The fluffy last chapter. :D


Max walks out of the portal and sees Magnus sitting on the sofa, drinking a martini. Magnus looks at Max with sad eyes and whispers, "Is he safe?"

Max notices his laptop sitting on the coffee table in front of Magnus and realizes he forgot to turn it off before he left. He nods as he walks to the sofa and sits down. He hugs Magnus, "Yes, he is okay. They are both okay."

Magnus kisses his forehead, "Good."

"I'm so sorry, Poppa."

Magnus gives him a weak smile, "I got home and saw it open. I glanced at it and saw my angel smiling. Then I looked at the headline..."

Max hugs him, "I wanted to get the right moment to keep him from getting in his car. I was in such a hurry to save him, that I completely forgot to turn off my laptop."

Magnus kisses his forehead, "I know darling. I made a martini and read the article. Then I read all the articles you had opened, and had a lot more martinis."

"You could have just left it."

Magnus sighs, "I've always been a curious man, and sometimes that is a bad thing."

Max rests his head on Magnus' shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yes. Now I understand the random text message this morning."

Max nods, "I knew the two of you were okay, but I needed instant reassurance."

Magnus nods, "As did I."

Max smiles, "You texted Daddy?"

Magnus nods, "I had to."

"He probably thinks we are idiots."

Magnus smiles, "He doesn't think it, he knows it."

Max giggles, "But we are idiots because we love him."

Magnus nods, "He knows that as well, that is why he is amused by us."

Max giggles, "Our Alec is special."

Magnus smiles, "Yes he is.' He takes a sip of his martini, "Assistant District Attorney?"

Max giggles, "In a pinstriped suit."

Magnus smiles, "He must have looked beautiful."

Max nods, "He did, but I need my Daddy to have his runes."

Magnus nods, "Yes, his runes are sexy."

Max giggles, "I don't know about "sexy", but he isn't Alexander Lightwood if he doesn't have runes."

Magnus laughs and kisses his nose, "Preaching to the choir, Max."

Max giggles.

Magnus sips his martini, "So who was it?"

Max's eyes go cold, "Lamar."

Magnus sets the glass on the coffee table next to the laptop, "I hope you made him suffer."

"WE made him suffer."

Magnus smiles, "I had my magic there?"

Max nods, "It seems that Doctor!Magnus had control of his powers."

"And his Alec knew?"

Max nods, "Other!Daddy didn't seem surprised that he was creating fireballs or portals."

Magnus smiles, "Did you see the engagement ring?"

Max shakes his head, "No, in all the excitement I forgot to look, but Cardigan!Magnus and his Alec BOTH had Daddy's engagement ring."

Magnus laughs, "Oh that must have been a wonderful moment."

Max smiles, "You want me to look for it?"

Magnus smiles, "If you want to."

Max giggles and grabs his laptop, "I want to." He starts typing as Magnus laughs.

Magnus sips his martini as Max types. Ten minutes later, Max smiles, "Found it." He creates a portal window.





Cardigan!Magnus is wearing a silk burgundy shirt and black pants. He is nervously pacing back and forth in the living room. In his hand is a ringbox, which he juggles from one hand to the other.

The front door opens and he pushes the ringbox into a pocket. Alec walks in and smiles. He walks over to Magnus and kisses him, "Hello my dear sweet Magnus."

Magnus hugs him, "Hello Alexander."

Alec laughs and looks at the kitchen table, "Oh oh, formal ware, what are we celebrating tonight?"

Magnus takes a deep breath, "I love you."

Alec laughs, "And that is something to celebrate?"

"Ah yes."

Alec nods, "Wait a minute." He runs into their bedroom and returns with a ringbox of his own. He opens it, "Magnus Bane, you are a wonderful man and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me."

Magnus blinks and shakes his head, "No."

Alec looks at him with wide eyes, "No? You don't want to marry me?"

"No, I do want to marry you, but I..." He takes the ringbox out of his pocket and opens it.

The rings are the same, silver with a ring of blue diamonds in the center of it.

Alec laughs. He places Magnus' ring on his finger and puts his ring on Magnus' finger. He pulls Magnus to him and kisses him.

Magnus smiles as he pulls away, "Yes."

Alec kisses him again. He whispers "Yes", and kisses him again. He smiles, "Is dinner going to be burnt again?"

Magnus shakes his head, "I turned the oven off. It just needs to be heated up."

Alec smiles, "Then let's create some heat of our own right now."

Magnus smiles, "Let's." He kisses Alec all the way to their bedroom.





"By the angel, I didn't think it was possible to be cuter than you two, but I've just seen it with my own eyes."

Max giggles as he gets off the sofa, "Aunt Izzy." He hugs her.

Magnus stands up. Alec smiles at him, "You okay?"

Magnus walks over to his husband and kisses him, "I am now." He holds Alec.

Izzy laughs, "Oh no, forget it. You lost your title to those two."

Max giggles, "You should have seen them from the beginning."

Izzy nods, "Then you owe me a viewing."

Max nods, "Okay."

Magnus smiles, "Izzy, what are you doing here?"

She smiles, "Alec thought he was going to need back up with you two."

Magnus smiles, "We're okay."

Izzy nods, "I can see that. I'm out of here." She kisses everybody and leaves.

Magnus rests his forehead against Alec's. Alec asks, "You sure you're okay?"

Magnus smiles, "Yes, Alexander, I'm fine. You are home in one piece, that is all I need."

Max nods as he walks over to his fathers and hugs them, "Yes."

Alec puts an arm around Max, "So what happened to that Magnus and Alec now?"

Max shakes his head, "It wasn't them, it was a different world. We were just looking at their proposal."

"Oh. So what happened?"

Magnus holds him tight, "Doesn't matter. They are okay, Max saved them."

Alec laughs, "Max should have business cards printed up, Max Lightwood-Bane, defender of his fathers, no matter what world they are in."

Max giggles, "I should."

Magnus smiles, "You are home early."

Alec smiles, "I finally got caught up on the paperwork and figured I would make my escape before more showed up. With all the strange text messages I got today, I expected to see the two of you in a corner. I bought Izzy along thinking you were going to need a lot of love, but instead the two of you were laughing it up."

"Did you see them, Alexander?"

Alec laughs, "We walked in when other me came running out of the bedroom."

Magnus smiles, "Then you know why we were laughing."

"Yes, and now Izzy knows about them."

Max giggles, "Sorry you lost your title."

"We will try to reclaim it."

Magnus smiles, "I doubt that we can top their proposal."

"You may have a point. Anyway, I'm starving."

"I hear a new Thai place opened up."

"Sounds good to me. Max?"

Max nods, "Sounds good to me too, Daddy."

Magnus smiles, "Excellent." He opens a portal to Thailand and they leave the loft.

-the end-


So do you think our Magnus and Alec can reclaim their "cuteness" title from Cardigan!Magnus and his Alec?