AN: Initially, this was a completely different chapter, but I wasn't satisfied with it, so I decided to rewrite it. I might include stuff from the original chapter three in later chapters, but it felt a bit soon. I wanted to put Shinsou in the chat this chapter, but I can't make any promises. If not this one, then definitely the next. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Kitty out.

Warnings: Bakugou and Jirou are Jewish and no one can change my mind on that, not even Horikoshi himself (also Todoroki's brother is a ho, and BakuCamie brotp feels are intensifying)

Chat Names:

Midoriya – SMASHbinch

Uraraka – Urararock

Iida – Iidaho

Bakugou – 420BlazeIt

Kirishima – Dwayne Johnson

Kaminari – dank(i) memes

Ashido – Bubblegum Binch

Sero – serohno

Jirou – Less Bien

Asui – Ribbinch

Hagakure – Invisibinch

Todoroki – Five Peepee Man

Kouda – Ultimate Cinnabun

Mineta – Minoodle

Satou – cook the kiss

Aoyama – twinkle twunkle little star

Yaoyorozu – Yaoyorocha

Ojiro – Wax On, Jack Off

Tokoyami – Tara & bird sciencer

Shouji – Tentacoolio

Camie – #LitBeeyatch

Chapter Three: The Todoroki Thot

Bubblegum Binch: anyone wanna talk about one of todoroki's bros apparently leaving dead birds everywhere?

Five Peepee Man: he's a thot

#LitBeeyatch: nice lmao

Less Bien: khahflfhsa

420BlazeIt: todoroki what the actual fuck

Five Peepee Man: i know you think i'm joking but nope

Five Peepee Man: remember that scandal thing i mentioned? he literally slept with everyone in his year at his school. he's. a. thot.

Minoodle: your brother is my new hero

Five Peepee Man: he has like six people clinging to him at all times and i am 20000% sure he's sleeping with all of them. including the bear.

Wax On, Jack Off: …come again?

#LitBeeyatch: sounds like he will, sooner or later

Less Bien: omfg

Five Peepee Man: you know how some animals like the principal have quirks? well one of his classmates is a grizzly bear. with human intelligence. i've met her a couple times she's pretty nice once you get past the inevitable bone-chilling terror of having a 350kg mass of nigh-unstoppable destruction in your house

SMASHbinch: your brother slept with a bear.

Five Peepee Man: i can't guarantee it but i'm pretty sure

Ribbinch: pardon my french but

twinkle twunkle little star: :/

Ribbinch: what the actual fuck

Urararock: to be fair, tsu, you're a frog

Ribbinch: you got me there

Yaoyorocha: iida is just sitting on the floor staring blankly at his phone what's going on

Five Peepee Man: i told them about toukan

Yaoyorocha: oh my goodness

Dwayne Johnson: bet i can guess what his quirk is

Five Peepee Man: it's a fire quirk

cook the kiss: then why is his name toukan

Five Peepee Man: because when he and his twin were born, dad assumed they'd inherit the quirk of the parent they most resembled. for toukan, it was mom. for hikizu, it was dad. and now toukan has a fire quirk, hikizu has an ice quirk, i've got both, and our sister fuyumi has a headache.

serohno: ok but why'd he put dead birds on your dad's desk

Five Peepee Man: he's very passive-aggressive sometimes

dank(i) memes: only sometimes?

Iidaho: Where does he find all these dead birds? I find this concerning.

Invisibinch: why, do you wanna put dead birds on his dad's desk too?

Iidaho: Of course not! I would never engage in such inappropriate behavior!

SMASHbinch: iida isn't passive-aggressive at all lmao

SMASHbinch: unlike SOME people

dank(i) memes: lskfkjlsaih miDORIYA

Yaoyorocha: no iida has a good point where'd he get the birds

#LitBeeyatch: there's a dealer in mie prefecture

Urararock: it's true i'm the dealer

Ribbinch: please stop selling dead birds to todoroki's bear-fucking thot brother

twinkle twunkle little star: this chat was a mistake you're all cancelled none of you are free from sin

Ultimate Cinnabun: we should go over to class b and talk to shiozaki because all of you need jesus

420BlazeIt: can it, shiksa

Less Bien: bakugou that's kouda

420BlazeIt: *can it, shegetz

Less Bien: no kouda's nice we like him

420BlazeIt: **can it, goy

Urararock: what are those words

420BlazeIt: i'm jewish

Less Bien: same

Less Bien: anyway "goy" is someone who isn't jewish and "shiksa" is the same but rude

Less Bien: and for girls. "shegetz" is for guys

cook the kiss: i didn't know there were jewish people in japan

420BlazeIt: there aren't we just astral project over from our homeland of jew town :/

Ultimate Cinnabun: so… everyone needs jesus except you two

420BlazeIt: yeah

Ultimate Cinnabun: you need moses

Less Bien: he's not wrong

420BlazeIt: no i need david

420BlazeIt: gonna beat the villains with slingshots eat rocks motherfuckers

Five Peepee Man: i called my brother to ask about the birds and he just started laughing maniacally and then hung up what do i do

#LitBeeyatch: text "begone thot" and then block his number

Minoodle: maybe he gets them from the bear. do bears go after birds?

Yaoyorocha: depends on the kind, i think. what kind of birds were they, todoroki?

Five Peepee Man: do i look like a bird sciencer to you

Dwayne Johnson: "bird sciencer"

dank(i) memes: "bird sciencer"

serohno: "bird sciencer"

Wax On, Jack Off: "bird sciencer"

Tentacoolio: tokoyami

Tara: no

Tentacoolio: please

Ultimate Cinnabun: do it

Tara: i hate all of you

-Tara has changed names-

bird sciencer: wake me up inside

twinkle twunkle little star: dios mio!

Invisibinch: isn't that spanish?

twinkle twunkle little star: what so just because i speak french i'm not allowed to know spinich?

twinkle twunkle little star: sPANISH I MEANT SPANISH

bird sciencer: join me in hell, spinach man

Urararock: pop-eye doesn't belong in hell you fool

bird sciencer: you don't know that

bird sciencer: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE

Bubblegum Binch: what's he done?

Minoodle: misled the general public on the health benefits of spinach, for starters

bird sciencer: true but why do you know that

Minoodle: i always get distracted when i'm googling stuff so i know lots of random trivia

dank(i) memes: such as?

Minoodle: americans make up around four percent of the world's population but own 42% of the guns in the world

Minoodle: fanta was made in nazi germany

Minoodle: in brazilian restaraunts they serve soup first in case someone tries to rob the customers so the women can hide their jewelry in the soup

serohno: seriously?

Minoodle: well that's what i've read

Invisibinch: i would love to go to brazil

Urararock: i wanna go to italy!

Five Peepee Man: i wanna fling myself into the sun

SMASHbinch: todoroki are you ok

Five Peepee Man: i followed camie's advice but i didn't block him

Five Peepee Man: he sent me a selfie of him with a crown on his head and says he's now to be addressed as "his royal majesty king thotticus, lord of the thots"

Minoodle: pro homo but i would marry your brother

dank(i) memes: don't u mean no homo

Minoodle: no i support my gay friends

#LitBeeyatch: noice

Five Peepee Man: half-ice

#LitBeeyatch: b o i

420BlazeIt: don't challenge her to a meme fight she will not lose

#LitBeeyatch: thanks bae 3

serohno: are you SURE you're not dating

420BlazeIt: let her platonically flirt with me in peace

#LitBeeyatch: sexy kidnapping victim solidarity yo

420BlazeIt: ^^^^^

Dwayne Johnson: you two would make out and say it was platonic :/

Dwayne Johnson: just saying

420BlazeIt: it would be tho

#LitBeeyatch: i'd platonically make out w/ u any day lmao

Five Peepee Man: they're just friends

Urararock: how do YOU know :o

Five Peepee Man: i may not know much about romance but i am very good at recognizing the complete lack thereof

Iidaho: Because of your brother?

Five Peepee Man: Sure Let's Go With That

Invisibinch: when our first year started i sorta figured todoroki was gonna be one of those people i'd never have to worry about

Invisibinch: and now i worry about him more than i worry about midoriya

SMASHbinch: i also worry about him more than i worry about me

Yaoyorocha: we've all noticed that midoriya

Wax On, Jack Off: you need to start taking care of yourself man

SMASHbinch: …i know…

cook the kiss: honestly you all need to start learning some life skills

cook the kiss: bakugou and i are the only ones who can reliably cook without a potentially life-threatening disaster

Ribbinch: and midoriya, bakugou, and i are the only ones who know how to use the washing machine

Urararock: the one i'm used to is different leave me alone

Dwayne Johnson: bro why do u know how to do so much stuff

420BlazeIt: i'm fucking amazing and better than all of you that's why

Bubblegum Binch: he can do so many things but he can't talk to other human beings :(

SMASHbinch: i think he's been getting better

Urararock: he's been getting better

420BlazeIt: shut up deku

Urararock: nvm

SMASHbinch: honestly i'm still counting that as improvement from middle school :/


Iidaho: Midoriya, do we need to talk?

Ultimate Cinnabun: iida the last thing any of us want is to get in the middle of That™

Ultimate Cinnabun: let the teachers handle it. or maybe some kind of therapist

Yaoyorocha: seconded

Urararock: thirded

dank(i) memes: forf'd

Less Bien: what the fuck kaminari

dank(i) memes: thirded isn't a word either :/

Minoodle: yeah but "forf'd" looks like the offspring of a fork and that bird pokemon with the leek

420BlazeIt: farfetch'd

Yaoyorocha: Why Do You Know This

SMASHbinch: he has the entire pokedex memorized lmao

420BlazeIt: he says as if he doesn't

SMASHbinch: don't call me out like this kacchan

420BlazeIt: he once drew a picture of himself as a jigglypuff and his mom put it on the refrigerator

420BlazeIt: a million yen says it's still there

Urararock: i support you anyway deku

SMASHbinch: thank you uraraka

Urararock: even if you are jigglypuff kin

SMASHbinch: friendship ended with uraraka now my only friends are all might and todoroki's slutty brother

420BlazeIt: and jigglypuff



420BlazeIt: I WAS FIVE


Wax On, Jack Off: we went from todoroki's ho bro to pokemon in under two seconds

bird sciencer: no one in this class is ok

#LitBeeyatch: rip in pieces

Less Bien: no one in this chat is ok

#LitBeeyatch: awwww i feel so included!

Minoodle: wait how'd yaoyorou know about todoroki's brother?

Urararock: all rich people know each other duh

Five Peepee Man: she's been giving me notes whenever i miss class bc of the provisional license thing so we talk sometimes i guess

Dwayne Johnson: just todoroki?

Yaoyorocha: i offered, but bakugou declined

Yaoyorocha: to put it politely

dank(i) memes: dude seriously

420BlazeIt: i don't need her help or anyone else's

Bubblegum Binch: thinking like that could get you killed one day, you know

420BlazeIt: fuck off

Dwayne Johnson: nah man she's right

Dwayne Johnson: i worry about you sometimes bro

dank(i) memes: we know ur independent dude but it's ok to get help sometimes?

serohno: just because you CAN do something on your own doesn't mean you HAVE to

Less Bien: plus there are some things that are literally impossible to do on your own so :/

[Camie à Bakubae]: i know u don't wanna hear it babe

[Camie à Bakubae]: but they're right

[Katsuki à Illusion Girl]: …i know

[Katsuki à Illusion Girl]: fuck

[Camie à Bakubae]: no school tomorrow. wanna grab lunch + chat?

[Katsuki à Illusion Girl]: yeah

[Katsuki à Illusion Girl]: thanks

[Camie à Bakubae]: anytime boo :3

AN: I'm not as pleased as I could be with this chapter, but I like it better than the last one. I'm mostly just annoyed that I couldn't get Shinsou in this chapter. Next time, I promise. Anyway, if you're familiar with my work, you've probably already figured out that romantic ships aren't going to be too relevant here. As for Midoriya and Bakugou's relationship… I'll get to that, but it'll take a while. Also, this might not remain entirely in chat form. Not sure yet, but it's a possibility.

I'm sure some people are wondering why Bakugou is having an easier time opening up to Camie than, say, Kirishima. The reason is partly that they've both been through similar traumatic events, but also because she's not someone he sees on a regular basis. It's sort of like how talking to an online friend can be easier than talking to an IRL friend sometimes. Even if you don't know them as well (or maybe because you don't know them as well), there's something about talking about problems to online friends that just feels… safer. I personally am much more likely to talk to my friend on the other side of the planet about an issue I'm having than the guy who lives super close to me and has been one of my best friends for over a decade. Life's weird like that.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (and poor Todoroki having to deal with his classmates and wacky family), and please let me know what you think! Kitty out.