Double Trouble 2: Rocket Family Weekend
(A/N: This is the sequel to my first Pokémon story from a while back that was called Double Trouble 1: Okina Kyodai. I recently revamped that one a bit and have started to get a bit more into Pokémon again, so I began to pay a bit more attention to this series and now I feel that this one is ready to post.
Double Trouble is a Pokémon spinoff series focused on Team Rocket and more geared towards a teenage/adult audience. Sadly, odds are a canon Team Rocket spinoff series geared to an older age demographic will never see the light of day, as interesting as I personally think that would be, so I started to write one myself. Themes will be darker and more mature than in Pokémon, so just be warned about that. I really hope you all enjoy. Reviews appreciated, as well as constructive criticism. Feel free to offer any ideas for stories you might have, or pairings you'd like to see teased, and I might find a way to fit them in. Now here's Episode 2.)
Butch was bent over a desk working through Paper Work. Usually this was Cassidy's thing, he inwardly lamented. How had he gotten stuck with this job? Oh yeah, a bet. He'd bet they wouldn't catch a Togekiss for the Boss. She'd bet they would. They had. The Boss was less than thrilled, but they'd caught it nonetheless so now here he was writing the report up. Ugh, he hated this part of the job.
"Almost done, Hutch?" Cassidy asked, entering with a boastful smirk on her lips and a sandwich in hand, which she promptly placed down in front of Butch along with a drink.
Butch glanced up at the food then turned back to his papers, huffing. "It's Butch," he corrected bitterly. After a moment's silence he stopped and removed the glasses he sometimes wore, folding them up and placing them down.
"The glasses flatter you, Biff," Cassidy remarked.
"It's Butch! Didn'cha hear what I said?!" Butch demanded, taking the sandwich she'd brought him and biting into it.
"Whatever," Cassidy replied, waving it off. Typical.
"Ugh, I gotta go for a smoke," Butch grumbled, rising with the sandwich and drink, fishing around for his 'cancer sticks'.
She scoffed in disgust, rolling her eyes. "Have you considered putting that stubborn streak to good use and finally ditching that filthy habit?" Cassidy wondered.
"Nope," Butch simply replied, shrugging. She growled at him and he swallowed nervously, sweat-dropping. "Cass, cut me a break. I've been tryin'! On and off."
"You're going to kill yourself, Mitch, I hope you know that. Your voice certainly hasn't fared well," Cassidy bit.
"You love my rough voice and you know it, babe," Butch replied, winking at her with a smirk. Unimpressed, she smirked icily back at him then perched on his desk with legs crossed as she filed her nails. He left the room.
Butch went outside and leaned against the wall, lighting one of his cigarettes up. He looked at it a long moment without moving to put it to his lips. For a moment he almost put it out before spotting James nearby. He grimaced at the close proximity of his rival and immediately took a long drag before letting it out in a stream.
The Rocket-Dan Employee Housing Complex had been among Giovanni's best ideas for his organization. It was one of the first things the boss had done upon succeeding Madame Boss. Each headquarters had one. Butch gazed out over the courtyard. It was a good size, real pretty. Giovanni had spared no expense and it had paid off. How it generally worked was that each team in Team Rocket got their own condo with plenty living space. New hires got apartments that were also a pretty good size. It was a sweetheart deal, really. Incentive for employees to stay on site. There were guest condos and apartments as well, for agents who travelled around a lot. Say what you would about Giovanni, but the guy knew how to incite his people to stick around.
Butch sighed then inhaled the smoke again before letting it out. "Attention all Team Rocket members! By order of Giovanni, this coming weekend will be devoted to allowing employees the opportunity to see their families. For the convenience of employees unable to go home, Team Rocket headquarters will put up a front as a legitimate business, Vanni Corp, and invite those families here. That is all," Wendy's voice said over the speakers. Butch scoffed. Thank goodness he didn't have that crap to worry about. He took an almost sadistic pleasure in observing James's panicked reaction, though. Poor sap didn't know what had hit him, and currently Jessie and Meowth were pinning him to the ground yelling at him to man up and take his lumps, whilst he vehemently protested.
All at once a scream pierced the air, freezing everyone. Butch paled, dropping his cigarette with a gasp. That was Cassidy! "Cass!" he cried out in alarm, racing back inside the building and tearing up the stairs to their condo. He wasn't the only one who'd run to respond to the call. By the time he got up the steps, there was already a crowd gathered, looking inside. Roughly Butch shoved through them, pushing those in his way to the side or to the ground. He scrambled inside and gasped. His partner was sitting on the desk, pale as a ghost and blinking blankly. Butch blinked and cautiously approached. "Hey Cass, you okay?" he asked carefully.
Cassidy turned to him numbly. She blinked at him. After a moment she replied, "Butch, we're going to see my… my father this weekend." Butch's eyes widened. The next moment, Cassidy fainted. Butch leapt forward, catching her in his arms and looking awkward. Oh, this was going to be delightful, he sarcastically thought to himself.
Cassidy moaned, her eyes flickering open. She blinked confusedly on seeing the numerous faces looking down on her, consisting of Butch, Professor Namba, Raticate, Meowth, Jessie, James, and a few others. "Wh-what happened?" she questioned confusedly.
"You fainted after sayin' somethin' about us going to see your old man," Butch replied.
Cassidy paled. "Oh. That," she tightly replied, shutting quickly down.
"You know, you could just disappear," James offered. That was certainly what he intended to do. "Hey, I know! We can disappear together," he hopefully added. Jessie growled at him, scowling.
"This family thing is not optional. Giovanni has read some books on the matter and believes firmly it will be good for employee morale and productivity. Any who dare defy him will be dealt with accordingly or, less extremely, have their families come in on a different date," Professor Namba said. He turned to Cassidy suspiciously. "Why, Cassidy, are you so wound up about this?"
Cassidy stayed quiet. Jessie shifted a bit uneasily. She had a guess as to why her rival was behaving this way. "Cassidy, do you feel safe going home?" Jessie soon asked cautiously. Cassidy shot her a slightly panicked look before glancing away again. For the briefest of moments Jessie felt something akin to sympathy for her enemy. "You'll be safer if you have him come here. You hardly have to bother with going to see him there," she offered.
"Look, can you all just leave me alone already?!" Cassidy testily shot, eyes fixed on her blankets. "I… I need to think…"
"Humph, some gratitude," Meowth complained. "Here we are tryin' ta show concern and ya just brush it off."
"Raticate…" Cassidy began, about to order her Pokémon to attack.
James eeped and covered Meowth's mouth, innocently grinning. "We're leaving," he quickly said, swiftly ushering the protesting Jessie and Meowth out of the room.
"Humph. Get some rest, Cassidy. Fainting takes a toll on the body," Namba advised, still warily observing her.
"Yes sir," Cassidy said, nodding. Namba left as Cassidy returned Raticate to its Pokeball. "What are you still doing here, Botch?" she demanded, suddenly noticing Butch hadn't left.
He started, obviously offended. "It's Butch, and in case ya've forgotten, I live here too doll," Butch replied, put off at her mistaking of his name.
"Get out of my room!" she yelled, pointing at the door.
"Fine, be like that," Butch complained, storming towards it. He paused, though, before exiting. After a moment he turned and saw Cassidy trying to hold back tears and failing. He felt his stomach turn uncomfortably at the sight. Cassidy never cried, so to see her now… "Cass… you know you can talk to me, right? And that I'll always have your back and protect you?" he cautiously said.
She glanced up at him, vulnerability reflected in her gaze before she quickly hid it. "I don't need your protection. I can save myself," she testily replied.
"I know you can, but… that don't mean you should have to. Sometimes it's kinda nice to let someone else be the savior for a change, ya know?" Butch replied. With that he left, leaving Cassidy surprised at his insight. She hadn't known the guy had it in him. It didn't help that Bill had made a good point too. Err, Butch.
Attila and Hun stood in front of Giovanni's desk unflinchingly. When agents were called to Giovanni's desk personally, it was one of two extremes. Either they would be fired and or killed, or they would be promoted and or given a very special set of orders. Attila and Hun doubted highly they were looking at being fired or killed.
"You've recovered from your little Plasma ordeal, I presume," Giovanni said to them.
"Yes sir," Attila replied. It was a bold-faced lie.
"No sir, not completely," Hun answered. Where others sucked up to Giovanni and did all they could to impress him, Hun always remained honest and true. To tell a lie only sunk you deeper if the lie should prove one day to be too costly. "Attila has recovered well physically. Mentally not so much. I have recovered mentally, physically I'm far from at my peak."
"Always two polar opposites," Giovanni said, shaking his head. "Perhaps that's why you work so well together. You complete each other's unique set of skills quite well." The duo nodded.
"You called us for a reason, boss. What's the situation?" Attila asked, getting right to the point. He kind of didn't want to go back to their time captured by Team Plasma. Guess that was what Hun had meant when saying that Attila hadn't healed mentally yet.
"I have a mission that needs completing. There are no two agents better suited to the job than you and Hun," Giovanni simply replied. "Are you up for it?"
"We can only promise to try," Hun answered simply. With neither of them up to par, the agent wasn't giving guarantees. Not this time.
"That will have to do. You mission is to find me a certain Pokémon," Giovanni said.
"Please don't say Raikou," Attila groaned.
Giovanni chuckled then frowned. "I'm thinking a few steps beneath legendary, though it is still a very, very powerful one if used in the right way. It's called Malamar. Be wary of its hypnotic prowess," Giovanni replied.
"Where do we start looking?" Attila asked.
"That's your job, not mine," Giovanni replied. Attila winced. Hun was unfazed. The agent knew, you see, that something was off. Giovanni wasn't sharing everything, at least not with the both of them. That in turn meant Hun would likely be told to stay behind a bit longer and be given the details.
"Yes sir," Hun replied, saluting. Attila followed suite and the two began walking out.
"Hun, a word with you in private, if you please," Giovanni said to Hun. Hun paused, looking back. Right on cue. The agent nodded. Attila went on without his partner. Whenever the boss wanted to see Hun privately, it was usually so the two could put their heads together on a problem Giovanni was having trouble with. Hun was like a second set of eyes on it; a proof reader, in a way. At least as far as Attila understood it.
"Sir?" Hun asked.
"Let's go into details," Giovanni said. Hun nodded in understanding.
Attila walked out of Giovanni's office and down the corridor, hands shoved in his pockets. "I won't stay, you can't make me!" he heard someone insist. He looked up, raising an eyebrow. He started on seeing James running away from Jessie and Meowth as fast as he could, his agitated partners shouting after him to stop being a baby and face it, whatever 'it' was. James, panting, looked back in horror then ahead once more only to cry out in alarm, ramming into the rock that was Attila. Attila barely moved. James groaned, twitching a bit and fell to the ground dazed. Shaking it off, James leapt up again looking terrified. "Out of my way!" he insisted, trying to race by.
"Whoa there wimp, what's the scoop?" Attila said, holding out an arm to stop James.
"You don't understand. I have to get away!" James insisted.
"From what?" Attila asked.
"Everything!" James said.
"Is this a Hun situation?" Attila said.
James blinked then scowled. "Ugh, out of way you imbecile!" he shouted. James yelped as Attila picked him up off the ground, looking down at the much bigger man in terror and making those scared noises he always tended to make when terrified.
"Attila, down," Hun's commanded from behind. Attila glanced back with a frown then harrumphed, placing the shaken James on his feet just as Jessie and Meowth caught up. "Now what's the problem here?"
"James is freaking out. Nothing out of the ordinary," Attila bit. James grimaced, sweat-dropping. Jessie and Meowth exchanged hopeless looks, letting out streams of air with sighs.
"Might I ask why?" Hun said to James.
"You don't understand, none of you! I can't participate in family day. No one will make me!" James insisted.
"Jimmy has some major unresolved issues with his parents," Meowth explained, glaring at James.
"And that revolting little fiancée of his. Bleh," Jessie said, grimacing.
"Fiancée?" Attila and Hun both said, surprised to hear this.
James blushed brightly and groaned, shoulders sagging. "It's a long story."
"So you're trying to run away," Hun said, raising an eyebrow.
"I can't deal with them! I can't! You have to understand, please! I mean what kind of parents engage their child to a girl when he's seven?!" James insisted.
"The aristocracy?" Attila said, snickering. "You're lucky it wasn't younger." James sighed, slumping down more.
Hun examined James silently. "Leave us," the agent finally said.
"Huh?" Jessie, Attila, and Meowth all asked.
"Leave us," Hun repeated. For a moment no one moved. Soon, though, the rest of them walked away a bit puzzled. "Walk with me James," Hun directed. James nodded lamely and approached, looking miserable.
"Surely you understand now. You must!" James said, having just finished telling Hun the story about his parents and Jessebelle and everything surrounding the incident.
"I understand that they saw you showing interest in a pretty young girl who seemed a good match, and so they arranged it," Hun said. "Attila was correct. Such things aren't uncommon with the aristocracy here."
"The point is they didn't bother calling it off after I made it clear I was no longer interested!" James said.
"I can't pretend to understand the politics behind it all, but I assume the situation was too delicate for them to have easily been able to break the engagement," Hun said.
"Whose side are you on?!" James demanded angrily.
"Yours. You know that," Hun said. "I'm simply encouraging you to look at it from their point of view."
"You don't know my parents!" James insisted.
"Do you?" Hun asked.
"Yes!" James said.
"Your memories of them are the memories of a child, James," Hun slightly testily said. "Until not long ago you hadn't even seen them since you were seven, at best. Forgive me for not believing you know them as well as you'd like to think you do." James started, looking like he'd been slapped. He hung his head low. Hun had hit on a sensitive topic and they both knew it. "I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to come out like that," Hun said with a sigh. James didn't speak. "I know you want validation for this plan of yours, to run away and not have to deal with it, but I can't give you that. James, it's one weekend. On your territory. You have all the buffers you'll need to avoid this Jessebelle, and your parents if you really must, but they aren't the only family you have. What if they should bring along your grandparents? Your growlithe? Surely you wouldn't want to miss seeing them. If you don't miss your mother and father, certainly you miss your grandmother and grandfather?"
James winced, shifting a bit uncomfortably. He did miss his grandparents and Growlie at that… "I don't know, Hun," James said.
"I'll be here should you need help. As will Jessie and Meowth and others," Hun said. James was quiet. "Your parents were wrong to engage you so young and then not at least try to break the engagement off for you. They probably didn't because it was what was best for them," Hun soon remarked.
James visibly relaxed, smiling nervously at Hun. At least it was a little validation. He guessed he shouldn't take his parents' shortcomings out on his grandparents, though. He nodded in agreement. "Fine. I'll stick around. Reluctantly." Hun nodded in return.