Sorry this took forever!
Enjoy the last chapter!
Loki appeared in front of the Gargoyle leading to the Headmaster's office with the children.
"Wait here, I'm going to have a word with Dumbledore" Loki said and teleported again.
"Who is he going to talk to? Do you think Dumbledore has returned?" Ron asked.
Harry shrugged, "Maybe he is, or Papa will go and get him from wherever he went."
Loki appeared in Dumbledore's office to find the man sitting calmly behind his desk.
"It appears you have returned to your post" Loki said.
Dumbledore nodded, "I retrieved Dolores from the centaurs and returned to my office, waiting for you to come."
Loki scowled, "If you knew I was coming, then you knew what my son and his friends were planning on doing."
"I was told of what had happened in Dolores' office by Severus, the rest I put together myself. I would have gone to assist Harry had you not been available."
Loki scowled at the old man in front of him. "Lucky for you that I showed up."
Dumbledore nodded calmly. "Despite what you seem to believe, I do care for Harry."
Loki snorted, "Just not enough to actually protect him when he needs it"
"Harry needs to be prepared for what is to come."
"And yet I don't see you doing that either!"
Dumbledore sighed softly, "It has been difficult planning to defeat Voldemort. I do not have all the pieces I need so that I can help Harry defeat him."
"Was your little journey not successful then?"
Dumbledore raised a brow.
Loki smirked, "You are not the only one well informed."
The headmaster said nothing.
"A year like this will not happen again, old man." Loki said after a pause. "Next year, you will be informing Harry about everything you know on this Voldemort. By the years end, he will have the knowledge needed to defeat the pathetic mortal once and for all."
"And how do you expect me to do that? When I myself, do not have everything needed to enact the plan I have?"
"That is for you to decide. Either way, Harry will have extra lessons next year."
"Extra lessons?"
"Aileen will be coming and going. She will be helping Harry. Unfortunately, she can only do so much without tangling the threads of fate. The rest will be up to you."
"I will do my best"
Loki's eyes narrowed, "I hope your best will be worth it."
A few minutes had passed since Loki had disappeared into Dumbledore's office. The others were quietly talking to themselves, talking about the time when they were all separated.
The battle in front of the archway continued to flash through his mind. Everything had been fine at first. He and Sirius were battling back to back with little problem. It all went south when he got distracted when Sirius got distracted after Tonks had been hit. A curse had grazed his arm, knocking him to the ground. Harry did his best to fight the two Death Eaters off, but it was harder when he also had to protect Sirius from stray curses. Luckily Aileen had come when she did, but then they were both distracted. Well – Harry thought to himself – He was distracted. Aileen was able to see the curse coming and pushed him out of the way. He didn't even get to apologize. Bright green light flashed in front of his eyes and a scream echoed through his head. He flinched and quickly got up and quickly walked down the hall.
He managed to get outside before collapsing onto his knees. He fisted his hands in the grass and gritted his teeth as tears ran down his cheeks.
He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Luna, smiling serenely down at him.
He quickly wiped his tears away, "What are you doing here?"
"I followed you"
"I would rather be alone now, if you don't mind."
Luna cocked her head, "There is a muggle saying; misery loves company."
Harry snorted, "I guess. But usually that means that if I'm miserable, I want other people to be miserable. I'd rather not do that."
Luna nodded, "Yes, that does seem rather unlike you." She sat down next to him on the grass.
"I'm sorry about your sister" She said softly, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
"Thanks" Harry whispered back, squeezing her hand. "I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents. My dad already lost her once."
Luna was silent for a moment, "My mum always said, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the way we expect."
"What?" Harry looked at her in confusion, but she was staring across the courtyard where three figures were standing.
Two of the figures were male.
One had ice blue skin that seemed to sparkle in the sun. He wore a high collared, dark blue robe with decorative shoulders and gold runes stitched in. Around his waist was a belt and a gold broach sat at the base of the collar. In his hand was a metal staff with a large crystal nestled at the top. His black hair was long and neat. His eyes were bright green.
The other had black skin with dark blue hair that was tied in a short ponytail. He wore a long tunic covered in leather armor at his chest, waist, and forearms. A sword was strapped to his belt and he held a spear in his hand. His eyes were unlike anything Harry had seen; honey colored, but there was neither pupil nor iris.
The third figure made him gasp and quickly get to his feet. Between the two men was Aileen, alive and smiling brightly.
She was in her true form, grey skin and white hair flowing down her back. She was wearing a rose-colored caped-gown with gold cascading down the length of it. On her head sat a gold crown, jewels embedded in it.
He hesitated for a moment, looking at the imposing figures on either side of her.
Aileen laughed brightly and opened her arms.
Smiling, Harry ran towards her and threw his arms around her waist, burying his face in her chest. He could feel the tears returning and his shoulders start to shake.
"Shh, it's alright Harry. I'm here" Aileen whispered as she rested her cheek on his head. Her arms wrapped around him tightly. "I'm here"
"I'm sorry" He sobbed. "I'm sorry"
"It's okay. I know"
Luna walked up to the group and smiled, "I'm glad you're alright"
"I am glad as well. It seems Harry's teachings have paid off. You don't appear to be seriously harmed."
"Where did you go after you were hit?" Harry asked, stepping out of his sister's arms.
"When I was pushed into the archway, instead of going to the afterlife, I went home. That curse is a brutal one." She said. "I was quite sore when I woke up."
"Why didn't you come back right after?"
"I was subjected to several medical examinations." She smirked at the two men standing on either side of her. "They wouldn't allow me to leave until I had proven to be in full health."
"It is our duty to protect you Milady" The robed man said.
"And I thank you for that Arius" Aileen smiled. "Harry, I would like you to meet my Head Sorcerer, Arius. He is my trusted advisor, and beloved teacher."
The man bowed deeply. "A pleasure to meet a family member of our queen."
"Uh…a pleasure too" Harry replied with an awkward bow of his own.
"And this is Darios, the Captain of my Guard. He has trained me in the art of combat since I became queen. The best swordsman I know."
"My queen flatters me" Darios bowed his head.
"You are quite impressive with your swords" Luna turned to look at Darios, "You must be a sight to see with yours."
"I thank you for the compliment." Darios smiled at the blonde.
"Why don't we let them talk. I have a few things I want to discuss with you." Aileen said.
Harry nodded and followed her through the courtyard and towards the lake.
"What did you need to talk about?" Harry asked.
"I wanted to first apologize" Aileen replied.
"For what?"
"You were right Harry; I was trying to protect you. But I should have kept you in the loop. Instead, I left you alone during one of the hardest years of your time here."
Harry smiled softly, "I still shouldn't have blown up at you. This year has my temper shot for some reason. I don't mean to blow up, but it just comes out."
"I think I know what is happening."
"You do?"
Aileen nodded, "The connection to Voldemort. His emotions are seeping into you. Hence the temper."
Harry's eyes widened, "That's why I need to take Occlumency"
She nodded again, "Next year, Dumbledore will be giving you private lessons. As will I. With Dumbledore, you will learn more about Voldemort. With me, you will learn more about how to defeat him."
"Can't you just tell me everything now?" Harry asked.
Aileen shook her head, "Unfortunately, I have meddled with the time stream too much already. I was punished by the Norns and confined to Celestia. Some things must come about in their own time. I can do nothing to stop them."
Harry looked at his sister's grim face and frowned, "Something bad is going to happen next year."
Aileen nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Put it out of your mind for now Harry. As you go through your sixth year, learn all you can. And remember" she squeezed his shoulder, "things happen for a reason.
Harry nodded, "I trust you"
Aileen smiled brightly and hugged Harry tightly.
Aileen appeared silently in Dumbledore's office. "How was your talk with my father?"
Dumbledore chuckled softly, "It could have been worse, I suppose. He told me you were going to be giving Harry lessons next year."
"I will" Aileen said. "I plan on supplementing whatever you teach him."
"Yes, Loki said I had to teach him about Voldemort"
"And you will. Time has almost come for this war to end. Harry needs to be prepared. I'm surprised though" She crossed her arms, "you seem so hesitant now"
"We both know Harry's fate. I care for the boy, I may want Voldemort to fall, but the cost is great."
"Then why go through with your plan?" Aileen sent a pointed look to his hand, where a black ring sat upon a light grey finger. "I can help you"
Dumbledore smiled serenely, "I am old. No one is meant to live forever. I have had a full life, and I don't mind leaving; on my own terms. Would you deprive an old man his wish?"
Aileen's eyes softened. "You will be missed"
Dumbledore chuckled lightly, "My legacy will live on in the school. Hogwarts has stood long before I was born, and will continue long after I am gone."
Aileen nodded and bowed her head, "Then I wish you a safe journey, Headmaster" She turned to leave.
She stopped in the doorway.
"Keep him safe"
Aileen turned back towards the headmaster.
"Please, for me. Keep him safe"
Aileen nodded and left.
Aileen slowly made her way outside where she had left Harry and her guards. Her parents were there now, along with the rest of Harry's friends. They seemed to be sharing a funny story.
"My queen" Arius and Darios appeared beside her.
"Let us leave. There is much to prepare" Aileen instructed.
The two men nodded and disappeared. With one last look at her family, she smiled and disappeared.
That ending sounds a bit serious I know, but a lot does happen next year. It will be tricky to write, and will take me a while.
Hope you all enjoyed the story though! Next up is Harry's Sixth Year!