Hey! I felt bad. Someone reviewed that they hoped this story would continue and it made me feel really bad for not continuing this, so here I am with another chapter after a year. Is really short tho.

So you can thank freefall_gypsy for this chapter!

Danny's POV

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and- Nah! The sky was gloomy, the streets were noisy, and I woke up from my (for once) peaceful sleep (which rarely ever comes) by my neighbors' unnecessary yelling. Yup, that's more like it But hey, I ain't complaining. It's Gotham after all.

I let out a giant yawn. I may be half-ghost, but I'm still half-human. And even if I don't need much sleep, I still need some of it.

I wake up laying my head on the couch. Ii promptly got up and headed to my workbench. I had found some new capabilities of the Phantom Fluid sometimes ago. like how when liquid sulfuric acid touches it, it makes a chemical reaction and explodes (learned that the hard way). But both liquids completely evaporate. But it only reacts when it comes in direct contact, so I don't explode if I touch it. But also, it only reacts when the acid overcomes it. For example, when an equal amount of sulfuric acid and my blood meet, there is no reaction. When there is a smaller amount of sulfuric acid comes in contact with a larger some of my blood, my blood will completely get rid of it, like bad bacteria in a body. But if there's more sulfuric acid then my blood, that's when it explodes.

Another thing also, it immediately kills plants when it comes in contact with them. So note to self, never dump some Phantom Fluid into soil, or a large amount of sulfuric acid.

One more thing, Phantom Fluid completely rejects ash. And no, I'm not talking about Ash Ketchum. I'm talking about the powdery black thing left over from something burning. And when I say reject, I mean reject. It moves away from it, it is completely repelled by it. Imagine a river of Phantom Fluid, let's say I through a hand full of ash into the river. Before it even touches the Fluid, the Fluid moves and goes around it, not even touching it. So basically there little gaps in the river because the Fluid does not want to touch it. Somehow, this only works with my blood, not regular ectoplasm.

It was another work day, but work only started at 1:45 PM. And it's only... 9:56 AM. Yah, I can tell time without a watch. Clocky's told me to always make my internal clock the same with an actual clock. But, of course, I'm a bit off sometimes. I checked the actual time on my phone. 9:45 AM. Not too off.

I planned to take a small troll around the city of Gotham before I go to work. You know, to get used to my surroundings. I'm still kinda new. But before any of this, I got to take a cold shower.

*A few Minutes Later*

I was finally ready. I was wearing black jeans, gray boots, a shirt that said 'I put the "Dying" in "Studying" '. And to top it all of, a galaxy beanie. Before I go and get out, I take a piece of sage, which I grow near the window, and stuff it in my pocket. I heard in the magic community (I mostly know of it because of the Old Clock is part of it) that sage can be used as some kind of magic protection charm. It can be overpowered at some times though. The whole reason I was bringing it was, well, because I was exploring Gotham. Gotham is a pretty dangerous city on its own because, you know, there is a bunch of lunatics running around, you just never know if one of those lunatics just so happen to be a magical lunatic.

I head out the door, thankful that a large number of packages wasn't blocking it, and quickly locked it afterward.

I went and walked aimlessly without any sense of where I was going. I just know I was heading straight. And that if I was lost, I'd use the GPS have on my phone, which I brought.

I mainly just walked. But I felt as if something was watching me. It's probably Tick-Tock watching over me. But, in some way, this felt different...

I ignored it and just wandered around. My mind started to drift off with the thoughts f the Ghost Zone.

I wondered how Ember was, she was my bestest friend in the Ghost Zone. We would have jam sessions together. She also got me to learn piano, guitar, and drums. I missed my afternoon tea with Princess, I guess queen now, Dorathea. She'd talk about how her queendom I missed the knight training from Fright Knight. Ever since he found out Queen Dora, Dorathea, knighted me, which she did, he took it upon himself to get me to be and act like a proper knight. You know, with all those sword stances and good reflexes. I hate to say it, but he helped me improve a lot.

I don't know what, but I heard something running towards me. Not only that, this person was shouting my name. I didn't know who it was, so I got defensive.

As soon as the person got close enough, I sidestepped and tripped him/ or her. Before they fell completely, I grabbed hold of the back of their shirt and pulled them up to see their face. To my surprise it was Aster.

"Aster! What were you doing?" I questioned. It wasn't normal for another human being to run at someone. Then again, this Aster we're talking about. I quickly let him go, though he stumbled a bit when I did.

"Hey, Danny! Nice reflexes, man. I saw you, and I just had to show you this!" He exclaimed cheerfully. He pushed a price of paper into my hand.

"Paper Street Costume Party!"

2021 W. Paper Street

Come to the Paper Street Costume Party! The best costume will receive $100 and a $50 gift card to Phil's Costume Emporium! Only $5 for an entree. No costume, no entree!

On the full moon in July!

"We have to go!" Aster excitedly said after I finished reading the paper.

"Nope! Sorry, I don't do parties. Their loud, obnoxious, and quite irritating." I told him. I may have liked parties back then, but in the Ghost Zone, if you ignore the annoying ghosts, it's quite peaceful. Afternoon tea with Dora, doesn't that sound so peaceful? Not to mention when Ember taught how to play the piano. If you look past her rock star personality, you'll see the girl who just wanted to rock the music world. But just imagine listening to Frederic Choppin's Etude Op. 10 no. 4, it's just so calming.

"Come on, Danny! I know you're busy with your jobs, taking care of your owl, and trying to get free from your parents hold, but please! Do it for me!" Aster pleaded. Um, I kinda told him that my parents were super strict so I left but they keep trying to get a hold of me. It was a pretty good lie if I say so myself.

I thought about it. It was currently July, the full moon was about in a week or so. $100 isn't much if your friends with a queen. But no normal person wouldn't try to take up the offer. But some people may not be in the mood for such things. hmmm. I'll just put it up for consideration.

"Fine. I'll think about it. But don't be disappointed if I don't come." I said. His eyes seemed to gleam as he nodded his head for a yes. He quickly ran off and I just sighed. How was I friends with him in the first place?

I continued to walk. But I still couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched...

Now, who would be following young Daniel?

Robin's POV (Sorry if it's bad, I don't exactly know how to pull off the 'Robin' bit)

I watched Daniel as he walked out of his apartment. I did my fair share of research. He works at a small-time clinic, he takes online classes, lives alone, he prefers to known as Danny, the database showed he was homeschooling for the majority of his life, and he has a tiny business of fixing up little mechanical things. It really could just be that the radio-active energy was by accident. Maybe trying to fix up something that already had nuclear waste in it.

As he left, I went through the window, which was thankfully on the first floor and was unlocked. I go in and have a small looksy. I went through the kitchen window. I saw that there was one bathroom, one kitchen, a bedroom, and a living room. By Gotham standards, this was a pretty good apartment. But getting a good apartment without needing a roommate in Gotham was definitely strange.

I first put in a listening device in every room, all hidden and bat-shaped (courtesy of the Bat). They were connected to a computer back at the Manor.

I look at the wall and see a young photo of Daniel with some goth looking girl. It looked old. I dismissed the photo, thinking it was nothing more than a lover of some sorts.

I head to his room to put a listening device in since I didn't go there yet. There were books scattered on the floor and posters of NASA and space on the wall. 'He must like space or something.' I see the books were about astrophysics, the basics of mechanics, medical stuff, and some were old photo albums. I didn't really care about them, I just needed to know where that energy was coming from. I was careful not to step on any of them or leave any evidence that I was in the room.

I put the bat-shaped device hidden behind a poster. It was time to begin the investigation.

I pull out a radioactive energy tracer, from my belt. 'AHA!' It all seemed to come from a work desk in the corner of the room. There was a buncha gadgets on top of it. Along with screws and other things. I head towards it. There was a locked cabinet. I quickly pick it, which was pretty easy, but that only lead to me discovering a small safe. Took a few minutes, but I as cracked it open. But, to my dismay, I found a small wooden box in it. It had a padlock on it. 'This guy seriously knows how to annoy thieves' I groan in my head.

As I was about to pick on this one, like I did the last two ones, I heard a screech. I look behind me, only to discover an owl's talons coming at my face. My eyes widen as I move away in time before it got to me. There was nothing in his files about owning an owl!

The owl jerked his head to my direction. It quickly took flight. I run back to the window, but not without it scratching my wrist. I jumped out of the window and quickly closed it. I breathed heavily. Questions swarmed my mind. Why does Daniel have an owl? Why wasn't I notified?

I know that I've battled endless amounts of villains of thugs before. But I was trying to be inconspicuous, and that owl just had caught me off guard. I really thought that Daniel didn't have any pets.

I head out of the bushes before anyone could spot me. I had a small feeling I forgot something, but I didn't know what...

Danny's POV

I took a little time to remember my surroundings. I saw this spectacular greenhouse in Gotham Park, I made a mental note to visit it sometime later.

I was currently eating some ice-cream on a park bench. I ate it pretty quickly 'cause of my ice core. No brain freeze or anything.

I basically explored the majority of the north side of Gotham. But never the South. The South was where most of the crime happened. I wanted to stay clear of that area when I'm in my 'regular attire', but it's okay during the night. Well, because of my... night-time avocation...

After I finished, I started my trek back home. To put simply, I just walked while looking at some store windows.

"-Ghosty, now known as 'Phantom', has recently made his appearance just a small time ago. A seaman he turned on the Lighthouse's light, only to find the outline of 'Phantom's' ghost symbol. He said that it was too dark to notice that it was painted on in the first place-" a news lady spoke from the TV. I was looking at one of the TV store's TVs through the window. 'Looks like they finally notice! The news can be so late at times!'

I sigh, the stupidity of normal humans was so enormous. I know that I'm still part human. But I was mentored by an all-knowing ghost of time since I was 15. That makes me significantly better and smarter than most humans. I'm not bragging or anything, but, to be truthful, ghosts are usually known to be braggarts.

I ignore the GCN (Gotham City News) and continue walking.

After a few seconds, I felt something wet on my head. I look up and saw rain clouds over my head. And no, it's not like those cartoons when a tiny storm cloud is on top of the character's head. Literal rain clouds were in the sky, not on top of my head. A continue walking, thinking it was nothing more than a light drizzle. I was wrong. Oh so wrong.

It started pouring. So hard. By the time I made it into a building, I was soaking wet. I look around. When I saw the coast was clear, I used my intangibility and all the water slip out and into the floor. I was now clean and dry. I, no longer intangible, look around the building I was in. It looked like I was in some old restaurant.

I looked at the sign at the door. 'Closed each Tuesday'. It was Tuesday today. This restaurant was seriously unprotected. For the world between, anyone could simply walk in and mug the place!

Clocky must be still watching me, I could still feel the feeling of being watched. But something took me by surprise. A puff of cold breath escaped my breath. Not because of the coldness of the rain. Something far more... ghostly.

I jerk my head up. 'Who would be here?' I ask myself. Before I can do anything. A blue hand covered my mouth. Another arm held my body. I tried to see who was my kidnapper, but their hold on my hand was too strong.

I was pushed into a, what I suppose was, broom closet. I was thrown to the messy, stained floor. I look up, I gasp at who I saw. It was...

Bat Fact

Originally, Batman wanted to be known as 'The Bat', but the name 'Batman' stuck.