A/N1: As I mentioned in chap 2 of Fixing Magnus, I was going to do a Rune Series' By the Light of Dawn, but at the time, Where Are You was good enough. But like Alec Gets Attacked, I changed my mind. :D

A/N2: Just a reminder, Aldertree is dead at this point of time in the Rune AU.

A/N3: Actual episode dialogue by Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer.



Other World fathers are fun, but Max wants to get back to his fathers' past struggles on the road to love.

Alec leaves for the Institute.

Max and Magnus are in Magnus' office. Max is sitting cross legged in a chair, his laptop in his lap. He taps on the keyboard as he watches Magnus prepare a potion.

"Any suggestions, Poppa?"

Magnus laughs, "Oh now you want 'suggestions'?"

"Yes, NOW I want suggestions."

"Max, I don't know."

Max sighs, "Big help."

Magnus laughs.

Max sighs and types 'desperate'. Five minutes later, the program beeps. Max eyes the laptop and shrugs, "Got something, Poppa."

Magnus smiles, "Have fun."

Max giggles, "I hope so." He syncs up his phone to create a portal. He powers down the laptop and takes it to his room. He returns to Magnus' office and kisses his cheek, "Later, Poppa."

Magnus smiles, "Bye."

Max sets his invisibility glamour and goes through the portal. He finds himself in one of the Institute's conference rooms. He sees Poppa talking to a little girl.

"Hello, sweet pea. I'm Magnus. What's your name?"

Max giggles, sweet pea?

She whispers, "Madzie."

Max's eyes widen, THIS is Madzie? She used to babysit me. Now she's living in Queens with her husband and their two children. Her husband Hank Whitman, a ShadowHunter.

Poppa smiles, "I know you're scared. You don't have to be. See?" He shows her his cat eyes. "I'm just like you, Madzie. I'm a warlock, too. This man is using you for your abilities."

Max's eyes narrow, which man is this?

Madzie says, "He said he's my friend."

Poppa shakes his head, "He lied. I wanna help you, Madzie. For real." He holds out his hand. Madzie takes it with a tiny smile.

Poppa smiles at her, as they leave the room. Max follows them down the hall. Poppa suddenly stops and looks at her, "We need to leave."

He creates a portal and they walk through. Max follows. They are in Catarina's apartment.

Catarina turns around and smiles, "Magnus, what's going on?"

Poppa walks over to the window, "Valentine is trying to activate the Soul Sword in the Institute. This is Madzie."

Max's eyes go cold, Valentine.

Catarina smiles, "Hi Madzie."

Madzie answers her with a shy "Hi" as she looks around.

Max and Poppa look out the window. Bright light suddenly radiates from the general vicinity of the Institute. Max's eyes widen, as Poppa gasps, "He did it."

Catarina turns around, "What?" She runs to the window, Madzie follows her, "Magnus are we in danger?"

Poppa shrugs, "The Institute will hold the blast, but if Valentine is able to get outside, then we may need to portal out of New York. "

Max rubs his thumb across his fingers, but Daddy is still in the Institute, isn't he?

Catarina feels a tiny hand go into hers and she smiles down at Madzie, "Don't worry."

She glances at Poppa, "You ok?"

Poppa shakes his head, "Alec is in the Institute somewhere. So are Clary and Jace." He stares out the window, as his thumb rubs across his fingers.

Max wants to hug Poppa.

Catarina sighs, "Have you tried calling him?"

Poppa wraps his arms around himself, "He spoke to Jace after Valentine used Madzie to kill all the ShadowHunters in the Institute, but she kept Alec safe. After that, I didn't want Valentine to know that a ShadowHunter was still alive."

Catarina squeezes his arm gently, "Alec can take care of himself, he's fine."

Poppa glances at her, "I hope so."

They watch as the light slowly fades into the night sky.

Poppa nods, "I need to go back."

Catarina nods, "Yes, but you have to make sure you're going to be safe."

Poppa whispers, "Catarina, if Valentine has hurt Alec..."

Max nods, Poppa needs Daddy.

She sighs, "We will cross that bridge if we have to."

Catarina looks behind her and sees that Madzie has fallen asleep on the sofa. She smiles and waves her hand. A blanket appears to cover the sleeping girl.

She turns back to the window and watches as night slowly becomes day, "Is it over?"

Poppa nods, "Valentine would have gotten outside by now. I'm going back." He closes his eyes and smiles, "I know where Alec is."

Catarina smiles, "Told you he was fine."

Poppa laughs and kisses her cheek, "Take care of Madzie for me?"

"Of course. Go get your ShadowHunter."

Poppa creates a portal and leaves.

Max relaxes and snaps his fingers.

He's back in the Institute, but with Daddy.

Daddy looks worried. He looks at Aunt Clary and Uncle Jace, "Where's Magnus? He wasn't here, was he?"

Aunt Clary shakes her head, "I don't know. We portaled in upstairs. We split up."

Daddy shakes his head, "Oh, God." He runs out.

Max follows, it's okay Daddy, Poppa is fine and he's coming to get you.

Daddy runs up the stairs to the top floor and searches all the rooms.

Max sighs, I wish I could tell Daddy that Poppa is okay.

Daddy runs down to the next floor and checks there.

Max shakes his head, Daddy is worrying over nothing. He takes a deep breath and snaps his fingers. He is behind the Institute.

Max sighs, I'm getting whiplash.

Daddy comes running out of the building and runs down the steps. He looks around. He walks past Max.

Max is about to drop his glamour when somebody grabs Daddy's arm. It's Poppa.

They hug each other tight.

Max sighs, I want to be part of this hug.

Daddy whispers, "Magnus, I thought..."

Poppa interrupts him, "I found Madzie. I got her out just in time. I took her to Catarina's. She's safe."

Daddy nods, "Good."


Daddy nods, "He's under arrest."


"Magnus, I was terrified that I would find you among the dead bodies."

"I was scared that Valentine would find you."

"I love you so much, Magnus."

"I love you, Alexander."

Poppa pulls Daddy close to him as they kiss, then hold each other.

Max wipes away tears and nods, this really was desperate. He creates a portal and goes home.

Magnus is sitting on the sofa, drinking a martini. He looks up with a smile, "Back already?"

Max goes over to him and hugs him tight. Magnus holds him, "That bad?"

Max rests his head on Magnus' shoulder, "I wanted 'desperate' and that is what I got."

"I'm afraid to ask, but what did you get?"

"Valentine activated the Soul Sword."

Magnus closes his eyes and holds Max tight, "I definitely felt desperate, wondering if Valentine had killed Alec after Madzie kept him safe."

"And Daddy was desperately searching the Institute for you."

Magnus nods, "Once we connected outside, I went inside to help identify the dead."

"Daddy was a mess."

"I was a mess."

Max nods and holds him tight.

Magnus sighs, "I'm not looking forward to tonight."

Max looks at him confused, "What's happening?"

"Big meeting in Idris, Alec won't be home until way past our bedtimes."

"We could stay up and wait for him?"

Magnus weakly smiles, "No darling, there is no way of knowing how late he will be home."

Max sighs, "You going to be okay, Poppa?"

"I'll probably end up staring out the window until he finally gets home."

Max holds him tight.


After dinner, Max and Magnus watch Titanic, then the news.

Max glances at his father, "I'm going to bed."

Magnus sighs, "I guess I should as well. Or at least try to get some sleep."

Max kisses his cheek, "Before you know it, Daddy will be home."

"I hope so, Max. Good night."

"Good night, Poppa." Max goes to his room.

Magnus turns off the tv and the lights. He secures the loft, allowing only Alec to enter. He walks into their bedroom and changes into his pajamas. He gets into bed and moves over to the left, Alec's, side of the bed.

Magnus sighs as he looks out the window at the night sky.


Magnus is still staring out the window, over three hours later, when somebody walks through the wards. He closes his eyes as the front door opens. He smiles as he pictures Alec walking into the loft, locking the door, and walking to Max's bedroom. Alec always checks on their son, when he comes home late and Max is asleep.

Magnus keeps his eyes closed and waits. A few minutes later, the familiar calm wraps around him. He opens his eyes and watches as Alec changes into his sleep pants and tshirt.

Alec glances at him and gives him a smirk, "Sleeping on the wrong side again."

Magnus smiles, "The whole bed used to be mine."

"I could go back to the Institute." Alec walks over to the right side of the bed and gets under the covers. He wraps his arms around Magnus and kisses the back of his husband's neck.

Magnus covers Alec's hands with his own, "Do you still have a room there?"

Alec laughs, "Yes, my room has been untouched all these years. I can't imagine the dust that must be in there."


"No idea. When I first moved in here, Mom thought she would leave it just in case, and even after she accepted 'us', she still left it. I guess since the room isn't needed, nobody will bother to clean it out."

Magnus turns around and kisses Alec, "Do you still have stuff there?"

Alec lays back, Magnus rests his head on his chest, "Nah, and even if I did, it's been over twenty years and if I haven't thought about it, I don't need it."

Magnus nods, "We should clean it out."

Alec laughs, "Now?"

Magnus rolls his eyes, "Not now, Alexander."

"Good, because I'm tired."

"Me too."

Alec kisses him, "I told you not to wait up."

"You know I can't sleep alone."

Alec smiles, "I thought the whole bed was yours."

Magnus leans up to kiss him, "Ancient history."

Alec laughs, "Magnus Anti-Panic rule."

Magnus smiles as he holds Alec tight, "That too."

"Good night Magnus."

"Good night Alexander."

Magnus finally can go to sleep with Alec's heartbeat and snores as the perfect lullaby.



A/N4: Oh yes, I had two ideas for my next fanfic and couldn't decide which to do first, so I'm combining them into one angst filled multi chapter dramafest.

A/N5: One, was Max visiting By the Light of Dawn. Two, was Max having a nightmare and racing against time to save his Daddy.

A/N6: Guess what happens in chapter 2.

As always, I love you, each and every one of you. xoxox