AUTHOR: littlexwillow
WRITTEN ON: 180313
PAIRING: Hatake Kakashi/Haruno Sakura
FANDOM: Naruto
PROMPT: "Your hair is really soft after you wash it."
GENRE: soft, pure fluff
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own the characters. Kishimoto-sensei has ownership over that.

A/N: it's full of fluff and very short. I love the idea of domestic Kakashi and Sakura married. Enjoy! This is a little challenge to myself to keep myself grounded by writing oneshots involving Sakura and whoever I feel like pairing her with everyday whether I post them or not.

Sakura was beyond exhausted. She could barely feel her feet, they were numb, and she fought against the feeling of sleepiness. Forcing herself to get back home and take a warm shower before she crashed. With heavy steps, she reached the door of her home, and without even needing to open the door, she was greeted with the warmth of strong arms wrapping around her waist.

"You're home," Kakashi murmured into her wind-blown hair, holding her tired body close to his.

Sakura lifted her arms weakly and placed them on the sides of his hips. A peaceful smile etched on her face. She leaned into his chest, relishing in the warmth and the familiar smell of wood and earth wafted in her nose, "I'm home."

Without need for anymore words between the two, Kakashi carried her to the bathroom. He felt the anxiety leave as his wife was now at home, and safe in his arms. He hadn't seen her in almost two months as she was sent on a mission in Shimogakure to help with an epidemic that was rapidly spreading throughout the lands. After the virus had been eradicated, she stayed for an extra week or so just to be sure.

While at home, Kakashi was spending his time in the his office, keeping up with his Hokage duties. However, for this particular night, his wife was coming home and so he let everyone leave early so he could go home and wait for his Sakura.

He turned the hot water on and waited patiently for it to fill up the tub while he slowly peeled off the layers of Sakura's dirt encrusted top and shorts. His thumb rubbed the dried mud and blood splatters on her arms. Kakashi's eyes glanced at his wife's tired, slumped form as he undressed her.

"Sakura-chan, I'm going to place you the in tub," he lowly breathed, lifting her from the counter and eased her into warm water.

Sakura let out a breath of relief, her tense body relaxing as she felt her muscles loosened. She tiredly opened an eye, "thank you, Kashi."

Kakashi's eyes crinkled and let out a chuckle, before petting her on the top her head before slipping out of the bathroom.


Warm, refreshed and a bit more awake, Sakura padded into their room, opening the door to see Kakashi in bed. He held a scroll in his hand and was reading. As the mattress sunk and Kakashi felt a pair of lean arms wrap around his torso, he put the scroll away and rested his arm over his wife's shoulders.

Sakura nuzzled her face in her husband's maskless neck and looked up, admiring his handsome face. Kakashi smiled softly as emerald green eyes stared up at him. He kissed the crown of her head and his free hand combed through her hair, the smell of her cherry blossom shampoo brought comfort to him.

"I missed your soft hair," he said, holding his small wife closer to him.

Sakura giggled, "it's soft now. It wasn't when on my way back home."

"That doesn't matter. You're here now."

Sakura grinned sleepily at her Hokage husband and he turned off the light. They both got comfortable and for the first time in almost two months, Kakashi slept without any nightmares. That's all thanks to his wife who had returned home from her long mission.