Author's Note: I do not own anything Percy Jackson. Just playing around. I borrowed a few quotes from the books to set the scene. I'm sure you'll recognize them if you read the books enough. Thanks for your interest!

I was standing in the throne room and I could hear the words coming from Zeus. I could be a god. Even Athena agreed. At this point, I wasn't even sure if I was dreaming so I paused and glanced back at Annabeth who wasn't looking at me. I flashed back to two years ago when I thought she was going to pledge to Artemis, and I freaked out thinking I'd lose her too. And that was how she was looked now. I was distracted from my thoughts by an unlikely goddess, Aphrodite.

"I would like to bestow a small token of my appreciation to Percy before he makes his answer," Aphrodite said to Zeus as she motioned to me. He eyed her critically and paused slightly before giving her a slight nod of approval.

She stood from her throne and shrank in size as she walked and stepped in front of me. Aphrodite gently reached out and touched my cheek softly. "The fates are sometimes cruel. No, not the prophecy." She said shaking her head lightly as I thought about the oracle's many messages to me. "Sometimes they take things away that you don't even realize. Like the joy of what your first love should have been." Aphrodite placed her other hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a light kiss.

But, a kiss isn't what I felt. When my eyes opened I wasn't in Olympus, but back at the airfield with Zoe laying on the ground.

"It's my fault," Thalia said. "You were right about Luke, about heroes, men-everything."

"Perhaps not all men," Zoe murmured. She smiled weakly at me. "So you still have the sword, Percy?" I brought out Riptide and put the pen in her hand. She grasped it contentedly. "You spoke the truth, Percy Jackson. You are nothing like…like Hercules. I am honored that you carry this sword."

My vision started blurring into white fog and I heard Aphrodite's voice. "It took over two thousand years before she found a man worthy of her sword, meaning, worthy of her. She would have been your first true love, but not your greatest. And that's what your first love is meant for, to get you ready for something even bigger. Better. It's like all the training on small quests you went on until you were ready for your destiny. Originally, she would have perished here on Olympus with you fighting Kronus but the fates seemed determined to switch it up, or something happened to force them too. But, this is what it would have been like.

The fog cleared around me and I saw us all back at the airport. However, Annabeth's dad had ambrosia and nectar in his hands as he told us about the bullets he forged out of her weapons she left behind. I grabbed it and rushed it over to Zoe. It didn't cure her 100% but healed her enough for Apollo to arrive and take her back to his temple.

"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said. "I will not be able to take you, but I will send help."

"Take me. Zoe shouldn't be alone." I said firmly.

Artemis frowned. "You did well," she said. "For a man. Come." She told me as she got back on her chariot.

I followed her on and held to the front as she grabbed the reins.

She landed in Olympus, but not in the throne room. We were in a park. "Follow that road down until you see a white marble building with an engraved sun above the doorway. We will come and get you when you are needed." She said. Artemis paused as if she was going to say something else, but changed her mind and walked away instead.

I followed the street down a few blocks and saw Apollo's temple on the left side. I made my way over. There was nobody when I walked in, but I easily followed the sound of urgent voices. Apollo was there beaming what looked like straight sunlight into Zoe. I dropped to my knees thinking she wasn't going to make it. It was like I had to watch her die all over again. One of Apollo's attendants came and took my tears into a glass vile and ran to pour them on her wounds as Apollo still did his thing. Where my tears were poured steam appeared in the colors of the rainbow. Her back arched off the table and Apollo stopped his light show grinning. He turned to me and nodded once telling me to get up. I did and I made my way reluctantly over to Zoe afraid this was just a dream. The tears didn't stop until she turned to me and frowned. Seriously, what is up with all the frowning the Hunters do?

"I should just leave," I mumbled and turned around.

"No!" She called out as she grabbed my arm.

I faced her and there was no frown on her face, but confusion.

"Do not leave me." She said quietly looking at her hand still on my arm.

"You didn't look like you wanted me here," I said looking at her bare toes. Basically, anywhere else to avoid her eyes.

"I expected milady, and not you," Zoe said.

"She had to go to the throne room," I said. "I didn't think you should be alone."

"Speaking of which, I must go too. Holler if you need anything and my priestess will come." Apollo said and winked at me before he disappeared in a flash.

I sat down on the stool next to the white marble table. Zoe still hadn't released my arm.

"How are you feeling?" I asked feeling lame and awkward.

"Why did you come?" She persisted.

"None of the other Hunters were there and I didn't want you to be alone," I said looking at my own feet this time.

"Why?" Zoe questioned again, but this time squeezing my arm.

"I was scared you were going to die," I whispered. "We just started getting along, and I didn't get to tell you…" I trailed off.

She didn't say anything but slid her hand down to mine and squeezed prompting me to continue.

"You told me that you were proud that I carried Anaklusmos. I didn't get to tell you that I was proud to carry your sword. You are the most honest and upfront person I have met. Since I was told I was a demigod I realized how many people hid things from me, or only tell me part of the story, but you haven't." I said honestly.

"Did you know that some call it a 'cursed blade with a tragic past?'" She said relinquishing my hand. My own felt more than empty, hollow.

I nodded in response.

"Do you remember when I told you I used to sit with Ladon and feed him by myself? That is because the Hesperides are only my half-sisters. Their mother was Hesperis and my mother is Pleione. I went there to serve my father Atlas when he told my mother that I had to come. He had heard about a prophecy of Zeus' child that had yet to be born, and he wanted another there that had a bit more brains. But I was an outcast and looked down upon by Atlas' ilk. When Hercules came it was as if he held the answers to all my problems. I fell for him, deeply. He said would take me with him if I helped him. I wanted to help him. I thought he cared for me as I cared for him. As you know, I was wrong. And I paid a steep price for it. If it wasn't for milady, I don't know what would have become of me. But the sword was tinged, or you could say cursed, by my heartbreak and pain because when Hercules took the sword he took a part of me. From what I hear the sword had some bad luck attached to it. I think it is because they weren't worthy of a part of me just as Hercules wasn't." Zoe said.

"But I'm worthy?" I asked astounded as I looked at her.

She didn't answer but nodded as she looked away from me and around the room.

I grabbed her hand. "Thank you," I said as she turned and looked at me. "Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before."

"If I may be so bold, I thought Annabeth would have. You did follow us just to rescue her." Zoe said taking back her hand.

"She is in love with Luke," I said downcast, but not as heartbroken as I thought I should have been. Zoe's death scare really puts things into perspective. "I thought it would hurt more," I said equally as honest as she had been.

"She isn't as smart as a daughter of Athena should be. And to think, we offered that foolish girl a place in the hunt." She scoffed with a smile playing on her lips.

I chuckled at her attempt to cheer me up.

"I owe you for your help on the mountain. I would have been dead if it weren't for you. If there is anything I can do, then please, do not hesitate to claim it." I said seriously.

We were interrupted by the arrival of Artemis and Apollo.

"Come. You are wanted in the throne room." Artemis said expressionlessly.

Her and Apollo each stuck out their right hand. I looked at Artemis as I stuck my hand up to aide Zoe off the table. Her eyebrows rose as Zoe took it and I swung around when I felt that she would stumble and stuck my other hand under her armpit to stabilize her. Once she regained her bearings I didn't look back at Artemis but at Apollo. I won't lie. I was afraid of what I would have seen should I look at her. Apollo gestured to my tear stained face and I tried to rub it, but I knew I probably made it worse. I took his hand and in a flash of light we were behind Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover.

The gods were highly emotional between wanting to punish us, and kill Bessie. Lady Artemis spoke with Zeus and Thalia left us to join the Hunt. Zoe didn't seem to react to it in any way. She didn't even move a muscle until Zeus didn't look like he was swayed by my Father, Poseidon, vouching for me. Lady Athena and Ares wanted me dead, which honestly was no shock to me. But Lady Artemis looked livid saying I should be rewarded and Zoe's fist clenched and she sucked in air angrily. Lady Artemis turned and was shocked at Zoe's reaction and spoke without thought of anything but Zoe. "I will vouch for the boy. If he is indeed to be the child of the Prophecy then he needs further tutelage. He can accompany the hunt until the summer in which he will return to Camp Half-Blood and I will give a full report to you." She said eying Zeus daring him to not agree. She was firmly in Zeus' camp and he knew that it was as good as being under his eye while being out of reach of Poseidon.

My mouth dropped as did Zoe's. No man has ever accompanied the hunt, even on a temporary basis. The whole throne room was silent. Even Lady Artemis was shocked by her offer but stood her ground.

"Do you know what you are saying?" Zeus questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." She said firmly. "You want to make sure the prophecy goes in your favor and that Percy does not stray. What better person than I to make sure that he is at the level of skill and loyalty that you require?"

"I say we put this to a vote," Zeus stated as he kept his eyes on Lady Artemis. "All in favor?" Most seemed in favor which was a good thing I guessed.

My father raised his hand and said seriously, "I'll be watching."

"As will I," Aphrodite said with a perverse smile as she raised her hand.

At least Hermes and Apollo were silent but smiled at me. I wasn't blind to Ares, Athena, and Mr. D who all wanted me dead.

"Then so be it," Zeus said before using his lightning rod like a javelin in court.

Lady Artemis told Zoe, Thalia and me to go back to Apollo's temple to get checked out before we left Olympus. When I left I saw Poseidon making his way over to her.

"Come kiddos, don't be nosy," Apollo said ushering us out the throne room and leading the way.

Once back at the temple we were fed some nectar and ambrosia for all our battle wounds. Apollo then led us to get showered and changed. When I got out of the shower I saw clean clothes laid out for me. A Hunter's uniform. Once outside I saw that Zoe and Thalia were wearing the same as me except I noticed that my sleeves had a long thick black stripe.

"One does not know what to think," Zoe said eying me critically.

"That makes two of us." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you are going with me kelp head," Thalia said nervously as she pulled her sleeves down over her wrists more.

Zoe frowned. Whatever thoughts were running through her head obviously displeased her.

"Are you all ready to depart?" Artemis came back.

"Let me have a moment with Percy," Apollo said. "I'll meet you at the camp with him."

Artemis nodded and led the two girls out as she frowned at me.

"Don't worry about her." Apollo chuckled. "A male has never worn that uniform. I take that back. You should be afraid. I have seen you with a bow."

"Come on!" I said looking at the ceiling.

"Can you keep a secret?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah," I said curiously as I looked back at him once more.

"Good." He said and slammed his palm against my chest and the other held me in place at the shoulder. "I, the awesome Apollo, bestow upon you, Perseus Jackson, my blessing of an arrow's true sight." With that, a heat as intense as the sun shot into my heart.

I collapsed, but he steadied me and then lowered me to the floor.

"What was that?!" I asked winded.

He stood up and looked down at me seriously. "Your secret to keep. My sister has never vouched for a man. So you must be worth it. She is going to be tough and relentless. But no matter what, you will treat my sister with the respect that she deserves. Or I will rip my blessing and everything else in you apart. Do you understand?"

I could only merely nod and turn my head as he began to rise back to his true god self.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, but I still will be watching. Now, let's get you back to camp. I do have duties to attend to besides to you demigods." Apollo said as he pulled me up and headed towards the back of the temple where his sports car was waiting.

Should I continue?