Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh

long ago, when the pyramids were still young, Egyptian kings played a game of great and terrible power. But these shadow games, erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world, until a brave and powerful pharaoh and his queen locked the magic away, Imprisoning it within the mystical millennium items. Now, 5000 years later A boy and girl named Yugi and Téa unlock the secrets of the millennium puzzle and star, they are infused with ancient magical energies. For destiny has chosen them, to defend the world from the return of the shadow games, Just as the great pharaoh and queen did, 5000 years ago.

It was a normal school day, Yugi and Joey were playing a game of duel monsters in their classroom. With Joey having 100 life points left while Yugi had 1000 life points, Joey was thinking of a strategy to turn the duel around. "Hey Joey, earth to Joey, are you going to make your move?" Yugi asked trying to get his friend's attention.

"Isn't he cute when he's thinking." Tristan teased. Joey turned to Tristan with an angry and annoyed stare. "Back off Tristan, I'm trying to play duel monsters here!" he shouted at his friend. Tristan pretended to be scared and backed away smiling. Joey then turned his attention back to Yugi and smiled. "Okay, Yug beat this. I play gearfried the iron knight in attack mode." *1800 ATK/1600 DEF* as Joey placed the card down.

Yugi looked at the cards on the game board and gave Joey a friendly smile. "Good move Joey, but not as good as this one," Yugi said as he placed his card on the board. " I attack with Dark Magician." *2500 ATK/2100 DEF* he placed his dark mage on the game board " And, dark magician's attack brings your life points down the 0." as their duel ended, Joey groaned in Frustration, But even though he lost he had a good time playing with his friend. "Nice game Joey, but leaving gearfried in attack mode wide open like that was risky. but you did good Joey, you're really getting better." Yugi said and then complemented his friend. "Thanks, But I'll get you next time," Joey replied with a smirk. Tristan just laughed "Ha, Joey the way you duel you'll never win." Joey just groaned in an annoyance he was about to yell at Tristan but he was interrupted. " you have great potential as a duelist Joey, you should add more trap cards and spell cards To your deck to Balance it Joey." A female voice three turned around to see they're friend Téa Gardner wearing her millennium star. the students of the school know Téa as the second best Duelist in the school next to Yugi. The two have known each other since childhood, and she was taught how to play Duel monsters by Yugi's grandfather as well.

Author's note: (Think of the Millennium Star as a golden Wayfinder from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, with the eye of Anubis in the Center instead of the heart.)

"Téa"s right joey, You should balance your deck out you have too many monsters in your deck. But not many magic or trap cards to support them. " Yugi explained agreeing with Téa. Joey nodded."You guys are right, I have been Saving my money to buy new cards anyways I'll stop by your Grandpa's shop after school." he said agreeing with his friend. Tristan laughed "Ha, Knowing you Joey you'll buy some pixie card." he teased Joey.

Joey growled at that remark then shouted " Tristan, I'm not going to buy some wimpy card." he yelled, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. " besides I've been in the works for some upgrades." Tėa And Yugi nodded in agreement, however unbeknownst to them a young man with Dark brown hair, who was reading a book while listening in on their conversations he thought to himself 'hmm card shop huh?'

As The four the were walking from school, Joey looked at Tèa's necklace and asked. "Hey Tėa, I've been wondering where did you get that star from? it kinda looks like Yugi's millennium puzzle." Tristan decided to enter their conversation " Yeah I been thinking the same thing as well." Tèa smiled and then caressed the Millennium star then replied. "Well, Yugi's mother Kikyo gave it to me for my birthday. She told me she felt like I should have it and that to have given it to me, but it was Yugi's grandfather who showed me, how to play duel monsters, I'm sure he can help you," she told him while Joey gave her nod in response. After 10 minutes the reached the card shop, as they entered the card shop they are greeted by Yugi's Grandpa, Solomon moto.

"Mom, Grandpa, I'm home," Yugi called out to his mother and grandfather. He saw his grandpa but his mother nowhere to be seen "Hello, Mr. Moto." Joey, Tristan, and Tèa greeted as well."hello kids, sorry Yugi but Kikyo isn't here right now she's at a neighbor's meeting but she'll be back by 7 p.m this evening." Solomon replied. as he walked over to Tea. " So Tea How's both your dancing and dueling skills coming along," he asked with a smile. Tea smiled Back " well both my dueling and dancing are doing good it's just hard to find a way to balance them out." she said rubbing the back of her head while Solomon continued to smile " don't worry Tea knowing you you'll find a way, you're a very intelligent girl, and I'm sure you'll Figure it out." Tea nodded her head in response " thank you, Solomon your right I'll find a way to balance my dueling and dancing skills. "Speaking of dueling skills Yugi said. " Grandpa Can you show us that rare card of yours please?" he asked.

" Rare card? my special card? I don't see why not." Grandpa replied as he reached up on to one of the shelves and grabbed a scruffy brown box. "Here it is the Blue Eyes White Dragon, so rare it never leaves my hands," Solomon said holding it up. Tristan then grabbed it. "Doesn't look that special to me?" Tristan said before Grandpa snatched it back. "Tristan that card is priceless; there are only four copies in the world," Téa shouted at Tristan causing to flinch."Anyway, I'm ready to trade," Joey said clapping his hands together. Grandpa turned around and placed the card back in the brown case, "Not for this card," he replied.

"No, course not, but for some other cool cards, to help me improve." He said looking around. He was about to ask about a card but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Everyone turned to see a young man with dark brown hair holding a briefcase in the door ."Can I help you?" Solomon asked. The teenager."If you can't, I wouldn't be surprised," he replied."Isn't that Seto Kaiba? Doesn't he run some big company?" Tristan asked. Wondering why Kaiba was at the card shop. "Yes, he does but I don't know why he's here though? Yugi replied also wondering why Seto Kaiba was at the card shop."Hey, are you into duel monsters too, this is great maybe we can all duel together," Joey said smiling.

"I think I would have more fun watching paint dry. I'm the number one ranked duelist in the world and the favorite to win the championships, you wouldn't last two minutes against me," he said with a smirk on his face. "What! Come over here and say that to my face you stuck up rich punk." Joey shouted in anger as he tried to walk up to Kaiba only to stop by Yugi. "Joey, he's not worth it," Yugi said holding his friend back while trying to calm him down. "Now, does this dump have any worthwhile cards," Kaiba said in a bored tone. Till his laid upon the blue eye white dragon card in the box. "Can it be! A Blue Eyes White Dragon in this dump?" Kaiba exclaimed. "Enough window shopping what can I help you with?" Grandpa said putting the Blue Eyes away. Kiba then swung his briefcase forward and smoothly opened it "Listen, old man. I will trade all these cards for that Blue Eyes White Dragon."

"Delightful, but no thanks," Solomon said, shocking Kaiba. "Fine, if you won't trade maybe you'll sell it; name your price I'll pay anything?" Kaiba said trying to persuade him to give him the blue-eyes card. "I'm sure you could, but I'm am not going to part with this card, no matter what," Solomon said as he explained to Kaiba about the heart of the cards and trusting in yourself and in your cards "Fine, I'm out of here," and with that, he picked up his briefcase and walked out of the card shop with a discourage expression on his face.

"What a creep, I'm glad he's gone," Téa said feeling glad Kaiba left.

" I agree that rich jerk was a pain in the behind. " Joey agreed.

"Totally." Tristan agreed as well.

Yugi couldn't get it out of his head. He had a bad feeling they haven't seen the last of Seto Kaiba. "So Gramps, think you can teach me how to improve my dueling skills," Joey asked. Solomon smiled " Of course, Joey I see you have great potential as a duelist, all you need is practice. And I can show you the ropes. " he said agreeing to help Joey. "Thank you, you won't regret it!" Joey said excitedly he glad that Yugi's Grandpa agreed to teach him. " Okay, let me see your cards and we'll get you started." Joey gave him his cards, and he immediately went through them and explained to Joey the ins and outs of duel monsters.

Meanwhile, we find Kaiba in his limo thinking about what Solomon told him about the heart of the cards. " Heart of the cards what nonsense the cards are power and power is absolute I'll show that senile old man what dueling really is. " Kaiba said out loud with a Sinister smirk as he picked up his phone and called his thugs. " Gentlemen, I want you to go pick something up for me at the card Shop," he instructed his lackeys. At the card shop, Solomon was cleaning his desk When he suddenly heard the door open. " Mr. Kaiba would like to see you. " the first thug said. " and if I refuse," he asked with a frown. " I don't think you have a choice in the matter," the second Thug replied. Solomon glared at them with a scowled. Yugi and his friends entered the card shop. "Grandpa I'm home," Yugi called out but no response. "Maybe he went out? " Tèa said. "But why is the door unlocked?" Joey replied. "Maybe he's just out for a short walk? And left the unlocked for us." Tristan suggested. " I don't know, it just doesn't seem like him," Téa replied in an uneasy tone, she was worried, maybe he did go out for a while, but she had a feeling something bad happened to him, Solomon was like a father to her since she lost her real one. He taught her everything she needed to know about duel monsters, and if something ever happened to him, she didn't even want to think of the possibility.

"Yugi, Téa, what's going on." a female voice said from behind them, they turned to see a woman with long silky pink hair that went down to her back, she was wearing a white t-shirt, a black skirt that went down to her knees and brown shoes. It was Yugi's mom Kikyo Moto standing in the doorway.

"Mom, do you know where grandpa is, the door was unlocked when we arrived," Yugi asked hoping his mom knew the answer. She shook her head. " No son, he would have called me if he was going out this late. I wonder where he is, and I hope he's okay," she said with concern in her voice, hoping her father In law was fine. Then suddenly the phone began to ring Téa answered it. "Hello, card shop," Téa said. "Hello, is Yugi there." a cold voice replied. Téa's eyes widened, she knew whose voice it was. "Kaiba!" Téa exclaimed causing, Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Kikyo looked at her in shock. In a cold voice, Kaiba said. "Tell Yugi his grandfather is here visiting, but he's not feeling very well, He should come pick him up." he hanged up " Yugi I know where your grandfather is, he's at Kaiba Corp we have to hurry," she said Yugi nodded his head then turned to his mom and he could see the worry and concerned look in her eyes. "Mom you stay right here we'll be back with Grandpa," Yugi told his mother. "Okay, Son but be careful, and please bring him back safely he's the only family we have left." she pleaded with her son. "I will Mom I promise," Yugi said as he and his friends rushed out the door shutting it behind them, leaving Kikyo in the store alone. She walked upstairs to her room as she enters the room she looked towards her nightstand and picked up a picture of Solomon, her late husband Daisuke and herself holding an infant Yugi in her arms, all smiling in front of the card shop. She lowered her head and whispered to herself as a single tear escape her eye." please come back, you two are the only things I have left in this world, and are the only things that still connect me to him." as she held the picture to her heart.

The gang rushed into Kaiba Corp and boarded the elevator riding it to the top floor there, they saw Yugi' grandfather on the ground." grandpa what happened are you okay." Yugi exclaimed then ran over and kneeled down to his grandpa to see if he was okay. "Yugi." he said in a weak voice "I tried to teach that boy Kaiba about the heart of the cards but I lost." lowering his head in shame "How's the old man feeling?" Kaiba asked with no concern at all in his voice. "Kaiba you sleaze what did you do to him!" Joey shouted in anger. Kaiba simply replied with his hands in his pocket " We had a duel that's all, we both put our most valuable cards up as a prize, guess playing against a world champion like myself was too much stimulation for the old man, and look what I won." letting out a slight chuckle as he showed them the blue eyes white dragon card then ripped it in half shocking them all. "Grandpa's most treasure card!" Yugi exclaimed feeling both hurt and shocked that Kaiba ripped his Grandpa's most prized card in half. "My blue eyes white dragon my treasure," Grandpa said in a weak voice as he felt a little bit of pain surged through his body. "That's why you wanted the blue eyes white dragon card, you didn't want it to be used against yourself," Tèa shouted at Kaiba in anger pointing her finger at him. "Kaiba you should be ashamed of yourself" Kaiba laughed as if Tèa said a joke "of course, I didn't want him to use it against me and I don't care what you all have to say," he replied in cold voice. With his trembling hand, Solomon handed his deck to Yugi "Yugi, here take this. take my deck, I built this deck, I put my soul into these cards, and I taught you everything I know take them take them. Take my card, and teach him respect, Kaiba respect for the heart of the cards." He pleaded with his grandson. "But grandpa I have to get you to a doctor," Yugi replied more concerned about his grandpa then dueling Kaiba. "Sounds like an excuse, Your friends can care for your grandfather while you and I duel unless you're afraid?" Kaiba said taunting him. With tears in his eyes, Yugi just looked at the Kaiba, until Joey spoke up. " take him Yugi. " he turned around to see his friends with serious expressions on their faces. "we can take care of your grandpa, while you take care of creepy Kaiba. Teach that rich spoiled brat what a real duel all about." Joey said to him "For your grandpa Yugi." Tèa said also encouraging him to duel, inside she wished she could show Kaiba what it means to be a true duelist herself. But she knew this was Yugi's Fight so she had to stay out of it. "Trust me you're like the best Duelist I've ever seen, and you've got the millennium puzzle. You can do this Yugi, I know you can." Joey said. "We all do," both Tristan and Tèa exclaimed also encouraging him to duel Kaiba." Yugi nodded "Okay Grandpa I'll do it." taking his grandpa's deck "I know you will my boy." Solomon said feeling happy. Tèa takes out a marker and told her friends to put their hands together when she wrote down symbols on their hands they all looked confused until Tèa explained " its a symbol of our friendship, so when Yugi's dueling no matter how tough it gets he'll know he's not alone and we're all right there with him." "Hmm." Yugi nodded in response as he turned around to follow Kaiba till Tèa spoke to him. " Yugi." He turned his attention to Tèa who had a serious look on her face "don't just duel him for your grandpa duel Kaiba for me too cuz I'm mad that he attacked him like that, your Grandpa taught me everything he knows about duel monsters and he's like a father to me since, I never got to know my real one defeat him for both of us." Tèa asked him in a serious tone. "I will defeat him, for the both of you," Yugi told her with a smile.

An ambulance drove up to the front of Kaiba corp as Téa, Joey, and Tristan who was carrying Solomon ran towards it Tèa turned to Joey with a serious look. "Joey I want you to stay here with Yugi and cheer him on, while I and Tristan take Grandpa to the hospital. he's going to need all the support he can get." She told him. "Alright take good care of him," Joey replied as he ran back inside. When Joey was out of her sight Tèa thought to herself 'Yugi, please be careful Kaiba is the world champion and he's no pushover, but you have to win for Solomon, and me.' she thought to herself as she took out her cell phone and dialed up Kikyo and told her to meet Tristan and herself at the hospital unknown to her the millennium star began to glow for a second then it stopped.

In Kaiba's duel stadium he and Yugi were about to start their duel "I designed this virtual stadium myself impressive hmm? " Kaiba simply stated, "I think you'll agree, it adds a bit more "life" to the game. We both begin with 2000 life points, First, one to hit 0 loses now are you ready to play runt?" he taunted Yugi.

Yami Yugi: 2000, Kaiba: 2000

" Playtime is over Kaiba! " Yugi exclaimed in a serious tone as his Millenium Puzzle began to glow in and in his place was Yami Yugi.

"Huh what the…!?" Kaiba exclaimed with a surprised look on his face to see Yugi's expression change to a fierce and imitating look.

"Now Kaiba Prepare yourself because it's time to duel." Yami Yugi said with a smirk.

In the ambulance, Tèa's Millennium star began to glow again. But this time she heard a voice in her head. 'Yami has awoken.' This shocked Tèa as she looked around to see who spoke. "Tristan, did you hear something?" Tristan looked at her in confusion. "No, I didn't hear anything, why is your millennium star glowing?" He pointed at the glowing star. "I don't know? maybe it's reacting to Yugi's millennium puzzle? And it knows he's going to win, and I know it too." she said with confidence as the voice within the Millenium star giggled agreeing with Tèa.

Back in Kaiba's virtual arena, he decided to start the duel off. "I attack with the mighty Hitotsu-Me Giant brace yourself Yugi, you never dueled like this before." As Kaiba placed the card down instantly a green vortex appeared on the field and revealed a lifelike green cyclops.

Hitotsu-Me Giant

Level 4

1200 ATK, 1000 DEF

"He's brought the monster on the card to life," Yami Yugi said in a surprised and shocked tone.

"It's my virtual simulator, It creates lifelike Holograms of every duel monster."

"So, This is how you beat my grandfather." Yami Yugi exclaimed " well, it's my turn. I call upon the Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress!" a blue dragon with spikes appeared on the Field.

Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress

Level 4

1400 ATK, 1200 DEF

As Joey entered the arena he was shocked when he saw the two monsters on the battlefield " what... monsters?! real monsters ?! " He shouted in both shock and confusion at what he what he was seeing.

As the green giant charged the Dragon, Yami Yugi ordered his monster to attack. "Fireball attack!" The blue dragon launched it's Fireball and hit its Target instantly crushing the Green monster.

Kaiba covered his eyes and groaned "Big brother are you okay?" his little brother Mokuba shouted in concern while Joey cheered Yami Yugi on.

Yami Yugi: 2000, Kaiba: 1800

"Alright go, Yugi!" Joey shouted cheering his friend on.

However Kaiba didn't look shocked at all, in fact, he was still calm. "Not bad Yugi, for a beginner, but how will you fare against this." He placed a card on the field and summoned his next monster.

Saggy The Dark Clown

Level 3

600 ATK, 1500 DEF

"Saggy the dark clown? But that card has barely any attack strength." Yami Yugi said, confused why would Kaiba play a weak card. "True, your wing dragons attack is 1400, while my dark clown's points are only 600. But if I combined it with this card." Kaiba placed a card on the field.

"Magic card!" Yami Yugi said.

"Exactly, the negative energy generator it multiplies my monster's attack power by 3." as dark energy surged around the dark clown it increased in size and its power level skyrocketed and its power was now higher than the winged dragon's.

Saggy the dark clown

Level 3

600 - 1800 ATK, 1500 DEF

With a Sinister smile, Kaiba commanded his monster to attack. "dark clown, attack with dark light!" the dark clown made an evil cackling laugh as it raised its hands to the sky creating a sphere of black light throwing it at the blue dragon absorbing it in a spiral of darkness.

Yami Yugi: 1600, Kaiba: 1800

"As you see, combining cards can be very effective," Kaiba stated.

Yami Yugi scowled with worry, sweat dripping down his face as he thought to himself ' He's good, he knows every aspect of this game. But my Grandpa put all his gaming knowledge, his entire heart into assembling this deck. I have to hope it holds some Secret strategy.' He thought as he drew his next and looked at it and sighed. 'This card is useless, I can't beat the dark clown with this so I have to use a different monster in defense mode, the monster may be sacrificed but my overall life points will be safe.' Yami Yugi thought as he placed a monster in defense mode.

"Dark light attack!" Kaiba commanded his monster to attack and Destroyed Yami Yugi's defense monster.

Kaiba chuckled as his dark clown kept sweeping away Yami Yugi's defenses causing Yami Yugi to groan in frustration. "You're faring no better than the old man did Yugi, your deck is just as weak and feeble as your grandfather. " Kaiba mocked him in a cold tone.

"My grandfather is a great man, and a better duelist than you'll ever be, he entrusted me with his cards and I can feel his heart in the deck, I doubt you have that kind of faith in your cards Kaiba and I believe in my grandpa's deck." Yami Yugi calmly replied.

"Wha?" Kaiba simply said.

As Yami Yugi Drew his next card and smiled. " And my fate rewards me with Gaia the fierce knight with a destructive power 2300." a knight holding two Lances riding a purple horse appeared on the battlefield as the as the fierce Knight charged the Dark clown and destroyed it, lowering Kaiba's life points.

Yami Yugi: 1600, Kaiba: 1300

"Way to go Yugi!" Joey cheered.

"All right Kaiba, your move," Yami Yugi said with a confident smile.

"Hah! this will be over sooner than you think." Kaiba stated." As he drew a card.

" I call on the Blue-Eyes White Dragon," Kaiba exclaimed summoning his most powerful card. In a burst of green light, the terrifying white dragon appeared on the field.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Level 8

3000 ATK 2500 DEF

"What the?!" Yami Yugi gasped in shock.

" impossible we all saw Kaiba tear that card in half," Joey exclaimed in disbelief.

" Surprised? did you think your grandfather was the only one to possess blue eyes white dragon?" Kaiba stated as the white dragon open its mouth and fired its White Lightning completely annihilating Yami Yugi' Fierce Knight causing him to Shield his eyes from the blast.

Yami Yugi: 900, Kaiba: 1300

"Ha, your Fierce Knight is destroyed., Kaiba said with a smile. " Faith or no faith, you will fall to my Superior monsters Yugi. Power is what this game is all about you fool faith is for losers, in your entire deck there's not a monster that can stand up to blue eyes white dragon, so how will you fare against 2? " Kaiba said with a smirk showing Yugi the second blue eyes white dragon then summoned it to field " why don't you just admit defeat, Yugi?

Yami Yugi just groaned while thinking about what he should do.

At the hospital as Tristan, Tèa, Kikyo, and the doctor, we're rushing Solomon to a room with his eyes still closed he spoke in a weak voice "don't give up Yugi."

", I Won't Give Up Grandpa's Counting on me," Yami Yugi said as if he heard what his grandpa said he drew his next card. ' a magic card ' he thought to himself then shouted " Swords of Revealing Light! it stops all monsters on the field for three turns."

" how desperate, What good will a possible 3 turn delay do you? " Kaiba asked.

While he was thinking Yami Yugi looked at his cards with an uncertain look on his face ' he's right, what do I do, I can't figure out what to do with these cards. They're just a bunch of pieces ' he closed his eye feeling unsure. 'how can I use them to beat an expert like Kaiba.' 'For someone claiming to have faith you give up too easily, Yugi.' a voice came from his mind he turned around to see his grandfather smiling. ' listen, sometimes the cards are like a puzzle. You have to put all the different pieces into their proper place.'

'Like the Millenium Puzzle?' Yami Yugi asked Looking at the puzzle.

'Exactly, each piece helps build a greater entity. ' Solomon Stated as he faded away.

'Grandpa!' he shouted reaching his arm out to his grandfather.

With his fading voice, Solomon said ' like the pieces of a puzzle Yugi, remember?'

' Puzzle?! ' He suddenly thought to himself 'when are the cards like a puzzle? Wait Grandpa once told me and Tèa.' as he began to remember what his grandfather told him and Tèa.

"Duel Masters contains only one Unstoppable monster Exodia, but he can only be summoned by drawing all 5 special cards a feat to this very day no one's ever been able to accomplish," Solomon explained.

"Quit you're stalling Yugi or you'll forfeit the match," Kaiba shouted with impatience.

"I never forfeit." Yami Yugi exclaimed as he drew his card 'another piece of the puzzle,' he thought to himself and placed a defense monster on the field

" Draw any card you like, it won't change a thing. My dragons may be Frozen for 2 more turns but my new monster is under no set spell. I summon the Judgment with an attack power of 2200. " he placed his new monster on the field.

The judge man

Level 6

2200 ATK, 1500 DEF

With a swift swing of its medieval flail, it instantly crushed Yami Yugi's defense monster.

Yami Yugi groaned as he drew his next card ' I can attack with the Dark Magician, but he won't stand a chance once Kaiba's dragons are free of my spell. ' he thought to himself as he summoned his monster.

Dark Magician

Level 7

2500 ATK, 2000 DEF

"Dark Magician attack!" Yami Yugi commanded his dark mage then he launched his attacked shattering the judge man.

Yami Yugi: 900, Kaiba: 1000

"Your judge man falls!" Yami Yugi exclaimed.

Kaiba just smiled, he wasn't even affected at all. " Oh, a sacrifice that doesn't even phase me. Though neither dragon can move for just one more turn. " he drew his next card ", my next card is the third blue eyes white dragon. " He announced. Causing Yami Yugi to flinched in shock. "Now, my dragon, attack!" he commanded his monster as the fierce Dragon fired it's White Lightning completely annihilating the dark magician

Yami Yugi: 400, Kaiba: 1000

With a smirk, Kaiba said "so tell me, Yugi, where's your faith now? You can't possibly stand against my 3 blue eyes white dragons, It's Over Yugi you were never a match for me to begin with."

"Don't listen Yugi," Joey shouted.

As he looked at his cards in disbelief, Yami Yugi thought to himself 'Kaiba had all three blue eyes all along, Tèa was right. He only wanted Grandpa's card so it wouldn't be used against him, my only hope now to assemble all 5 pieces of Exodia, but the odds are against me, I don't think I can do this.' with his confidence fading, he reached for his deck as he tried to pick up a card in his mind he saw the deck was moving away from him ' the deck, it senses my doubt.' Yami Yugi exclaimed and for a split second him and Yugi minds separated ", Don't lose focus Yugi don't lose Faith concentrate!" Yami Yugi said then he looked at his friendship symbol suddenly Yami Yugi remembered ' our friendship symbol.' in his mind he saw all of his friends, with their hands on the deck.

' Yugi, we're here with you.' Tèa said.

'Yugi, you got to believe in yourself,' Tristan added.

'You can do it, just Kaiba's butt.' Joey told him.

'You can do it Yami.' a female voice said he looked to see a shadowy silhouette behind Tèa the figure revealed itself to be a girl with long spiky dark brown hair.

'Who are you?' Yami Yugi asked wondering who the girl was. 'You can call me a friend but right now it's time for you to finish your duel.' after that she faded away. "They're right, I have to believe in my cards like my friends believe in me." Yami Yugi stated as he drew his last card. With a smile, Kaiba, spoke. "draw your last pathetic card, so I can end this duel Yugi."

Yami Yugi smiles back" my grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards Kaiba, but it does contain…" he showed Kaiba his last card. "The Unstoppable Exodia."With a shocked look on his face, Kaiba shouted " aah! impossible! ". " I assembled all five special cards all five pieces of the puzzle" Yami Yugi told him. as a blue star appeared on the field and through the star came Exodia. Kaiba backed away in both fear and disbelief " Exodia, it's not possible, No one's ever been able to call him." "Exodia, obliterate" Yami Yugi commanded is monster as the Fearsome monster gathered orb of energy it thrust its arm forward obliterating Kaiba's dragons causing Kaiba to cry out in agony, as his life points were reduced to zero.

Yami Yugi: 400, Kaiba: 0

"You did it! Yugi, you won!" Joey cheered. " this can't be, my brother never loses", Mokuba said in disbelief. " You play only for power Kaiba, and that is why you lost, but if you put your heart in the game there is nothing you can't do" Yami Yugi explained to Kaiba. " b..but how? how can I lose to him?" Kaiba asked himself. "Kaiba..." Yami Yugi exclaimed as the eye of Anubis appeared on his head. " if you truly want to know, open your mind! " he extended his arm and mind crushed Kaiba shattering his dark side causing Kaiba fell to his knees. " there Kaiba maybe now you'll begin to see."

at the hospital, Tristan, Tèa, and Kikyo were watching over Solomon suddenly his eyes slowly opened."Solomon, you're awake." Kikyo exclaimed with tears of joy in her eyes. "Yugi, won," he spoke in a weak voice knowing that his grandson had

Won the duel.


A man standing in a doorway had informed his boss about Yugi and Kaiba' duel." Mr. Pegasus, sir, Seto Kaiba our uncontested champion he's been defeated in the duel, sir, by someone named Yugi." " Hmm " Pegasus just smiled as his Millennium Eye glowed.

Author's note ( I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'm not very good at fanfiction yet but I really hope you enjoyed it if any of you would like to help me or share knowledge of fanfiction or Yu-Gi-Oh review or PM me if you wish.)