This story is mainly inspired by Victoria and Ivy's relationship in S7 and Victoria's death scene. That made my heart clenches like after that scene I saw their relationship so differently it got me shook. So I started thinking about an AU with a low-key similar situation with Regina-Cora-Zelena. I also couldn't help adding Robin. Let's be real, I love OQ and after 7x12's episode... Oh my. I need Robin man. Robin is Robin. Ok sorry for blabbing. Hope you like the story.

Trigger warnings for the entire story: Mentions of depression, anxiety, kidnapping, and neglect.

"Daddy, are we at the beach yet?" A five year old Regina asks. "I want to see the turtles!"

"Regina just be patient. We'll be there soon." An eight year old Zelena responds.

Zelena leans over to Regina in the back seat of the car, putting an arm around her younger sister.

"Regina listen to your older sister. We'll be there sooner than you think." Cora, their mother states.

When Cora turns her head from the passenger seat she sees an already asleep Regina and Zelena. Her heart fills with warmth seeing her two girls together. Wanting to make the scene last. She takes a polaroid out of her purse and takes a quick picture.

Not an hour later the family reaches the beach.

"Girls, don't run too far away from us!" Henry yelled.

"Zelena watch your sister, sweetie." Cora yelled preparing the blanket and the food on the sand.

Minutes later Cora and Henry heard a loud scream for mommy and daddy. They quickly ran towards Regina by the hatched turtle eggs.

"Regina what happened what's wrong?" Henry asked.

Cora looks around for Zelena but she's nowhere to be found. She grabs Regina's arm with a bit more pressure intended. "Where's your sister? What happened?" She starts yelling unintentionally.

"There- there was a man. He was gonna take me. But- but Zelena pushed him off and they took her instead." Regina says in between sobs. "I'm sorry mommy. I'm- I'm-" and at that moment Regina collapses.

Regina wakes up with beeping machines surrounding her. A flash of white hits her eyes. "Mommy? Daddy?"

Henry appears in front of her. "You're ok sweetheart" He comforts her lightly. He sweeps the stray hairs away from her face and holds her hand trying to calm her down.

"I-I had a nightmare." Regina explains as her eyes start to gloss with tears. "Ze saved me but... she's gone."

Henry's face droops. How was he going to explain to a five year old that someone tried to take her but end up losing her sister instead.

"Sweetie. Ze is gone." he lightly whispers as he pats her head.

Regina's head lifts up to look at her father trying to look for answers. "It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"No sweetie, it's not. I don't ever want you blaming yourself for what happened to your sister. It was an accident and I promise I will do everything to get her back."

At that moment, Cora enters the room unconscious about the fact that Regina was already awake. "I talked to the police and the private investigator. They don't have a lead on the person that took her." Cora slumps to the empty couch in the hospital room. "I don't know what to do Henry. I can't lose Zelena. I fought tooth and nail just to bring her into this world and for what? To have someone take her away from me?"

Henry moves close to his wife leaving Regina alone while she pretends to sleep and continues to listen. "We will find her. You must have hope. We all do"

At that moment Regina hugs her favorite monkey doll tightly as she her tears fall.

"And where do you think you're going young lady?" Henry asks firmly from the hotel suite kitchen.

"Shit." Regina quietly states.

She lets go of the door handle and turns around smiling awkwardly at her father. "I was just… going down to the lobby just to check things out."

Henry looks at his now 16 year old daughter. "Uh-huh." He responds. "And you plan going down to the lobby with an entire purse and a heavy coat?"

Regina's shoulders drop. She knew there was no point in lying to her father. "Ok fine. You caught me. I was going to go out and check things out."

"Regina! You know the rules when we travel."

Regina throws her hands up in the air, "But that's so unfair! What's the point of me tagging along with you and Mom for business trips when all I can do is sit in a lame office listening to you talk with old people! I'm sixteen and we're at London come on! I need an adventure. I'm not that little girl anymore that you have to protect all the time!"

Henry sighs in defeat. "Ok fine. But you may only be out for no more than two hours. Your phone must be always on you at all times for any emergency."

"Yes daddy" Regina says with a smiling forming on her face.

"And you have your pepper spray and your battery pack?"

Regina nods.

"Remember if anyone tried to steal your phone, your wallet, your purse, or anything just give it to them. We can replace those things but we can't replace you."

Regina gives him a sad smile before leaving knowing that he was thinking about Zelena again.

As she rides down the elevator she can feel her heart clenching. A sudden wave of anxiety hits her so she holds her chest and tries to breathe. She crouches down to the floor trying to hold herself. This will pass like it always does. You're going to be fine. She thinks to herself. It will wash over.

The elevator dings open and a tall woman with bright orange hair walks in with a handsome sandy blonde man.

"Oh dear." The lady says "Are you alright?"

Regina stands up nodding her head. "I'm fine. Just a bit thrown off, you know." She says trying to give the man and a woman a bright smile.

"Are you sure?" The man asks with a concerned face.

"I'm sure."

The man looks at her trying to read her but he figured it was best not to push a stranger into talking. He stretches his hand forward and introduces himself, "Robin Locksley, Milady."

Regina grabs his hand and responds, "Regina, Regina Mills."

The lady with him also reaches her hand forward, "Helena Green."

Regina takes her hand and says, "It's nice to meet you both."

The next day Regina is forced to come with her parents to a meeting with her parents.

As she waits for them in the lobby she grunts a bit too loudly.

"Woah there your majesty, has someone done something that was displeasing to you?"

She looks up following the deeply accented voice. Robin. "What are you doing here?"

Robin beams at her, "My father actually… ummm is the owner of this hotel." He trails off.

At that moment Cora and Henry made their way down to the lobby.

"Regina sweetie, let's go." Her father called out.

Regina looks to her parents, "Actually Daddy, I was wondering if I could stay here instead."

Cora looked at Regina sternly, "You know the rules when we travel Regina, you are to stay where we are. You're not allowed to go anywhere. We don't need you to go missing like your sister did."

And there it is. The constant reminded that Zelena is gone. Regina's face fell, something that didn't go unnoticed to Robin.

"Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Mills, my name is Robin Locksley. I offered Ms. Mills earlier to be her guide for the day, but she said she wasn't sure if you'd let her. So I was wondering if you'd grant her the allowance of spending the day with me."

Henry looks at the boy that couldn't be older than 18, "And what makes you think we'll let you take our daughter out for the day?"

"Nothing sir. But I assure you she'll be completely safe with me. My father owns the hotel and I'll make sure she'd be home by 10 tonight."

Henry nods but state firmly, "No later than 10 you understand?"

"Yes sir." They both state in unison.

Robin grabs Regina's hand and they both run towards the main entrance.

Once they reached outside Regina faces him. "You didn't have to do that you know. I don't mean to be an inconvenience to you."

Robin swats the air to say no and grabs her hand. "You Milady will never be an inconvenience to me and plus I'm the one that decided to drag you with me."

Regina blushes lightly and feels a light flutter in her stomach. "So… what are we doing today?"

"I'm supposed to meet Helena out for lunch today, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind."

No less than thirty minutes they reach "Café Rendezvous" where Helena was already seated.

"Hey Leen" Robin greets. "Hope you don't mind that Regina tags along."

"No problem at all." She says beaming at the both of them.

They spent the entire afternoon walking around town touring Regina around and talking about their life.

Robin opens up about his family. That although his parents are always away he's thankful that his grandparents are always there for him. At the moment Robin starts talking about his best friends Will and John, Regina snickers and the "Robin Hood and his Merry Men" jokes start to pour in.

Helena on the other hand shares the story of her family. She lives with her mother and two brothers. Her story started out as the perfect family until she started to talk about her father's death.

When Helena was thirteen she loved her father very much. She went to tag along everywhere with him. So one day she tagged along with her father to the market. To make a long story short Helena was supposed to be ran over by a car but her father grabbed her and he got hit instead. Not moments later, he died.

Regina looks at Helena with pure pity but she wasn't having it. "Don't do that. Don't look at me like I'm some sad child." Helena blurts out.

Robin breaks the tension, "What about you Regina, it's your time to share."

Regina looks at Robin, "And what makes you think I have a story." She flirts.

"Based on the way your parents guard you and the tad bit they shared about your sister tells me there's a story."

Regina looks up to him pushing the tears back. Some people might think that it should be easy for her to talk about her sister by now. It's been eleven years after all. But nobody will understand that she didn't lose just a sister or a best friend; she also lost her mom.

More tears threatened to trickle, but no. She's not weak and she's definitely not crying here. Crying happens behind closed doors where no one is there to hear nor judge you.

"Regina?" She hears them call out.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Regina shakes her head. "Uhhh my sister was kidnapped when I was five. They were suppose to take me, but she saved me and they took her instead."

Helena and Robin look at her intensely, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It was long ago. I don't even remember what really happened." She says.

Back at the hotel that night Robin and Regina left Helena at the lobby for awhile.

Helena taps her foot impatiently. What is taking them so long? She asks herself looking at her watch. They've been gone for thirty minutes now. It does NOT take someone that long to get coffee!

Helena spins around quickly accidentally bumping into a woman. "Apologies" she quickly says looking at the woman.

"Zelena." The older woman says.

A/N: Thoughts?