Bloody Rumble in the Jungle

A lone man is sitting on a branch of a very tall tree playing with a drum on his lap into the Samba song trying to cheer himself up, but in truth he felt more sad in his heart and rage in his mind as the clouds departed letting the moonlight shines down on the man revealing his fingers are covered in blood and leaving bloody finger prints on the drum.

Then the purple energy mist of Dark Matter flies down from the moon and swirls around the a lone man not being scared of the dark energy, in fact he welcomes it as it consumes his whole body and soon eerie laughter started filling the whole jungle scaring most of the animals even the big predators. There is also a big explosion-like sound going off and almost sound like Samba, but in a more destructive way.


Somewhere far away close to the jungle and inside a large building which is a hotel, a woman with long purple-blue hair is looking at her computer doing some data correcting for her work. She notices the sound and look out through the window and feeling the shaking from here as well though this shaking is only small enough that nobody notices.

"I have a feeling that there's trouble going on here." The woman suspected.


"I have come for a death request of someone who is causing trouble in Rio." A dark-skinned woman with red hair, yellow eyes and wears a rainbow-colored dress said to the group.

"Rio, I've always wanted to visit the place with Doctor Reina if we ever have time to get a vacation." Shiori recalled her time asking Reina if she wanted to go on a vacation, but the doctor said no for she had too much work to do like always whenever the blue Cloneblade woman would ask her that.

"Yeah, the sun and fun with the music and dancing, who wouldn't want to go there." Jack asked rhetorically.

"Here is the target." The woman showed the man she wants them to kill.

The man is muscular with dark brown hair, skin, and brown eyes. He wears a yellow baggy style jacket with green and red stripes on the sleeves, an orange loose drawstring pants with black sides and yellowish-white lettering that reads "MAXIMUM" and orange sparring gloves. His hairstyle is a braided mohawk, with a letter "M" cut on each side of his head.

"He looks like someone from Street Fighters." Jack commented.

"Not everything is like a video game, Raiden." Rihoko reminded him.

"He used to be a DJ at a nightclub, he really enjoys playing music mostly the Samba as he loves that type of music the most. However, he is also a very dangerous man." The red hair woman mentioned.

"Playing as the DJ is just something to cover up his true crime: he's a murderer who kills people who don't like the Samba music or people with different taste in music. There's rumor of before that person is killed, they hear a drum playing in the Samba beat as it's the last thing they hear before death." The red hair woman explained.

"So, he's killing people for a stupid reason like that? I think he's too obese with his music." Masane pointed out.

"And that is what makes him dangerous. Years ago, before he became a DJ, he was an underground street fighter and win his fights by killing his opponent so brutally. Even after settling down his thirst for killing has not gone away and now I fear he has become much worst than before." The red hair woman sobbed as she clenched onto her legs with her hands.

"Don't worry, ma'am, the Killer is Dead group will end the bastard's life and save the future victims from his evil hands!" Mika promised.

"Just make sure you paid in full, okay." Mika added.

"You don't have to make it sound like we don't care at all." Masane muttered.

"Alright, team, let's move out." Jack smirked as they walk out of the room getting for their mission.

"(Hmm, a music villain. It's been a long time since we faced something like that, not since… Mondo was with us.)" Mika thought as she remembers her old killer fighting partner back when she was a rookie and assistant to him.

"Mondo, what are you doing right now?" Mika asked feeling worry as she looks up out the window.

(Rio, Jungle)

The KID team is seen driving through the jungle on a wide path with Shiori on the driver's sit while in her Cloneblade form and Masane in her Witchblade form as well, Rihoko is on lookout with Jack seeing if there are any monsters around here.

"Be careful with the speed, Shiori, one mistake and this car is totaled beyond repairs." Rihoko warned.

"Relax, sweetie, I got this." Shiori assured.'

"Just keep a look out for any of those monster wires, my blade is itching to taste their blood." Masane excited erotically as she licks the blade.

As they continue driving, something hidden behind the trees and brushes ran past them catching up to the jungle-traveling car as Jack look to the direction of the small running sound he just heard, but saw nothing though his instincts are warning him to be extra careful and about to reach for the hilt of his sword.

Then a bird flew above them as Rihoko quickly saw the bird and was able to recognizes it despite the bird flying fast.

"Whoa, that was a blue macaw! They've very native in Brazil, they're also called Spix's macaw as they are named for German naturalist Johann Baptist von Spix, who collected the first specimen in April 1819 near the São Francisco River in the vicinity of Juazeiro." Rihoko lectured on the history of the blue bird.

"Kid, is now really the best time for sightseeing history lesson?" Shiori asked.

"In case you've forgotten, I was a fully grown adult and I learned many things that got me two big degrees in science and engineering before working for my dad's company where I became head of the science division group." Rihoko reminded with a firm face.

"And I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished, Rihoko. I'm glad you and your dad were to have a good free from the Witchblade and all the other bad things from the world." Masane smiled.

"We never forgotten the sacrifice you did for us. We did a routine that every year, we would go to the tower and prey that you're doing good in Heaven while telling about how we've been doing these days, we even have a picnic too, it was a lot of fun." Rihoko explained happy, remembering all the fun times they did together throughout the years of peace.

"Hey mom, do you remember everyone from the Natsuki Building?" Rihoko asked.

"Of course, I could never forget about those guys. They were like family when we live there." Masane chuckled.

"Well, Mariko went on opening her own bar and hotel like the old one and business is great. Mr. Co went on living at a retirement home, but not before teaching a young girl with great hacking skills and probably a pervert for both sexes. Naōmi and Michael got married a few years later and have live together in a nice open home near the forest. Yusuke and Kyoko got married and became famous reporters for their company, and Yuuki actually decided on becoming both a model and a pro fighter. And last I saw Hiroki; he went to America for a vacation." Rihoko informed her adopted mother of how everyone else was doing back in her old world.

"Wow, sounds like you all had a great time." Jack commented.

"We did, though we all thought about mom being with us to enjoy the peaceful times." Rihoko mentioned as she hugs Masane around the waist.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are" Shiori never got to finish her sentence when something jumped out of the woods causing her to twist the car left and right a bit before stopping.

"What the fuck?" Jack grunted and look to see a wire-monkey screeching in rage.

(Music: Power Rangers Jungle Fury Opening Theme)

"Looks like he's not monkeying around for bananas." Jack joked.

The Wire-monkey charge at the group and jump at them, but Jack impale his sword right into the chest and slicing it in half and Shiori starts driving, two seconds later more Wire-monkeys came out and chase them through the road.

"The job… Killer is Dead!" Jack started slashing the wire monkeys cutting them either in half or into pieces which he does either way.

"Things just became survival of the fittest right now!" Masane pointed out before slicing two Wire-monkeys and kicked one snapping its neck.

"Then I guess that make us the Alpha Predators!" Jack stated while slashing three away and stabbing one through the head then throws it crash into the others.

Shiori swings her blade-arm at the Wire-monkeys that try to attack her while driving at the same time though finds it a little difficult doing two things at once, after slashing away another one her arm was grabbed by one Wire-monkey and was about to chump off her face, but Rihoko saves the blue Cloneblade by putting a gun in the mouth and shoots it from the inside. After four shots, Rihoko quickly kick it away letting the dead monster monkey roll on the road until it smacks on a tree.

"Thanks, Rihoko." Shiori thanked.

"You're welcome, we're not just a team, Shiori, we're also family." Rihoko stated with a cute smile.

"Family, huh? I really like the sound of that." Shiori smiled back.

"I'm also glad Mika got me this gun, normal ones wouldn't do anything to Wires like them." Rihoko added and lean a quarter of her upper body out of the car and starts shooting some more monster monkeys.

The driving battle kept going with Jack and Masane handling the Wire-monkeys from the back while Shiori and Rihoko take care of the ones on the front sides. Jack and Masane have their backs press on each other's and they thought of the same idea almost like they can read each other's mind, Masane raise one leg for Jack to grab it as he gives her his red sword then he starts spinning around grabbing both legs with Masane having her arms stretch up and both blades making them into a spinning top that slices up dozens of the Wire-Monkeys. They also made sure not to hit Rihoko and Shiori as they duck their heads a little low, though the move have destroy the front window of the car, but it didn't matter to them as long as they can lose the monkeys.

Rihoko screams a bit as she narrow dodge a thrust attack from a Wire-snake letting it attack the head of her seat, it took its fang off and look viciously at Rihoko.

"Say cheeses!" Rihoko said, taking out a camera and took a picture with the bright flash blinding it for a moment which Rihoko use that time to shoot it from under the chin and through the head. Once it was dead, she pushes it out of the car.

"And this is why most girls are not a fan of reptiles." Rihoko said.

"Most girls wouldn't be interested in guns too, but you're not that most." Masane pointed out sexually.

"Indeed, I am!" Rihoko nodded proudly.

After slicing two Wire-monkeys and four snakes away, Jack look to see what's up ahead and his eyes widen.

"Uh, guys… I think we're running out of roads." Jack pointed at a mile away from here, the road ends with a deep ravine about a thousand mile down with a rushing river and a weak-looking wooden bridge between them about 50 feet long.

"Oh, that doesn't look good." Masane said.

"No kidding, what do we do?" Shiori asked.

"I think we're gonna have to cross that bridge." Jack suggested.

"Are you crazy! That bridge looks TOO unstable, it won't hold the weight of us, the car, and those Wire monsters chasing after us!" Rihoko freaked out.

"That's the idea." Jack revealed that it's his plan.

"(Somehow, I knew he say that.)" Rihoko thought sweatdropped.

Once they get close to the bridge and drive across it, the Wire-monkeys and snake come together in order to form a bridge made by their own bodies while the others chase after them though this was something Jack was hoping for.

"Jump, now!" Jack shouted before slicing the rope of the bridge.

They quickly jump on the wire bridge before the old wooden one gave out letting the car and several wires fall, Jack took out a grenade from his pocket taking out the pin then throws it to the car that has other grenades and dynamites on the back which caused an explosion chain reaction killing the Wire bridge as well. Jack and the girls made it to the other side before they got caught in the explosion and pants a bit.

(Music End)

"Let's never… do that again." Rihoko panted.

"I'm pretty sure we've been doing crazy stuff like this for a long time now." Masane chuckled.

"Hey, do you guys hear something?" Shiori asked as she place her hand over her ear.

Jack, Masane, and Rihoko were confused at first until they start listening to the sound Shiori is hearing and trying to make out what that is and where is it coming from.

"Hmm, it sounds like… drum?" Jack guessed.

"And from what I can tell of the rhythm, it must be Samba." Rihoko figured out this must be DJ, their target playing a drum.

"Must mean our target is close." Shiori said, getting up on her feet and dusting off the dirty from her knees.

"Yeah, though I think those guys would have been a dead giveaway." Masane smirked, pointing at the hard of Wire-monkeys and snakes, there are even a few Wire-macaw birds too.

"Let's dance." Jack smirked and they charge at the Wire monsters.

Jack slashes at the ones on the left, Masane destroy some in the middle with Rihoko riding on her back shooting at the wire-birds in the air, and Shiori is slashing away the ones on the right hooking them with her blade-arm and throwing them away like yesterday's trash. Jack runs up a tree and shot himself in a straight-line impaling three wire-macaws and sliced them in halves, then he rolls forward going down slashing at some monkey and snake monsters making an epic landing.

Masane slashes and impales some as Rihoko supports her, but the little girl suddenly got picked up by a Wire-macaw.

"Rihoko?!" Masane gasped, going after her daughter while slashing away from wires in her way.

Rihoko quickly think of something then notice her Witchblade is glowing a faint red light feeling her body is getting stronger a little. She uses that as she shot the ankle point blank, the talons let go of the girl and she quickly grab on, swinging back and forth before launching herself in the air above the bird monster and lands on its back. She took out a knife from her leg-pocket and stab it on the back neck taking a little control making it go fly around while shooting down the other flying monsters, then she decided the ride is over pulling the knife out and shot the stab wound killing it. She falls right into Masane's arms knowing her mother would catch her.

"That's my girl." Masane smiled, proud that Rihoko is strong despite being a child.

"I think that's all of them for now." Shiori reported after spin-slash five last ones.

"Then we better get moving." Jack said and the others run to where the sound is coming from.

"(It looks like my Witchblade is starting to wake up it's power, even though it's only a little right now, I'm gonna need it for this mission.)" Rihoko thought determined.

Far behind them at the edge of the cliff, a pure white foot with a pink glowing link steps on the ground as the person watches Jack's group running.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Jack and the Witchblade girls have enter the jungle fighting through the animals that are more vicious than normal and will be battling a musical murderer who uses Samba for fun while shredding blood, let see how the Killer is Dead agents will do against this kind of foe. And it looks like Rihoko's original Witchblade is starting to give Rihoko some power like super strength for now while someone may be tailing them.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!