The final chapter.


Sixteen year old Alexander Lightwood looks at the Institute and sighs. It has been a long day. A long and unproductive day. The guy with a lead on a vamp den never showed up. Plus, he has this feeling in the pit of his stomach that something big happened but he has no idea what it was.

Jace took the subway back but Alec got off a few stops earlier. He wanted to walk and think things out.

The Institute. Home. School. Prison.

Alec sighs. Not really a prison but everything he does is related to being a ShadowHunter. Nothing is for 'him'. Nothing is about Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

He thinks about the couple he saw on Atlantic Avenue. He could see they were in love.

Love. A word that isn't near as important as honor, or duty to a ShadowHunter.

Alec sighs, he knows his parents love him but the word is rarely said. He assumes that his parents loved each other at one time but now it seems as if they forgot what that means.

Alec senses somebody behind him and turns around, wondering who would be foolish enough to attack him so close to the Institute, but it is only an elderly man with warm brown eyes and a warmer smile, "Hello young man."

Alec sighs, "Hi."

"Why do you look so sad on such a sunny day?"

Alec shrugs, "I just do", he's not about to tell a mundane his business.

The man smiles and grabs his arm, "I make you smile. I will read your palm." He pulls Alec towards the benches.

Alec sighs, for an old man he has a strong grip, but Alec is in no hurry to walk into the Institute. He lets the old man bring him to a bench and they sit down. The man holds his right hand palm up and looks at it.

The man smiles, "You are brave."

Alec shrugs, and when the man stares at him, waiting for a response, he nods, "Yeah."

"You are loyal."


"You are a fierce fighter."

Alec rolls his eyes, this is all stuff that he already knows about himself, "Yeah."

The man smiles at him and holds Alec's palm closer to his face, "Oh my."

Alec looks at him, "What?"

"Your love line."

"My what?"

The man laughs, "Your love line is quite strong."

"Meaning what."

"Meaning that someone will love you with all his heart for a long time."

Alec bites his lip, "Where is the love line?"

The man smiles and points to it, "This, Alexander, is your love line."

Alec looks at it, then he looks up, "HIS heart?"

The man smiles and nods, "Yes, Alexander, HIS heart."

Alec smiles as he looks back at his palm. He giggles, "HIS heart." His phone beeps. Jace is sending him a text message.

Where R U?

Alec sighs. He smiles at the old man, "Gotta go. But thank you." He stands up.

The man smiles, "Goodbye Alexander."

Alec walks away from the bench, then he stops as he realizes something. He turns back to the bench, "How do you know my name?" But the old man is gone.

Alec looks in all directions, but he doesn't see the man anywhere. He just disappeared. Alec looks at his palm and nods. He is a ShadowHunter after all, life is full of mysteries.

He smiles as he walks towards the Institute, maybe today wasn't as bad as he originally thought.


Magnus pours his martini into the glass and smiles. He is quite pleased with himself. Alec still grew up in the Institute but he knew that his future held someone special for him.

Magnus knows he slipped up by calling his future husband by name but future husband starting biting his lip and Magnus got distracted.

Magnus looks up when he hears the door unlock and his sexy lip biting husband walks into the loft.

Alec smiles as he walks over to Magnus. They kiss. Magnus smiles, "You're home early."

Alec puts his arms around Magnus' waist, "I expected a pile of paperwork on my desk, but Izzy took care of it. She had a few things that needed my signature. Briefings, meetings and I'm done for the day. Considering I was gone for three days, today wasn't that bad."

Magnus smiles, "Good."

"Where's Max?"

"He's off on an adventure."


"No idea."

"So we have the loft to ourselves?"

Magnus kisses him, "What do you have in mind, Mr. Lightwood?"

Alec kisses his neck, "Some 'us' time, Mr. Bane."

Magnus smiles, "I like 'us' time."

Alec smiles, "I thought you would."

Hand in hand they walk to their bedroom.

-the end-


Magnus (and I) don't like seeing Alec upset.