As puddles grew alongside the quiet streets of London, Hershel Layton briskly hurried down the wet, dark street. Now that it was raining fairly heavily, he regretted having had walked to the university today. However, he didn't mind too much, because had given up his vehicle for his wife, Claire, to take to the lab today. He was ashamed for not having taken an umbrella when he left, it was only common sense for a Londoner. He had been working late this Friday night, and he knew he would be in for a scolding once he reached home; not only for being late, but also for being soaked. Flora was staying with Layton's parents for the weekend, and he had promised them he wouldn't stay up later than midnight researching, and they had told Claire to enforce that. He was now only a few blocks away from his flat now as it neared eleven.

As Hershel tried to hurry home before getting completely drenched, he heard sounds coming from somewhere. He stopped in his tracks as he tried to block out the sound of the pattering rain to identify the sound. It almost sounded like a cry of anguish. After the cry, there were clanging sounds. Layton tried his best to follow the mysterious noise down the winding alleyways. It began growing louder and more audible as Layton drew nearer. Layton gasped as he realised he knew that voice. His heart began to pound violently.

"Descole...?" He whispered aloud as he nervously hurried down an alley to find him. When he heard that the sound was just around the next corner, he stopped and listened to find out what was going on.

"Agh!" The voice grunted, then more metallic clangs followed. It sounded as if he were hitting a myriad of objects with his sword, Layton thought. Layton wasn't sure if he should make an appearance during Descole's anger, but before he could ponder a thought, Descole sprung out from behind the corner and swung fiercely. Although surprised, Layton managed to dodge the attack. The sword struck the brick wall behind him, missing him by mere inches. Descole and Layton, both breathing heavily, only stared at each other for several seconds before either of them said anything.

"Descole... it's been a long time," Layton said, eyes wide, very shocked to see him.

Descole lowered his sword, but kept it by his side. "Excuse me. I thought you were an accursed rat, Brother," Descole turned away from him and stumbled back towards the alley he was in. By the manner in which Descole returned to the alley, walking stiffly and grunting, Layton could tell he was in a considerable amount of pain. Layton followed him, confused that Descole seemed entirely oblivious to the fact he had just seen his long lost brother. Descole returned to destroying everything in the alleyway.

"Descole, what on earth are you doing?!" Layton shouted over his ruckus.

"Shut up, Layton! Leave me alone!" Descole threw all of his might into cutting a wooden crate into pieces. He swung roughly and groaned. "Agh!"

"You're clearly in no state to be left alone! What's wrong? What do you intend to accomplish by this madness?!" Layton scolded.

"He's dead! Everyone I cared about is gone! I have no reason to live!" Descole still swung his sword in rage.

"Descole, stop this immediately!" Layton commanded, putting a firm foot down a step closer to Descole.

"No! You cannot tell me what to do!" Descole drew his sword back slowly with weary arms, becoming tired. As he went to swing at some crates a final time, he gasped in pain and dropped the sword. The clanging of the sword hitting the ground echoed through the alley as Descole weakly fell to his knees gasping for breath.

"Descole!" Layton hurried over to him. Layton kneeled and reached out to put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Descole hissed, slapping Layton's hand away.

"Descole, please—"

"Layton... get out of here now... or I'll make you," Descole panted.

Layton was silent. He cautiously attempted to put his hand on Descole's shoulder again. Descole picked up his sword again and weakly threw himself at Layton. Layton grabbed his wrist tightly, causing him to cry out as he dropped the sword again. Descole went limp, falling onto the brick, wet ground. Layton turned Descole over gently and held him in his arms so that he was laying on his back.

"Agh!" Descole groaned as he clutched his side. "Let go of me!" Descole attempted to sit up, but fell back down writhing in pain. Layton tried to hold the struggling, soaked Descole down.

"What happened to you? Descole, I beg of you, please cooperate with me," Layton implored.

Not willing to listen, Descole still struggled to get away from Layton's grasp. "No! I hate you! I hate everything!" He growled, squirming to free himself.

"Descole! Listen to me!" Layton said very firmly, trying harder than even to keep him down. "You have no choice! You must tell me what happened to you."

Descole growled in annoyance, or perhaps pain, Layton thought. Descole gave up trying to get away, although he was still quite stiff. He realised Layton was right. He really didn't have a choice. Layton was going to keep holding him there until he got answers. "T-Targent..." Was all he could mutter though his laboured breaths as he convulsed.

Layton's eyes grew wide at the mention of the organisation which was thought to be defeated.

"They're— ngh— still out there..." Descole continued. "You m- must leave me now... If they find out you're helping me... they'll take away all that is dear to you..."

Layton was confused by this statement, but he was more concerned about Descole's health. He was shivering uncontrollably from the cold, and tensing from unbearable pain. Layton needed to get him help. "What did they do to you? Where do you hurt?" Layton questioned.

"Everywhere... ngh..." Descole grunted.

"We need to get you to a hospital immed—"

"NO!" Descole shouted, springing up, but this outburst was too much for his injured body to handle. He cried out as he collapsed back down into Layton's arms in defeat. His voice was tight as he uttered out his plea. "No... please don't... I beg of you..."

"... All right," Layton hesitantly agreed. "But you can't just stay here. You're injured, soaking wet, and freezing. You need some sort of shelter."

"And how do you propose I find shelter? Targent has taken everything from me..." Descole voice shook in pain.

"Come with me, for the time being. Please don't argue about this," Layton pleaded.

Descole sighed. "I'd rather die... but I know you won't let me have my wish of being left alone. I see I don't really have a choice... Fine."