Happy Easter!

As warned before, this chapter contains some very light Wolfstar.


A battle cry automatically made Bellatrix reach for her wand even as a familiar black blur flashed past her towards her cousin; the teen letting out a squeak as he was swept off his feet by his best friend.

"James, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"

"Sorry Aunt Bella," mischievous brown eyes grinned up at her, not at all apologetic as the tall fifteen year old placed Sirius back onto the ground and embraced him tightly.

"Honestly, you would have thought you haven't seen him in months while I know you saw him less than two hours ago. Must you always greet him like that?"

"Of course! He is my brother," James let go of Sirius just long enough to wrap an arm around his shoulder and pull him into his side again. "Are you excited?"

"About?" Sirius leaned into his hold.

"Having everyone over for Easter! It will be awesome! Remus and Peter are already here as well!"

"Of course they are," Sirius waved to the two approaching boys. "Lily couldn't come?"

"Her parents wouldn't let her come over the night, but she'll join us in the morning," James' pout made Bellatrix roll her eyes.

"At least one set of parents who have some common sense, it is not proper for a teenage girl to spend the night at a boy's house."

"Why not?"

Bellatrix snorted. "Do you really need to ask? You teenagers only ever think of one thing."

"Pranks and mayhem?" The dark-haired boy looked entirely too puzzled to be considered sane and their brown-haired friend snickered as he came forward to give Sirius a hug as well.

"Keep believing that, Prongs," Remus glanced at her nervously before shyly pressing a kiss to the corner of Sirius' mouth.

"Thanks," Sirius rolled his eyes as Bellatrix made retching sounds. "Oh shut up."

She laughed as he gave her a light shove, sobering as Sirius returned the greeting.

"You are much too young for any of that," before she could get into a tirade about just why they were too young, a pink blur moved out of the house at rapid speed. "We've got incoming."

"Siri! Siri!" the high pitched voice squeaked in delight as she was lifted into the sky magically just before she reached the boys and Sirius tossed her up before easily catching her again.

"Hey Nymphy."

"Siri came back!" Bright pink hair immediately turned dark, shrinking in length as the little metamorphmagus matched her appearance to her favourite cousin.

"Of course I did, silly. I live here," he nuzzled her before resting her slightly chubby legs against his hip with an ease that still marvelled Bellatrix after all this time.

"Look Nymphy , Auntie Bella came with me," Sirius called attention to her but luckily the small child only waved at her and made no indication of wanting a hug.

"Hello Nymphadora," Bellatrix greeted in return, allowing James to pick up her hand to wave at the child cheerfully even as the child pulled a face at the name.

"Is your mother here as well?" Ignoring the way both James and Sirius rolled their eyes at her clear desire to escape, she impatiently waited as the girl dropped a kiss on Sirius' jaw, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck happily.

"Auntie Andy is inside with Mum, they were discussing cake recipes when I heard you arrive," James ruffled the tiny head of hair. "I swear, if Lily and I ever have kids, you can be our baby whisperer."

"If the kid's cute, I'll steal it from you," Sirius laughed and turned to Remus. "What do you think? Want to help me steal a little Prongslet one day?"

"If that'll make you happy, Padfoot," Remus smiled at him entirely too fondly as he tickled the three-year old's side, making her laugh.

"Between the weird nicknames and sugary sweet behaviour you are being entirely too sappy for my tastes. If you need me I'll be inside among less scary people," Bellatrix knew she'd only get distracted waves in return as their attention was on the little girl, so she didn't bother waiting for an answer and made her way to the Manor.

Despite the sappiness she couldn't help but glance back at the explosion of laugher, to see Remus had lifted the little girl onto his shoulders to give her a piggyback ride, Peter making sounds that she assumed had to pass for a donkey and were the reason for the laughter.

Her boy looked happier than she had ever seen him; surrounded by his chosen family and that in turn had allowed her to get over the last prejudice in her bones.

Two years in Azkaban had given her a lot to think about and not just her.

After Riddle's defeat, a change had slowly begun to spread over the Wizarding world.

It had been hilarious to hear her young cousin tell her how the Headmaster had gaped like a goldfish upon their return to Hogwarts; Bellatrix herself already in custody. Apparently the man had been utterly flabbergasted by all that had happened right under his nose but without his knowledge.

McGonagall had written to her in Azkaban; keeping her updated on how Sirius hadn't let Dumbledore take control over anything; but had instead demanded that McGonagall was the contact person for everything and it had made her proud to see her cousin, although a Gryffindor, did not hold the same mindless beliefs in the manipulative fool and had effectively sidelined him.

And Sirius hadn't left it at the events with Riddle, either. He had written to the board himself with McGonagall's backing and full support and together they had managed to talk the old stuffy members into making Muggle and Wizarding Studies mandatory for the first three years shortly after; not even allowing them to postpone it until the next year, but demanding it be changed immediately.

She knew it would make little to no difference for the older generations, already set in their ways; but for the children and teenagers, it made all the change in the world.

McGonagall had grown a long way in such a short time and despite Dumbledore's protests about it being confusing for the students to have everything change so suddenly, she had pushed it through that every older students also had to follow a crash course in both electives no matter their year.

A persistence that had paid off as Sirius had told her about the declining hostility in Hogwarts, where the greatest opinions were formed; although he had also honestly admitted there was still some animosity left.

But then neither had ever had any illusions it would be easy and knew it would likely take years to truly accomplish great results, yet she knew it had been progress and that was much more than she had ever imagined herself to look forward to.

Her young cousin hadn't sat still while she had been in jail, working tirelessly on rights for house-elves, werewolves and other sentient beings; surprisingly having managed to pull both Arcturus Black and Charlus Potter into backing him up along with Augusta Longbottom.

She had no idea how he had managed to convince their Head of House, an enormous supremacy supporter, to aid him and Grandfather Arcturus had not been forthcoming when asked, but she supposed it didn't truly matter.

The influences of three powerful houses backing the young Black heir up was enough to push changes through in the Ministry as the houses allied to both the Blacks and the other two automatically followed their guidance and not even Dumbledore had been able to stop anything despite repeatedly voicing his worries.

The domino effect Sirius' actions had caused were amazing, and although werewolves, vampires and the likes were still frowned upon, no longer were they shunned and many had even managed to find jobs at the Ministry along with several Muggleborn.

Something Bellatrix couldn't even find any anger in herself for; simply proud of her cousin's accomplishments as he had really come far from the little, skinny pre-teen who had played a major role in the defeat of the darkest lord to have ever lived, a status that hadn't done his self-proclaimed quest any harm either as people turned to him in awe.

Though the attention often made the young Heir scowl, he had been smart enough to use his fame to his advantage and promote the things he was fighting for.

He had used his considerate influence to pretty much force Dumbledore into retirement once he realised the old meddler was useless and for all that he had always claimed to be for change and Muggleborn, hadn't actually done anything useful in all his time there and was only slowing them down from actual progress.

She hadn't been surprised to learn the board ate out of the palm of his hand and swallowed every bit of the charming flair he had thrown at them, naming McGonagall Headmistress.

Any time she thought about how cunning her cousin had handled everything, she could see his Slytherin side easily.

Though she was no longer ashamed to admit he was without a doubt a Gryffindor at heart.

"There you are. I had wondered when you would arrive."

Bellatrix looked up to see Dorea Potter approach. "Sorry, I was just watching them and lost track of time."

"No need to apologise, they are a delight to watch, aren't they?"

"They will make good fathers one day," she had to admit to her utter annoyance as she watched them play with her little niece.

"Luckily for us, that is still a far time off," Dorea's smile was entirely too knowingly.

"How could you possible know that?"

"Both of the boys took a vow of chastity two years ago."

"What? Why?" There were no words to explain how pleased she was by that revelation even if it surprised her.

"From what I've understood, Sirius was disgusted by how the older students interacted with one another, dating left, right and centre. There seem to be some old traditions he values highly," her smile grew. "Although he has completely thrown others away for the sake of progress."

"And James? Why would he take such a vow?"

"Because he agrees with his brother that intercourse is something you have with the one you want to share the rest of your life with. And according to the old traditions, you don't have that until you have taken your wedding vows."

"But both of them are dating someone," most Pure-Bloods these days did not value the old traditions of waiting until marriage anymore, not when there were protections that could be used and truthfully it hadn't been one she herself had followed either. So to hear the boys had chosen to do so, despite being head over heels for their respective partners, surprised her.

"Remus and Lily are aware of their choice and respect it. I believe we are rather lucky, really."


"Both have a Muggle upbringing of some sort and have the same beliefs the Pure-Bloods of old valued," the smile broadened even more. "And marriage is only legal at eighteen in the Muggle world."

She choked on a laugh as her Great-Aunt shot her a mischievous smile, looking very much like her son.

"It seems like only yesterday that he was still this little brat who dared to tell me I was wrong about everything," she looked out of the window. "And look at him now."

"I feel the same," Dorea's eyes were soft as she came to stand at her side. "I don't think Charlus or I will ever be able to truly express our gratitude to you or Arcturus for allowing us to officially adopt our boy as our own."

"He has been living with you since his first year and considering the fact that he has always referred to you as his mum and dad on his visits, it seemed like the right thing to do."

"He is our son, has been since the moment James smuggled him home with him."

"I remember Arcturus telling me about that," Bellatrix laughed. "Couldn't quite believe the nerve that little insolent brat had to take Sirius home with him that first Christmas and to then declare there was no way he would let Sirius return to any Black household when he belonged with him."

"I was terrified both boys would end up in trouble," Dorea smiled softly and Bellatrix followed her gaze to watch James tackle Sirius, both boys rolling around in the grass with a little girl cheering them on.

"James was right, though. This is where he belongs, in this house and at his side," it was something she had quickly come to realise, even during his visits at Azkaban.

The boy hadn't needed the presence of a Patronus to keep the Dementors at bay, not with how brightly he glowed. His appearance finally matching the warmth she had felt in his mind and soul and evident by his seemingly unending smile.

And with every interaction with the boy he called brother, she knew that brightness was only spreading, lightening up the world for everyone who cared to see.

"Hmm," Dorea wet her lips. "How is Regulus?"

"The same," it was a question Dorea didn't ask often so Bellatrix sighed as she thought of her youngest cousin.

"Still brooding a lot?"

"Regulus has never been as strong-minded as Sirius and fully believed everything his parents told him. But between Muggle Studies and Arcturus' efforts, he finally seems to be coming around. He still won't have anything to do with me or Sirius, though."

"Is he still jealous because James took his brother away?"

"Oh no, he is angry with Sirius for taking his hero down; for their parents' arrest and lifelong imprisonment and changing the way things work," she paused, thinking of how best to formulate her next words. "And he is jealous because Sirius is living here."

"I have offered to take him in as well," Dorea frowned. "But he refused immediately."

"This would not be a place for Regulus to be, not when his mindset is the way that it is. He is just jealous Sirius' upbringing is much less strict than his own," Bellatrix glanced outside. "Do you think Sirius misses him?"

"To be honest? No, not at all," Dorea crossed her arms. "From what I gathered the few times Sirius spoke about it, they barely interacted even when they were living in the same house. Their parents didn't let them play together as they were afraid he would influence his younger brother and as a result, they never formed any kind of bond."

"But Sirius does care about him, doesn't he?" Bellatrix pressed on as it was a subject her cousin never talked to her about.

"He has never said anything to me, but I have overheard him and James talking about it once or twice and yes, despite everything, Sirius does care what happens to him even if Regulus wants nothing to do with him."

"Arcturus says he is still young and will change his mind about his brother eventually," Bellatrix sighed. "I just hope it won't be too late. It has been four and a half years, the longer he waits, the harder it will become to reconnect with his brother."

"If he ever gets the chance," Dorea turned to her. "Sirius isn't waiting for him to turn around, he is moving on and leaving the painful past behind. And if I am very honest then I cannot blame him."

"No, neither can I. On the bright side, at least Sirius is happy."

"And are you? Andy told me the relationship between you and Narcissa is finally getting better?"

"It is. After she finally understood she was in the wrong for attacking Sirius in the past and accepted the magical restrictions I had requested Arcturus place upon her our bond has become much closer. I think she is actually grateful we took down Voldemort before her husband could join him like he had been thinking of. He is still a stuck-up prick, but Arcturus is keeping him in line since he married into the family."

"I bet he was not happy about that," Dorea laughed. "The Malfoys have always been stuck-up, proud idiots and for Lucius to have to answer to Arcturus must be quite a blow to his pride now."

"It is, but he has no choice. Arcturus had fallen back throughout the years and let everyone do as they pleased, but after learning what had been happening with Sirius, he's taken on a much more active role again and rules the House with a firm grip. Anyone marrying into our wealth has to follow his leadership."

"Arcturus truly has changed for the better; he used to be such a stiff when I was young. It is good to see my cousin finally turning around," Dorea brushed her grey hair out of her face, another smile forming on her lips as Sirius waved at them, triggering the others to all do the same.

They both waved back as Bellatrix turned to Dorea. "I heard you have cake?"

"Now who could have possibly told you that?" Dorea laughed. "I'll get the boys; Andromeda is in the kitchen with Ted and Charlus."

"No, let them play for a while longer. Merlin only knows they can only enjoy their innocence for so long," Bellatrix said.

"Thanks to you and Sirius, a lot longer than I had ever hoped," they walked towards the kitchen. "But you are right, let them have fun until lunch is served."

"They can go search for the hidden eggs after lunch," Bellatrix glanced back through the window one more time to see the five were now playing in the grass, helping Nymphadora build something out of flowers.

Her heart warmed as Sirius tossed a flower crown around his little cousin's head, aware that this happiness she felt was only possible because one defiant pre-teen had gotten her to do the right thing for once in her life.