(Author Note: Hi readers sorry for the wait. Here is the next chapter I hope that you enjoy. ~Potter-Wealsey-Granger1)


I am finally allowed to leave the hospital. My skin doesn't look as patchy and my shoulder feels almost normal. I am still terrified for Deeks to see my arms. He has sorta seen them already and he knows what happened to me, but what if he doesn't love me anymore because of it.

Martin Deeks could have any girl that he wanted. Literally, so many girls come up to him all the time. Why would he want someone like me, someone that is so ugly and broken? I am nothing to want. I am literally a puzzle now.

Deeks drives me home and I can't wait to sleep in our bed again. I can't wait to see Monty and tell him how much I missed him. It's odd how much you miss a building, a place that you live while you are gone. I don't think that it helped, having to be at the hospital as long as I did.

I sit on the couch playing ball with Monty as Deeks asks, "You want anything to eat, or drink?"

I look at him in the kitchen surprised, "You went grocery shopping?" Deeks hates to go shopping especially for food. I usually make him buy food that is healthy.

"Actually, yes I did. How does a frittatas sound? Deeks famous frittata's," he says with a big grin. He knows that I love it when he makes frittatas and I can't say no.

Deeks is busy in the kitchen making frittatas so I curl up on the couch with Monty. Oh, how I missed this. We definitely need a new couch, but there is something about being home on my own couch that is amazing.

"Here we are. Deeks famous frittatas," announces Deeks as he sets two plates on the coffee table with forks.

I sit up ready to enjoy food that didn't come from a hospital cafeteria. One bit and it's like I am in heaven. Why can't they have food like this at the hospital? I felt like the only thing I really ate while there was the green jello that they brought me with every meal. I love me some jello.

"So, what do you think," asks Deeks.

"I think that I really missed real food, "I reply.

Deeks laughs at my answer then gets up to take our plates to the sink. "I am serious," I insist.

"I know you are. That is why I am laughing," smiles Deeks with his goofy grin.

Deeks returns to the couch and puts his hand on my own. It's been a long time since I have really kissed Deeks and now seems like the time to since we are all alone.

My hands are in his hair and his hands are on my waist. I get lost. I get lost in Deeks. The touch of his hands on my back. The smell of his soap in his hair. The only thing in the world is Deeks.

Somehow, we are in the bedroom and Deeks shirt has been discarded. After closing the door his hands are back on my waist and he starts to pull off my long sleeve shirt. I think nothing of it till the cool air hits my abdomen and I am brought back to the real world.

Suddenly ashamed I brush Deeks hands away and I tug my shirt back down. I can see the confusion and hurt in his eyes. It hurts me, but he can't see me like this. He will leave me if he sees what I am now.

"Kens," states Deeks as he sits next to me on the bed, "What's going on?"

I close my eyes begging myself not to cry. I will not cry about this. I take a deep breath in and say, "I don't want you to see."

"You don't want me to see what," questions Deeks.

"My scars. I don't want you to see them. I am ugly now and if you see them, I don't want you to leave me," I get out before my voice cracks.

Deeks is quiet for a moment and I think that he may be figuring a way to dump me.

"Kensi. No matter how you look I will always feel the same way about you. Nothing in this world, no person, no scar, nothing could ever stop me from loving you. We are meant to be Kensi Blye. Nothing will stop me."

I can't stop the water works after it start. I cry. I have wanted, no needed to cry for a long time, but I have been trying to be brave. Needed to be brave. But here in Deeks arms I feel safe and I know that nothing is going to happen.

For the first time when I fell asleep that night. I had no nightmares.

(Author Note: Hey readers. Thanks for reading. I hope that you will comment your thoughts. I thought I would try a vulnerable angle for Kensi in this chapter. ~Potter-Weasley-Granger1)