...Harry smiled at the thought of the goblins and their use of class as he prepared to enjoy his new life abroad in the new world. As he strapped himself in, he pulled a two-way mirror that he got from Sirius, which he upgraded to check in on everyone and saw them in various states of shock, depression and them rushing and running around trying to find him, before he smashed the mirror to bits.

"Goodbye Britain...Hello America."


Harry felt as if a massive weight was lifted off his shoulders when the jet lifted up in the air and he could no longer see the terminal through his window, 'Keep safe, everyone...'

Dobby brought him out of his thoughts when he asked, "Mr. Potter, sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Hmm...make me something sweet."

"Yes, Harry Potter, sir!" He smiled with his ears flapping as he made his beloved master a drink from the bar.

Harry got himself comfortable in his seat as he pondered on the things he hoped to experience when he arrived in America.


When Harry left the room and portkeyed the airport, everyone was still in shock over the young lad cursing everyone out and leaving, before people started to scream and converse like mad as the reporters rushed out to find Harry and get a statement from him. Several people that were enjoying the madness were Neville, the twins, Bill, Charlie, Fleur, and Gabby.

However, everyone else snapped out of their shock and rushed out of the ministry as Dumbledore shouted, "Find him! He couldn't have gotten far!"

Everyone took off in different directions trying to find Harry, trying to find out where he could have gone, while the rest just went home to spread the news, Neville just apparated home in a very good mood and couldn't wait to tell Luna everything.

Neville could only smile as he thought, 'Congrats on your freedom, Harry, but rest assured. They will not get your location from me, that's for sure.'

Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, and Gabby all made their way back to Grimmauld's Place as they waited for everyone to come back after failing to find Harry.

[With Albus]

Albus has never been so embarrassed and frustrated in all of his one hundred years, especially when Harry stood up his husbands at the altar.

'Harry, how could you? I thought you were much more mature than this, apparently, I was wrong. Regardless, you will be bound to them, I allowed you to have your fit last week, but this has gone on long enough. You cannot hide forever and you will be married to Severus and young Draco. It's for the greater good of Britain.'

The older man made his way towards several areas where he thought Harry would hide until the madness calmed down.

[Malfoy Manor]

Severus and Draco immediately apparated when the reporters did as they were too busy trying to find Harry, so it would be a bit longer before they would turn their attention on them and ask how they felt about being slighted at the altar by the man-who-conquered.

Draco led his godfather to the couch, where the older man simply slumped where he sat as Harry's cold words continued to swirl around in his head. The pale blond made his way to the bedroom that he dutifully prepared for a night filled with fun after dealing with the press.

All the different sex toys and differently flavored lube, the comfortable yet stiff bed perfectly made for fucking covered in rose petals, scented candles, multiple trays of chocolates and wine, all wasted. He snarled as he grabbed a random wine bottle and smashed it against the wall, allowing the thick red mind-altering liquid to run down the wall.

'No one stands me up! No one! Not even you, Potter! I'll make you regret not accepting me and my godfather. You think you can just up and leave because you feel like it? Hell no. I can't wait until they find you and when you are bound to Sev and I and I will make sure you never disobey us again. You will not leave this room until you are pregnant with our children as well. No matter how long it takes.'

[Around Britain]

Sirius and Remus raced towards Gringotts to see if Harry made any deals with the goblins to get out of the country.

However, when they entered and made their way to the goblin teller and Sirius said, "I need to see the status of the Potter vaults."

The goblin shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow that."

"And why not, he's Harry's guardian," Remus asked

The goblin shook his head, "He has been removed by Harry's hand and his signature."

"Did he leave the country?" Sirius asked, quickly

"I'm not allowed to tell you."

Remus asked, "Did he make any transactions as of late?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that."

"What can you tell us?!" Sirius snapped

"That if you snap at me again, you will be banned from this branch for thirty days."

Remus pressed a hand into Sirius' shoulder and whispered, "Calm down, Paddy. We need to be calm about this. For Harry."

Sirius took a deep breath as he tried not to rip out his hair as he continued to try to ring information out of the goblin teller for two hours before even Remus was close to exploding before the two left the bank before they could cause an incident.

[Hog's Head]

Hermione and Ron raced inside and made their way to the bar where Abeforth was polishing glasses as Hermione yelled, "Is Harry here?"

It took the older man a moment to piece together Hermione's loud question before he said, "No. I haven't seen Harry here in for a while. Why?"

Ron snarled before Hermione silenced him and said, "Nevermind, why. Just, if you see him tell him that we need to speak to him immediately and floo the Weasley house, please!"

He nodded with a smile, which the witch took as a yes before she dragged Ron out to search for another location to find their wayward friend, unaware that Abe smile turned into a large grin as the two left.

'So...He finally had enough of Albus' manipulations and fled. About bloody time.'

"Be safe, Harry. And enjoy your life," He whispered as he made himself a drink to silently cheer the last Potter on to have a great life.

[Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour]

Molly and Arthur entered the shop, looking around the shop as people whispered about the pair as they looked around before going up to the counter, "Have you seen Harry?"

"Mr. Potter? No, he hasn't been here in a week. Why?"

Molly was going to go on a rant, before Arthur covered her mouth and said, "Harry was in a very bad mood and skipped out on a very important meeting and we need to find him."

He nodded his head as Arthur led Molly out as Arthur said, "Please alert Albus if he comes into your shop. We really need to find him."

The man nodded as Arthur made out of the shop with Molly to prevent her from causing a scene as that was the last thing they needed and knew Dumbledore would be upset with them.

[Quality Quidditch Supplies]

Ginny ran into the store, looking at every inch as she searched for her 'beloved' and she thought, 'Harry...I'm glad that you got away from them, but where did you go? You are only supposed to be mine! Soon, you won't have to worry, I'll find you and we can be married and have our three children!'


Tonks and Shacklebolts were running all over the Ministry, trying to find the missing Potter in case that he was hiding within the building with the help of several off-duty aurors.


McGonagall was searching for Harry with the help of school's house-elves and a headache was starting to become apparent as she wondered, where the hell was Harry Potter.

Finally, after ten hours, everyone came back to see Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Fleur, and Gabby eating the kitchen from a deli platter.

Fleur hummed, "So this is a deli platter from where again?"

George smiled, "It's from the sandwich shop a bit away from the Platform in the muggle world. The food there is excellent."

Charlie said, "I'm going to head over there after this."

"Ahem!" Albus coughed, bring the group's attention towards his own.

Fred snagged the last sandwich before anyone else could ask for it and vanished the plastic tray.

The older man just sighed and took a seat along with everyone else, the silence was nearly deafening before he said, "I can't believe he did that..."

Bill rolled his eyes and said, "What did you think that was going to happen, Albus? That he would accept the world's 'happiest' marriage lying down? I'm just surprised he hasn't snapped and thrown hexes, then we would all be fucked."

Albus shook his head, "You don't understand, my boy. Harry needs this-"

Fred snorted and rolled his eyes with enough force to nearly pop them out of his skull, "Yeah, he needs them like a dog needs fleas."

George continued, "You are the one who really doesn't understand. Harry doesn't need someone to place a collar on his neck to lead him in a certain direction or map out his life for him. You've done enough of that to last him several lifetimes."

Albus looked at them, extremely hurt, "I've only had Harry's best interests at heart."

"Uh-huh...Like leaving him with abusive muggles for one."

"It was the only place safe for him at the time."

"And the philosopher stone in his first year along with the basilisk situation that would have killed our sister in his second year?"

"Unfortunate circumstances."

"The Sirius Black situation and the dementors that nearly killed him in his third year?"

"The dementors were quickly removed and Sirius was saved only to be proven innocent several years later."

"What about the damn tournament where nearly everyone turned on him and Cedric's death in his fourth year?"

"I had my hands tied due to the fact that it was a magical contract and Harry would have lost his magic if he didn't participate in it. Cedric's death is a tragic loss."

"Umbitch and her damn quill along with nearly causing Sirius's death in his fifth year?"

"The ministry is responsible for that and it led to the beginning of the end of Voldemort."

"Wow~, it must be nice having so many excuses," Bill said with disgust as he leaned against Fleur.

Molly looked scandalized, "William! Apologize!"

"No, I will not, mother. Tell me, you know damn well if one of those things happened to us, you would have pulled all of us immediately and sent him a howler so vile it would curd milk or maybe you don't see it that way due to Harry not being your son."

She froze in her spot as she said, "That's not true. I love that boy."

George stood, "So, do the rest of us, but why do so few you see why Harry has the legitimate reason to leave? Why should he stay when he is forced to be either a squib that is led around on a leash or worse sandwiched between two people that made his life hell? Wouldn't any of you leave if you were in his position?"

No one could answer that, except one Order member who said, "But, its' his responsibility!"

"Why?" Fred asked


"Why is it Harry's responsibility to marry Snape and Malfoy? Why should he? What would marrying them bring other than a shit ton of discomfort for Harry?"

Everyone looked at Albus who said, "Harry was the only choice for those two..."

Charlie and Gabby groaned as they got up along with George, Fred, Bill, and Fleur.

"So you chose him to keep those two, who caused most of the shit in his life, to be in the light? You make me want to spit, you really do," Charlie said with disgust

Molly was huffing and looked like she was ready to blow, but none of them cared in the slightest.

As the group made to leave, George left them with a parting shot, "It's his life and it's about damn time he lives it without people pulling his strings or wanting shit from him."

Then all of them leave, Molly was going to go after them, but Arthur pulled her back and started to soothe her ruffled feathers.

Albus just had his patented disappointed grandfather face on as people began to converse as Sirius shook his head and made his way up the stairs into his bedroom as he thought about the literal disownment his own pup gave him in the courtroom.

His mind then thought back to the meeting with Albus three months ago expressing his worries about Harry.

[Flashback: Albus' Office]

Sirius and Remus made their way into the room as Albus smiled, "Come in, come in!"

The two took a seat in front of his desk as Sirius said, "What is so important, Albus?"

"I need to talk to you both about Harry."

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I am actually worried about young Harry. Because at the massive funeral, I saw that he was holding his emotions in, I know young Harry has been through a lot, especially after the war and final battle. I do not like how he has been holed up in your previous house, Sirius. It's not good for him."

"And you want him out and about, is that it?"


"Albus, it's fine. We have been checking in on him on a near daily basis, he's just relaxing and trying to stay out of the spotlight that he never liked on him in the first place."

"It also doesn't help that every time he does go out, he gets mobbed by people. He doesn't like that."

"That may be so, but I am worried that with him isolating himself, he may..."

The room became colder as both Remus and Sirius stated, "That would never happen."

"Are you sure? It has been a very trying past few months and suicide rates have gone up, you know how different people react to the threat of the remaining death eaters still alive and causing havoc. Harry can protect himself, but...his emotions are different."

Sirius and Remus couldn't speak as their minds swirled with negative thoughts, Sirius couldn't think of seeing Harry lying dead on the couch. He felt his stomach violently twist in protest and Remus wasn't that far off.

"Then...what do you have in mind?"

Albus just gave them a soft smile, "A pair of men who can make sure Harry lives a fulfilled life."


'I should have just told Albus to cram his worries, but now I lost my pup-No...Not yet, I haven't. I'll find him and get back into his life and join him wherever he is. Just without anyone else following me to fuck it up. It's time for an old dog to go on a trip.'

[With Harry]

The plane finally arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport and Harry smiled as he unbuckled his seatbelt before he heard a thump and saw Dobby collapse.

"Dobby!" He screamed as he rushed towards his sole companion.

He watched as the tiny elf groan as his body twisted and shifted before it started to glow and it finally faded and Harry was shocked to see a young man with a thin and wiry frame, he now had blond hair as he gave a low groan.


"Yes, sir?"

Harry helped him sit up and he saw how different his friend was from before, "What happened to you, Dobby. You look completely different."

Dobby tilted his head, showing his pointed ears as he thought, "The curse must have been lifted."

"A curse, did someone place a curse on you, Dobby?"

"Not me, specifically, but on my kind many generations ago. You see, Harry...sir, a Dark wizard hated elves with a vengeance and made to exterminate our race, but he knew he couldn't do it considering how my race is very powerful so he placed a foul curse on all elves who reside on British soil, you will be subservient to wizardkind and you will never leave Britain without dying a most painful death. He didn't take into account that the curse would be lifted if an elf is willingly bond to a wizard who took his elf outside of the isle of his own free will."

Harry smiled, "Well, that just makes life more interesting, doesn't it. But, we need to disembark and you need a set of clothes."

"Hm? Why, sir?"

"The reason why is because you are naked, right now," He nervously smiled as Dobby looked down and saw that it was true and covered himself as his face turned red.

Harry pulled out a pair of clothes from his suitcase and handed it to him, before immediately realizing that Dobby would need help and helped him put on his clothes.

Dobby shifted uncomfortably his new pants and shirt before Harry said, "Just deal with it for the moment, I'll go shopping with you later so we can find out the clothes that would be better for you. Who knows, we may even find a group of elves, here."

"Hopefully," He smiled nervously as he took Harry's hand as the pair got off the plane and made their way to their new home via limo.

Harry could only look at his new home with a grin as Dobby automatically set the house the way Harry liked it. It was a massive white two-story house, the floors were all tiled and Harry has the master bedroom with an outside bath and shower. There was a massive pool with a sauna and hot tub along with a green forest and garden.

As Dobby continued to organize and explore the house top to bottom, Harry went out to explore the city. He found himself a bit in awe on how different America was from Britain before he made his way into the magical world and knew immediately after stepping in that Hermione would cream herself and babble until she passed out from lack of air over everything she saw.

He then shook his head, 'She's not important...not any more.'

Harry quickly made his way to Gringotts Bank and waited for his turn and asked the teller, "Good afternoon, sir. I wanted to check on the status of my vaults."

The goblin looked up and said, "Your name, sir?"

"Harry James Potter," He softly stated

"Can you give me your hand?"

Harry stretched out his hand and the goblin carved a line through his palm, letting the drops fall to the parchment and it showed him all the information.

130,842,621,157 Gallons

872,000,000 Sickles

72,000 Knuts

-All of Salazar's Wealth, his books, and potion ingredients: Net worth: 9.3 Billion gallons

-Potter Possessions of art, books, and weapons: Net worth: 6.2 Billion gallons

Harry could only smile as closed his eyes saying a silent thank you to his parents.

"Lord Potter?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Due to the status of your wealth you are elibilable for a black diamond card. Would you like me to go through the process?"

"Yes, please," He smiled as the goblin made his way to the back and several minutes later, he came back out, holding a thin card of black plastic and a sheet of paper.

"You just need to sign this and place your signature on the back of your card."

"Of course," He said as he did as he was asked and knew that they were just going to expand his wealth in name.

'I'll invest in several stocks later...' He inwardly stated as he bowed to the goblin and made to explore more of America's magical world, before settling at a resturant and made to eat a simple order of a burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake.

In the middle of eating, his phone started to ring and he saw it was an unknown number and he answered it, "Hello?"

"Ah, Mr. Potter? My name is Haywood Richards and I am the Headmaster of Salem University and I want to ask if you wanted a tour of the campus grounds?"

"I would really enjoy that, but I just barely got into the country today."

"Ah, my apologies, you must be jetlagged."

"A bit, but potions help with that."

"Like all things. When do you think you will be available for that tour?"

"Within a week, I am finishing all my high school credits and should be done within one or two days."

"Very well, I will lead you around my campus myself. I have a feeling you will enjoy university life. Fair warning, there are many species besides witches and wizards."

"I have no qualms with any other species, I'm not a bigot like most of Britain."

"Sorry, if I offended you, but I just needed to make sure."

"Trust me, I understand. You just want to protect your students and that's admirable. I cannot wait to explore your campus, sir."

"It will be a pleasure to meet you as well. Have a plesent day and welcome to America."

"Thank you, have a good day," He stated before he hung up

Harry smiled as he looked up at the clear sky and wondered what life would bring him, before he paid for his meal and made his way home to Dobby who was trying to take off his pants, but found him in a pretzel.

"Oh Dobby..." He sighed with a smile

"Can you help me, sir?"

He giggled a bit and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you," he helped Dobby out of his clothes and said, "I'm going to expand them and then we will head to the clothing store tomorrow and I'll take you out to eat."


"You know that you are my friend, Dobby. You shouldn't have to call me, sir."

"If you say so...sir."


Dobby bowed his head a bit, "I try, sir."

The two spent the rest of the week getting to explore the city and getting Dobby an entire wardrobe of clothes and sandals.

After which, Harry completed his high school credits and printed the certifitice and soon it was time to go to the university, taking a limo to the university and saw it was huge, it made Hogwarts seem like a shack in comparison.

When he stepped into the castle, he accidently bumped into someone who had a coffee in their hand, spilling it all over him and herself.


"Ugh, I'm sorry, are you okay?" Harry said, standing up, offering her his hand

She took it, standing up, "I'm fine, I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy, I didn't mean it."

"It's fine. Don't worry."

"But, I spilled my coffee all over you?"

Harry just chuckled as he cleaned the both of them up with a wave of his wand and placed it back in his holster.

"Elizabeth!" A voice shouted

"Meliodas!" She stated, turning towards her husband to be and hugged him.

"What's going on here?" He asked

Harry shook his head, "Don't worry, she had an accident and just cleaned her up."

"Yes, I tripped with my new heels and accidently bumped into him when we turned a corner."


"Don't worry, blondie. Even though your love is cute, I'm more into my own sex," He stated, softly, making him blond look slightly embarrassed.

Harry laugehd, "I have a feeling that will never get old. Be safe you two."

Ending it! I am ending the chapter! I hope all of you like it, considering this my own twist on the Harry lives his life the way he wants to after telling everyone else to take a hike off a cliff. I plan on making it a story and Harry enjoying his life the way he wanted it. I feel that if he was raised by James or Sirius, he would have more of their personalities, ergo the bad boy/playboy and the jock/jokester personality.

Also, please tell me which one should I do, should I have Harry create a nightclub, a coffee shop, or both?

Thank you for the reviews!

Qoheleth - Not really...Some people just need to bitch and I don't want the shit all over my review page. Don't like, don't read is just something that is simple and to the point. It's like if you don't like it, click the back button and get off my page! Don't you think?

Draph91 - Already on it!

Greer123 - I know right? Harry should have flipped people off years ago, it would have made the books and movies more interesting.

JDS62 - It is! And I have actually read the story, a year ago...but I didn't even remember it until you mentioned it. I feel most of this concept have people repeating the same thing but with different twists. I just love Harry fucking people over instead of him just taking their shit like a bitch. But that's just me.

geetac - Thank you and Harry should be. Seriously, Harry gets rid of Voldemort and they want to marry him off to his worst enemies no less and give them both of James and Lily's wedding rings no less. I would have crushed Albus' face with a mallet if I was in Harry's place. But him telling everyone to fuck off at the alter is a close second best for me. I am happy you enjoyed it.

krr84 - Thank you and I am really happy you left me a review and trust me it means a lot.

LoamyCoffee - Sorry, it is becoming a story!

Skull Flame - The second chapter is here!

Guest#1 - Yes, there is!

the little vampire lover - It's not ending yet!

Guest#2 - The second chapter is here!

Rhaenenys Targaryen - Free reign, but give me credit, though

aisa.32 - The second chapter is here!

PukwudgiePuff - I am and will!

Tsukiyomi Cecilla - I'm glad you enjoyed it.

917brat - I will.

city bookworm - Thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Kourtney Uzu Yato