Author's Note: This little fic idea came from the comical yet inspiring tweets of Esther (Griever11 on FF, estheryam on Twitter) and Lou (InkyCoffee on FF & Twitter) regarding what to call a certain kind of spaghetti-strapped tank top. Esther said it was a "wet t-shirt contest uniform" (since the picture Lou used showed it in white) and demanded Lou to make it work in the fic she was working on. My smutty brain got inspired to write something, and I developed this AU. Part 2 is where it gets smutty.
She catches his attention as she jogs by him on the beach. Tight denim shorts and long legs. Blue bikini top with thin straps revealing practically all of her back to him as she races on. Pony-tail swishing from side to side. Earbuds blaring music into her ears coming from whatever device is in her pocket. He only gets a quick look at her focused face. He's so mesmerized that he can't react soon enough to catch up to her. Missed opportunity, he thinks as he shakes his head and takes the few steps forward to be splashed by the ocean water.
He sees her jogging again the next day and the day after that, thinking this must be a daily exercise for her. How had he not noticed her before? She probably only just got to the Hamptons and doesn't live here yearlong. Usually he has a way with women – can always find the right words to introduce himself and strike up a conversation. But with this mysterious jogger – he's a speechless gaping buffoon. What is it about her that has him off his game?
On the 3rd day she notices him staring and suppresses a giggle. She knows the effects she has on men, and most have the confidence to approach her and hit on her. But this guy… He's spotted her in time, sees her getting closer, and yet does nothing. He can't find the words. His mouth opens in surprise when she turns after she's passed him to give him a wave and a friendly smile. Turning back, she laughs softly to herself, thinking that his inability to respond or approach her is cute. He also isn't bad at all in the looks department. Big biceps, broad shoulders, strong body, and sun-kissed torso. Handsome face too. If he's there tomorrow, she may not want to wait for him to make the first move.
Same time next day, she chooses to walk without her music. She's wearing a modest bikini underneath a white cover-up that hangs off her shoulder. Only some of her hair is pulled back to keep it out of her face. She carries a small beach bag, and he watches her approach him as he sits on his blanket. He almost doesn't recognize her, but there's no mistaking those gorgeous legs. She's making the first move, he thinks. He breathes a sigh of relief and tries not to look creepy as his eyes quickly peruse what he can of her lotioned, sun-kissed body. Landing on her face, she looks even more beautiful with her hair down.
"Hi," she says, smiling nervously.
"Hi," he says, surprised she came right to him instead of just walking by.
Their eyes lock for a few moments before she bites her bottom lip, and he thinks that's the sexiest thing ever.
"May I uhm join you," she asks in the sweetest voice he knows he's ever heard.
"Yeah…definitely…" He moves over from the center of the blanket to give her room. She plants herself beside him, setting her bag behind her at a corner of the blanket, legs stretching out, her feet staying in the sand. He never takes his eyes off her.
"I'm Kate," she tells him softly.
"Rick," he replies.
"Mm. Rick," she repeats his name, and it sounds so good coming from her voice. Sexy. "First time in the Hamptons," she wonders, making light conversation.
"No, definitely not. I just bought a house up here a few years ago. What about you?"
"I'm staying at my parents' house. I use to come up here all the time as a kid. Now I don't make the time often enough."
"Why's that?"
She's vague, not really wanting to discuss her career progression. Vacations are to get away from work. "Oh you know…life gets in the way. College and work eat up your time." He nods with comprehension. "Partying does too," she adds.
"Partying? You? The past few days you've given off the perception of healthy woman who doesn't stop exercising just because she's on vacation," he says, making her laugh a little. "Partying doesn't fall under the healthy category."
"Oh I've definitely partied hard. Not as much anymore, but I do enjoy drinking and dancing to blow off steam. And meeting new people." She gives him a wink.
"So I should buy you a drink and take you to a club later?"
"Hmm, if you do that, then I could meet more new people. And I'm thinking you don't want someone stealing me away from you." He shakes his head. "Besides…clubbing in the Hamptons? Has to be tame compared to the many variety of clubs in the city." They share a laugh.
"And just what variety have you been to," he questions, giving her a waggle of his eyebrows.
"Oh, wouldn't you love to know," she teases.
This woman is something else, he thinks. He's certainly intrigued. "Name one type."
"Ever been to a fetish club?" She laughs as he chokes on his own saliva.
"You have not!" Did the sun suddenly get hotter? He tries not to faint.
"Maybe I have," she says with another wink. He's trying like hell to keep calm in his swim shorts. He's only just met this woman, and she's going to be the death of him.
"I've pole-danced in a club. Just for the fun of it." My god, can he take her already?
"If you're trying to either kill me or lure me into bed and then kill me, you're succeeding," he informs her half-jokingly.
"I'm just making stimulating conversation instead of discussing something boring and ordinary." She shrugs. "I noticed the way you were staring at me yesterday."
"And what way was that, Kate?" Their eyes suddenly lock intensely.
She takes a breath. "I can tell when a guy finds me attractive. And you were cute about it – being surprised I waved at you and not being able to approach me. Just staring, mouth open. Pretty damn cute."
He looks towards the ocean. "I felt like an idiot. I couldn't even make the move to jog with you or say one word to you."
"And yet I noticed you anyway. And I liked what I saw. And here we are." He looks back to her, and she gives him the most dazzling smile. He responds, "So I'm cute, huh?" She laughs and warns him, "Don't get egotistical on me."
"Hey, everyone likes compliments and flattery now and then. Especially from a gorgeous woman they've just met." Their eyes lock again, and she blushes.
"You wanna know the real reason I've been exercising every day?" She bites her lip.
"The real reason," he wonders. "Running a marathon?"
"I'm in training for a wet t-shirt contest. Gotta get my body into excellent shape." She watches him intently to see if he buys her story. She laughs when his mouth drops and he struggles to speak.
"I…um… Wow. I wasn't prepared for that. I mean…I think only one part of your body needs to be in shape. And they…" His eyes flick down to her chest. His breathing is shallow as he imagines her soaking wet with her nipples pushing against her shirt.
She lies back on the blanket in a fit of laughter, and he's both puzzled and mesmerized. Her laugh is such a beautiful sound he'd never get tired of hearing. "You…actually bought that. Haha!" He's now wide-eyed at her admission. When she regains control, she sits back up and says, "I'm generally an honest person, I swear. I just wanted to see how you'd react to that."
"You! You are something else. But if you really want a wet t-shirt contest, I could arrange a private one at my house." His eyebrows waggle, and she blushes again. "Have you ever entered one? I mean, with your looks…" His eyes glaze over her body, and she feels the heat of his stare. "You'd be sure to win," he concludes.
"Thank you. But my uhm…my boobs aren't large. And I think that's pretty important to win one of those contests."
"Hmm yeah, I suppose so. At my wet t-shirt contest, though…you'd certainly have a greater chance." He lies back on the blanket, folding his hands over the back of his head. He closes his eyes for a few moments, enjoying the sun's rays, and she takes the opportunity to soak up his body with her eyes. Mmmm, he definitely works out. She'd love to reach out and feel his muscles everywhere. Returning to his face just as his eyes open, she fires back, "Wouldn't I be the only contestant?"
The heat from the sun and the heat between them is getting to her enough that she eases the cover-up off of her, and he can only answer, "Uh huh." While modest, her purple & blue swimsuit is still a two-piece showing off plenty of skin to him. And the top straps do tie in the back. He can't help but imagine undoing them. He can't control his eyes roaming her entire body, and she flirts, "See something you like, Rick?"
He blushes and says, "I'm sorry for staring like that."
"Mmm don't be. I don't mind the attention." She grins and flicks her tongue out.
"So tell me…how is it that such an attractive girl is talking to a shmuck like me?" He's sitting up again.
"You don't seem like a shmuck to me," she replies with a kind smile, and her eyes can't help glancing down at his chest.
"Oh, see something you like, Kate," he plays with her by repeating her earlier words.
She giggles. "I certainly do." She looks at him predatorily, licking her lips.
He has to ask. "Just to be sure…you're definitely single, right?"
"I am. And you?"
"I am. Not seeing anyone in any capacity. But excuse me, how the hell is it even possible that you're single?"
"Well… at the moment I like to have fun. Sure, I've had some serious relationships, and I've learned from them, from the breakups, from the men who were just plain losers. But…when I like someone…really really like someone…it's not a bad thing to start things off light and casual. I enjoy good conversation. I enjoy flirting. And that fun could last just one night. Could lead to dating. Who knows? My more recent dates haven't led to anything serious." She shrugs. "And this week singlehood has led me to you. So…" She stands up, making his eyes travel up her smooth tanned legs. "Wanna join me for a swim?"
"I could show you the pool at my house. It's private. And there's a hot tub."
"Got any wine or beer," she asks.
"I have both." He smiles and stands.
"It's so tempting, but I don't know if I trust myself in private with you." There's a teasing tone to her voice. "Things like wet t-shirt contests could happen." They share a laugh before she whispers, "And I usually skinny-dip in hot tubs."
"I do too. I think we're a perfect pair," he says with a charming, confident grin.
She nods. "Mmmhmm. How about we see where this goes at your place? You can tell me more about yourself and how it is that you're single." She reaches down to slip on her cover-up and takes out her flip-flops while picking up her bag.
"The answer to my singlehood is simple: I am divorced and have been careful with serious relationships since then. Really, I haven't found the right woman to share my life with."
Divorced…wasn't expecting that. "Ohh. Divorced. That's never pretty."
"Years have passed, though, and fortunately we didn't have children whom we'd probably be fighting over. It was an impulsive thing and definitely a lesson learned."
They both are quiet for a few moments before he says, "Despite being careful in the past, I'm kind of hoping for more than just one night with you. Sorry if that's too much honesty," he says. He kneels to put his t-shirt on and moves his stuff to fold up the blanket.
She grins to herself, thinking that this guy seems special to her. Not another one-night or even three-night stand. She wants to go out with him, wants to hear more about his past and his life, but she also imagines nights of pure erotic pleasure with him. "I can handle honesty. It's important to be honest with each other."
He stands with his beach gear in hand. "And where would you like to see this going?"
She stares into his eyes for a moment before answering, "Let's start with beer and good conversation, and you can feed me. Then…hopefully it's more than one night together." She kisses his cheek, leaving him awestruck as she begins their walk up the beach to his house. He starts after her, anticipating spending more time with her than he thought he would.
Rick certainly didn't think things would go this far after just meeting her, only hoping she'd say yes to a date with him once he approached her during her run. But Kate is full of surprises.