Author's Note: I intended for this to be a one-shot just to get back in the feel for writing fanfiction, but I thought of a good continuation for the first part. Also, spoilers ahead if you haven't seen Sebastian's 8-heart cutscene yet. Again, I apologize if this is cheesy or unoriginal, but I liked the way it flowed, so…yeah.

Sebastian leaned up against the wall outside of Harvey's clinic, anxiously lighting a cigarette in the dark. I know I should quit, he thought, but I gotta do something to calm my nerves right now.

The door creaked open beside him. "You can't smoke out here," a woman's voice reprimanded him.

Sebastian turned his head to see his sister Maru, dressed to impress in her nurse's uniform. "I'm outside," he replied, annoyed.

"Sorry, Sebastian. Doctor's rules, not mine."

"Fine." Sebastian rolled his eyes and snuffed out his unfinished cigarette on the sole of his shoe. I don't know why I'm standing around here, anyway… He walked away without further acknowledging his sister's presence, and she shook her head in dismay before retreating back into the clinic. As he passed Pierre's General Store, he caught a glimpse of an advertisement posted next to the town bulletin board: Fresh Flower Bouquets – Now For Sale! He stopped for a moment to read the advertisement, wondering when was the last time Pierre had flower bouquets available in his shop, then headed home for the evening.

When he arrived at his house, his mom and Demetrius were already in bed. He considered making a pot of coffee, since he knew he would be unable to sleep anyway, but decided against it since he was already on edge. Once in his basement, he sat down at his computer to distract himself with a video game until he chose to call it a night somewhere around one in the morning.

The next day brought a shower of rain down on the valley, so Sebastian decided to take a walk out on the boardwalk, as it was one of the few outdoor activities he enjoyed. He had expected to slip away unnoticed, but Robin was already at her workstation and stopped him as he was about to leave. "Sebby, there's a storm coming. Please take an umbrella with you."

Reluctantly, Sebastian grabbed a large red-and-white striped umbrella from the stand next to the front door. "Okay, Mom. I'll see you in a bit."

Robin waved goodbye as the door closed behind Sebastian. He did not bother opening the umbrella during his walk, though he passed several other villagers who had theirs out – none of whom noticed him as he ambled over to the beach. He kept walking until he reached the end of the pier, then stood and admired the drops of water falling from the sky into the seemingly endless ocean. As he took in the tranquil atmosphere, thoughts of the previous day began to creep back into his mind.

I don't know what had me feeling so emotional last night…she wasn't critically injured, and I would have done the same for Sam or any other friend…then again, those are my only friends anymore, aren't they? Sebastian brushed his dark hair away from his face as the water weighed it down. For the longest time, I've been pushing people away…

His internal monologue was interrupted by soft footsteps approaching behind him. He turned around to see the farmer standing behind him, and gasped her name in shock. Taking a moment to regain his composure, he continued, "Hey. I'm surprised to find you out here in the rain."

"I like the rain," she replied. "It waters the crops for me."

She had no umbrella, and Sebastian watched as the water droplets fell without prejudice against her body, compelling her modest farmer's clothing to cling to her tightly. When he realized that he had been staring too long, he broke his gaze and focused instead on the incoming storm. "Look at those dark clouds looming over the horizon…" He pointed into the distance. "I hope they come this way." He turned to face the farmer again. "I like this weather because it makes everyone disappear... you know? Being around people makes me feel anxious." He smiled timidly. "I don't feel that way around you, though."

The farmer smiled back. "I'm glad."

They stood for a moment in the downpour, engaging each other without words. When the farmer looked away bashfully, Sebastian broke the silence. "We're getting soaked…" He picked up the large umbrella his mom had convinced him to bring, mentally thanking her for her foresight, and opened it. "Here... There's room for two." He motioned for the farmer to join him, which she did without hesitation.

Time seemed to stop underneath that umbrella. Sebastian could feel the warmth radiating from her body, seemingly amplified by the chill of the rain. It was a different sensation than what he had experienced when he helped her out in the mines, more than just a feeling of comfort in her presence – he wanted her closer, closer than they stood together at that moment…even though the ominous voice in the back of his mind still warned him not to let his guard down, he felt happier in that instance than he ever had before. If I have to stick around Pelican Town for the foreseeable future…as long as I can have this, it will be worthwhile. They finally parted ways as the sun set, as the farmer had an unexpected errand to run.

Sebastian returned home in a daze, carelessly tossing the umbrella to the side of the stand and dripping water on the floor. He half expected to be yelled at for coming into the house waterlogged, but either his entrance went unnoticed or he merely ignored any negative reaction. After changing into dry clothes, he fell backwards into his bed, staring up at the ceiling and trying to relive the events of that afternoon in his mind. He almost dozed off, but the click of the basement door opening snapped him out of his trance and sent his adrenaline flowing.

It was the farmer.

Sebastian was startled to see her again. For a moment, he thought he was dreaming. "Hey. You're up late."

Although she tried to remain collected, Sebastian could see that her breathing was shallow, as though she had been running, and she was fidgeting with something behind her back. She paused, ready to give a valid reason for her appearance, but she merely shrugged.

Sebastian stood up. "Something wrong?"

Taking a breath, she slowly moved her hands from behind her back, revealing a fresh bouquet. She took a step forward and presented it to Sebastian, whose eyes widened in shock.

"You…you want to get more serious?" Beaming brightly, he reached out to receive the bouquet, lightly brushing her hand. "I feel the same way."

"I wanted to give you that before I lost my nerve."

Was this the unexpected errand she had to run? He wondered, among a slew of other new questions: What's the next step? Do I kiss her? Hold her hand? Ask her out to dinner? But the first question that came out was, "How long have you felt this way?"

"I don't know…a long time. I just never thought it mattered to you."

"It does matter…" He reached out to caress her cheek for a second before apprehensively pulling his hand away. "Sorry, I guess I'm kind of nervous."

"It's okay. We can talk more tomorrow."

"I'd like that."

They exchanged "goodnights" and sentimental smiles, then the farmer quietly left the basement. Sebastian laid down on his bed again, clutching the bouquet to his chest, and fell asleep thinking of all the things he wanted to say to her the next time they were together.