25 Years Later

It has been 10 years since Maggie called Bella, telling her that she needed to come to New York. It was Aro.

Bella, Emmett and the kids had moved when the triplets turned two. First to New Hampshire, where Emmett and been accepted for residency at Dartmouth, with Aro's help. We all know he did that to help Emmett continue to fulfill his obligation to Calvin Klein. At least he asked permission first this time.

Then they moved to Seattle.

Although Charlie was thrilled, it meant he got to see his grandbabies as often as he wanted. Bella, on the other hand, was dead set against it, but the Seahawks wanted Emmett as their new team doctor.

They later found out it was Jacob that spoke up and suggested Emmett to the coaches, who in turn spoke to the owners.

When Bella found this out she confronted Jacob for the first time in over 10 years.

"Bella, I did some low and foul shit to you way back then. I took you for granted and underestimated you. It took Charlie literally to bang some sense into my head. When I heard Emmett was now a doctor and looking to get team experience under his belt, I decided to help. You told me once that nothing was ever handed to you, that you worked hard for everything you achieved. Well, I wanted to give back, just a little bit of what you gave me.

If it weren't for you I never would have gone to college. I wouldn't be where I am today. I knew you yourself would never accept anything from me, so this was my way of showing you that I see you. Isabella Swan."

"McCarty." Jake bowed

"My apologies Mrs. McCarty. Look, I know I give Dr. McCarty a hard time, it's just to make sure he's on his toes. And I want us to be friends. I'm tired of having you as my enemy," Jake told Bella

Unfortunately Jake wasn't that amicable with everyone, he made enemies everywhere he went. He became known as the 'New Andre Rison'. He was traded from Seattle to Minnesota to New England and finally Houston. When he finally moved to Houston, he asked Emmett if he would come with him. His shoulder was now really bothering him, and he needed 'his doctor'.

It was a no-brainer. Houston was where Emmett and Bella wanted to be. It was close enough to Char and Peter. Alice was enrolled in the Art Institue of Houston, to become a fashion designer, and Benjamin, not wanting to be away from Alice enrolled in Texas Southern.

After Alice and Benjamin were married, in the same Disney Princess Fairytale Wedding as Bella, during her and Benjamins Senior year, Aro offered her a job as a fashion consultant. Benjamin transferred to NYU for Medical School.

Jasper, deciding he needed to do something else with his life after the Military, used his GI-bill and also enrolled in NYU. He, Maggie and Rosalie had welcomed a daughter Rebekkah Charlene Whitlock, named after Jaspers mothers, Rebecca and Charlotte.

So when Maggie called, Emmett and Bella left the 15-year-old triplets and their brother 10-year-old Emanuel Charles, or Manny, with Charlotte and Peter, warning Peter to watch his mouth, and took the flight to see the man that had been Bella's mentor and always was and would be Team Bella and Emmett.

They were met at the airport by Maggie, Caius and Esme Volturi, the pair having been married a year after her divorce from Carlisle was final.

"He doesn't have much longer and he's been asking for you," Maggie informed Bella. Caius drove them to a massive sprawling estate 20 miles east of Midtown, to a community called Irvington on the Hudson.

We were greeted by and woman about Bella and Maggie's age.

"Isabella, I'd like to introduce you to, Didyme, she was Marcus' wife upon his death and is a nurse. She has been taking care of Aro since he took ill," Caius informed Bella.

"Please, call me Didi. So you are the famous Bella, the brothers can't stop talking about you. You really turned their world upside down. Come let me take you to Aro," Didi said.

Bella and Emmett walked into the bedroom and found a very thin and frail Aro, bald from Chemo, his skin an ashen grey.

"Bella, my little Bella, you didn't bring the little ones? Do you at least have pictures?" Aro asked weakly. Bella managed to wipe away her tears and pulled out her phone. She first showed him a picture of the two boys.

"Look at those strapping young men. So much like their father. I'm sure Calvin Klein would have a field day if they were to see them," Even in his sick and weakened state, Aro only ever thought about GQ and Bella. GQ was is greatest accomplishment and Bella as much of a Daughter to him as Margurite.

Then Bella showed him the pictures of her daughters. Emma and Emelia.

"Magnifico, Coco Chanel, Gloria Vanderbilt. I must call that handsome Anderson Cooper. His mother must see them," He tried to get out of bed.

"You will do no such thing, or I will tie you down and force you to look at my boobs," Didi warned with a stern look. Aro just rolled his eyes.

He then spoke to Bella in a hushed tone. "Nurse Rachett over there thinks just because I am a gay man I've never seen a boob before, I could force her hand before I leave this earth, get a good squeeze, maybe even a mouthful. I know my brother's taste in women, I can almost guarantee I will die a happy man," Aro said with a weak smile. Bella tried to laugh, but it came out more as a whimper.

"Aro, please don't talk like that," Bella said sitting on the side of the bed.

"Oh my child, don't fret for me. This old body has worn out its usefulness, it's my time. It's the circle of life. And now I can die in peace. I just needed to see your beautiful face one more time. Bella, when Margurite brought me your portfolio, I knew I'd found our heir to the GQ Empire. When I told you I saw something in you, the eye you have in your photographs, it was the same one I had. You could see my visions just as I could see yours. Now it is time for you and Margurite to carry on without me,"

"I—I—I'm sorry, Aro. I—I—I—I don't understand," Bella stammered.

"Gentleman's Quarterly now belongs to you and Margurite, you two will do magnificent things," And with that Aro closed his eyes and let out his final breath.

The entire fashion world came out to pay tribute and bid farewell to a fashion icon. GQ ran a special Editorial issue on the Life of Aro Volturi.

Today, Maggie and Bella are in Milan for Fashion Week, as they watch their daughters Emma, Emelia and Rebekka walk the runway for Alices first fashion line.

Manny followed in his mother's footsteps and is now the Creative Director and photographer for GQ.

Tre' McCarty, after his illustrious football career, is now an anchor for Sportscenter.

Drs. Emmett McCarty Jr, MD, Benjamin Rami Malek, MD and Jasper Whitlock Ph.D. own the largest Sports Medicine Clinic, in the tri-state area, that not only work with athletes injuries but also physio-psychological injuries of veterans suffering from war injuries and PTSD. Jacob Black is their financial partner.

Peter and Charlotte Whitlock own a Country and Western Bar and Grill in Midtown. Rosalie Whitlock-Volturi is the Chef. They still own the Horse Ranch back in Texas, that is being run and managed by hired help. The family still get together on the ranch for holidays especially Thanksgivings.

Edward Cullen served 10 years in prison for stalking and assault and battery but is now on Death Row for the premeditated murder of his father Carlisle Cullen. When Esme visited her only son in prison, he had no remorse for killing Carlisle, stating the bastard deserved to die.

Isabella Swan-McCarty and Magurite Volturi, officially changing her name in honor of her father after his passing, are now co-Editors-in-Chief of Gentleman's Quarterly.

Christmas's are still spent in Walt Disney World in Orlando

None of this would have been possible if it weren't for a pair of Green Calvin Klein Boxer Briefs.

I truly enjoyed writing this fic. It was so much fun, I want to Thank all of you that have followed me on this crazy ride. I also hope this epilogue gave you a good closing to this story.

I'm going to try and stop the voices in my head from starting a new story until I wrap up the ones that are still WIP