Elena hadn't realized how exhausted she was until she woke in a soft bed with a blanket covering her small form. Sitting up she glanced around taking in what seemed to be a hotel room with its queen bed in the middle of the room, a desk pushed up against the wall on the far side next to a door that she was certain led out to a balcony. On the other side of the room, she noticed two doors one that must lead to a bathroom and the other either led to the hallway or a living room maybe.

Pushing the covers off she swung her legs over the edge of the bed pushing to her feet. She peeked into the bathroom and noticed a fresh set of clothes laid out for her next to the sink. They didn't look like her clothes meaning Elijah must have gone out while she slept she took the hint and closed the door behind her. She caught her reflection in the mirror and sighed she looked absolutely awful with her hair a mess and her clothes covered in her own blood.

She would have to thank Elijah for the new clothes after her shower. she turned on the shower stripping out of her ruined clothes while she waited for the water to heat up bundling up her old clothes tossing them in the trash bin. She stuck her hand under the water finding it warm she stepped in finding all the necessities for a woman she could only smile as it would seem Elijah was very thoughtful. Elena took her time in the shower enjoying the silence and peace that her life seemed to be lacking ever since she had met the Salvatore brothers.

When she was finished she shut off the water drying off and dressing quickly in black jeans and a red sweater before she opened the second door in the room and found that she was right it did lead to a living room where she saw Elijah seated on the couch ankle resting on his knee as he red the paper. "I see that you have finally decided to join us in the realm of the living once more, lovely Elena." He smiled not bothering to lower the paper and actually look at her. The endearment causing a flood of heat to rush to her cheeks as she cleared her throat awkwardly as flashes of the night before came rushing back.

"I'm sorry about last night what Stephen and Damon did wasn't right and I promise you I had no part in it...I know Alaric was the one to do it but please don't blame him he was only trying to protect Jenna." Elijah glanced up from his paper folding it up neatly as he leaned forward laying it on the table giving her his full attention. He said nothing for a long moment before simply nodding his head and waving his hand motioning for her to take a seat on the couch. She walked over and took a seat next to him as she looked down at her hands.

"He is safe as is the rest of your family as I promised you no harm will come to those you love not even those insufferable Salvatore brothers should you so wish to still include them in our deal." Elena looked up her eyes wide with surprise as she stared at him. "I thought for sure after last night you would..." Elijah shook his head laying a hand on her knee giving it a gentle squeeze as he smiled at her. "You have a good heart lovely Elena I know that it would weigh on you heavily should I take vengeance for their wrongdoings so for your sake I will spare them. I gave you my word but should you wish it I will gladly relieve them of their heads." A dark look swept over his handsome features only to disappear as quick as it came.

He smiled at her once again as he stood offering her his hand which she accepted pulling her to her feet he guided her to the dining room where a covered tray sat. Elena watched as he pulled out a chair and when she took it he pushed it in for her before removing the cover from the tray a full breakfast lay beneath with a glass of juice next to it. "Eat you will need it after losing all of that blood last night." She didn't argue with him quickly digging into the food she nearly moaned as she realized just how hungry she really was.

"Last night I told you we had more to speak of and I think now would be as good a time as any to touch on those matters." She watched as he left the room only to return moments later with a box setting it down on the table he took a seat himself. "Elena I did not divulge this information sooner because I feared I could not trust your...companions and as it is I am glad that I did not but I want you to know that I will let no harm come to you." Wait? Was she missing something? "Isn't the whole point of this for me to be sacrificed in the ritual to break the curse? Sacrificed as in killed which kind of goes beyond harmed."

She watched as Elijah opened the box lifting what she could only describe to be a magic potion. "Years ago I had commissioned a witch to keep Katharine alive and this was the solution but we both know how that ended... This time things will be different I will not allow any harm to befall you as it did your ancestor." She wouldn't have to die? She would get to live her life after all of this was over? She set her fork down pas her bottom lip trembled. "You deserve to live a long and happy life Lovely Elena and I swear to you I will see to it that you do."