Welcome guys and gals to a Naruto x FemSasuke Fic. this is my first story so try and bear with me. On with the story!

I don't own Naruto, if I did then I would make Shion and Naruto's promise cannon.

"Naruto, you pass." Iruka said with a smile. Iruka was surprised at how many Kage Bunshin Naruto could dispense, he was all the more surprised when Naruto took out Mizuki, a chunin, mind you.

"Im... I'm a Genin now?" Naruto said with a puzzled look on his face. Iruka nodded, Naruto smiled as he jumped up into the air.

"Yes! I'm a Genin!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto, hand me the scroll, I'll put it back for you. And don't worry about a punishment for stealing it, you were influenced by outside forces." Iruka said

Naruto complied and handed the scroll to Iruka.

"Thanks, Iruka-sensei." Naruto said with a happy look on his face.

"No problem Naruto, now let's get out of this forest shall we?" "Yeah, let's get out of here." Naruto said, looking at Mizuki's beat up body. Maybe Naruto went a little overboard.

-Time Skip 16 Minutes-

Iruka walked into Naruto's apartment building, it was rundown, cold, and to top it all off the lobby had a certain smell to it. With that, Iruka watched as Naruto went into his room. Iruka quickly left the apartment building to tell lord third, or as Naruto calls him, "Jiji-san" about the events that happened.

Iruka grinned as he looked into the Midnight sky. He would be assigning the genin teams tomorrow. He wondered which team Naruto was gonna end up on.

The next day Naruto woke up with a yawn. He was out late last night due to the Mizuki incident.

He groggily walked over to the bathroom. The shower was cold, as the apartment did not have warm water. He got out of the shower, put his clothes on, donning his hiate with all of its glory, and trekked to school. On his way to school, he saw three boys crowded around one girl, she had raven-black hair and even darker charcoal eyes. She was an Uchiha.

As Naruto got closer, he was able to hear what the leader of the boys was saying to her "Hey Satsuki-chan, go on a date with me." it was clear the boy was trying his hardest to sound demanding. But it failed as this, "Satsuki" started to walk away from the boys. The leader grabbed her shoulder. "Hey! You don't walk away from me like that!" He said as he increased his grip. "I don't care for any of you, do me a favor and get lost before I get a headache." Satsuki finally said something.

"Why you little-" the leader of the two boys said before he was interrupted. He was about to put his hand on her until…

"When a girl tells you she's not interested, that means she's not interested." Naruto said as he put a hand on the angry boy's shoulder.

"So leave her alone okay?" Naruto flashed a smile. The boy threw a punch, Naruto easily dodged the fist and counterattacked by punching the boy in the stomach. He fell to the ground Instantly.

Satsuki saw one of the boys was going to punch Naruto, she quickly flew her fist into his face without remorse. Naruto then took care of the last one with an uppercut.

"Thanks for the help." Naruto said.

"No, thank you for coming to my rescue" Satsuki said smiling.

"What's your name?" Naruto asked

"I'm Uchiha Satsuki. And you?" she said.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you." Naruto said with a bright smile.

Naruto noticed Satsuki was wearing a head protector. 'So she's a ninja too huh?' he thought.

"Wanna walk to the Academy with me?" Naruto asked.

"Sure, let's go." Satsuki complied.

As they were walking to the school, Naruto and Satsuki got a lot of glares from villagers and boys that Satsuki rejected. Before Naruto and Satsuki went into the classroom, he stopped in front of the door. "Hey Satsuki, wanna be friends? Satsuki was surprised. "I don't know anyone through those doors so it would be nice to have a friend beforehand." "Naruto, of course, I'll be your friend, I don't know anyone in the classroom either so let's hang out together okay?" Naruto nodded, "Alright let's go." Naruto said with a smile. When they got into class Naruto took a seat in the back corner. Despite all the offers from other boys, Satsuki sat next to Naruto. The boys glares just got stronger from this, but Satsuki sent a glare that was even stronger, so the boys naturally backed down. Satsuki noticed a pink-haired girl staring at Naruto. Satsuki felt angry for some reason, but her train of thought was interrupted as someone entered the room.

Iruka entered the room with a paper in his hand.

"Hello new genin, I will be assigning your teams."

Naruto started zoning out until he heard... "Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Satsuki Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno." Iruka stated

'I'm on Naruto's team' she smiled. Naruto noticed her smiling 'she has a nice smile' he thought. Naruto was staring for too long because Satsuki noticed him staring at her and instantly started blushing. Naruto also started blushing and looked away, "You have a beautiful smile." Naruto whispered. Satsuki's shade of red got five tones darker. "Thank you" she mumbled.

Sakura saw the whole scene and felt a burning jealousy inside of her. But she was happy that she was on Naruto's team.

The next morning Naruto was sitting at a tree, waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. Their new leader, Kakashi, told them to be at training ground 7 at 8:00 sharp. He saw Satsuki walking up to him, she sat right next to him. Under the shade of the tree, and the warmth from their bodies, Naruto fell asleep on Satsuki's shoulder. Satsuki got comfortable and enjoyed the moment to the best of her abilities until she fell asleep too. When Sakura made it to the training grounds, she saw this tender moment between the two, she instantly felt that burning sense of jealousy come back. "Wake up!" she yelled. The pair opened their eyes only to realize they were sleeping on each other. They immediately blushed while sitting up straight, breaking their contact with each other.

Sakura got more annoyed to see them blushing. She was about to yell at them some more when she noticed something.

"Where's our teacher?" she asked. Naruto just shrugged, Satsuki didn't answer as she didn't know either. Sakura just sighed and took a seat on the other side of Naruto under the tree. Naruto closed his eyes, unconsciously putting an arm around both girls shoulders, and pulled them closer. They both blushed while snuggling into Naruto's chest. Increasing the warmth. The three of them dozed off under the peaceful breeze of the wind. A particular white-haired Jonin saw this scene and did one of his signature eye smiles. "Hey hotshot, wake up." he quietly said to Naruto, being careful not to wake the girls up just yet. Naruto opened his eyes for a second time and looked at the position he was in. He had two sleeping girls snuggling into him on each side, while each arm was around their shoulders. Naruto got a blush that would rival Hinata's.

He then shook Satsuki up with his hand that was on her shoulder. Satsuki fluttered open her eyes and realized what she was doing and who was watching. She instantly sat up and got off of Naruto with a blush on her face.

Satsuki's noise then woke up Sakura, as she noticed everyone was here and jumped off of Naruto with a flushed face.

"Alright so now that we're all awake, let's start with introductions." The Jonin said.

"I'll start, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I have several likes and dislikes, I have some hobbies. I don't have a particular goal.." Kakashi thought out loud.

Naruto leaned to whisper into Satsuki's ear, "The only thing we learned from him is his name." he quietly said. "No kidding." Satsuki said in reply.

"Alright Pinkie, you go first." Kakashi said, pointing at Sakura.

"My name is Haruno Sakura," She started blushing " I like.. Naruto-kun." Naruto was shocked. He was happy that a girl liked him but he didn't think that girl would be Sakura. Satsuki had a hateful look on her face. She quickly masked it with a normal face, as to not draw attention. " I dislike.." She took a quick glance at Satsuki. Luckily Satsuki changed to her normal expression before Sakura looked at her.

"I like to spend family time with my parents. And pick flowers with Ino-pig." she said. "My goal is too.." She started smiling deviously while blood was running out of her nose.

'Great, a fangirl. And a loud one at that.' Kakashi thought

"Alright that's enough, thanks.. uhh-" "Sakura" the pinkette said with a furrow in her brow. As her sensei had already forgotten her name.

"You go next blondie." Kakashi said

"Okay," Naruto smiled. " My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like ramen, my friend Satsuki-chan, and Izuna-sensei." Satsuki was blushing bright, she was overjoyed that Naruto would include her into his list of likes. On the other hand, Sakura was not too happy that she didn't hear her name. She crossed her arms with an unhappy look on her face. Satsuki saw this and gave a smile that just screamed ' Ha! Take that!' Naruto also saw Sakura face and felt slightly bad. But they weren't friends, at least not yet.

"My dislikes are people who take too much time, being treated unfair, and people who take advantage of others." he said.

"My hobbies are training, playing shogi, and eating ramen at Ichiraku's." Naruto paused for a second. "My goal is to become Hokage and a kind and caring person all around." he said with a grin.

'You already are a kind and caring person Naruto' Satsuki thought.

"And finally the Uchiha." Kakashi said while reading his book. The Genin were curious on what it was about but they decided not to intrude.

"My name is Uchiha Satsuki, I like Naruto and training with Naruto," Naruto was beet red. If nobody would notice him, Naruto would be jumping up and down screaming ' Hooray! Hooray!' He tried to keep a poker face but it immediately crumbled when Satsuki started looking at him he busted out a smile of pure joy. This smile was contagious as Satsuki started beaming too.

'So they both like Naruto? That would explain them cuddling onto Naruto under the tree.' Kakashi thought as he put a hand under his chin, indicating he was thinking.

"I dislike Sakura, Mean people, and Liars." Satsuki continued. " My hobbies are spending time with Naruto and training. My goal is to.. Become Naruto's wife." almost nobody heard this, the only one who did was Kakashi.

"Enough introductions, you guys are going to do a genin test."

"But didn't we already do our genin test?" Naruto asked.

"That test was for graduating to genin, this test is for seeing if worth being a genin." Kakashi replied.

"Alright, so what are we doing?" Satsuki added.

"You guys are going to take these bells from me." Kakashi Stated, dangling the bells from his hand.

The genin started to look at each other. Kakashi saw them, he knew they were planning something.

"Start!" Kakashi said. He was reading his book, just standing in the wide open.