The force such a strange thing to an outside observer to it. Or to someone who has never been trained to realize the power of the force, it may seem like a fairy tale but it is anything but. the force is a great thing. I once heard from my master from so long ago now that it gives Jedi their power it that it binds all of the universe all good and bad to each other.

But I was also warned about the dark side those that draw their power from it are filled with hate and anger only emotions that will lead to destruction. The Jedi we were the guardians of the galaxy we did our best to uphold peace, but unfortunately, that could not last. We were betrayed from within the order by someone I could have never expected my own brother in all but blood had turned against us to join the Sith lord know as Darth Sidious a powerful man in the Senate the order stands in ruins and I fear that besides myself only one other Jedi remains

to teach my new found apprentice one young Luke skywalker son to my former brother. I've felt it in the force I am no longer needed here I've taken young Luke as far as I can. But as my life flashes before my very eyes having been struck by Lord Vader only moments ago I can't help but wish that I could start anew again to keep the peace. If only I was younger then only I could have helped near the end of my final visions of my youth, I see a bright light when I hear a gasp and wake to find people looking over himself but why? He's never seen these people as he gets up from the hospital bed, he notices two things one a young man with blond hair and blue eye like an ocean. And the second is that he is this young man has seen this Obi-wan has decided that he had enough and simply passed out why you may ask? After all.

The force works in mysterious ways.