Chapter 1: Unsurprisingly, Hikigaya Hachiman is bad at socializing

It's spring.

Meaning that is the season of beginnings, more specifically, for most kids and teenagers is the beginning of another year chained to the classrooms of a school. Sure, education is important and all that, but what's the meaning of so many unnecessary courses? Uh? That I was the one who selected this school and went with it? Shut up, no one asked.

Leaving that matter aside for a moment, today was also the first day of my second year in Fumizuki Academy, some monster of an educational institution that started using a couple of weird systems to make itself more known. First a segregation of funds for classes, based in grades, something pretty Orwellian in my opinion; and second, some kind of YuGiOh ripoff. I'm sure the school it's going to get sued one of these days.

Well, it's because of the former that I had to get up early today. I need to get my placement. At least this time I haven't been ran over by anything, so it's already an improvement from my last ceremony entrance. Who knows, maybe I will even make some friends this time… as if!

To welcome new students, both sides of the slope leading to the academy were filled with dazzling, flowering cherry blossoms. It was a dazzling scenario, masterfully created to inspire plethora of positive thoughts and emotions in those who gazed upon it. Even a proud loner like myself should find difficult to not think about poetry under the cherry trees.

Well, too bad. I don't really like poetry, nor I give a damn about this school.

"Ah, Hikigaya, you're barely on time." The moment I got to the designated spot, I found the teachers handling envelops to the students, for some reason, instead of posting the results in a bulletin or in some web, they are being distributed personally. How nice of them, not to mention impractical.

"…Good morning, teacher Nishimura."

A short haired threatening looking man with a lightly tanned complexion was standing before me. He was a teacher, nicknamed 'Ironman' because his hobby of entering triathlons. Well, he's apparently very strict too.

"At least you're a polite one," He let out a sigh as he mumbled that. Please stop making it sounds like basic politeness is my greatest strength, I have many other good points… I think. "Here, the result is as you may guess."

As he kept talking he handed to me a small envelope, glued shut. I had to tear the top to get the contents inside.

"Your grades are good, even if your essays are a little weird," Mh. It's true that I didn't had much to do last year, so I ended up studying more for the oncoming placement exams. It's the logical course of action after all. Mind you, it wasn't as if I felt uncomfortable in class or thought I didn't fit in or anything - nothing like that at all. "Well, have a good year."

"…Thanks." I simply gave a curt nod, there was little meaning in staying around here anymore time. Teacher Nishimura was already chewing another student, one Yoshi or something that came here late, apparently.

-Hikigaya Hachiman, Class C-


Write down an idiom which has the following meaning:

(1) Fail to do something you are good at.

(2) Encounter consecutive unfortunate events.

Kawasaki Saki's Answer:

(2) Having a leaking rooftop on a rainy day.

Teacher's Comment:

Correct. Other answers for the second part would be "Good things don't start coming, bad things never stop happening," or "A year full of misfortune", etc.

Ebina Hina's Answer:

(1) "A Seme being dominated by the Uke."

Teacher's Comment:

That kind of scene can't be shown here.

Hikigaya Hachiman's Answer:

(1): Even fishes can drown.

(2): My youth.

Teacher's Comment:

The first is correct, there are other answers for the first part of the question, such as "Horses losing their front hooves," and "Even monkeys can fall from the trees," but the second... aren't you being too bitter?


"Well, isn't this something."

It's a bit of an understatement. I mean, we knew about the class placement and budget, but… this is pretty impressive. Class C for second years was located in the third floor, just at the edge of the floor. Taking about space… it's about the double of a normal class, it also looks very well equipped, with a couple of expensive-looking everything. I suppose that Class D is the equivalent of what you could see at a normal school and this one is the equivalent of a private/high-class one. I can only wonder how much of a money waster Classes A & B are.

Talking about the class itself… aren't we a little understaffed? There's probably only 20 people here at most. Some look really normal and others seem taken out from some low-budget anime. There's a delinquent girl and some guy with the face of a protagonist (completely devoid of personality). The only one I can recognize here is also not good.

Miura Yumiko. Her blonde hair was styled into ringlets, and if you saw how she wore her school uniform in a completely sloppy way down to her shoulders. You'd think she was proud of it, was she supposed to be a prostitute or something? And her skirt was so short that there was hardly a point in her wearing it.

I remember her being with Hayama Hayato, and their popular clique last year. It's seems like she's alone here now. What a surprise, so the cool kids spent too much time going to karaoke instead of studying? Sucks to be them. I can't relate at all. Really.

"Hey, you're in the way!"

The owner of that very rude voice was none other than my Japanese teacher from last year, Hiratsuka Shizuka. Since she was here now, I could only think that she was assigned to my class again. Probably as the homeroom teacher at that. How scary.

"…uh, yeah. Sorry."

While muttering an apology, I quickly went to look for an empty seat. It was because of my great respect for the elders and totally not because that female teacher scared me, really. It seemed like there wasn't any type of enforced order for the seats. All murmur had died after the teacher appeared too. I ended up sitting behind the delinquent girl.

"Congratulations in making it to your second year here. My name is Hiratsuka Shizuka and I will the homeroom teacher for Class 2-C."

And so, our beautifully scary teacher started her introduction speech, mostly about the facilities and regalement, things that one can easily learn from the school rulebook or website, but that no-one ever checked, so our teachers had to do this boring thing every start of a year.

"Besides, the textbooks and reference books, as well as some extracurricular material are all provided by the school free of charge. If you need any other facilities or equipment, feel free to let us know."

And so, midst the introduction of my new school year, I lost interest and started dozing off.

A/N: New story! Even thou I should finish the others...Well, everything at it's own pace, I should be updating one of my other stories this week. Thanks to Axel Emiya for beta'ing this chapter and helping, hope we can continue until the end of the story.