
Shitty first fic with plot holes

I own what I own


Circuit 1

A New Mission


I was once an abused weapon.

A tool in the eyes of the people that used me.

I was naught but a toy that they would disspose of once they're bored of using me.

But I wasn't.

It was because I was a precious toy. A very powerful weapon. A useful tool.

I channeled all the rage that I kept hidden from my so called 'masters' on the battle field.

Eventhough I knew we were losing.

The fight between the astrals, beings of power that are able to create monsters named primal beast against the ones that came from the red sky. The astrals were able to create beings that were used to protect the world, but some were never used.


Because they're scared that it'll turn against them.

If they even tried to abuse their power, then those beast will turn and destroy them instead. And in this pointless war I was an important piece.

Playing the role of the strongest 'controllable' primal beast. I hate when they think of it that way. They think that they could control me.

What a joke.

They're even scared stiff when I glared at them. So much for beings of power. Some would be shaking in fear while trying to give me orders.

Like I ever listened to them.

The only person I would ever listen to is 'her'.

My creator.

Always wearing that glorious and regal white dress. Her silky dark blue hair and blood red eyes her slim yet powerful figure. She is like a goddess to me.

When every other astral would either be scared of my power or use me as a tool. She would show me love as if I was a family member.

One day when the war was raging, the stupid asshats that calls themself 'my superiors' sent me to a fools errand and ordered me to guard a shrine for no reason. But 'accidentaly' that island also happens to be where a small scale war was happening between the skydwellers.

Oh, did I mention about skydwellers?

They are the original races that lives in the world. Because the astrals came from a different dimension and all that shit. The astrals used their power to protect and govern the skydwellers.

Some regions were handed to some astrals because of shitty politics.

From there hell started.

Some astrals abused their powers and authorities and worked the skydwellers under their lands as slaves.

There were some that gave skydwellers good treatment under their rule, but the ones that were good was only a small portion.

And so there was a lot of hate going to the astrals and their creation.

So when the skydwellers saw a primal beast arrivinb on the scene, they changed their targets and made a temporary truce.

They were annihilated yes, but the shrine was destroyed in the process.

The shrine that was located at the other side of the island where the war was raging.

I can already tell whatwas happening and I hate it. The one thing that is going to bring down the astrals is themselves. Of course when I returned the astrals blamed my incompetence with those smug faces, repeating over and over how I couldn't do a simple task of guarding a shrine.

What's the pojnt of trying to get rid of me anyway. Isn't it better if I was helping fighting the skydwellers?

Can't they see that what I was doing is benefiting them?

Then they did the unforgiveable.

They attacked my creator, saying that it was her fault for creating such an useless being.

That was the last straw.

Well, in the end I did anything an angry-deadly-power wielding-primal beast would do.

I disposed them.

Those annoying jerks that could only think for themselves knew it was coming anyway.

But... the astrals didn't think like I did.

They saw this as a start of a rebellion. If one of their stronger weapons would rebel, then what about the weaker grunts? They aren't that strong, but if a lot of them gathered then it'll be trouble.

So they tried to dispose of me.

But before they were able to capture and kill me, my creator took me away.

She took me towards a distant island, on that island was a lab full of astral scientics.


I was ordered to dispose them by my creator, and that order was executed to perfection. Now all that is left is pieces of broken equiepment and machinery painted red with blood. She then led me to a chamber, on that chamber was the only other living being other than us.

The primal beast Akasha.

An extremely powerful primal beast, although it's power is extremely destructive it was never put on the field.


The astrals were afraid of their own creation. They gave it the terrifying ability to rewrite history. It could have won them the war even if they only used if once.

But instead they were afraid of the consequense of using it's power.

That was the rundown of what my creator said.

She walked closer to it's chamber and proceeded to enter some commands into the console. She then turned towards me. 'I will give you your first and final mission' she said. My creator has never given me a mission. She gave me an order yes, but an order from her is something that is effective immediately, something that has to be done right after it was said.

A mission is an objective that can last for an indefinite amount of time.

"I will use the power of Akasha to send you away."

Why is she doing this?

"According to the readings, it is only able to open the gate for a few seconds and it can only hold a person in it. I want you to go through it."

I was confused. If I went through the gate as she ordered what would happen to her? Won't she have nobody to protect her? I was her one and only creation, so won't she get attacked by the astrals?

Why does she care about me in the first place?

The closed door then begin banging, as astrals and their band of primal beast are trying to force their way through it.

"Hurry! We don't have much time, I'll open the gate."

She then begin typing something on the console as the banging grew louder. I managed to voice my question with a low voice.

"What about you."

She stopped typing. As there was silence between the creator and her primal beast, the only sound that they could hear was the banging that came from the door.

"I... have no intention of leaving here."

"Why? If you aren't leaving then why should I? My life's mission is to protect you so-"

"That's exactly why!" She shouted while slamming the console with her fist.

"I... created you out of spite. I created you to destroy the skydwellers, but... I just can't stand seeing you kill them." She walked closer towards me with each step.

"I was in grief because the skydwellers killed the important person in my life, so the other astrals saw this as a chance to use my power and created a primal beast." She was right in front of me, our face just a few inches apart. "Created you."

She embraced me in a tight hug. Wait what!? Creator is hugging me! Is this... what those skydwellers call... the feeling of bliss! If only this moment lasted forever... her hug tightens and my back was wet with something.

Were these... tears?

Was my creator... crying?

"I-I was angry... at those filthy skydwellers, we were just living in a hill like a normal family. We didn't do anything to them. But-" Her grip tightens once again.

"They killed her. They killed my sister when I was away. I returned to see her corpse burning in flames with our house... why? We didn't do anything to them... so why?

The astrals... they were just as bad. At my unstable state they used sweet words saying that they will kill them all, kill all of them, those ungratefull idiots that killed my sister.

At the time I came to my senses, they were all already dead. Every single villager on that island decimated... by you. I was happy that those trash died but, I saw you.

Your form, your voice, it all resembles... her. I subconciously created you in her form. I just... wanted to meet her so bad. But to see you, a primal beast of war in her form bathed in blood.

I couldn't take it. But not only do you look like her... your actions are the same. Always looking up to me with those bright eyes. I can't take it. Just looking at you reminds me of my mistake, my flaw.

So I want you to go away. Go somewhere far far away so that I won't be reminded of my failure."

She lets go of the hug and looked at me with teary eyes.

"I want you to live. Not as a weapon, but as a person. I want you to live life without regrets, I want you to succeed. That is my wish and you're final mission."

If only I could stop time and let this moment go on forever...


The banging was louder and the door was starting to break. My creator saw this and returned to typing commands. A few more seconds and suddenly Akasha glowed then a blue vortex appeared on the floor.

"Hurry! Before they get inside!"

I was hesitant. Wouldn't anyone? If you were told to leave someone that you care for, won't you stay?

But if your wish is to be with a person, only for that same person to say that you should leave...

Won't that hurt you after you leave?

At that point I still didn't understand what I was suppose to do.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt that I was falling.

I blinked twice only to see the face of my creator still filled with tears, as she pushed me into the vortex.

"Live by you own choices and don't regret them, Etherea."

And my vision was engulfed by a vortex of blue.


Italy is pretty nice.

After getting pushed into the vortex by my creator, I was left spinning in the blue. I don't know how long I was in it. Maybe months, years, or maybe just a few minutes. I lost my sense of time in that damn thing.

When I stopped spinning I was really relieved. But instead I was unable to see nor move. So I once again waited, at one point I thought that I died because of creators miscalculation.

I was doubting her, my creator. A part of me that worshiped her is outraged for me thjnking that. While the logical part of me is doubting her.

But before the two of them could debate about it, I was 'pushed' out so to say. Then there was a light, and I felt a hand holding me.

I saw that it was a person garbed with white wearing a mask and rubber gloves. I was confused on why I couldn't move my body. The man then gave me to the woman that was lying on the bed.

I soon realized that what I went through was birth.

I was born at Italy with the name Etherea Flowerchild. Which is somehow the same name that my creator gave me.

I have a little sister who is one year younger named Xenovia Flowerchild.

Our parents were exorcists. As I quote 'We slay devils in the name of the Lord'. They were of course firm believers of the teachings of God, and they were what I would call, lackeys.

I was amazed on the world itself. The fact that it isn't a mass of floating islands is amazing on it's own. Then the fact that it's ROUND of all things.

Then the fact that there is only humans, there's no draphs or erunes anywhere to be seen.

I kept thinking on a way to return to my creators side. But whenever I do, I kept remembering her words.

'Live by your own choices and don't regret them, Etherea.'

So I by that order I will live my life here without regrets. No matter how much I want to return and disobey her orders, I just can't. I can't even disobey the orders that was given to me.

In the end I can't be my own person, and can only stay as a weapon that follows orders.

But... even if she tells me to not regret anything.

I can't help but regreting the fact that I left.


It would seem that my sister has turned famous.

There was something that was held by the church that me and my sister went through. It would seem that it was to test someones affinity with the light element.

Because the light element is the weakness of devils, so the church are gathering people that has affinity towards that element.

I didn't pass it one bit, because I don't have any affinity towards it.

Or thats what I wanted them to believe.

I held back my powers, and by powers I meant the ability that was given to my body by my core. Because even though I have the body of a human, my core still stays the same.

In conclusion I have a new vessel with the same abilities.

But those abilities that I am able to use are really limited now. Because my vessel is significantly weaker, I can only use a small portion of my power.

Why I held back you ask?

These past few years living in Italy has made me think about my decision back then. I saw that the act of killing those shitty astrals was an act of uncontrollable emotion.

I could have think rationally about that problem, but I solved it with violence.

I saw that I was a person that went through wars and a whole lot of bloodshed. I never knew what it was like to live normally. So I think I found a reason to live.

To live a normal life.

A pretty simple wish right?

A wish that could be granted easily right?

Turns out I was wrong.

My sister and her affinity to light element wasn't the only thing that made her famous.

Holy sword Durandal.

A sword that was once used by Roland, a legendary paladin of Charlemagne. The swords destructive power and light properties is said to the legendary Excalibur that was used by king Arthur. Combined with the fact that it's indestructible meant that it was one of the strongest weapons with light properties there is.

It is said that it's wielder would be chosen by the sword itself. Because it is sentient, it became picky of it's user and doesn't want any normal people using it.

Xenovia was the wielder that it chose.

My parents was ecstatic, knowing that a child of theirs was chosen by God to use one of the strongest sword there was.

Me... I didn't actually cared. I was happy for her of course, but then that happiness turned into loneliness.

Ever since I was born I still had my mind intact, so I was bored when I had nothing to do. After Xenovia was born however, playing with her became a way to waste my time.

Ever sincr she was chosen by Durandal, even getting close to her was hard. Everywhere she went, there would be a whole group of exorcist or other religious people following her.

If I try to get close, those people would get angry and attack me.

The situation at home is worse though.

Because I held back my abilities on the test, my parents thought that I was worthless. They already have a prodigy as a daughter, the worthless trash that they though I was didn't mean anything to them.

They would act that I didn't exist, lock me in my room, and only give me food on certain occasions.

They were barely at the house anyway, Xenovia was taken in by the vatican for purposes, and my parent were usually of to do missions.

Even if they did come back they still won't acknowledge my existence

Thanks to this treatment, I barely come home anymore.

But the one time that I did.

There wasn't anybody home anymore.


It was already night, so I went back to the house. They would usually lock the front door and my room. So I went out by sneaking through the window.

But that time the door was opened.

I stopped.

Something isn't right. I was sure that they were home.

My heart was racing.

I tried to think reasons why the door was opened.

(1) They forgot to close it

(2) Someone broke in

(2) is a more likely possibility, because they would close the door on reflex since they have been doing it for years now.

As I walked closer to the door, I saw that the lock was broken. There's no doubt about it, someone broke in. Question is, who did?

(1) A robber

(2) A serial killer/murderer

(3) A devil

A robber would have picked the lock and be as quite as possible. Some serial killers are mentally unstable, so I can't think of reasons why he/she would break in.

The most possible answer is...


Beings of evil and darkness that takes human forms. The teachings of the church always portray them as manipulative beings that cause chaos where ever they went.

But I didn't believe it a bit.

The devils leader on their rebel against God was Lucifer right? Lucifer himself was a former angel, until he defied His orders and became a devil. He had his white wings stripled of its feathers and became bat like.

The other angel that falls after him had their white wings turned black instead.

But before that, weren't they just being that follows orders? Beings that are a weapon? A tool?

I for one admired Lucifer.

Of course I didn't tell anybody that I did. Ut would be stupid to just go to a church one day and say 'Hey Lucifer was right'. I'llget executed instantly if that happens!

The reason I admired him is because he was able to make his own decisions. He stilk stood tall, and even rallied the devils into a war against heaven.

And so he started the Great War.

His despise on humans are understandable, he was a being made from light and one of His greatest creation. For him to bow to a useless sack of meat is just disgusting.

Humanity does have its quality. But I know that most of its good is overshadowed by the bad.

My parents were exorcist themself, so they won't only slay devils. They would slay herectics too.

Which meant that there would be people trying to get revenge.

And so the (3) answer would be the correct answer.

Now how to confront this problem. I could go in but how would that help? I was a child, a fight against a possible group of devils doesn't sound favourable. And if my parents were figthing, if I went in I would just be a distraction.

So I went and hide myself in the bush under an open window.

True to my deduction, I could hear grunts and sounds of furniture breaking. Either my parents win, or the devils do. If my parents does, then I would have to be able to sneak in before they noticed I was gone. Or maybe they already do know that I was gone and that could cause problems.

If they lose however. Then there would be nobody to sustain myself financially, not to mention that the house will be a crime scene for the murder of two people. Or maybe the church would dispose of their bodies.

Not long the sound of fighting stopped. And in its place was a conversation.

"Did you dispose of the woman?" said a rough voice, it was probably a man judging by the weight of the voice.

That or it was a girl with great voice acting capability.

"Yea, it wasn't hard at all! Are these losers really the parents of the kid that had amazing light powers?" The voice came from another person, another man perhaps?

"Yes. And if the information was correct, there should be another child here."

"What, Another kid? Does she have powers like her sister?"

"No, she doesn't."

"They why the fuck should we care! The job was just to kill those two right?" The second one sounded agitated. He mention that it was a job to kill them? I guess they arent seeking revenge then.

"You are correct, I was just thinking how we should just dispose of her before she becomes a threat."

"Ha! A threat? A little shit with no powers? Don't make me laugh."

"There is always a chance that she holds a sacred gear."

The conversation went silent.

Sacred gear.

A weapon given by the gods to humans. It was daid that most historical figures that had great influence in the world has these weapons.

"Are you sure that she has one?" The second devil broke the silence.

"No, just an assumption."

The second devil clicked his tounge, "Do what you want, I'm leaving."

A few seconds later I felt a burst of mana and his presence leave the area.

"I know you're there, show yourself."

My heart stopped and dread filled the air.


How in the actual hell did he figured out that I was here!? I thought I masked my presence conpletely.

My hands were trembling, while my heart was beating so fast. I was hysteric, I know. I tried to calm myself, but I heard footsteps.

And they were growing louder.

My heart beat skyrocketed. Sweat was flowing down my forehead. I bit my lips until it drew blood to not let a scream of terror and dread run out of my mouth.

Then I heard him slam open a door.

"Not here huh."

My heart beat paced down to a normal and non-erratic. My hands stopped trembling, but I still feel dread all over my body.

"Oh well, guess I'll return."

In another wave of mana I felt him dissapear.

I let out the breath I was holding.

And passed out.


"The devils sure did a work on them."

I was sent here by the church to see how the parents of the new wielder of Durandal was doing, but it would seem that the devils was faster than I was.

But from what I heard they had another child.

I only found two bodies, and they were adults. No sign of a child anywhere.

I searched inside the house and found nothing, I thought that the devils might have taken her.

But when I searched outside the house, I found a child with blue hair. She fits the description alright.

I picked her up and gently touched her cheeks.

"Wake up my child."

I saw her open her ruby red eyes. Its her alright.

"Who are you..." She asked weakly.

I only smiled and answered.

"My name is Valper Galilei, and would you like to come to my orphanage?"