Just a fic idea that I thought about after a psych lesson.

I have no rights or even anything, really. This is just a stand alone. It has nothing to do with anything.

For reference, Barabara has been shot, Jason is still as pissed as ever, Damian is still an adorable asshole, Tim is still Tim, and Dick is well Dick.

Jason didn't care that Artemis could hear every word of his conversation with his brother, he had to make his point clear. Crystal clear. "I don't want to come, Dick. I don't need to come. If he dies, no skin off my back, he didn't write me into the will, everyone knows that. That's the only reason I would need to be there." The phone in his hand groans at the grip he has around it," the Brat gets the mansion, you get the cave, Timmy gets the business and if the old fart was in a good mood then maybe an I get a car."

He can hear Drake complain something in the background but it's cut-off by Dick. "J, I know you're mad at him but...He's could die and I haven't seen him yet but Clark has and he's scared."

A part of Jason, that he wishes he could just shoot out or had been beaten out by the Joker, thinks that Clark deserves to be scared. Bruce is a man and Clark is practically a God in comparison. Clark should have protected Bruce. If Clark had protected Bruce then Jason wouldn't be here right now wondering if his fa- Bruce would make it or not.

Anger is boiling in him and he is so pissed that a group of metas can't watch the one human on their team.

"Jason, please, he-"

"Shut up," Jason's voice is mean, he doesn't care. "I'm coming but only because I want to give those idiots a piece of my mind. They are all so unbelievable. Blind bunch'a pricks if you ask me."

He ignores the smile that he can hear in Dick's voice," should I tell them that?"

Jason ignores the question," don't you tell, B, I'm coming. Don't want him getting his hopes up or anything."

Once again, that dumb smile is ever present in Dick's voice," right. Right, well make sure the big doesn't find out. Just be here, alright."

"Yeah, whatever."

The trip, oh so familiar, is short and yet the longest he's ever taken. Snow falls around him and he can only think of the memories he's made along these streets, with and without his family.

Family. He hates that word.

"Master Todd," he recalls the outburst that prompted Alfred to stop using his given name and instead revert his last name. Something that no one had called him… ever.

"Hey, Al?" Jason shuts the heavy mansion door behind himself, he hates Bruce for installing such manners into him. He's not petty, it's not petty if he deserves it… is it? "I take back, what I said last time about the whole family thing."

Graciously, Alfred understands and nods. "Very well then." The old butler smiles fondly at the young man," you're looking well, sir."

Jason smiles, being bitter at Bruce does not mean he needs to be bitter to Alfred. Not after all the faithful years, Alfred spent raising everyone. "Thank, Al."

Alfred points him to his brothers and there's this panic that Jason finds snaking up his diaphragm. He chaste himself for it because if he's scared than that means he cares and that is the most dangerous game to play when you're Bruce Wayne's son.

Bruce Wayne's son, he shakes his head. He's no such thing.



Too bad Bruce isn't in his grave because that would have him turning in his grave. Poor bastard honestly has no clue that even in death he can't escape his hell-raising kids.

"Hello, Jason." Barbara has always been his secret favorite. She doesn't pity, she speaks nothing but what she thinks is honest, and she will rip Bruce a new one.

He hugs her and she rubs a hand down his back, there is no pity only an understanding of how he feels.

He hates Dick and Jason thinks that fair.

The overbearingly happy man-child is just that, overbearing. And Dick always hugs him and this time when Dick pulls Jason into a hug he happily whispers," I swear I didn't tell Dad but he knows you're coming."


Damian hears this and turns around so quickly that Jason isn't surprised the boy didn't give himself whiplash," you're an ass, Todd."

Tim hears this and grins devilishly," Oh listen hear Demon breathe I don't think you get to call anyone an ass. You are the very definition of an ass."

"Actually, the 'very definition' of an ass is a stupid or foolish person."

Tim whirls around to face Jason and without missing a beat," wow Todd, I didn't know you could read."

Todd rolls it off," Christ, kid. What are you guys feeding him? Salt?"

Diana Prince looks over Bruce's children and she can't help but wonder how they can all be so calm so happy. They think they can save him. They think he's gonna make it through this.

"Jason," her voice interrupts the brotherly banter that was being exchanged. "Your father is asking for you." She hangs half out of Bruce's bedroom door and halfway into the hall.

The hallway, filled to the brim with people, parts as Jason lowers his eyes to the floor and makes his way through. "Don't know which one of you narked but when I find out I'm gonna kick your ass."

He grimaces as he passes Diana, it's his best attempt at a smile.

"Master Bruce," Jason sees Alfred standing over Bruce's slack body. He wonders how the butler managed to go from downstairs in the kitchen to Bruce's bedroom without Jason ever seeing him. "Master Jason is here."

Piercing blue eyes turn to him, confusion and pain etched into the lines all around them. "Jay?"'

Jason reminds himself that he hates this man. He hates everything he stands for and loathes the things he falls for. This man is not his father. This man is… is…

"Hey, B."

Alfred excuses himself and Jason simply stands in the doorway. He clears his throat," you and Diana a thing now? Saw she was in here."

Sheer exhaustion is the only reason that Jason can't hear disappointment or discontent in Bruce's voice. "You know we're not."

Jason sees the old leather chair in the corner of the room, he seeks out some familiarity in its soft caving surface.

"I'm sorry, Jay." Blue eyes follow him to the chair and it's like Dick has taken over his body because he's actually pulling the chair back to Bruce's bed. He stops, though, to grab a book as some attempt to disguise his actions as selfish.

He knocks Bruce's comment away," who isn't?"

His eyes meet Bruce's for only a moment and… is this guilt? Is this guilt he's feeling? He finds himself stuttering to take it back," we-we've all got things to apologize for."

Jason can see Bruce physically relax at the fixing of Jason's remark. "Still smoking?"

Jason throws himself into the chair and digs out a half-empty pack from his pocket and tosses them onto the bed at Bruce. "Not much anymore," then Jason points a finger at his mentor's bare chest. "Not because of you either. It was all me, got tired of the smell."

Bruce nods, they both know it's a lie. "Just glad you stopped." The drugs are dragging him down. Jason can see the lines in Bruce's face disappear with each passing moment. Screw those metas. Why doesn't anyone look out for this family?

"Jay?" Bruce fights his way back up and half-lidded eyes focus on him," when I die, you do get more than a car."

Jason shakes his head and can't hold down a chuckle," I'm gonna kick your kid's ass, B." Jason knew that Dick narked on him but at least, up until that moment, Dick hadn't told Bruce everything.

Bruce reaches out, across the satin sheets to take his son's hand. He knows that Jason has never really felt like he belonged and Bruce would like to think that he fixed that but Tim doesn't think he belongs either. "Not too hard, hear me? Dick gets kinda sensitive about having his ass handed to him."

Jason shakes his head this time and Bruce matches his son's deep chuckle but he is cut off with deep wet coughs. Jason's face falls and he buries his worry as best as he can," careful, you brooding it do it. If you die while I'm in here your evil spawn will kill me."

Jason is horrified at how easily he just glides into the son role by handing Bruce a cup of water and waiting patiently for the man to take a sip and settle back down. In another vain attempt to brush off his caring gesture he adds a taunting," God knows what your girlfriend would do to me."

Bruce's eyes are closed but he whispers," Diana is not my girlfriend, Jason."

Jason smirks and cracks the book that he had picked up open. "Whatever you say, boss."

Moments pass, full of the hiss of the nasal canal under Bruce's nose, and the flipping of pages. Jason's eyes scan the words but he doesn't need to read the words to know what it says. This particular copy of Pride and Prejudice was well loved in the mansion. Bruce would often read out of it. Or rather he used too. Dick still reads it. Gets so into it that he will fall asleep with it on his chest, falling off the couch, or in a heap on the floor.

"Jay?" Bruce's voice has a sleepy edge too it, soft and almost loving. "Jay, I am proud of you." He hand moves on the sheet and Jason's eyes flick to the trembling left hand. "I'm sorry I can't say it."

Jason watches his mentor fall into a restless slumber and shuts the book. He reaches across and puts his hand on Bruce's. "I-I love you too,... Dad."