So recently I've been contemplating writing this and I feel like I finally had enough info to start. I don't know if you guys know but I'm also a fan of One Piece though I've never tried my hand at a story yet, until today. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as it's not the typical 'Naruto joins the strawhats' story. Anyways, if any of you guys are really big on one piece and can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Also a big thanks to Dark Flacon for giving me a few ideas for this chapter.

Sitting in a bar somewhere in Swallow Island was a young man in his early twenties. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes, and his mouth is usually seen in a smile. He has dark hair, a majority of which is obscured, save for his sideburns and small goatee by the northern-style fur hat that he wears, which is white and has spots on the bottom and along the rim. The man has many tribal style tattoos and has the letter tattooed on each of his fingers. He's the captain of the Heart Pirates Trafalgar Law.

Taking a sip of his drink he thinks to himself "Where should I check for my next crew member. In terms of numbers I'm behind a large majority of pirates. I have Bepo as my navigator and a few others but I'm still missing a first mate." Putting the drink back on the stool he hears someone speak from one of the tables behind him.

"Yeah, he got another one. This guy's been taking pirates out left and right." He hears someone say. A fellow pirate if he were to guess. He couldn't sense anything special about him though, just a regular pirate.

"From what I've heard he only targets people with bounties higher than 100 million." Another one pitched in. That reminded him of the wanted posters he'd seen snatched earlier in the day. Pulling them out he sees Strawhat Luffy and 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro both with bounties over a hundred million.

"Quite a few have bounties that meet this guy's criteria. Even me at 200 million." He thinks while putting the posters away. Still, for this guy to be taking out pirates like that must mean he's strong. This was interesting.

He stood up and walked over to their table where they were discussing it. "This bounty hunter you guys are talking about, where is he?" They look at him strangely for a second probably trying to figure out who he was before shrugging.

"He's here in North Blue. His last target was at Minion Island about a day ago." One of the guys replied.

"Last I heard he's taken down seventeen upcoming pirates so far. All with bounties between 100-200 million. The crazy thing is most of them were devil fruit users." Said another one of the guys.

"This guy is taking down devil fruit users by the bunch huh?" He thought to himself before asking another question.

"Does he have a name?" He noticed they only referred to him as a bounty hunter.

It was the guy who first answered who spoke "His real name is unknown, but everyone who's heard of him call him 'the Deathdealer'."

Hearing that name must have gotten someone's attention because a man at the end of the bar where Law had been sitting spoke next. "The Deathdealer, I've heard of him. Word is he's got a perfect record in his hunts. Not one of his targets has managed to escape him." He says before paying his tab and leaving.

Muttering a quick thanks to the guys at the table he went back to his original spot in the bar. He sat forward and rested his elbows on the wood. "The Deathdealer huh? This is worth checking out." He thinks before leaving some Beri on the counter and leaving. He walked for ten minutes before arriving at the Heart Pirates ship 'Polar Tang'.

Walking inside he was greeted with three people. The first is Bepo, a white bear minkman. He wears an orange jumpsuit that bears the Heart Pirates' jolly roger. He also wears small brown boots and has sharp teeth and claws. He's the crew's navigator.

Next is an average sized lean man with red hair that reaches his shoulders. Like the other Heart Pirates he wears a beige overall, with their Jolly Roger displayed on the back and the chest pocket, as well as brown boots. He wears a blue hat with a red brim and is always seen wearing sunglasses. There is also a tattoo located on his forearms. This is Shachi.

Finally another man dressed in the same manner as Shachi though his hat reads 'penguin' on it. This is Penguin.

"Shachi, Penguin." He said getting their attention. "Go gather the rest of the crew we'll be leaving soon. They nodded before heading out. The captain turned his attention to his navigator and spoke. "Bepo direct us to Minion Island when they get back."

Bepo nodded and prepared the ship but still asked. "You seem to be in a rush captain. What's going on?"

Law placed his nodachi along the wall and layed back. "I've heard something interesting recently. This may be what I've been looking for." He answered and closed his eyes. Half an hour later they were setting sail.

2 days later.

On Minion Island in a relatively empty part of the island there were two inhabitants. Though only one was of importance as the other was now lifeless. He was an average sized young man of about twenty two. He had spiky blond hair and wore all black except for his dark blue jacket he had on. Black pants along with with a simple black under shirt. On his waist was a dark blue sheathe for a katana.

"That's another one down." The young man says as he pulls the blade out of the mans back. The blade itself is a regular curved blade. The crossguard of the sword was in a horizontal Z shape and the hilt was also dark blue in a diamond pattern.

Sheathing the blade he pulls out a wanted poster and draws an x through the image. Rolling it up he puts it away before bending down to pick up the now dead pirate. "This is getting too easy." He said throwing him over his shoulder and walking away.

It was only a two mile walk before he made it into town. Looking around the snowy city he finally found the nearest marine bounty station. As he approached the building he noticed a man leaning up against the side of the building. He was in jeans and a black jacket with his hood up. He kept his eye on him for another second before continuing with his day.

It was only ten minutes later when he emerged, the body now belonging to the marines. He noticed the man was still there but hadn't moved an inch from where he had been. Not paying it any mind he counted his money. He continued doing so as he walking in the same direction where he had killed the last target.

"114 million. Pretty good. Still getting kind of bored though." He grumbled to himself. He continued to walk for another few minutes before suddenly stopping. In the blink of an eye he turned around and had swung his katana in the air.

The house nearest to him began to fall apart and in the dust he saw a shape get out of the way. "I knew it" He thought. Someone had been following him since he left the bounty station, and he had a feeling he knew who it was. As soon as the dust cleared up he found out he was right. It was the same guy hanging out outside of the bounty station.

"Yo." The man said, most of his face still obscured by the hood. The only thing he could make out was a goatee. "Are you the one they call 'the Deathdealer'?" The man questioned.

"Depends. Who wants to know?" The young man replied. He watched as the guy pulled his hood down revealing a young man, maybe a year or two older than him with messy black hair.

"Trafalgar Law AKA the Surgeon of Death. Your head's worth 200 million Beri you know." The Deathdealer said before adding "People usually hope I don't meet them. Yet here you are coming straight to me. Why?" He asked as he laid a hand on his katana.

"I heard about you taking out pirates with high bounties and that got my attention. Then I hear you mumbling about starting to get bored and thought this is perfect as I have a proposition for you." Law said. He watched the Deathdealer frown, he clearly wasn't expecting this.

"What is it?" He asked slowly. He was interested in what Law had to say but was still had his hand on his blade.

"I want to find the One Piece. But to do that, I'll need to have a strong crew to get there." He said trailing off.

The man smirked as he knew where this was going. "So you want me to join you? Thanks but I'll pass. I have no interest in the One Piece. I want to build my own fortune not take someone else's, I want to meet beautiful women, and finally I want to fight the strongest pirates in the world and have them kneel to me." He says as he turns around. "If you leave now I won't kill you just yet." He says before beginning to walk away.

Law stood in place and called out once more. "Have you heard of Donquixote Doflamingo?" he asked calmly. Having heard the mans goal made it easier. "He's one of the people I plan to face along the way. No doubt the Yonko will eventually be in the way as well.

You help me find the One Piece as my first mate, and in return you get the best fights of your life. I'm sure you have connections so you can still cash in on the bounties of the people we face along the way." Law said.

"Sounds good doesn't it?" He asked rhetorically. He watched with a smirk as the blond mulled over his words.

"It does sound pretty good." Thought the blond "Doffy, Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom, The marine Admirals." he went through in his head. He allowed a small smirk to grace his face before stoning it and turning back to Law.

He nodded his head back in the direction of the town "Follow me." He said before walking off. The two walked into a full bar and sat along the back at an empty table. The blond motioned the bartender to get him a drink before nodding to Law to get him one as well.

Once their drinks arrived he sat back and took a sip. "So." he began "How many people you got in your crew, not counting yourself?"

"At the moment I have about 7." Law answers hoping it won't deter the man.

"Any notable characters?" The blond asked.

"Probably not. If I did there's a chance they'd already be on your list." Law answered. That got a chuckle out of the bounty hunter.

"So what's your plan?" He followed up.

"Head to Sabaody Archipelago to restock on supplies. After that pick up a couple more members and head to the New World." Law told him. He nodded it was a good idea, only fools would go into the New World unprepared.

"He's got a decent plan and it has been getting boring lately. The battles I could have along the way and the bounties of the strongest pirates has a certain appeal to me. If we find the One Piece and I beat the strongest my name will go down in history." He thought to himself.

"Alright Law you've got yourself a first mate." He said extending his hand. Law took it.

"Good. C'mon, let's go." He said as they leave the bar. They walk to the docks where the Polar Tang is docked. The blond whistled at the sight of the big submarine.

"You know if anything goes wrong while we're underwater in this thing you and I are dead." he comments earning a laugh from his new captain. They enter and are met with the rest of the crew. Bepo, Shachi and Penguin were there as well as some others.

The first is a woman with curly dark brown hair and light brown eyes, she is wearing a yellow and orange hat. Like all the other members of the Heart Pirates, she wears a boiler suit with the crew's Jolly Roger imprinted on the left breast. This is Ikkaku.

Next to her is a tall man with puffy light hair. His eyes do not seem to have irises or pupils. He wears a gray bandana with vertical black stripes on his face, which covers his entire face and goes all the way down to his upper chest. Like most members of the Heart Pirates, he wears a white boiler suit with the Heart Pirates' Jolly Roger on the left breast. This is Uni.

Finally is a man of average size with brown hair, although only the bangs can be seen as his head is covered by a long dark blue blue hood that has a tip at the end. Like most members of the Heart Pirates, he wears a white boiler suit with the crew's Jolly Roger on the left breast. This is Clione.

"Yo. My name is Uzumaki Naruto. You guys probably know me as 'the Deathdealer'. Looks like we're crewmates now." Naruto greeted before he turned to Law. "So where do I stay on this sub?"

"This way." The captain said leaving the crew to talk. They looked nervous. Law took him to an empty room with only a bed inside. "This will be your room." He told him. Naruto nodded and threw his bag of Beri from his bounty on the bed and also threw his blade.

"Before we take off let me get some of the stuff I have on this Island." Naruto told him before leaving the crew to themselves. They watched him leave through the top and close the metal lid before looking to their captain.

"Captain are you insane?" Shachi asked "I had heard some stories about this guy but passed them off as just some rumors and you actually brought him here?!" He continued on frantically.

"What if he tries to kill you in your sleep?" Asked Penguin.

"Their concerns are justified. Some of the people here that saw him say that he goes for pirates with high bounties. You're worth 200 million." Bepo tells him.

"It's fine." Law replied easily "If he wanted me dead he'd have done it the moment he caught onto me following him. He's interested in fighting strong opponents and knows this is the best way for him to do so." He says. Looking up he sees they're not entirely convinced but that was to be expected.

"Well if you say so." Penguin said "What is his power anyways?" He follows up.

"I'm not entirely sure." Law replies "He's skilled with a sword as he was easily able to slice up a house with no problem, but as far as his devil fruit I don't know." He answered. As he did he heard the latch open and in came the blond once more. This time he was carrying an even bigger bag.

Noticing the stares he answered "It's all the bounty money I've collected. I wasn't about to leave without it." He said as he went to put it away. When he came back Law decided it was time to get to know their newest member.

"So, what's your devil fruit power?" Law asked straight to the point.

Naruto smirked "I ate the Yoryo Yoryo no mi." He answered. It wasn't a fruit they were familiar with. "It's a Paramecia type that allows me to perfectly calculate the absolute lethal dose of anything I consume. The amount that will cause death without fail." He revealed enjoying the look that came across their face as they realized what he could do.

"I can then raise or lower that value as I see fit which will cause a lethal dosage of whatever I want. For example, If I were to fight our captain here and consumed enough of his blood I could then decrease the lethal dosage in his body making his own blood fatal to him. Understand?" he asked.

They nodded, now understanding why he was so strong. Suddenly it made sense why he was referred to as the Deathdealer.

"That's a terrifying ability." Bepo commented getting over his shock. He thought his captain had a strong power but this was something else.

"Isn't it?" Naruto agreed. "There's more to it but that's the basic idea." He told them.

"Heh, I knew adding you to the crew was a good idea." Law commented. "Alright Bepo, let's head to Sabaody." He told the navigator.

They submerged and headed out, it was a pretty uneventful trip. Bepo was steering while the others were trying to be discreet about keeping an eye on the first mate. About an hour into the trip Bepo spoke.

"Captain, we have three Navy ships directly ahead of us." He said. Law looked up and was going to suggest to just dive deeper but he had another idea.

"Surface. We'll deal with them." Naruto quickly went to get his blade before coming back.

Doing as he was told he took her up and quickly broke the surface. They were directly in front of the ships. Law and Naruto stepped outside and quickly scanned the people. None of them were of any real threat.

"So how do you want to deal with them?" Naruto asked ignoring their orders to surrender.

"I want to see what you can do." Law answered looking back at him.

"Heh, alright then." He said before jumping forward onto their ship. As soon as he jumped they fired their cannonballs. He easily cut the lot of them with his blade sending them off course.

Landing on the poop deck of the center ship he began playing with the marines. He quickly cut one across the chest before spin kicking the one behind him overboard. He jumped to the side to avoid a bullet before rushing the man. He kneed him in the gut before cutting him in the back and dropping him.

Looking over he noticed the marines aiming at him. Jumping high in the air he quickly let off three slices and they watched as the ship cut into three even pieces before sinking into the ocean. Having sucessfully taken down two he jumped over to the last ship and stood still in the center.

The marines were all looking at him in fear of what he could do but no one seemed to want to back down. Law had taken this time to hop onto the ship as well to see the action clearly.

"You're brave I'll give you that. Because of that you won't end up in the ocean like your fellow marines." Naruto said.

"Gift Bad" He said. Law watched as a black pool like substance appeared on the floor of the ship. He watches in fascination as the entire crew just fall over. They're alive but they're out cold.

"Damn." He commented as Naruto stopped the technique. "What was that?" He asked.

"One of my techniques. I lowered their resistance to Nitrogen. Seeing as it's a vital part of air they passed out due to me lowering their resistance to it." he explained. It was one thing to have it explained but watching it was something else.

"Bepo was right. That is terrifying." He said as they headed back to their ship.

"Heh, our crew's strength just went up." He thought happily. Their chances of surviving the New World had just gone up tremendously.

Alright so what did you guys think? Now as I said at the beginning if any of you guys are big One piece heads let me know. I'd like to bounce Ideas off of you if you didn't mind. Anyways next chapter we meet the supernova's and even a fight between Naruto and a select few of them. As for pairings, you guys know I like the less commonly used ones. I love Robin and Nami but I wanna try something else. Kalifa? Baby 5? Jewelry Bonney? (leaning towards her), Viola?

Anyways if you have any comments or suggestions leave them in a review or PM me. Later.