since they won't show as much under light clothing. Second, the middle of the bra—" She pointed to the space between the bra cups. "This should be comfortably resting against you and the cups should hold each breast without being too filled. Also, the hook usually goes on the second rung but go with whatever feels good for you."

Beatrice met her mother's eyes and her Mom handed her the bra.

"I'm going to be outside your rooms if you have any questions," Katniss informed them. "But, I'm expecting something to be picked out in ten minutes. Deal?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Yes, Katniss," Ramona responded.

"Okay then." Katniss grinned at the blonde. "I don't want to leave your father alone with my son for too long. He might be eaten alive."

Beatrice had easily picked something out. Like Katniss, her daughter was decisive. She instructed her daughter to bring her choice to the cashier and then check on her brother as well as Peeta.

"Ramona, sweetheart," Katniss knocked on the girl's door. "How is it going?"

"I think it's okay," the small voice replied but she could hear the uncertainty in the young girl's voice.

"Would it be okay if I came in?" she asked. "I just want to make sure that you're comfortable. Just put your top on."

The door unlocked and Katniss entered Ramona's room. The petite girl was standing in front of the mirror in her flowy top. Beatrice and Ramona were as different as night and day but Katniss felt that same air of uncertainty that all girls had at this age radiating from the teenager.

Katniss approached the girl. "Did it fit?"

Ramona nodded and then turned to her with a smile. "Yeah, it fit." She looked at herself in the mirror. "This is just going to be another one of these weird milestones that I have with my Dad. I'm glad that you and Beatrice were able to help me though. I was telling Beatrice that my Mom took off and though I have the best Dad, there are some things that you kind of wish that you had a mother for."

"Listen," Katniss began. "I know that Bea gave you her cell number but I'm going to give you mine, too. If you ever need anything or you have woman questions, then feel free to call or even text."

Ramona's face lit up. "Really?"

She felt a rush of affection for the sweet girl and pulled her into her arms. "Of course, Ramona. Seems like you and Beatrice are going to be great friends. I think we can be too."

After a moment, Katniss felt her respond to the embrace and as Ramona pulled away, she wiped her eyes.

"Thanks Katniss," she said. "I'll be out soon. Can you let my Dad know?"

Nodding, Katniss turned to leave the dressing room and then walked out to find her children talking to Peeta.

Unfortunately, her son still had the bra on his head. It looked like she might have to buy it, judging by the look that she was getting from the saleswoman.

"Ramona should be right out," she told them as she approached the group.

"Thanks, Katniss." Peeta smiled gratefully and she blushed at his bright stare. "You're amazing."

"All in a day's work," she told him as she sat across from Peeta and her kids.

"Mom is amazing." Beatrice beamed at her before looking to Peeta. "She runs an art gallery on Main Street and has an amazing artistic eye. Every time she has a showcase, every piece sells." She looked to Katniss. "Mom, Peeta is an artist."

"Interesting." Katniss peered at the man before her. "How come you haven't come into the gallery?"

"I usually sell my pieces online," he responded bashfully. "But, maybe I'll consider it. Beatrice is a convincing young lady. I think she gets it from you."

"What do I get from you, Mommy?" Dylan asked, his smile bright.

Katniss looked at the bra on top of her son's head before responding, "My fashion sense."

Beatrice snorted before reaching to tickle her brother.

Peeta met her eyes, grinning at Katniss and she suddenly felt breathless seeing the tenderness in his blue eyes.

A hand went to her shoulder and she looked up to see Ramona standing next to her.

"You all set?" she asked the young girl and Ramona nodded. Putting an arm around her shoulders, Katniss met her eyes. "Remember what I said. Also, thank your father because he kept a straight face this whole time while my son had a bra on top of his head!"

"So you have my number?" Beatrice said.

Her friend nodded. "Yeah and your Mom gave me hers if I ever need lady advice or what not," her friend replied.

A musical laugh rang through the air and they looked over at their parents. Her mother was talking to Peeta, a beaming grin on her rose-colored lips. Peeta, who was carrying her brother, listened, his eyes focused on her lovely mother's face.

"They look good together," Beatrice found herself saying.

Peeta's sunny looks and her mother's dusky coloring made a great combination.

"You know, they're both lonely," Ramona remarked, a suggestive lift in her voice.

Beatrice turned to her friend, an idea formulating. "You doing anything for dinner?"

"We were planning to go to Olive Garden," her friend responded. "We like carbs."

"So do we." Beatrice looked to the two adults once more. "You should come over for dinner."

"They'll never go for it," Ramona responded though a smile crept onto her lips, hearing her father let out a laugh.

Beatrice put an arm around her as they headed over to their parents.

"I'm good at convincing people and you are my innocent friend who wouldn't possibly manipulate herself and her Dad to come over tonight with any other intention but coming over to hang out…we're a perfect team."

Ramona chuckled softly and nodded in agreement.

"Hey Dad?" she called out.

Peeta turned to his daughter, overjoyed seeing the two girls so close. "Yes, love?"

"Beatrice invited me to come over to check out this new…" Ramona look to her friend in panic.

"Book," Beatrice finished for her. "It's this cool new dystopian book." She looked to her mother. "Can Ramona and Peeta come over for dinner?"

Her mother looked at her for moment then at Ramona who gave her an innocent smile.

"Sure." Her mother looked to Peeta, her smile shy. "Did you want to come over for dinner?"

He beamed at her. "I'd love to."

The couple didn't even notice when the two girls standing in front of them hooked their pinkies behind their backs.

Once again, this was formerly a Tumblr-exclusive which I'm not slowly posting onto FFn and AO3. I haven't done a fic where it was mostly the kids POV so it should be interesting.

I'm pretty sure you know where both names come from. Dylan is simply named after my best friend's son.

I'll be slowly uploading the chapters throughout the week as I work on Part Ten, which will be the newest part.

Please feel free to kudos, alert, etc!
